Do you think that being under the influence of a drug excuses misconduct, or in some way diminishes guilt?
It seems like every few weeks another well known celebrity is caught in some kind of public misbehavior, followed by the explanation that the famous person is suffering from a substance use disorder and will be entering a treatment program. Mel Gibson, Amy Winehouse, Drew Barrymore, Gary Busey, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and other film actors and rock stars have made public confessions of their substance abuse and have gone to expensive residential treatment programs. Whether or not these individuals or anyone for that matter will be successful in their treatment is unknown. One question that most people do have is whether the individuals blame their misbehavior on the substance rather than taking responsibility for their behavior.
Do you think that being under the influence of a drug excuses their misconduct, or in some way diminishes their guilt? If unsuccessful in treatment, what would you change in the person’s treatment?
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9 Answers
It might explain their misconduct, but it does not excuse it.
No, that is beside the point. People like that will use their money and fame to try to manipulate the situation though. I don’t recall hearing any of these people blaming their vice directly. It would seem that even they would think that would come off as lame.
No. They took the drugs or drank the alcohol that led to them being a prat. Their responsibility. What would I change about their treatment? Perhaps the state should run their own substance abuse facilities (they probably already do) and celebs should have to go to those. Might make them think twice.
I think everyone, be they a celebrity or pauper, is responsible for their own behavior. Celebrities blame their behavior on the substance, others blame it on their childhood, poverty, environment, whatever. Everyone has an excuse to fit their situation. But I believe all adults are accountable for our own behavior. If I fall off the wagon and go get drunk tonight, it is not the fault of anyone or anything except my own weakness and addiction.
It no longer matters whether one’s misconduct is due to drug abuse because he/she was irresponsible from the moment he/she purchased the drug with intent to use it. Had the drug never been purchased, it would have never been used, thus one would never be addicted to the point of causing havoc.
If judged correctly, no one would ever have an excuse because they would be wrong from the moment of purchase and use of it for the first time. In my opinion, the best treatment would be time in jail since one is forced to struggle in fighting off the drug urges on his/her own merits
No but waking up in the morning and apologizing for being a jackass the night before is a start in the right direction. Going to rehab for your image or a publicity stunt is bullshit. Most jails and rehabs are bullshit. Ive been to both several times. Most people there are court ordered or they are trying to get back in good graces with their family. Most aren’t really wanting help. The only thing that worked for me and other addicts I know is forgetting appeasing ones they hurt and the court system and making a personal decision that you want to be clean and behave. That is the only way you will change. Along with that comes staying away from drug buddies, eating right. exercising , and getting back to being happy doing simple things like fishing, pushing your kids in the swing, gon gon trips with clean supportive people. Alcoholics Anonymous is false hope and bullshit. They say you are powerless and can’t make the choice to be clean. BULLSHIT. You can make that choice if you really want it and quit lying to yourself. I still struggle. Ive relapsed a few times. But now I have a fiance and two awesome soon to be step kids. Before they came into my life Ididnt care about myself. Noone told me I was out of control or if they did I didnt care because I was lonely and figured I had noone to live for. Now I am so happy just having fun with my family. They give me reason to not but myself through hell emotionally and financially. Im much happier hanging with my girl and her kids acting goofy, cooking out, than I ever was running here and there chasing a chemical feeling that was never enough. Im not perfect. I enjoy beer and an occasional joint but I don’t get wasted do it in front of the kids or use the hard stuff. Saying your helpless is just an excuse to keep using. Make a choice to straighten up. If you can’t do that it because deep down you want to be a miserable addict.
Not if the user is aware of the risks and has consumed the drug voluntarily. However, sometimes non-recreational drugs or even ordinary foodstuffs can alter behavior in ways that the user might not have anticipated. That’s why pharma companies spend 15 seconds out of a 60-second commercial touting the drug’s benefits and the other 45 covering their asses.
nope – I figure if you voluntarily do the crime, you should do the time no matter your financial status, drug addictions, gender, race etc. – If the required time served was cookie cutter for every crime and not negotiable it may or may not change the amount of crime by people with money but it sure would make me feel like I had equal protections under the law – not to mention how entertaining it may be to hear about folks like Paris Hilton actually having to stay in jail despite her crying. What a life lesson – financial privilege doesn’t equal legal privilege. Life would be grand…. LOL
I agree 100% with @jonsblond. It does help to explain the behavior, but it does not, in any way, excuse it.
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