[NSFW] How far does your sex drive drive you?
Ok, the cute question is about the role your sex drive plays in your life. How much of what you do (seriously now) do you think is influenced, at least to some degree, by your desire?
I believe that sex infuses probably 80% of the choices I make. Not always directly—because most of my activities are not related to sex at all, except that they might provide me the means (character-wise as well as financially) to attract some poor fool a nice woman.
Actually, it feels like sex is in everything in my life—at least in my head, anyway. I like it, because it kind of jazzes me up, but I don’t like it because it makes it hard for me to focus on stuff. Especially when interacting with young women. I had a client the other day with incredibly clear pale blue eyes, and I could not focus on what she was saying if I looked in them. Very unprofessional.
How does your sex drive affect your every day life? Does it make you do things you would not otherwise do? What things? Do you wish you were driven more or less by sex?
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16 Answers
If I never have sex again I’d be fine with that. It’s only sex. Touch my baseball season tickets, you take your life in your hands. My tickets. My seat. My name on my seat. Sex though? I had sex. Many times. Many, many times. Not just that big deal anymore.
I’m asexual. My lack of sex drive gives me plenty of time to do other things—like learn German or the violin, or knit, or write.
Probably 60–70% of my day….I’m just glad he can keep up. >_>
Probably 100%. I’ve come up this interesting theory where everything we do is, in a way, just to get laid.
Till now, it pretty much makes sense. Of course, different people think they will get laid in different ways.
Minimally. I’m in a relationship, I don’t cheat – the worst I do is the occasional flirting. I think very little of my day and/or life is directly influenced by sex.
I’m not really sure what to answer here, but I do relate @wundayatta. I sometimes find it hard to remember what I was saying if something super sexy walks by. I’ll be talking, then…. pause for a moment and look back at my friends and say, “I lost my train of thought, what was I saying?”
I guess my sex drive varies. Some days I could really care less and others I’m completely driven by it. This might be effected by how often I have sex, which lately, isn’t very much. None in fact. I guess cynicism & lust are in either hand & which ever is raised at the moment is what takes over. If that makes sense.
not at all. It used to. It’s funny to me, men just totally can’t understand this. “But you would enjoy it” .Um, no, I wouldn’t.
My sex drive has gone from a Pantera to a Pinto the last few years. I have had plenty of great sex and now hey, if I have more, great…if not, I have turbo jets on the hot tub. Haha
Really, whats the BFD?
You poor men, you’re like Stags in rut until your arteries explode. lol
As far as I let it. I’ve always had an extemely high sex drive but there are years I’ve spent abstinent (sp) and survived just fine. There are times I’ve taken medications that all but wipe out my sex drive but I felt loved, loving and happy in spite of that.
in Charlie Sheen words:
“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning,” “Just winning every second,” “Winning, anyone?” “Duh, winning!”
“That’s how I roll. And if it’s too gnarly for people, then buh-bye,” “Oh wait, can’t process it. Losers. Winning. Buh-bye.”
I’ll admit it: a lot. I’m in an open relationship with the world. I have a lot of sex. But since I’m not looking to have reckless sex, that requires a certain level of responsibility on my part. I am capable of controlling myself in professional situations, though. It’s not like I’m out of control. I’m just not shy about wanting to fuck someone.
It influences me very much. I think sex drives me in many of the things I do in life. Not one hour of my day (and night) goes without me thinking about sex at least once or twice during that hour. I’m serious.
When I think about sex it’s always in the context of a specific person, usually only if I’ve had feelings for them for a while. Even then I’m thinking more about conversations and memories we’ve had together than sex. Sex is more like an accidental bonus or the cherry on top of a sundae.
Not very.
My sex drive does not define me. My love for nature and family does.
I don’t think sex influences my decisions very much at all. Maybe it was more influential when I was single or in the early stages of a relationship – I would buy clothes that I thought made me look sexually attractive, for example. Now that I’m not “on the market”, I’m less concerned with how sexually attractive I am. After 10 years with someone, I know that he finds me attractive even in sweats with no makeup, so there’s less of a drive to look “perfect”.
I’m not one of those people who thinks about sex all day, either. I’m sure there are days here and there where sex doesn’t enter my mind at all. I’ve got too much else on my plate – school, my home life, money, school, school – to worry about.
Sex is great, of course – but it’s not one of my primary concerns.
I go all the way…...baby!
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