General Question

XOIIO's avatar

What type of rock in MineCraft is this?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 4th, 2011

I found this type of rock while working on a shaft to shart my mine. I have no clue how deep I am, but it’s really, really deep. Is it the bedrock that can’t be destroyed?

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21 Answers

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Just reiterating what Lightlyseared said. It is indeed, Bedrock.

XOIIO's avatar

Cool. I guess I’ll level out the floor and go outwards from here

DeanV's avatar

That is indeed bedrock. I did the same thing when I was first playing Minecraft and had to ask a friend what that was.

sixteenarmsbill's avatar

Yes bedrock can not be destroyed you can however find holes in the bedrock.

El_Cadejo's avatar

omg…. I just really started playing minecraft because of this question. Im not sure what happened to the last week of my life…. I dont get it, I dont find this game particularly fun yet here I am spending hours digging a fucking mine to get rock to build a castle and then spending another 3 hours making it to then go back and decide the floor should all be perfectly flat good bye another 2 hours >_< fuckin minecraft…..

also, fuck cows and sheep. Fucking annoying ass creaturess mooooo <bump> moooo <bump> mooo <bump> >_<

DeanV's avatar

@uberbatman It devours your soul.

El_Cadejo's avatar

im not digging out all my grass in the castle to get rid of these annoying creatures… I need to go find my soul…. maybe its in a tunnel deep in a cave by some lava….noo…wait…no thats just some creatures that are tryin to kill me….

El_Cadejo's avatar

sooo being the nerd I am, I’ve decided to make the Jedi Temple. The base will be 160×160 and the highest point 132 blocks….. Good bye life :P

DeanV's avatar

@uberbatman I take it you have discovered inventory hacking?

And post the save when you’re done. :D

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dverhey mayhaps? I found a hack that allows me to have 8 of everything in my inventory no matter how many I use.

Thing is, I posed that 3 hours ago and ive been blowin shit up with tnt for all that time and it doesnt even look like I started work yet. This is going to take FOREVER :P

XOIIO's avatar

@uberbatman Just get INVedit

El_Cadejo's avatar

what will that allow me to do better?

XOIIO's avatar

@uberbatman getting items. It’s a full-fledged inventory editor

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ahhh thats not a problem with how I have it set up. My problem is clearing blocks. I figured its 1,280,000 blocks to clear, from water level down. Plus I got the mountains. Fun fun….

XOIIO's avatar

@uberbatman ahh.

Well you can get any diamond tol, and set the damage to -999 for a pretty much infinite tool XD

El_Cadejo's avatar

@XOIIO well with that hack I have for the items, it sets everything breaking point to pretty much nihil so just hitting blocks with my hand breaks them pretty damn fast. Still however even with this, this is going to take forever. Ive been at it for about 5 hours now.

This is what I have to show…

im realizing going all the way to bedrock for the base wasnt a great idea lol. Hopefully ill keep the motivation to get through to the end. I know once I start building it will be much more fun but god damn this is tedious.

DeanV's avatar

@uberbatman if you want to go really scorched earth about it, look up MCedit.

You can pretty much delete entire chunks all down to the bedrock. But be careful, you can also really fuck up your world with it. So I’d look up how to use it first too.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dverhey not worth the risk. Im retarded and will probably fuck up some way or another. ill just keep blowin shit up :P

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