What kind of music can you absolutely not stand?
Everyone has a type of music that drives them nuts and gives them a headache! Give me your opinions!
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82 Answers
Suicidal Polkas? LOL, jk. Really, my two least favorites are R&B/rap and smooth jazz. I could pretty much, and do, stand everything else.
If it sounds like this or that, I’ll pass, thank you. Seriously, if you’re playing that, I will wriggle in discomfort. Just. So. Irritating!
Screamo/emo is an insult to the word “music”. Loathe it.
I’m not a big fan of metal/death metal either.
@12Oaks Hahaha, I was just reading the lyrics to your suicidal polka ;)
I agree with most of you. I’m not a big fan of screamo or country. I’m okay with heavy metal as long as the words are audible. I know of some great bands, such as Nightwish, that can make metal sound beautiful.
I have a friend building me a squelcher so that if those people with their music blaring so loud out of their vehicles come by it will blow their speakers. You know the ones where your entire body shakes from the sound. That is so annoying and is not right to do because they are taking the rights of others away with that loud sound.
Rap. It isn’t singing, just talking and yelling, not about particularly nice things a lot of the time It’s all crap – real music stays popular for years, not a few weeks. Take the Beatles, Bon Jovi, Rob Thomas, etc.
I must add, I absolutely hate Nickelback.
@Austinlad, when I was younger, I would watch Laurence Welk on PBS Sunday nights while my parents cooked dinner. It drove me up the freaking wall, but there was never anything else on! Luckily, we ended up getting cable before I went completely bonkers. However, I have found myself singing some of the songs to this day, which frightens me.
Country & western shite & any whiny ballad perfected by the likes of Celine “seabiscuit” Dion. Don’t go down well in these here parts spits in saloon bucket no siree dagnabbit!
Pop-country, experimental jazz, and anything Nickelback-esque.
I can’t stand ANY Country music…I’d rather listen to….That red haired guy the people always link for the rest of my life
I absolutely cannot stand Rap music. If it really is music. I have my doubts. Country music is barely tolerable for me. I could do without Alternative music.
Yep, Rap & hardcore metal/acid rock is awful!
I like most classic rock, most of the 90’s and various other venues from classical to bluegrass, blues, jazz.
I’m not a country fan at all either, but, better than rap or metal any day of the week.
Although I do love some Led Zepplin once in awhile. haha
@coffeenut I’ve been RickRoll’d for the 2000000000 time now! Hahahaha.
@coffeenut People send that link to others just to make them bear the horrible music of Rick Astley and they call it being “RickRoll’d”.
@KatetheGreat oh, ok…Well I’d rather listen to that than Country music.
Haha, Oh God..Lawrence Welk, my grandmother used to have that on at about volume 60 through my whole childhood.
- Any rap
– Any hip hop
– 99% of R&B
– 99% of anything that gets played in a club these days
– Metal music where the singer screams inaudibly
– 99% of country music
– Any kind of jazz
– Lady Gaga
While I like some rap (Army of the Pharoahs, Wu Tang Clan) Kanye West blows big chunks. Most overrated rapper…OF ALL TIME!
I can’t really name any good mallcore or post grunge bads either. And fuck everyone in the top 40.
“When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children? I want my children listening to people who fucking rocked! I don’t care if they died in pools of their own vomit! I want someone who plays from his fucking heart!” -Bill Hicks
Whatever music it is that has pig squeals—death metal, metal.. anything like that. Smooth jazz (I like jazz, but not elevator music!), and mainstream/contemporary country (I like The Carter Family and things like that, but not the sort that’s playing on the radio).
Rap and what I am tentatively labeling hip hop/R&B, those genres where they scream (with or without obscenities) at the mic, and (tentatively) any genre where the prefix may at some point be attached to ”-core.”
Limp Bizkit.
I think rap-rock. Or is it rock-rap?
I also really dislike classical music. I know that is strange, but, I find that every time I listen to classical music I get really aggro. Something about it just pisses me off.
Why all of the country music hate?
Argh! That @%&%&4 Lady antebellum song that is played everywhere.
Why is country being considered Pop now?!
@SpatzieLover The most recent generation of country artists has been heavily influenced by pop music. Their stuff sorta straddles the line. Sometimes they’ll dub in rock effects to replace the more “country” ones. Taylor Swift’s stuff gets this surprisingly often.
@Nullo I kinda get why Swift gets in the pop category..“but I’m drunk and it’s 3am and I need you tonight” doesn’t fit for me
rap, techno, or really twangy country.
Jazz – especially the jam session type where they make it up as they go. It is nothing but noise.
Whatever that stuff is that is full of people squealing and squalling. Not rock type screaming, more high-pitched and annoying.
rap/hiphop, modern pop, most electronic music, country, folk music, schlager, and-the-noise-that-only-consists-of-bass-and-drums.
Gangster Rap! drives me up the wall :-/
Same as Thrash metal, I can’t understand that either, sing words I can understand, that’s all I ask…...
Kind of unrelated, but I hate the part of a concert where each musician has their [never-ending] solo.
Rap except for this and south of the border “norteno” music. I dislike both of them because they are the 2 types that are most often blaring out of car windows at decibels that could take down a 747.
I absolutely can not stand rap music. It sounds like a bunch of uneducated, reverse racist, pissed off morons trying to outdo each other with lyrics about bitches and hoes. It’s stupid.
Anything that’s too commercial/empty. I want the songs to mean more than ‘buy my album cuz I’m cool!’.
I guess that’s kinda vague, but that’s the best way I can describe it. It’s not a particular genre of music, it’s a way of making music.
If it’s well written, and has intention, I’ll at least appreciate it. It might not make it onto my Zune, but I won’t turn the radio off on it.
heavy metal, punk, contemporary country, gangsta rap
I can’t stand that Amy Grant style of Christian pop. My thought on musicians is: “Make whatever kind of music you want, but don’t be boring,” and that CCM stuff bores me.
Okay, I can understand people not liking metal, hip hop, country, etc.
But what is so intolerable about jazz??
@syz Hahahahaha, Eduard Khil is a very popular singer in the country where I am from. I find this song very very funny!
For me, country, rap and pop are the genres that cause me mental stigmata.
@Prosb Is that why there is always blood on my steering wheel when I’m sitting at a stop light being forced to listen to the Booooooooooooom Booooooooooooom Booooooooooom or the yickety yickety ooompah ooompah yickety oompah oompah of rap and norteno music?
What the heck is norteno music!?
@Kardamom Yes, that is in fact why that blood is there. The reason why you happen to see a lot of accidents when you drive around, is the other drivers not being as fortunate as you when they pass out from blood loss.
It is a specific type of music that comes from Mexico that is dominated by tubas and accordions (almost, but not quite as engaging as German oompah music) coupled with really loud, quick, high-pitched vocal sounds like nya nya nya nya nya nya! It sounds like music that might have been very popular about 100 years ago, but for some reason is very popular with Mexican immigrants in Southern California. And for whatever reason, norteno music is often played in trucks with the windows rolled down and in parks all over southern California at top notch volume levels. You can read more about it here(music) Here is an example but note that this music usally also comes with loud crooning vocals to match.
@Kardamom Haha, thank you. That music is absolutely horrible.
Thug and misogynic rap; and any white power crap.
@Kardamom You’ll be delighted to know the immigrants here in Wis also loudly play norteno out of their landscape pickups.
Country music is suicide music.
Rap music is not music.
Not a singer in the bunch.
Obscene and profanity laden.
I know I’m old, but I’m not a prude.
Back in the day, sexual references in music were subtle.
Profanity was used sparingly if used at all.
There’s nothing subtle about the current crap.
They just slam you in the face with it.
It’s so rampant now that it embarrasses me to listen to the radio with my kids.
@SpatzieLover That’s funny! I would have figured that Wisconsin, which is a big Oktoberfest kind of town, would only have German oompah music, which I actually like (and have never once heard it blasted out of a truck at a stoplight) Ha Ha. : )
@SABOTEUR You’re right, it’s like sitting in your living room and asking, “Is that a skunk outside or did someone leave their gym socks on the floor? I think I smell something unsavory.” As oppossed to having an actual skunk’s a*s or gym sock shoved up your nose while you’re sitting at a red light.
I don’t get it.
The FCC targeted Howard Stern for years and fined him heavily for inappropriate content. This was always justified with the excuse that children man be listening and hear something offensive.
Yet you can hear “stripper pole” music and “morning zoo” smutty humor on most music radio stations throughout the country. Even tv programs specifically for kids (The Disney Channel, Nickelodeon) are filled with smut and sexual innuendo.
Sorry…got off topic…
@SABOTEUR I’m with you. There is too much dirty crap on the airwaves these days that would have garnered fines10 or 20 years ago. I’m just glad I don’t have kids, because they’d be exposed to a lot of stuff that I wouldn’t approve of today, but you can’t control what your kids hear out in public (anymore). What ever happened to polite society? I think it’s ok (although I don’t like it) if there’s some naughty talk online, as long as the site operators are fully aware, and responsible to be able to weed out minors. I wish people could just be more considerate, when they put stuff out into public. No one’s trying to stifle anyone’s creativity or rights. But there’s a time and a place for everything.
@Kardamom Agreed. Didn’t mean to get on a soapbox, though (smiling sheepishly)...think I’ll toddle off to bed…
Not enough rap lovin’ in this thread. I wasn’t keen on it myself for a long time, but I’ve actually come to really respect anyone that does well in rap battles/slam poetry—some of the stuff that comes out sounds ridiculous, but it’s its own brand of creative. Also, once you pass the money and whores rapping of the radio, you’ll find there’s some really great stuff that’s just not as popular (Immortal Technique, for instance!).
Back to the question:
I’m going to add J-Pop to my list. I just don’t get the appeal.
@Kardamom Not liking Norteno makes you racist, you know. ~ :{P
@podwarp The thing that I always liked about J-pop is that I can’t understand the words. I enjoy being around people, but I’m easily distracted; this is fine for most occasions, but on the night before midterms, it’s not something that I could afford. The J-pop provided the sense of company while leaving me alone with my thoughts; I knew that there was no hope of understanding it, so I wasn’t tempted to work out what the artist was saying.
@Nullo I was just waiting for someone to point that out. : P
I do like Mariachi music, though.
Ok, what is J-pop?
@Kardamom Japanese Pop. It’s four parts pop, one part techno, and it’s all in Japanese. It tends to sound the same from song to song.
@Nullo Ok Youtube, here I come. Gonna check me out some J-pop. Will report back later.
@ragingloli It’s not too bad, actually. A little boring, but not horrific, but then again, I occasionally listen to “lite jazz” when I’m doing mundane work around the house. I don’t love that either, but sometimes it works for when you don’t want to have any emotional attachment to the music, but don’t want dead silence.
Those “anime” drawings on the video remind me of Speed Racer from the 1960’s (when I watched it as a kid) and the characters were always getting all emotional and then they would blurt out an almost inaudible, “Ahh.” Like a 14 year old girl trying to stifle an orgasm, or a grown woman trying to stifle and “Oh Sh*t” after stubbing her toe on the coffee table. Plus, if they are Japanese, why do all of the anime characters have big round Western looking eyes and white hair?
@Kardamom “Like a 14 year old girl trying to stifle an orgasm”
how do you know?
@Nullo See, I can’t understand the words either but that doesn’t work in its benefit for me. I can listen to French Ye-Ye just fine (which is sugar and fluff) and I listen (and enjoy) the crap fest that is the Top 40, and I actually really enjoy Japanese ballads (like this: http://youtu.be/5lmTPARsWn8), but everything I’ve heard of j-pop just really grates for whatever reason (it’s like “too much” for me). Different strokes, I guess.
@Kardamom That one is almost atypically calm in its pacing.
The eye design has been traced back to Disney, of all places (specifically, Carl Barks). Osamu Tezuka, the undisputed Father of Manga, was a big fan of the work of Disney’s animators, and borrowed some stylistic elements for use in his own work. Everything (art-wise, anyway) since has been more or less derived from his stuff. That said, The Lion King was a complete ripoff of Tezuka’s Kimba The White Lion.
@ragingloli Well, if we’re going to bring anime into the mix, I raise you Muon, Madobe Nite, for its more frenetic pace and a tendency to generally sound more dramatic.
@podwarp I suspect that it has at least a little to do with keeping the wandering part of my attention distracted. For that, “too much” is better.
@Nullo, That is very interesting and I had no idea about the Disney connection. I am now very interested to read more about that subject. Kimba the White Lion was a little before my time, but my brother loved that show. Do you recall a show (contemporary to Speed Racer) that had a group of space aliens that came down to earth, took on the appearance of animals (one was definitely a bunny) and then they traveled around with a boy in what looked like a spare tire? And NO I am not high.
I think I’ll also check out some more of the J-pop stuff, since you said that the example that I listened to was not representative of the genre. If it’s like Ciba Matto, I probably won’t like it, but if it’s like Pizzacato Five, I probably will.
Unfortunately I do not. The vast majority of the anime that I’ve seen was produced within the last thirty years; I haven’t even seen Speed Racer. No, you’re not high. That’s just the Japan talking. :P
I’ll keep my eyes open, though. If I find anything, I’ll leave you a note.
Most Rap (particularly the thuggish-gangsta variety)
Anything else I’ll give a listen to at least a few times.
Heavy metal
Deep country music
Why is it that some people think it is okay to drive down the street with their music annoying so many people. I am going to get that squelcher and I would love to blow some speakers. It is just down right rude to play music that loud and in public.
Here is some country this non-country boy is not ashamed to say he likes. A lot. RIP, Don and Buck.
This and this on the other hand make me shake my head, as does just about anything the record companies crank out to squeeze more money out of the one demographic they can still count on: pre-teen girls.
Although I don’t like rap, I’d have to argue with anyone who says that it isn’t music. Aside from the obvious rhythmic aspect, which is often composed of a variety of sounds, rap often contains chords progressions behind the main vocals.
Empire State of Mind is one of the few rap songs I enjoy listening to. It has an interesting percussive line and a simply, catchy chord progression on piano which goes well with Jay Z’s rapping.
@chocolatechip IIRC, there is no melody. That’s the most basic element to music, and rap (even the dressed-up stuff) lacks that. It’s more like heavily stylized poetry than anything else.
Music does not need melody if it has other elements like harmony or rhythm. I’m not about to write an essay about it so here’s a lazy Wikipedia link of which I only read the first paragraph.
Example of music with no melody but has harmony (skip to 1:20): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkrZ3TVQ-JM
No melody or harmony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lIXdK_6eas
Remember that melody and harmony are a result of differences in pitch. Even percussive instruments like drums produce different pitches.
I would hesitate to call either of those examples “music.”
Then what would you call it if not music?
gangsta rap
crying-in-your-beer country
techno J-pop
in that order.
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