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Latina1486's avatar

Does anyone know what it means to dream that you are laying on a bed and there are snakes all over you? They didn't bite me.

Asked by Latina1486 (20points) March 3rd, 2011

I am laying on my bed sleeping, and all of a suddn snakes start coming out and I start screaming.

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15 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Who you gonna call? GhostBusters…....................

I have not a clue.

markferg's avatar

Did you watch “Snakes on a Plane” recently? Maybe “Raiders of the Lost Ark”? I’m pretty sure films and TV provide the raw material for most of my dreams. It happens so often I sometimes think I a living copyright infringement.

Latina1486's avatar

No I haven’t watched any movies where snakes come out

JmacOroni's avatar

@markferg it’s interesting that you cite an Indiana Jones movie as a trigger for this scary dream. As a child, the first movie to ever horrify me was Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom.. I had nightmares for years.
Dream interpretation is really up in the air. They don’t mean anything specific, honestly you would do better to do some thinking about what is going on in your life and make your own connections. Dreams are the brain’s way of processing and filing information that we’ve collected recently and in the past, so your individual dreams are really specific to you, not some meaning that you can gather from a dream interpretation book or website.

ucme's avatar

Dunno, but it’d have me rattled!

Austinlad's avatar

Anything that affects one’s senses while sleeping can affect dreams. I’d be willing to bet it had to do with your skin temperature changing slightly. Perhaps a breeze caused that.

Blackberry's avatar

There is no evidence that dreams have meaning. It is all personal interpretation and/or belief.

bob_'s avatar

It means snakes are mean, dude.

coffeenut's avatar

I think I’m going to regret asking this…. Where are the snakes “Coming out” of….

peridot's avatar

I never believed in those “dream encyclopedias” that were so popular for a few years. Hate to say it, but you are ultimately the best judge of what your dream means. Sometimes dreams can have a prophetic or insightful flavor to them, and other times it seems like it’s just your brain futzing with current issues in your life. If you have sleep apnea (or other medical condition), it could be your body’s way of waking you up so your oxygen flow is restored.

Latina1486's avatar

@coffeenut they are coming out from the sides

VS's avatar

My understanding is that dreaming of snakes is an indication of deception somewhere in your life. My interpretation of that is that someone is trying to deceive you about something. But again as @peridot said, you are ultimately the best judge of what it means.

flutherother's avatar

This is copied from the globalpsychics website…..

Well, generally snakes are predominantly a symbol of fear and also a sexual symbol. They say every woman dreams of snakes at least once in her life and the interpretation is often fear of a rival or fear of the male gender. I suggest this may be speaking to you of the fears around sexual expression and fullness that you may have. The serpent stands for physical drives and if something is not quite right in that area of life, the snake dreams can come. Now often by the time the dreams come, it is also signifying healing of this area or the desire to heal and balance this area of life.

Something in you has been oppressed. This could be by outside forces, societal rules or inner oppression of true desire. Something quite important is happening in your subconscious and will eventually give rise to a new dimension within your outer life. I will also say that sometimes the snake images do warn of danger, but mostly of hidden truths coming up for healing and often around sexual energy. The danger warnings are about not heeding the call to heal a particular area and so making the issues “worse” somehow. However, the predominant images do speak of a healing of fear surrounding the sexual expression area of life or fear surrounding men or a male in your life. Ponder on these thoughts and feel if there is any connection with these symbols inside of you. Take care

iamthemob's avatar

“Phallic Imagery” for $1000, Alex.

markferg's avatar

@iamthemob – I dream about Venus fly traps catching and devouring snakes…that’s ok, isn’t it?

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