How has your handedness affected your life?
Right-handed; left-handed; ambidextrous—what do you think would have been different if you had a different handedness? What have you experienced that is a result of your handedness?
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17 Answers
When I apprenticed as a chocolatier, the chef I worked under was absolutely convinced that a lefty could never succeed as a chocolatier, because a right-handed chef would not be able to teach him the necessary intricate motions. I am, fortunately, right-handed, otherwise he would have simply written me off as a lost cause and my career path for the next couple of decades would have taken a much different turn.
I do most things left-handed naturally but I live in a house full of righties. Instead of making them get left-handed stuff for me, I’ve taught myself to use right-handed appliances and such. So now I’m sort of ambidextrous, which is kinda neat. A lot of people find it impressive. It amuses the hell out of me. :D
I’m a righty. In gymnastics, I do some things lefty like twisting, vaulting, and tumbling on the beam. I also front twist righty and back twist lefty. It gets kind of confusing…
My right hand is now pretty shot from all the construction work I have done over the years. It feels more like a claw than a hand.
I’m left handed, but I use my right hand for everything but writing and eating. Growing up, sports, scissors, and just about everything else was just too cumbersome as a lefty, so I learned to use my right. I’m unusual as a lefty in that my right arm is stronger than my left.
The only issue I’ve run in to is that I still can’t figure out crocheting and knitting as a lefty (not that I’ve tried that hard).
I bat right, throw right, write right. Whatever I can’t do right for whatever reason will just do left. If you ever work on a car, this is just the way it is. What your right hand can’t reach or pull on or whatever, your left hand has got to. Not sure it had affected my life in the least.
My lefty hazards have included smudging and smearing ink and pencil, stuffing envelopes “incorrectly,” probably impairing my guitar picking, handshake education, and scissor discomforts. In my favor were pitching and first base in Little league and playing tennis. I bat, golf, and throw (only) frisbees right-handed.
I’m right leg dominant, but ride goofy.
… occasionally I’ll make a point to pick a dining seat that is left elbow friendly.
And I wipe with my right, which gives me cause to wonder how I would fare in one of those cultures where people wipe left and eat/shake right.
I parrot @kevbo with the hand dragging and smudging us lefties have to put up with. I also hate how pens are chained to the right at counters so the chain is drawn across your hand and document. Scissors arn’t much of an issue for me BUT..I am very uncoordinated with big knives and can’t throw worth a damn, I have a serious boomerang curve thing goin’ on.
Don’t be near me when I am slicing and dicing and look away if I throw a ball.
If I have been drinking the risk of serious injury is at least tripled for every glass of wine or beer. lol
Swiss Army-type can openers are pretty damn tedious.
And iPhones are made for righties—my camera lens is always fucked.
Dumbshit butter-serving knives.
I’m mostly right-handed in anything with the very small finger-motor-skills you develop through writing, because I write, and (with ocassional conscious exceptions when circumstances require it) use scissors and hold utensils, with my right hand.
I’m mostly left would I call it left-handed? though, in dance.. I didn’t even realize until a dance teacher a few years ago pointed it out to me, that I’m usually better on the left, because I’d always thoughts I was right-handed.
And I think I lean ambidextrous, or at least can, in pretty much everything else. Like, if my glass is on my right I’ll use my right hand, if it’s on my left I’ll use my left hand, without question. It doesn’t matter. (Now, I thought this was normal, and it may be, should be, since it makes more sense I think…—I was just told by people recently that if you’re right-handed you’ll reach across your body with your right hand, and vice-versa. So I’m including it here just in case.)
If you want a one-word answer I’ll say right-handed (even though being ambidextrous would be awesome) because I can’t write left-handed.
I’m ambidextrous but was made to write right handed. Because I wasn’t allowed to just go with came natural, I attribute that to getting confused with my left and right, a lot. I’ve always been a horrible dancer for formal moves/direction and if I go to catch something falling then who knows which hand will go out first. At least I’m an ok driver and use my turn signals.
@syz I have a lefty friend who learned how to knit by sitting across from a righty and mirroring her movements.
I think that could work for the chocolates, too, @thorninmud.
It’s interesting. Being left handed, I’ve been taught how to do everything ass-backwards by righties. This world was built for right-handed people. If you are right handed go out and buy a pair of left handed scissors and try to use them for your right hand. It will hurt. That is what everyday life is like for lefties. I was forced to learn as a child everything in sports the wrong way.
From an earlier topic, I’m too lazy, currently, to tirade properly on the subject:
Every word for left in pretty much every language means something awful. And is used as a negative i.e. left out, left behind, left field. Right has positive uses, right? Right is used to mean correct. Upright, righted, righteous, right on, right hand man, or right arm. The world is built by righties for righties. They only stopped beating people for being left handed recently, people still get corrected righted in school. As an upleft citizen I have moral issues with that. For a long time being left handed was as “bad” as being gay.
Lefties are the minority of minorities and ignored as such. I’ve been discriminated against my whole life and that’s a fact. And I wouldn’t be surprised if I was discriminated against because I said I was discriminated against.
I’m trying to not use the word right to mean anything positive anymore it only reinforces it’s misuse. I prefer to say currently, instead of right now. I prefer to say that’s correct instead of that’s right. Left is still a negative word, in every case that it’s used. I want to change that. I too, should have lefts.
Left power! [fist pump]
When I first started to jack off it helped me immeasurably. See if you happen to be right handed, as I am, then using the left hand to do the deed makes it seem like someone else is doing it for you. Someone with nice tits & is sexy & everythum. A welcome boost to the traditional wank fantasy of a pre pubescent oppurtunistic lad that I once was.
I’m a strong right-hander. I think it’s limiting to rely exclusively on one hand to perform tasks. Oddly, I scratch with my left hand. Whenever I cross one arm and put my fist from another arm to cover my mouth – the pose of a thinker – the fist would generally be the left. Maybe the left hand is the emotive one?
Recently I’ve learned to use the mouse and chopsticks with my left hand. It’s gaining more control as of late, opening doorknobs and such. I guess piano-playing in childhood helped.
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