Meta Question

Jude's avatar

I noticed that a few of the regulars are gone or hardly here anymore. Are folks giving up and moving on? Have you noticed this, as well?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 2nd, 2011

Tumbleweeds around here, as far as interesting Qs.

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69 Answers

marinelife's avatar

A couple of the regs recently left.

tinyfaery's avatar

Who left? I haven’t been around much, so I don’t know who’s here and who isn’t.

J0E's avatar

I find the questions are as good as always when I don’t worry so much about who’s asking them.

coffeenut's avatar

lol…Everyone can relax…I’m still here.

Jude's avatar

Maybe, it’s time to move on myself.

filmfann's avatar

@coffeenut No, I am pretty sure you’re not here anymore.

J0E's avatar

@coffeenut is right. Everyone should relax. It’s just a website. If you’re constantly looking around at who’s still here, and constantly scrutinizing the quality of the questions then you might be becoming a little too invested in the site.

syz's avatar

It’s cyclical. Questions get good for while, questions get boring, questions get monopolized by melodramatic teens, questions get good again.

Jude's avatar

You’re right, J0E.

breedmitch's avatar

I haven’t said this anywhere on Fluther, but I sort of feel abandoned by our creators.

Before I get in too much trouble, let me say that Lisa is terrific and all the mods do an outstanding job, but I can’t help feeling like Ben and Andrew have left us high and dry and will take an interest in Fluther again only if someone wants to buy the joint. I think it was the way the whole thing was handled. It was so sudden. One day it was like, “Peace, out. Turn out the lights on your way out.”
I mean I’m happy for them [although I’m not sure what Andrew brings to the table at Twitter ;)] but for those of us who were here from (almost) the beginning, before there were mods or community leaders, we came to rely on Ben and Andrew as a sort of masthead for the site. Others have rushed in to fill that gap, but it’s just not the same to me.
So now I lurk a lot, but contribute less and less…

Bellatrix's avatar

I can’t answer on old regs who have left because I have only been here the length of a dog’s tail. I have noticed Ms Yarnlady is AWOL the last few days and I miss her wise posts. And also in my very short membership, I was enjoying Rarebear’s posts. I hope I got that name right. I hope your friends return anyway. It can be sad when a place (online or otherwise) loses its gloss and people you have become attached to aren’t around.

talljasperman's avatar

everyone can relax… I’m still here

Bellatrix's avatar

Phew… that’s a relief :-)

KatawaGrey's avatar

Everyone can relax, I’m here much less than usual. ;)

JmacOroni's avatar

I’ve noticed, yep.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve noticed one who changed his Fluther name and stopped using his image in his avatar, and I can see how that would give someone the impression that he left.

There was another one who left but thankfully has returned. :-)
Using a name that’s a variation of Americanized pasta is the epitome of stealth. ;-)

lillycoyote's avatar

Realeyes seems to be gone. That’s kind of sad.

If you’ve reincarnated, let me know. O.K.?

mammal's avatar

i must admit considering the turbulent Geopolitical climate, it is disconcerting that so few questions reflect upon this, but anyway it’s quite peaceful, personally i think it’s good that people break off.

mammal's avatar

i think Fluther has a shelf life, like, i don’t see it running on and on.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m here… and still wondering about the “heal of a slingback shoe”.
Please don’t leave until I find out.

erichw1504's avatar

But @Jude, you can’t leave! I couldn’t bear another day without seeing your amazing avatar!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@worriedguy: Would it ruin fluther for you if I told you? ;)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KatawaGrey I’m curious as well and it wouldn’t ruin fluther for me.

janbb's avatar

I’m curious too – why a slingback?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’ve noticed :(

janbb's avatar

Many seem to be going and coming back with new names. The guessing games make things lively.

Jude's avatar

One incident. She was lying on the floor. I was over top over her. I gently placed my single slingback heel in her mouth and I got her to roll her tongue around it.

It was the shoe of choice!

iamthemob's avatar

I’m 30 different new people, just so you know…

or AM I…;-)

Jude's avatar

I’m lurking. I’ll post when I see some interesting stuff happen’.

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude Good, I like to see that amazing rear end pop up every now and then.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Jude My heart is beating faster….. please go on….. Please…..

XOIIO's avatar

I have noticed this.Lots of really cool users have left. I wish that instead of just deleting their account they would put on their profile that they are leaving, that way we can regale in their history. It’s too bad that some of our greatest users have left, and the staff leaving sucks too. I knew that twitter was a bad idea when we started mentioning it, now the site is falling apart a bit.

All this aside, I will remain with fluther until “Error 404” pops up. Hopefully that will never happen.

mrentropy's avatar

I never understood the concept of deleting an account.

Bellatrix's avatar

So who deletes the account? The user or Fluther and do you need to say “I am leaving” or are accounts that have been inactive deleted after a period of time?

mrentropy's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy I don’t know about the rest of it, but you can go to your profile and there’s a link there to delete your account.

Cruiser's avatar

For what it’s worth, I have blown out my Cruiser account now twice. Both times were knee jerk reactions for personal reasons and this last one was simply the end result of just too much going on in my personal life. I am not the first nor the last to just shut down for a much needed break. Deleting an account is like putting your belongings in storage. That way if you do ever come back it is all right there waiting for you.

mrentropy's avatar

@CWW Deleting an account doesn’t delete an account? That’s rather odd.

Cruiser's avatar

@mrentropy I didn’t make the rules here. Anyway you can find the answers of any and all that walked the halls of Fluther.

J0E's avatar

@CWW You know, it is possible to just…not visit the site. You don’t have to delete your account every time.

Cruiser's avatar

Thanks for the advice @J0E…I will take that into consideration the next time I am having a really bad day.

Bellatrix's avatar

I was going to say earlier, but changed my mind, after thinking about it I can understand why someone would cancel their account rather than just not logging in. It is very easy to click on a link and be back where you were, but it is harder if you have to go through a process to re-establish an account. Gives you time to think about whether you really want to be back where you were. I should try it today since I am supposed to be doing something else. Fluther is terribly addictive.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you @Mz_Lizzy. I have deleted my account twice. When I spend time on the computer I visit two sites, Facebook and Fluther. It makes it easier for me to spend less time on Fluther when I have deleted my account (not getting rid of Facebook. It’s taken the place of email for me to connect with relatives and friends).

@J0E You know, it is possible to just…not be so condescending.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I agree with @jonsblond. Condescension is unnecessary on this Q.

I still miss Bobo. Bobo, if you’re here under a new name, PLEASE let me know! =0)

Bellatrix's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate makes me feel a bit sad you miss your friend so much. It is amazing how close we can become to people we may never or may never have met (not sure if you ever met Bobo of course). It can be really sad when they vanish from our lives and in this online medium, it does often feel like people just disappear with no warning. Perhaps if people are leaving for good, they could let those special friends online know or at least make sure people we do want to maintain contact with can get in touch.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

A few jellies have inquired about my apparent absence. I still drop in once or twice a week and I answer questions where I feel I have something unique and or valuable to offer.

JmacOroni's avatar

@CWW I feel ya. :)

ette_'s avatar

I know this is sort of an “old” question, but I can kind of relate to this except I do it with my Facebook account mostly. I usually deactivate if I want to disconnect from the world. I “left” Fluther last time (last year) because I got caught up with other stuff/therapy but didn’t delete my account, I just didn’t frequent the site anymore until something crazy happened to me earlier this month. But now I feel like I can contribute a little more than just asking questions and wanting answers.

ucme's avatar

Are folks giving up & moving on? Couldn’t care less!
Have you noticed this as well? Nope! Sounds like the definition of boring to me.

Bellatrix's avatar

Did you get it in a Wheaties box? I heard they were doing a “free life in every box” thing. People going and getting lives… shouldn’t be allowed.

Jude's avatar

Stepping away from Fluther? It’s easy said than done, J0E.

erichw1504's avatar

Ahhhhh…. my morning dose of @Jude.

J0E's avatar

@Jude It shouldn’t be that difficult.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Considering that some of our regulars are students in varying stages of their school career, I’m guessing some of them are doing less Fluthering and more schoolwork (and shame on you!) :P

Could be the whole winter thaw thing, too. People actually getting out and doing things after months of freezing weather. I know I was on less in the last few days because I was out adventuring.

Ladymia69's avatar

I find it strange that some are so resistant to change and new people. It sort of makes the people who are here now feel rather unwanted and unappreciated. But hey, you get over it.

If you aren’t reading any interesting questions, why don’t you ask some yourself?

Just keep telling yourself…it’s only a websiteit’s only a website

breedmitch's avatar

I’d like to officially retract my previous answer.

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

A combination of limited internet access, time constraints, and a desire for quality over quantity leads me to lurk often and post infrequently. Also, much of my time and effort is going into writing. I haven’t died, although, that makes me wonder how one would ever know if one had on a site like this. I mean, if you passed away, would your friends and family know to either deactivate your fluther account or post something notifying the site of your sudden demise? Me neither. I wonder how many derelict accounts at this site are that way for that very reason…

marinelife's avatar

Both of the people I mentioned who left are since back so maybe it is just a thing of the moment.

jca's avatar

When I think back on the 3½ years I have been here, I can remember a whole bunch of people who used to be regulars but are no longer around. They brought lively discussion, but new lively people have joined in their absence.

I’m here, so ultimately, that’s what counts to me.

Berserker's avatar

Denno if I qualify as a person that anyone would want to keep seeing on here lol, but I’ve been tremendously busy with school and work, and I have a drinking problem to boot, so I don’t have much time, or desire, to do much of anything but sleep in between alla that. :D

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Symbeline If you quit lurking completely, or God forbid, deleted yourself, we’d miss you. Trust me.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah I come on here like five minutes a day, but I’m not abandoning. Just barely ever have time. And thanks. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline I’m barely here anymore and I noticed your absence. Good to see ya. =)

breedmitch's avatar

I miss Kevbo, Perchick, Sndfreq, segdeha, Shilolo, pupntaco, lefteh, ezraglen, omfgTALIjustimdu, asmonet, brownlemur, robmandu, delirium, titsmcghee, richardhenry, johnpowell, gooch, mzgator, harp, shockvalue, dalepetrie, poser, and peedub…
and Hossman!!

Allie's avatar

@breedmitch I miss a lot of those people, too. Peedub was my very first friend here.

I’m lurking a lot, participating less, and modding more… than I used to. (I’m still the lazy mod.)

wilma's avatar

@breedmitch I think I’ve seen robmandu around lately.

jca's avatar

@breedmitch : kevbo is still here.

I miss BriL who became Naked Homer and now is not around much at all. Remember someone called DeadDolly? She was interesting. I used to enjoy Asmonet’s posts, too.

I guess it’s like any community – people move in, people move out. Some people stay around a long time. Some people pop in briefly and are never heard from again.

janbb's avatar

@asmonet is occasionally around.

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