What is your opinion of people living in South Carolina?
Asked by
PhiNotPi (
March 1st, 2011
What do you think of when you think of South Carolina/South Carolinians?
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28 Answers
My parents. And they’re AWESOME.
Nice state, been there many times. But what do I think of when I think of South Carolina/South Carolinians? Nothing, really. Not really sure I ever knew a South Carolian, or know a famous one. Maybe a NASCAR driver, not sure, though. The ones I met while there seemed nice enough. Other states I been to the populus seemed like total crabs, and I never returned.
I think of it as being geographically beautiful, but a little “backwoodsy”. From urban dictionary:
“Where we live (in the upstate), yes, it is populated by hicks who tote guns, stack junk cars by the hundreds in their front yards, and give 10% of their income to their local baptist church to get the preacher a new gas-guzzling SUV. ”
That’s partly my image of South Carolina, “The Secession State”, but not entirely. I’d like to visit every state someday, no matter my image of it.
I have a friend who is a psychology professor there – I’m not 100% sure at which university, but I know it’s in Beaufort. (Which, by the way, is not pronounced the proper French way, but rather as byoo-fert.)
Anyway, she’s Canadian and leans toward the left, so it’s interesting to hear what she has to say about her students’ opinions, etc. (generally speaking, of course – she never gives any info about her students) with respect to politics and morals. She’s taught a course on sexuality a couple of times now, and I’m taken aback to hear about the majority of her students’ being opposed to homosexuality, for example.
So I can’t help but think that the people there are a little behind the times.
I lived there. I’m glad I moved. I think of many South Carolinians as lovely people who don’t know what they’re missing out on by staying in that backasswards place. And many of them, well, as long as they’re there and I’m not, I could care less.
Aunt and Uncle, cousins, friends, old classmates, nephew, lovely people, all.
Liberal elitists hate people who haven’t had 1/100 of the opportunities and social advantages they have had and then shit all over them for having backwards ideas. Newsflash, poor people are often ‘politically backwards’ because they don’t have the education middle class and rich people have.
I don’t enjoy talking to backwards people either, but if I met someone from South Cacalackey I’d treat them as an individual and not a socially accepted stereotype.
It has beautiful scenery, and Charleston is supposed to be beautiful, but it is surrounded by all these private communities on the shore, which seems very white to me. It is warmer than the North year around, which is great in the spring, but horrible in summer.
And what @marinelife said about politics.
Oh, and I learned today that there are lots of crazies, whackos, punks, and garage bands there. Ok, not really the garage band part.
“Backwoodsy” is a nice term lol.
Charleston is such a beautiful area, it’s amazing. Columbia is an interesting area, too. There are so many little areas, town and cities that it’s hard to label it as one thing. Sure there are slow, lazy towns; however, there are also some pretty interesting places. Hilton Head is beautiful, too.
No my political taste, but beautiful areas.
The reason that I asked this question was that I heard that South Carolinians were sort of looked down upon by the rest of the country. The part of SC that I live in is a pretty good place. It has a great education system, for example. The problem is that SC seems to make the national news for bad reasons (As I think back to Governor Sanford’s affairs, Joe Wilson’s “You Lie” incident, and all of the stuff dating all the way back to the Brooks-Sumner Affair before the civil war).
@PhiNotPi – But look at a lot of the states in our country. Especially right now. Education budgets are taking a backseat to everything, and it would be hard to name a state in the union that hasn’t had it share of scandals. Yes, within SC, there are some poor school systems; however, there are some very strong ones. Just like other states.
I live in NC. There’s a lot to be said about that, but there isn’t a state in the union where someone couldn’t come up with some sort of criticism.
Hey, @PhiNotPi , some of us here are from New Jersey. Bet we get more flak!
One of my most respected friends lives in South Carolina, other than her southern drawl, she is one of the smartest people I know and has really cool champion dogs too.
Southern drawls aren’t dumb…they’re hot. Besides, most people should speak more slowly. It allows them to think about what they’re saying. ;-)
@cak @JilltheTooth Thanks for the reassurence.
@CWW Are you calling the southern drawl stupid, as in physically degrading to someone’s intellegence? I don’t mind the normal southern accent. (I do find strong drawls annoying, but not stupid)
@PhiNotPi No not at all. I am a Yankee and even after knowing her for 6 years her heavy accent still catches me off guard and she says the same of me. Sorry if I implied otherwise not my intention and could have worded that better!
The nice parts are nice and the horrible parts horrible. I have friends there. My daughter went to college in that state. You can definitely get some good seafood over on the shore. I’ve been to Myrtle Beach many times. And, yes, I can do the Carolina shag.
When I moved to America, it was the first state that I lived in. Myrtle Beach, baby! But I personally don’t like it compared to where I am from (Russia). It gets too hot in the summertime and some of the people are kind of strange. The accents are absolutely adorable and there are tons of things for tourists. But it’s not for me :)
Someday I want to live in Charleston. I live in DC now and feel like it’s uptight and unfriendly here. It seems like people are nicer and more laid back in the south.
Charleston is a wonderful place :) I go there a lot. Just don’t live in the slummy downtown part of it.
Stephen Colbert, the guy who was arrested multiple times for trying to have sex with the same horse, and the cousins of a friend of mine who are just about as nice as can be.
Those are the first people who come to mind, but I’ve never been there. I imagine it has a mixed bag of people, just like everywhere else.
@SavoirFaire Hahaha, there was a guy that lived a few miles away from Myrtle Beach who had repeated offenses for doing it with a horse. I wonder if it’s the same guy.
@KatetheGreat I think it is the same guy. The stable is about 20 miles from Myrtle Beach.
@SavoirFaire There we go! It is the same guy! I remember hearing it on the radio and I was baffled!
They live in SC. people are people.
Big city folk are faster.
Singin it’s a small world…....
I don’t have an opinion. They are people who live in a state. I hear alot of biased opinions on this thread. I think that people should not generalize a whole state just because they THINK that they are better than them.
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