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MilkyWay's avatar

What to do with a broken leg?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) March 4th, 2011

I broke my leg a few hours ago and was wondering what to do as I can’t move about much. I’ve also got a plaster cast on that needs to stay for 6 weeks….
Wanted some ideas and suggestions.

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30 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

How bad is the pain?

Mariah's avatar

Ouch! Sorry!

Fluther gave me good suggestions here that I think could be relevant to you too!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe HURTS LIKE HELL . . . otherwise it’s ok lol.

Joker94's avatar

Do you have a Nintendo DS? Fantabulous time waster, I could recommend a game or two of you’d like.
Or do what I do to kill time, go to Sporcle
Hope you heal up quickly! :]

MilkyWay's avatar

@Joker94 and @Mariah thank you both…

YoBob's avatar


Guess we’ll be seeing quite a bit more of you on Fluther over the next few weeks… ;)

buster's avatar

If you have a sexual partner I would work the pity oral sex angle as much as possible.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie I shattered about 2 to 3 inches of my collarbone a few years ago. That hurt like hell as well. It was a good 8 weeks before it went away completely. It was not a fun first week.
Buster has a great idea. Endorphins.

MilkyWay's avatar

aww… hope it’s much better now @Adirondackwannabe… xxx

Joker94's avatar

@queenie Fuhgetta ‘bout it, gurl. I recommend Professor Layton for the DS, or Advance War: Days of Ruin. Hours of entertainment, right there ^.^

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie Not to get you down, but it lets me know its there every once in a while still.

MilkyWay's avatar

hmm I’m sure it’ll get better soon… hope it doesn’t hurt too much when it reminds you lol…

deni's avatar

Knit people stuff! If you don’t know how, you’ve got plenty of time to learn.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn, there are a lot of broken bones in our little invertebrate community lately!
@queenie : Enjoy the drugs, heal quickly, enjoy extra Fluther time!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie More of a slight twinge, nothing major. I didn’t take any pain killers at all, other than some wine. If you’re not on pain killers that might be an option, but DON’T mix the two.

Rarebear's avatar

Elevate it.

12Oaks's avatar

Learn to play guitar.

janbb's avatar

Maybe you could be Jeruba’s amenuisis?

jgrissett's avatar

You could read, get netflix, watch LOST all doped up on drugs, that’s what I did when I had knee surgery :)

theninth's avatar

Are you a horse? Because if you are, I’m afraid we’re going to have to shoot you.

AmWiser's avatar

Oouch! Sorry about your mishap. You definately need to find a hobby that you like or something to do with your hands to keep you occupied. You can also Fluther a lot more:D

gondwanalon's avatar

If I broke my leg I would cut back on the food calories in order to avoid gaining fat weight. Also I would try to maintain as much physical fitness as possible while my leg bone mends. Work out all of your upper body muscles (use dumbbells and bungee cord, crunches, leg-lifts). Later when it is possible do push-ups (without putting pressure on your weak leg). Also I would try to walk at least one mile a day on crutches (without using the injured leg). Good luck to you.

sarahjane90's avatar

Meet World of Warcraft… !

cak's avatar

I’m in a cast, too. One thing not to do…and after 6 on the same side, I should know better. That itch that needs scratching, ignore it like &*(^@! I spent 45 mins retrieving a dumb object that I used to scratch the itch.

DS, I still move around, just no pressure on that leg. I’m pretty fast on crutches. :) Write, journal, learn how to knit or something.

When it’s really hurting, prop it up, using pillows from under your thigh on done. keep the pressure even under your leg!

Did they give you something for pain or recommend something? Try to “stay ahead” of the pain. The first couple of days are the worst, pain wise…at least for me. I’ve learned the importance of taking the medication, as directed and on schedule really helps.

MilkyWay's avatar

thanks peoples . . . you all are making me feel better..
mwah ( iv started kissing you guys a lot . . . )

wilma's avatar

I’m so sorry @queenie !
Like @Rarebear and @cak said, keep it elevated, that helps a lot with the swelling and pain.

Catch up on things that you have always wanted to read, watch movies, learn to knit or crochet like @deni suggested.

Bellatrix's avatar

I was just thinking that myself @JilltheTooth. There do seem to be a lot of broken bones out there in Flutherland. Hope you feel better soon Queenie.

Keeping the mind occupied while the leg is elevated does sound like the ticket. Start writing that novel you always wanted to write, or yes knit for children in countries with cold climates who need blankets/hats etc. There are charities that ask you to do this sort of thing. Take up painting… We have a charity over here where you ring an older person who is on their own once a day to check in with them. Might be nice to do something like that while you’re movement is limited. Might make a new friend.

Whatever you decide, feel better soon.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Mz_Lizzy thank you : )

incendiary_dan's avatar

When I got a spiral fracture in my left tibia, I got really good at a handful of video games. I also suggest knitting, because it definitely keeps your hands busy, and you can do it while watching movies. Take movies out of the library, because you’ll be watching a lot of them. Otherwise, I hope you like reading.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Read Don Quixote. I recently tried to, but I don’t have enough time to read to commit to an epic novel. I decided to pick it up again if I ever break my leg. Now’s your time to read it!

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