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jazmina88's avatar

NSFW Yeast infections. What is your real cure?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) March 2nd, 2011

Diabetics can get severe yeast infections. I have a booger of a problem. 3 diflucan, 2 rounds of monostat and I’m still crying. I called the health food store yesterday and got probiotics, a yeast cleanse (the pills smell awful) and suppositories.
I have spent over $80.
I even put honey in certain areas yesterday and also found you can put garlic in cheesecloth. What works for you?

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12 Answers

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Have you considered that maybe putting honey up there is causing the yeast infections?

SpatzieLover's avatar

I hate to say this to you @jazmina88…I have never had a yeast infection.

Here’s the deal, I personally try not to eat things that cause yeast to grow. Here are some personal tips I have for you:

-Go to the store & buy pro-biotic supplements NOW (here’s a good one) While you have the infection take this TWICE daily. After the infection clears up you can go down to once daily in the AM.

-Avoid sugar, including fruit while the yeast is present (after it clears up limit yourself to ONE fruit per day (preferably choosing a low sugar content high antioxidant fruit suach as blueberries)

-Avoid Milk & all milk products except butter (too much sugar) during the infection

-Limit all carbs during your infection (go for protein)

-During the infection, eat generous portions of: Lean meat (avoid lunch meats), veggies, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, thyme & rosemary (these spices & herbs have anti-fungal properties)

-STARVE THE YEAST Again, do NOT eat sugars in any form at this time. Period! (honey will feed the yeast..don’t do that)

-Drink lots of water. Get at least 32oz per day.

Since you have diabetes, a Paleo diet would be better for your daily life anyway. If you’re not fond of veggies, I recommend you look into buying yourself a juicer (we juice for our health & for our son to get all of the nutrients he needs). A juicer can help to cut this yeast growth, as you’d be able to up your garlic and ginger intake while getting more veggies in ;)

SIDENOTE: I have a son with autism & have learned a lot about yeast in the past 6mos (more than I’d like to know, frankly). PREVENTION is the BEST Medicine especially in the case of Yeast!

jazmina88's avatar

good advice…..I have a pretty strict diet anyhow. I did learn Garlic and tea tree oil helps.

Thanks for your help. I’ve been about to crawl out of my skin. The health food trip is helping with the probiotics and a yeast cleanse.

Taciturnu's avatar

Perhaps it’s not a fungal infection, but a bacterial one. Have you actually had this diagnosed by a doctor? I would suggest you see your gynecologist. If money is an issue, it’s worth it to make an appointment with Family Planning. You will save yourself a lot of discomfort and money by having a professional give their opinion.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Eat a diet that’s low in sugar, dairy and carbs. You’ll be less susceptible to yeast infections then. I’ve got endometriosis, and one of the “symptoms” of it is frequent yeast infections. I keep myself mostly free of them by eating mostly meat and vegetables. I do indulge in chocolate, but I eat a super dark chocolate that’s mostly true cacao with minimal sugar, and I take one of the AZO Anti-Yeast tablets about 2–3 times a week.

Lightlyseared's avatar

A week of topical clotrimazole plus a single dose of oral flucanzole (you might be able to pick it up from your pharmacist without a prescription – you can in the UK). You should have symptomatic relief within 12 hours but you need to finish the whole treatment. If you are still having problems after a couple of days, see a doctor.

Also see a doctor anyway as if you have diabetes and are getting reccurent yeast infections it might be an indicator that your blood glucose control needs to be adjusted.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Lightlyseared In the US you need a prescription for flucanzole, but many doctors will just call it in if you call and tell them you have a yeast infection.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs flucanazole normally needs a prescription in the UK too but there is one exception in that you can get a single dose for vaginal candidias from a pharmacist after answering a few questions (because it’s effective and it saves the taxpayer paying the NHS to write a script for a single tablet).

jazmina88's avatar

i took 3 fluconzale…..
if the health food probiotics dont work, I guess it is bacterial.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@jazmina88 fluconazole is an antifungal not an antibacterial.

sliceswiththings's avatar

If @fireinthepriory was spending any time on Fluther these days, she would suggest making a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water, and using a liquid syringe or eye dropper to shoot some up there a few times a day. It helps me (and her)!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

WARNING: TMI in this comment, way TMI.

A vinegar douche might also help. NOT the “fresh flowers” kind, as the added chemicals for the scent will irritate the vaginal passages, but the straight vinegar and water douche. It may flush out some of the bad bacteria. Don’t forget to apply an external monistat (or similar) cream, to prevent itching, because scratching the itch will only make the inflammation and pain worse.

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