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john65pennington's avatar

Will Phil Collins really quit the music business?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) March 6th, 2011

Phil Collins is one of the most-talented musicians on the planet. His drumming and playing of many musical instruments, is very obvious on his CDs. He states he is quitting because of health reasons, mainly a bad vertrabae in his neck, arthritis in his hands from being a drummer and hearing loss. Question: I have always thought that once an entertainer, always an entertainer, just like a cop. Will Phil Collins chuck it all and let his God-given talents just slip down the drain or will he be a fighter and continue to entertain us all with his music?

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8 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

In case you cannot connect his songs to his name, here are some examples:

1. Groovy Kind Of Love
2. Against All Odds
3. In The Air Tonight
4. (Ricky) Don’t Lose That Number

Just to name a few. jp

marinelife's avatar

It sounds like he is quitting. he may still play or sing for himself, but performing publicly may be too much for him.

Or with time off and rest, he may come back.

He is a very talented songwriter. Here is one of his songs that seems right for this moment.

john65pennington's avatar

Marinelife, thanks for the link. See those hearing aids in his ears? This is one reason why musicians, especially drummers, have a dramatic hearing loss.

markferg's avatar

I hadn’t heard anything about him for years. I thought he had quit already.

john65pennington's avatar

Markferg, most of his latest entertainment has been in live concerts abroad. I somehow have the feeling that the music industry is dogging him for some reason. Can someone shed some light on this?

marinelife's avatar

He has been dogged by criticism for much of his career:

“No Jacket Required received criticism that the album was too safe, despite its upbeat reviews and commercial success. A positive review by David Fricke of Rolling Stone ended, “After years on the art-rock fringe, Collins has established himself firmly in the middle of the road. Perhaps he should consider testing himself and his new fans’ expectations next time around.”[31] “Sussudio” also drew criticism for sounding too similar to Prince’s “1999”, a charge that Collins did not deny.”


“Collins attempted a return to poppier music with Dance into the Light, which Entertainment Weekly reviewed by saying that ”(e)ven Phil Collins must know that we all grew weary of Phil Collins.”

“Such popular satirizing reflected a more widespread criticism of Collins’ work, criticism that began with the success of “Follow You Follow Me” and which continued throughout his career, as Collins continued to define himself as a middle of the road pop musician. Metacritic’s roundup of album reviews found his most recent studio album, 2002’s Testify, to be the worst-reviewed album by the time of its release, though it has since been “surpassed” by three more recent releases.”

Gossip Rocks

rooeytoo's avatar

As usual, if someone is touted as no good by the critics, I will be sure to disagree. I have always enjoyed his music.

filmfann's avatar

@john65pennington (Rikki) Don’t Lose that Number was done by Steely Dan. Phil Collins did a song called Don’t Lose My Number.
An easy way to remember which is which is to remember that Steely Dan’s doesn’t suck.

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