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[NSFW] How far does your sex drive drive you?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) March 1st, 2011

Ok, the cute question is about the role your sex drive plays in your life. How much of what you do (seriously now) do you think is influenced, at least to some degree, by your desire?

I believe that sex infuses probably 80% of the choices I make. Not always directly—because most of my activities are not related to sex at all, except that they might provide me the means (character-wise as well as financially) to attract some poor fool a nice woman.

Actually, it feels like sex is in everything in my life—at least in my head, anyway. I like it, because it kind of jazzes me up, but I don’t like it because it makes it hard for me to focus on stuff. Especially when interacting with young women. I had a client the other day with incredibly clear pale blue eyes, and I could not focus on what she was saying if I looked in them. Very unprofessional.

How does your sex drive affect your every day life? Does it make you do things you would not otherwise do? What things? Do you wish you were driven more or less by sex?

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