Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XII?
Asked by
janbb (
March 6th, 2011
This is a continuation of an ongoing thread. whose eleventh incarnation was here. It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!
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554 Answers
Katawagrey and I saw The King’s Speech last night and it’s better than everyone said it was. Not only for the high-brow aspect but it’s also lovely, sweet, funny and lighthearted to boot. Nice dinner after with my girlie, a great Saturday night!
Thanks, @janbb for getting a new one going!
@jillthetooth It was a great movie, wasn’t it?
The sun is shining today and it is the first time I have been able to get out into my garden, and do some clearing of old plants etc.
I think spring is finally on its way.
It snowed! Now I can get out there and photograph winter scenes for painting I want to do.:)
Today’s great thing is a couple of hours away. I’ll be meeting up with three friends from college for lunch and lots of talking. A lot has happened in everyone’s lives since the last time we were together. And we’ll be sure to tip our server appropriately for camping at his/her table!
My border collie returned home after a jaunt on the town. He accidentally slipped out the door last night and was not seen till this morning. He came dragging in with his tongue hanging out. I can only assume he had a hot date with a classy poodle, that lives down the street. He is dead dog tired. He has crashed and will be out all day. Do you think the classy poodle had a sister? He is wiped out!
…I got two ‘Great Answers’ this morning, a first for a weekend…!
Aw, thanks @chyna ! I treasure your Lurve!
getting four is a record for one day. I am ‘made up’ as some people here in Blighty say.
After going for Tapas last night with some friends & stuffing myself silly & the amount of beer I drank, the Great thing about today was, I managed to get up for work (6–3 ) with a clear head
Unbelievable……. I’ve felt great all day & the sun is shinning here too, so I’m going to go & do a little garden tidying up myself, before it gets dark… ditto @partyparty…... :-/
I walked to the top of Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh. Down the Royal Mile, passed the new Scottish Parliament building and up to the summit took just an hour. A lovely walk with great views though it was just a little hazy.
I got a couple of nice drawings done on a sketchbook project.
I wrote a new song….it rocks! I hope I remember it! lol!
@Cruiser Welcome back in your “true” guise.
I made my rent this month. :)
Thanks Jan Feels good to have my Camaro back!
I’ve had a really relaxing afternoon. I have been craving this kind of chill out for weeks and to round the day off nicely I am watching back to back Gilmore Girls.
I saw some of my friends who I hadn’t seen in a while and caught up with them, which was really nice. I also had some bonding time with my sister while watching this one show about a Doctor who rides around in a time machine that looks like a police box…what’s that called again? ;^)
@etignotasanimum LOL,, I think you mean Doctor Who ( though I think you knew that…)
I talked to my uncle on the phone after years…. felt good. : )
My son chose to go to sleep in his own bed… it probably won’t happen again for a while but kids are like that aren’t they…they do things slowly and get there eventually in their time not ours.
I just ate some pizza, and earlier today got a great deal on a bunch of food at the market. Those are pretty good things, yes?
We had a fun birthday celebration with my son. I told him he has to start lying about his age as I feel too old if I say he’s 30! Where did all those years fly to?
I woke up with sinuses full of crap and a headache so bad my teeth hurt. But Mr. Fiance went to get me apple juice and some cold medicine, and a cinnamon bun from the store across the street (my favourite). I fell asleep on the bed with a kitty, watching Finding Nemo.
I still feel crappy and I don’t know how I’ll write the presentation I was supposed to finish today (although I don’t have to give it until Tuesday, so there’s always tomorrow), but it’s nice when someone is super kind :)
I destroyed my crappy Windows Vista Home Premium factory install and replaced it with a fresh copy of Windows 7 Professional. Aaaaahhhh… :-))
…a minute before midnight in Cornwall, somehow I’ve got 6 GA’s for saying I had two, then another for thanking @chyna for one, then 2 for saying I had 4… Grand total 9, yes Nine GAs on this thread – how great could a day be? All that Lurve, for little me on a grey, chilly old Sunday in Camborne. Thanks Fluther, that’s Lurverly :o) XXX
It’s rainy and icky here, the perfect kind of day for sleeping. Which I did. All. Damn. Day. :)
I just got back from grocery shopping, and I saved myself $20. I am so happy.
Something great that happened today: a lot of bad things did not happen.
I had a wonderful little catnap today. No one woke me to ask a question. No one spoke loud enough, just outside my door to accidentally wake me.
I just wanted 20 minutes of peace and I got it…and it was sublime.
This weekend I decided to bypass the pile of homework due this week (not to mention the article I need to write for my upcoming conference) in favour of kidnapping my love to Universal Studios. There is a deal going on for residents of California (buy a single day pass, get an annual pass for free.) We were able to see most of the rides and attractions we wanted, sans Jurassic Park which was closed for maintenance.
Not looking forward to school and work tomorrow especially since I am coming down with a cold. There has been a lot on my mind lately since I received confirmation on Thursday that I have been accepted into the final graduate school that I applied to. I never expected all four universities to accept me… now it’s a matter of choosing which path will work best. I am leaning toward staying at my current university for a number of reasons, but not enough to commit to the decision.
All in all, life is good :)
I got this email from a gentleman in my grad program, addressed to all the women in our program and our female profs:
Happy International Women’s Day!
All the very best to you all, and to those whose addresses I don’t have. Looking forward
to a day when no longer this annual celebration will be needed.
He’s Italian, so excuse the syntax. He’s a 60something guy who’s starting on his PhD this fall. It made me smile to see this in my inbox.
@Seelix aaww, that’s a heartwarming thing to do…
A little boy about 4 or 5 came up to me today, gave me a hug and told me I was pretty. That really made my day, and made me feel good.
Hubby and I lounged around our amazing suite in the adirondaks today… and really enjoyed the in-room jacuzzi. Since we didn’t get pregnant last month, we’re going for it again. Keep your fingers crossed for little @fireside and @cupcake babies.
Tomorrow is our big playing, shopping and exploring day. :)
@Cupcake: Enjoy your day!
Today I finished a huge project I’ve been working on for some time now. I’m very personally invested in this, not financially, personally. I was starting to think I would never finish. It’s been a great day. I’ve been goofing off all day, just to celebrate!
I cleaned a room that is my sewing room but became an ‘if you don’t know where to put it, toss it in there’ room. I can use my sewing machine now and I have a table I can use for planting my seeds.
I’m just in a good mood, and at peace with the world.
@janbb I’m feeling good today, too!!!
short arms meet flippers across the miles….
@janbb and @Jude Me too! I heard a song on my way to work this morning that reminded me of driving through Death Valley last September and all the amazing memories came flooding back. I love it when I feel at ease with the world even if it is only for a few minutes.
We started a new beginner series of yoga classes at the studio last night. It’s a much smaller group than last time, which means less money for the business, but we can give much more attention to the individual students. I love teaching.
You too, as always, @janbb. Doing more stalking than writing these days, but I’m always here…
My son got his first pair of glasses today. He said it was cool to be more like his mommy! He scored some major brownie points on that one.
We had a great day exploring Lake Placid… watching the sun rise over the mountains, napping, driving, shopping, eating… It was so great I am not even disappointed to be going home tomorrow.
@janbb: He’s ok. We’re still going through some tests. It’s been narrowed it down. Little man has to experience something before me. He has a colonoscopy coming up…in fact, it’s on Friday.
@cak Wishing you good solutions!
@janbb Thank you. I’ll let you know when we know.
@cak : For someone his age a colonoscopy can be made to sound very cool. Hell, I thought mine sounded cool! It wasn’t, really, but it sounded cool.
I lurve these last three Mamas.
@JilltheTooth: Because of his age, he stays in the hospital the night before the colonoscopy. It’s where he had to stay in January, so he’s looking forward to the room. He knows he has in-room access to video games and they have the “courtesy cart” that comes around. He gets to pick three free things. We’re playing up those things. You are correct, though. we are trying to make it sound a little bit more “cool” than it is. :)
@Jude – This mama lurves you, too!
@cak : Ask them if they’ll let him see the scope and/or the tape of his guts. He might like that. I mean, how cool is it that can put a camera there!
@JilltheTooth You know, you have a good way of putting things. I might need to consult you on a few other things!
My fiancee woke up mumbling about how good his life is. This is a big deal compared to when we first met a few years ago.
@cak Stick with @JilltheTooth, she will always find a way to make you look at the good in a situation and will 99% of the time make you smile.
That’s my mom! Isn’t she the coolest?
I am pretty damn sick at the moment. I just posted a grumpy facebook status about how I hate that the nurses aren’t allowed to do anything useful because a bunch of people complained about having nurses available 24/7 as opposed to doctors. In response, a bunch of people, including my manager, came on and expressed how much it sucks that I’m sick. I know some pretty cool people. :)
Today, I was walking around campus with my friend. She was talking loudly about some time when she went to a Portuguese funeral (where no English was spoken) and laughed at one point during the eulogy because she heard a word that sounded like ass. Some random guy who neither of us knew turned around and said, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overheard your entire conversation… You’re awesome!” And he wasn’t being sarcastic or anything, haha. He then asked if we could all be friends.
Even though the guy wasn’t saying that I was awesome, it was still pretty great.
I sent my fourth psychology assignment off this morning after a fairly traumatic week and I’m really proud of myself for still managing to focus through all the drama! I can now relax a little!
I finished this. It is a wrist cuff. A jelly wrist cuff! Lurve you jellies.
Oh cool stuff @Mariah . Tentacles to you!
I just had two midterms in one day and am feeling so tired! But, I’m happy that they’re out of the way and now I can spend my afternoon here. :)
We have a new addition to our canine family. A little Field Spaniel called Sunny who is very similar in looks and personality to one of our previous Field Spaniels, Deedee, who died a couple of years ago. Sunny’s previous owner died and the poor little thing as had about four different homes in a few weeks but I am pleased to say that she will not be passed on to anyone else now. She’s here to stay. Sunny by name and sunny by nature!
Also I am spending the day with my grandmother who is making me pancakes for lunch :)
My dad’s cancer tumors are smaller! He was accepted into an experimental program for a new drug. They had previously given up on treatment when the cancer came back, but this new drug was developed. After a few treatments, the tumors shrank. I’m sitting with him for his chemotherapy treatment right now with a happy heart. :-)
Had the greatest time last night/this morning with a wayward traveler I met yesterday.
‘Picked up’ the most adorable young man ( he’s 21 ) at my river store yesterday and invited him for dinner and a stay overnight while he is traveling from Minnesota.
He came in late in the day for a ski rack for his car for a skiing date with friends in Tahoe this weekend.
We got to talking and I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to hostess this cool young guy for a night. We had so much fun, I made him veggie chile and we talked for hours.
He just graduated with a B.A. in Chemistry and wants to find some land for farming and off the grid sustainable living.
We babbled on into the wee hours of the morning talking about everything under the sun. Just sent him on his way for todays travel to Mt. Shasta before returning to Tahoe this weekend.
Love those hippie kids!
Three words: Girl scout cookies.
@MissAusten : Is it that time again? Goody! I love those!
Oh yes – the Thin Mints have sneaked their insidious selves into my house (and tummy.)
I got a long, full, deep, blissful night of sleep and since I don’t work today, I was able to wake up on my own, instead of with the hateful alarm. I have today and tomorrow off from the main job and I am very excited about it.
I have been stressed out, working a job and a half—one of which occasionally makes me want to cry out of frustration and stress—and then came down with a cold, which wasn’t too bad, other than the splitting headaches and inability to sleep at night. So, I was really worn down there for a few days. I am so grateful to be catching up on sleep and starting to feel better, physically.
The Flatcoated Retriever (who is a relation of some of our dogs) won “best in group” at Crufts today :)
@ru2bz46 wonderful! Continued success with his treatments, I’ve been in shoes before. I wish him all the best wishes in the world.
@MissAnthrope That is a wonderful feeling.
Taught a great poetry class this morning and went to see a wonderful documentary on radical folksinger Phil Ochs (one of my young heros) tonight.
While my fiancee and I were having a exciting jeep tour through the hills of Sedona, I received a most welcome text from my friend saying his father’s cancer treatments are looking to the positive. Hurrah :D
I love Sedona! Oooh my heart be still!
Good news for your friend!
A blissful Friday night, zippy, hyperdrive week and now….aaah, a bit of wine and some herbal essence, a fine lite recipe to zen out under the starry skies. ;-)
I’m going to Crufts today :)
Just seemlessly executed a flawless interception on a giant mini-van full of Jehovahs witnesses that came down the drive! lol
No offense to any affiliations
Still feeling rather smug ( ego be damned ) at how deftly I dispatched them, I’d say the whole encounter lasted 8.5 seconds.
Beating my own record for dismissing tresspassers. haha
I live in serious witness protection territory. :-)
@Coloma Gee, I wish I could do that. Do you use a heavy calibre machine gun?
It was actually spring-like here, today! I feel better than I’ve felt in weeks.
We are officially on our way back east! We’re planning to make it to Indiana today. :)
I saw my first crocuses on my walk yesterday and my first snowdrops today!
Drove to San Francisco yesterday for a yoga workshop with my fiancée, but the traffic started up and doubled the time to get there. We took an exit and found a beach to cuddle up and nap together, instead. Bliss.
Today I saw the sun for the first time in a week.
It’s not great in a happy sort of way I guess but an aunt of mine died this morning. How she died is what I think is so great because she died while in her own bed at home, next to her adult daughter. My aunt was coherent and they got to spend awhile talking to each other and holding each other until my aunt gave a sigh and was gone.
To me, after knowing so many who die long drawn out painful deaths, most them alone and in a hospital, this was a kindness and I think my cousin is so lucky to have been with the woman she loved most in the world up until the very end.
@Neizvestnaya That’s beautiful. Exactly how I’d like to go. I’m sorry for your loss, though.
Thanks @augustlan, I’d like to go that way too, looking into the eyes of love.
Containment in Japanese nuclear reactors holding.
We got the confirmation letter for our apartment rental! We have found a place. 1 Bedroom plus a den, which will serve as a second bedroom, since my office is going to be in the breakfast nook (because there is a dining room too). It’s in Silver Spring, MD.
@marinelife : When’s the housewarming? I’m on my way! I’ll bring the pancakes…
Sometime in May after we move in. You’d be welcome!
@marinelife I love that area! Congratulations! I could be there in about 8 hours to help you unpack! :)
Would that den have room for a guest by any chance?
Or for a penguin, a giraffe and a puppy?
Yes, we’re good on all but the puppy. My greyhound would be likely to eat it.
Penguin Protection Services to the Rescue!
I’m Pengy Poo-right of the Mounties!
I woman I was friends with in high school, whom I haven’t seen in 40 years, made me a hat! We’ve been in contact on FB, and were joking about how she needed to make me a hat (she had pix posted of the one she made for her son) and…she made me a hat! How incredibly sweet is that? I got it today in the mail, it’s very cute, and I am just tickled! I definitely need to make this girl some pants…
So that’s where you put my nooks and crannies?
Yay! A great spring ritual has been completed once again.
I have successfully cut back all of my giant exotic grasses and am now standing in a pile of clippings the size of a car and 3 feet tall. Thank god for happy brownies and machetes.
Next stop, after I rest a bit more is the big blow job….vroom, vroom…..
Whistle while you work. lol
I’m imagining @Coloma standing amidst a pile of grass, wielding a machete in one hand and a happy brownie in the other, whilst getting ready for a blow job.
That is the great thing that happened to me today.
Yes, my gardener buddy isn’t around today so, sadly, I have to blow myself. lol
Have any of you heard of this site called Regretsy? It features hilarious and generally screwed up items on Etsy and the woman who runs the site tales submissions. She posted one of mine! And she gave me credit for it! :D
I had an AMAZING counselling session this morning and finally feel like I’m getting even further than I could have ever dreamed…such slow going but then the sun comes out from behind the clouds!!!
@nebule : Whenever I have one of those “AHA” moments in counselling it feels exactly that like that! Good on ya!
Thank you @JilltheTooth It’s amazing isn’t it!! Floaty nebule today xxx
In an hour or two, I will take the bus to campus so that I can turn in my 82-page portfolio for the last course I will have the pleasure of taking with my favourite professor as an undergraduate student. I will also be turning in a request for travel expenses for my trip to Pittsburgh next week and give my professor a copy of The Muppet Movie essay I presented this weekend in Vegas. I am exhausted, but I feel as though I accomplished a good deal this quarter. Now I am ready to see what spring has in store :)
I had an interesting class debate in my English class about three paragraphs at the end of this novel we read, and my new friend was on the opposing team. At the end of the debate he said that my arguments actually swayed his opinion to my team. It made me feel like I might be better at persuasion/public speaking than I thought. Oh, and I saw a guy reading Ender’s Game on the bus and wanted to give him a high five for coolness. But the thing that was the funniest point of my day was when I saw a sign for a new coffee house called He Brews, which serves kosher coffees and other items. The cleverness made me smile, and still does.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to my wonderful Mom. She would have been 69 years old, today, on St. Patrick’s Day.
I love you so much, Mom.
@Jude: That is so nice. Lurve to you, my dear!
@Jude I’ve been missing my dad today, I know how you feel. My dad died at 69yrs old. He was just a great guy. Lots of fun, too.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I love having an excuse to drown corned beef in beer, cook the hell out of it, and eat it sans stinky cabbage! :)
I’ve been very, very busy lately with family and kids’ school activities so haven’t fluthered much. But, it’s been a happy kind of busy!
My husband’s birthday was the other day, so we had a big family dinner. I cooked a traditional Thanksgiving feast since that’s his favorite meal, but had “make your own sundaes” for dessert. When my husband came home from work, he was shocked to see the dining room table decked out with decorations and favors from the Twilight movies. Inside joke! Each guest got a picture of one of the actors as well as some body stickers. The birthday boy got to drink out of a special Twilight cup, and I made everyone wear body stickers throughout the meal. It was so funny to hear people crack up as they walked through the door and saw the table. My husband is a good sport and laughed along with the rest of it.
Also, it’s great because once again he is only 1 year younger than me. I don’t like those few months of each year when he’s two years younger!
Finally, I made an appointment to donate blood for the first time in years. We don’t have a lot of extra money to donate, but giving blood is free and doesn’t take much time. Plus, they give you juice and cookies after.
Today is my younger son’s 28th birthday! And he is one of the nicest people in the world and just an absolute gift!
I hit 24 hours of being engaged today! :D
Doing the engaged dance for @klutzaroo!
@janbb Happy Birthday to your 28yr old Penguin!
My son finished his first Pinewood Derby car. He’s so excited. It’s a blue dragster. :) Pinewood Derby this weekend, he weighed in his car, tonight. The excitement builds!
@MissAusten: Thanks for giving blood. I am one of those people that have been very thankful for people that donate. I wouldn’t have made it through a surgery without more blood.
@cak : You can have some of mine if you ever need more…I’m O Negative, I have slut blood, anybody can have it!
Do you have the RH factor too?
I am O neg. with the RH factor, alien reptile blood some believe. lol
@Coloma ; The RH factor is the Neg. It actually means we have the cleanest blood. As, Bs, ABs and all the positives are add ons in the blood, that’s why we can donate to anyone, they will not set up any rejection mechanisms. Makes us very popular in some circles! They give me the best cookies when I donate!
Today my dog didn’t get to the post before I did which means she didn’t eat it!!!!
Yes, universal blood that cannot be cloned, special we are! lol
Well. I got a call for a job interview next Wednesday. I won a prize for signing up for the New York Cares Team Leader Conference. I was able to actually go outside and enjoy the day. A friend of mine gave me a free movie coupon. And I found two bucks on the pavement outside!
@JilltheTooth Wow. Add another on to the, “holy cow…that’s another thing we have in common file!” Slut Blood, that’s funny!
@aprilsimnel: Congratulations and I’m glad you got to go outside and enjoy the day. It’s a wonderful way to recharge. :)
I made it through Day 1 of my husband’s out-of-town business trip without too much strain on the knee!
@faye: That just means that no matter what, you can get blood. :-P I’ve got slut blood too.
@aprilsimnel What a fantastic day you had! You deserved one, too.
Also, I’m a universal recipient (AB +), so I think that makes me a blood slut… after all anyone can ‘give it to me’. ;)
You guys don’t have slut blood, you’re slut recipients. :-P
I have slut blood but can’t donate. I’m anemic every time I try to give. :-(
I think I’m sick, and that’s not so great. However, I did sleep all day yesterday (I woke up after 8PM!). I was awake for about 3 hours and then went back to sleep, all night. I woke up at about 5:30 AM. This is the most sleep I’ve had in forever. I feel a little better today.
Oh, @augustlan , it’s the first day of Spring…Please feel better!
Had a nice cozy gossip session with marinelife this morning while still in my PJs.
@janbb I was in my nightie too!
Spent the day with my daughter trying to make skinny food! We are both determined to lose weight. I have grown an extra person on the front of me just like a big pregnant belly!
Not today, tehcnically, but I spent the night at my best friend’s house last night – I hadn’t seen her since her Christmas break! I didn’t completely realize how much I was missing her until I got to see her again. It was so good to catch up and have some really meaningful conversation. Talking to her made me feel a lot better about everything, somehow. I didn’t realize how many worries and self-doubting thoughts were festering inside me until I let them out and felt the effects of the release. Wow. Made me realize I probably should have been seeing a counselor this whole time. :\ She is doing great. She has changed in a lot of ways, but it didn’t make me sad. It is growth more than it is change, I suppose, and I love who she’s becoming just as much as who she has been.
I woke up in the morning with a big ol’ leak, which wasn’t great, but I didn’t freak out, which I know I would have done just a few weeks ago. I just told her I needed to use her bathroom for a while, and asked her to bring me a few things, and dealt with it. I felt oddly proud of myself for that.
I’ve been doing a lot of sitting and wishing happiness would just come to me – I know better than that, it doesn’t work that way. I feel much more motivated on that front after last night. I’m going to start journaling, and especially making sure I write down things I am proud about because I realize I have been extremely hard on myself and focusing on my failures lately. I guess I’ll start with my handling of that leak.
My boyfriend called me early this morning which woke me up instead of being woken by the alarm clock. Despite the fact that he woke me up before I was due to wake, hearing his voice was the perfect start to my day!
It’s my birfday and I got to wear my new hat! (Sorry to the rest of you who were afflicted by my hat-wearing excuse…) And I just ate a yummy cannolli.
I got a tattoo a two days ago and it’s healing well. And I get to stay home during spring break and rewatch the last season of Dr. Who while drinking tea and cozying up under a warm blanket. I love days where I can relax.
@etignotasanimum : KatawaGrey and I are serious Whovians as well, and we are also tatted. Great minds think alike!
@JilltheTooth That’s so cool! I think it would be fun if some of us jellies could get together for a Who-fest one of these days, it would be awesome! :)
I once named a dog “Gallifrey”. That’s how geeky I am.
Have my heat back on after a breakdown yesterday and repair this afternoon.
I am warm again!
Everyone appreciate your heat tonight! ;-)
@Coloma Even if it snores and hogs the covers?
Haha, no, you can keep ‘it’ man or beast. lol
@Mariah Leaks happen and you sound like you handled it beautifully.
News of friends coming through my state :)
I may or may not be going to a Star Trek convention in New Jersey in June. I have a lot of people telling me “maybe” but I got my cousin on the line a few minutes ago and he’s super psyched. He wants to see if his girlfriend would want to come and if she didn’t, if she would be cool with him going. I’m really hoping that a few of those “maybes” turn into “Hell yes!” We’ll see what happens. :)
@chyna: Haha, nah, but I’m sure he knows. After all, his second in command is going to be there. ;)
I got to go to 2 and loved it. We rode in an elevator with Jonathon Frakes and had a quick few words with Marina Sirtis. I made my son a Ferengi costume but the costume bit was the next day:( Fortunately he could use it for hallowe’en.
@KatawaGrey Heeeeeeee, sounds like a good time! Hope you end up snagging someone to go with! And a belated YAY for @supermouse!
As promised I’m “journaling” which is to say that I’m writing my thoughts down every day in a word document. Paper journals always seem to peter out for me. So far I’ve not missed a day (but it’s only been three days). It’s nice, although I do find that I don’t have terribly profound thoughts to write about each and every day. Oh well! I’m so not the kind of person who can just journal free form, so what I do (and I like this system – try it!) is I first write a paragraph on whatever somewhat meaningful topics have gone through my head during the day. Then I have four bulleted categories that I do every day: “Today I was proud of…”, “Tomorrow I should…”, “Today I dwelled on…”, “Conclusions on yesterday’s dwellings.” Works well for me, I think! I’m enjoying it and it’s getting my head into a slightly better, at the very least more self-aware, place.
Also I saw a dermatologist today and came away with three prescription creams for the various messed up places all over my body. Whee!
Woo Hoo!
Just wind and rain here.
@KatawaGrey Oooh, I’d love it but I’m too far away. I’m going to look it up, though, and live vicariously! Pm me all about it, Please!
Today was the first day that felt like Spring. I went out for a spin on my bicycle and fresh green buds were beginning to open up all around. There was a nice sunset too.
The sun was out and I sat with mum in her garden basking in the sunshine…I’d planned to do some studying whilst she looked after my boy but decided that we don’t get many days like this in spring so thought better of it and had the best day for a long time. The sun is an amazing thing…I feel kissed!
I am so jealous of you people having spring. We have 3 feet of snow and it snowed again this morning!
I finally got a plumber to fix my shower- it’s wonderful!
Mr. bought and installed a dog door with magnetic flap so our doggies can go out and in as they please without so much cool air getting wasted.
Well, I’ve been having a rough couple days, but I have some great friends who have been helping me through it with the aid of delicious ice cream smoothies and Disney music. Couldn’t ask for more. :)
A good friend whom I thought was gone and I have reconnected in the past few days.
Not great, but, bittersweet.
Found out a writing mentor & friend died yesterday after having a massive heart attack during dinner with his wife.
He just turned 50 last Oct. and was a brilliant graphic artist, writer/poet, videographer.
My closing words to him, in what was to be the last email between us, were ’ Aaaah, the old ticker just keeps, thump, thump, thumping away, which evokes no small measure of gratitude.’
What were the odds of those words coming into manifestation the day before he died of a heart attack?
Oooh the bittersweet irony. R.I.P. Kirk, I know you’re laughing at this right now! :-/
A man is coming today to fix my laminate floor that seperated the year after it was put in—yeah, it looks so ugly now. Of course, the man who put it in has a ‘not in service’ telephone.
Also, I ordered a bunch of bulbs and perennials- I demand spring to spring!
The I.R.S. and I have an understanding so I can get married without baggage, yay!
I thought I wasn’t. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!
Now, when I walk at graduation, I’ll be tired, cranky, over-heated, bored, angry and impatient, but I will not be humiliated!
Just to explain: If you are within a certain number of credits, you can walk with your class at graduation, but you will not receive your diploma until you have completed your course load.
I won the battle with the kitteh alarm clock! :D
A young man stopped me on the street a short while ago to tell me I have amazing bone structure and a lovely face and a nice neck.
OK! Thanks!
I have just started a new job as a party organiser for Ann Summers Enter at own risk!! and I got all of my kit today so I can get started!
I finally got off my duff and went to get my passport picture taken. Do they dial the camera to ugly as can be?
Had a great day with my daughter shopping for her new apartment!
No more room mates, and… it’s the BIG MOMENT…she and her boyfriends very 1st, all their own, place. :-D
OMG…I have spent so much money!
I went nuts and bought her a cool red area rug, kitchen stuff, vacuum,dishes, pots & pans, a wok, on & on. haha
She is the best girl in the world, NEVER asks me for anything, soooo, mama likes to spoil her a bit now and then. :-)
I am having such a wonderful time with her as an adult!
Life is grand today.
1. A dermatologist fixed me!
2. I’ve been doing patch testing on my legs to try and determine exactly which ostomy supplies I am allergic to. I got an EXTREME reaction to my adhesive remover, which is fortunately an expendable product. Now my legs are wicked itchy, but it’s okay! I’m one step closer to solving the mystery!
3. I finished a necklace today.
4. I went out to dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen since Thanksgiving!
5. I realized that at this time last year, I was trolling my college’s class of 2014 facebook message boards looking to make connections. Well, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t do that on the class of 2015 board this year. So I’ve been talking to some soon-to-be freshmen at my school, and it’s making going back feel real!
6. I got some new sensors for my robot kit as an early birthday present, and I’ve got a cool robot idea up my sleeve.
It’s @cak‘s birthday today! Happy Happy Birthday to @cak !
Yay @cak!!!! And I bet she shares her cake too. ;)
Have a fabulous day, @cak!
Well, I finally activated the Nook that I got for Christmas. And discovered how easy it is to push the “buy” button on its cute little screen. Damn, I’m in trouble, now!!!
Happy three times over @cak!
I am going on vacation to Asheville tomorrow for a week. Will visit friends and relax at a resort while husband is attending a seminar.
Plus my son wrote something hilarious on my FB wall.
Saw that. Yes, it was fabulous!
Well, my entire daughter is blue! Just sayin’...
Yay for blue kids; well not blue but blue.
Yay, my floor is fixed, the dyer is fixed, the shower is fixed, all for cheaper than I thought! Now the washer is broken:(
My family had the most amazing family meeting this weekend. The best part – my 14 year old son requested and led it.
We talked about how we misinterpret and apply intentions to others and how to counteract that. It was incredible.
That is great! If only more people/families would work on their communication.
From she who is dealing with a passive aggressive person right now who refuses to communicate when issues arise.
I agree with @Coloma as someone who’s dealing with someone who makes snide and rude comments and then attributes them to “parenting” when its nothing of the sort (and unnecessary as I’m twenty-fucking-six, its just rude personal comments and attributions that are purely insulting. Perhaps this someone would benefit from learning to communicate on an adult level.
A coworker of over three years asked me if I was old enough to remember floppy disks. Seriously? I remember the first “affordable” 10MB hard drives when I was in high school! I love looking younger than my age.
I decided today to sign up to take calculus 4 online over the summer, starting May 31. I can’t wait to have something intellectually stimulating to do, it has been waaaaaaaayyyy too long. My third surgery will happen sometime during the class, but my school is on an A/B/C/No Record grading system so the worst thing that can possibly happen is I lose the money I pay into the class. And I need something like this to ease me back into “school mode” before the fall.
Also, I got some really nice comments on a youtube video of me playing my oboe, so that stoked my ego. :D
I’m giving the last two seminar presentations of my MA today :)
I am having a lovely week in North Carolina and I expect to meet CAK tomorrow!
@janbb – YAY!! That’s awesome!
I found a seamstress to make me my dream wedding gown from scratch at a price I can actually afford. She sent me the design layout over email last night and I’m astounded :D
Yay, @Neizvestnaya! I made my daughter-in-law’s dress, she had no pattern really. Devil dress. Wear the bra for the wedding for the dress fitting for sure. I had to sew her breasts in in Greece, first time she tried the bra on.
@faye: My first mother-in-law was an excellent seamstress who made my bridal gown and she was livid when I dropped weight after the final fitting because it was her handiwork she wanted to show off. I’m going to try really hard this time to “maintain”. :D
And then if you made it a little tight, you’d gain weight. I had to let out my wedding dress a little under each arm on my wedding eve. My boobs were no bigger so I have to think my back got fatter.
We’ve had 3 days of warmth- 7 above C and some of our 2 feet of snow is melting. I can see dirt!
Not so great – @cak and I will not be meeting today; she has a sick child. Disappointed!
But I did take a great acquacise class at the hotel instead. Iwas scared to try somewhere new and the folks were friendly and the class energizing.
@janbb – That’s too bad :(
@cak – Hope your little one feels better!
As for me, I attended the last class of my Italian MA yesterday! So today will be all about laundry and doing a whole lot of niente!
Mr. Fiance just texted me to say he’s on his way home from work for the weekend.
This is the text I got:
OMW BeeeEreeereerereerererere
:) :) :)
Yayyayayyayayayayyayyaya boba fuckin fett yay!
I think he’s happy to be coming home.
Three of my poems were published in the literature magazine at my university.
Over the next couple of days, I am going to write the short story that has been tumbling around in the back of my head and submit it to my Honors Society’s journal.
This afternoon, I am going to pay my graduation fee. I am one step closer to obtaining that degree :)
My significant other is dabbling with the idea of moving in together. There is much to be discussed first, but the idea makes me giddy.
Congrats on your publication!
Well…I suppose it is a GREAT thing that I am not a squeamish woman as I am under spring siege over this way.
In the last 24 hours I have had the cats bring in at LEAST 5 lizards, ( one HUGE Alligator lizard is under my couch somewhere right now ), a dead bird explosion of feathers on my persian rug, AND, the BEST…stepping on a dead bat on same rug in my living room last night!
Spring has sprung in all it’s allergenic and out of control wildlife on my little mountain. :-/
I just came back from a walk to the library, in this gorgeous 20C (68F) weather. Just as I crossed the street to get to my building on the way home, it started to rain :)
Edit: It’s actually 73F according to my balcony thermometer :)
Aaaaand another edit because I forgot: Mr. Fiance works in telemarketing selling insurance. He hates it. He works until 11pm 5 days a week :(
The job market in Toronto for people without degrees is pretty crappy these days. This morning he got a call from an employer and has an interview on Thursday! Cross your fingers with me that it’ll be something that makes him less miserable!
Fiancée texted to say he’s taking me out of town tomorrow. We usually get one day a month off together so I really look forward to this.
I booked 2 camping weekends for the summer (one with only me, hubby and dog)!! :)
More and more snow is melting, tulips are up, and I planted corn and cantaloupes in my little grow-op today. It must mean it really will be summer! Though it is supposed to snow Thursday and Friday. Congratulations, @muppetish!
I woke up with my fella today which doesn’t happen very often due to the whole long-distance relationship thing we have going on!
My son’s surgery went well and he is in recovery now.
@janbb What a relief for both of you to have that behind him! Glad to hear he did well!
Going with his wife to see him today. Granddad will stay with Jake.
The sky last night was striped in pink, orange and purple. :)
In addition, we talked about fecal transplants in my infectious epidemiology class today!
What is a ‘fecal transplant’? Sounds creepy…transplanting who’s feces where, and why?
Potential treatment for severe C. diff infection in which the fecal matter of a “healthy” individual is transferred into the “sick” patient’s GI system through a tube to promote colonization of healthy gut bacteria. See here.
How did that conversation go? “Hey mom… ummm… can I have some of your poop??”
I hereby resolve that when I die I will leave my poop to science for the betterment of humanity. You’re welcome. ;-)
Aaah, gotcha! The probiotic effect, I see.
A longtime friend I’ve not seen for a decade called to say she’s coming to my state and she might be getting married :D
Mr. Fiance had his job interview this morning, and is starting his new job on Tuesday, on salary rather than hourly wage, making about 30% more than he is now :)
Our Centurion AK-47 doesn’t disappoint.
I owed much less than I thought I would at my tax appt. today. :-D
I LOVE my tax man…he’s the taxman, yeah….:-)
@Seelix Congrats to Mr. Fiance!
It was a beautiful day here, finally. 70s and sunny! I could practically feel the ice melting from my heart. And brain. :)
@augustlan Great!
Three day weekend with my guy coming up. I am so looking forward to it even though we will spend it packing.
Not telling but it was something great…..
Not telling and you can’t make me!
Tell! You have to tell now. You brought it up, you have to tell. Them’s the rules.
Agreed, @janbb. You can’t say “I’m not telling”! That’s baiting, and I’ll flag you for it :P
@janbb Yes, tell or at least hint!
Changing the topic completely, I am having a wonderful time with my weekend houseguest – Mr. Jake!
Say no more! Say no more!
OH! I’m ever so sorry! goes absolutely scarlet
Spring cleaning, almost done!
Woo Hoo, I’m going to really enjoy my house tonight!
Just 2 rooms to go!
I finally got new shaped eyebrows after more than 6 months of growing them out under orders not to pluck or wax. Ahhhh, I feel clean.
Put the deposit on the yoga retreat center where we are getting married in July.
Also, the short sale on one of my houses closed yesterday. Finally free of half my burden.
@ru2bz46 Good to see you and good stuff!
I spent the weekend in Kent with my 99 (100 in September) year old great-grandmother. Despite the fact that I wasn’t looking forward to it, I enjoyed the trip and was sad to leave her (I don’t think she gets many visitors these days). The weather was beautiful so I took her to the beach this morning. I am now home after a long drive back (she lives on the east coast of England and I live on the west!) and actually looking forward to the week ahead.
@Leanne1986 These memories you are making with her now will last you a life time and she will cherish the time you are taking with her. You are a good great-grandaughter.
My son is recovering well from his surgery this week after a rough first night home from the hospital. Jake was here for the weekend and we had a great time with him.
@chyna Thank you, that’s a really lovely thing to say.
My 14 year-old is preparing to go out of the country for > 1 week on a trip with ~15 other kids from the foreign language club. I watched him meticulously pack and cross items off of his list. I will miss him tremendously (and I will also enjoy the time alone with hubby).
He is out with hubby now practicing using his travel debit card in an ATM!!
My hair is short and red and awesome!
Younger son got a plum job that he wanted! Yay!
I came home from work to find that my boyfriend had just had a shower and was wandering round my flat in just a towel. There’s nothing like a gorgeous, naked, nice smelling man to cheerme up after a boring day at work.
Fiancee booked our honeymoon voyage this morning. We’re really going on a honeymoon after all!
I found out that the financial aid from my college will actually come through and are giving me a better package than they did last year. In fact, if I agree to the work-study program, I’ll only have to cough up a couple hundred dollars. This means that my near-panic about the possibility of having to transfer to a cheaper university was unnecessary the entire time. I feel like I can finally start breathing again….
I finished the LBGTQ Resources Page I was working on for the library and the Ally program all semester. Now we have to get it up on our website.
I saw pictures from my son’s trip to Costa Rica on facebook! He’s beaming happy in every one!! :)
I picked up my girlies last night for a long Easter weekend. We’ll enjoy a great dinner on Sunday with kids, grandkids, and friends.
I’m feeling really great after a month of no contact with a ‘toxic’ friend.
Jeez, just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water. lol
The good news is, boy, have I learned my lessons, even though it still always rather shocking when someone you thought you knew turns out to nuts! haha
Signed our lease today and saw the actual apartment (not the model).
I’m (still) learning to speak my mind and express my feelings and honour them…it’s still a challenge but every time I do I feel a little better and today I managed to tell someone important to me how I felt…I’m waiting to see whether it will pay off but I took the important step of honouring myself first so we shall see… but that made me feel good….
And…I’m cooking myself a lovely Easter meal later which makes me feel happy xx
Good to be back and see you guys…will have to catch up with all that has gone on whilst I’ve been away…
I spent this afternoon at my best friend’s house for a BBQ. I don’t see her very often and I always enjoy spending time with her. She has got a very cute new addition to her family, a Poodle puppy to join her pack of two Yorkshire Terriers and a grumpy Siamese cat.
My mother and I went with my fiancee and his children to his parents’ home for breakfast and an egg hunt. We had delicious mimosas, good food and the weather was nice enough to take their canoe for a paddle on the lake.
Despite not feeling well, I had a wonderful Easter dinner/party with friends and family. My husband and my kids really pitched in and took care of everything, and a great time was had by all.
I managed to go out for the day without totally freaking out before-hand or during.
My best friend from WV will be arriving this evening—FOR GOOD! He’s moving to SF, which I think will be really, really good for both of us. He certainly deserves to live in such an awesome city, which is seriously the most perfect, supportive, and exciting place for a guy like him. I know he will blossom and get everything he needs and I’m incredibly happy for him.
He’s good for me, too.. We’re very yin-and-yang; he pulls me out of my shell, makes me go out places, helps me with hair and wardrobe (because I’m pretty hopeless otherwise), and is generally a ton of fun.
And since I’m talking about good friends, I would like to also mention that I’m so happy and grateful to have met someone a few months ago, who pretty quickly has turned into my best female friend. It’s crazy how alike we are and it’s awesome to have someone who gets my jokes and finds them hilarious (and vice versa), not to mention the emotional support that comes from having someone who just gets you.
I was having a rough time here for a year or so.. no luck dating, no luck making friends, no luck finding a job.. it was pretty depressing. My job drives me nuts a lot, but whatever else happens, I was meant to meet my friend Sarah there. :)
@nebule – Yay! :)
I took the day off work just to spend it with my fiancée. It was a great day. :-)
The bad news is that I have to go to Colorado for a few days to visit a dying cousin before he passes.
The something great; old friends that I’ve barely been in touch with offered to put me up, lend me a car, and are doing the airport runs. This is so lovely of them, I’m overwhelmed and deeply touched by their kindness. When people step up like that out of the blue it restores any faith in human goodness that I might have lost.
@JilltheTooth – So sorry to hear about your cousin. Enjoy your time together, and with your friends as well.
@Seelix : Thanks so much. It will be bittersweet, that’s for sure.
As @JilltheTooth said, her cousin whom I consider an uncle of mine is about to die. When I called my boyfriend in hysterical tears Easter night that’s when I found out he came right over, no questions asked and brought me a chocolate bunny.
I have found in my life that grief throws the good things in my life into sharp relief.
@KatawaGrey – Grief has a way of doing that. Silver lining, and all that jazz. Love to the Tooth/Grey family.
Good news: My kiddo is coming home today (after 9 days in Costa Rica)!!
Bad news: Flight delay (of several hours)... :(
I switched schedules to have a day with my fiancée. He took me to our favorite mountain town where we rode an ATV around trails and roads we’d been curious about but not been able to get at.
I’ve never ridden/driven an ATV and have always wanted to so this was a big excitement for me.
@JilltheTooth and @KatawaGrey I’m sorry, girlies. Love you guys!
My something great actually happened a few days ago… a jelly sent me a whip in the mail! It has rhinestones on it. :p
@JilltheTooth and @KatawaGrey I’m sorry your heading out here to Colorado on such a sad note.
I had an interview three hours after me sending my resume, and I was asked to comeback tomorrow for round two.
Perennials are beginning to poke their wee noses up, snow is almost gone, though there may be more Friday, and I added a table in my grow-op room because seedlings are taking over!
Five days after moving into my new place, I finally have phone (other than my cell) and Internet service (other than the wireless signal I was piggybacking my laptop on)!!!!!
Enjoying the greenest, fluffy treed, long grass, blue skies and breezy spring day.
Nothing more beautiful than a bunch of sheep and horses and geese frolicking in the fields.
How green are my pastures, and how beady eyed I am from the allergies. lol
the scales tipped below the 11 stone mark…whoop whoop…now just need to keep it that way!
Great – losing weight is so hard but so gratifying!
So easy to gain, so hard to lose. I really wish science would come up with an ‘all you can eat ’ pill. haha
My future in-laws said they want to buy us a honeymoon adventure!
After horrendous storms last night, it turned out to be a beautiful day today! Spent the afternoon with my daughters, on their lovely screened porch. We laughed ourselves silly and enjoyed every moment.
It’s picnic weather!
Having friends over tomorrow for a picnic in my front yard that looks over the hills and forest.
We are having cold bbq chicken breasts, caesar salad, beet & sweet potato chips, red grapes and carrot cake. AND…my new allergy meds are working quite well. Happy day!
I actually cried at the royal wedding!
My new pet tortoise arrives today!
This morning I came across an envelope my fiancée’s been keeping for our wedding expenses. I’ve seen with my own eyes now how my SO is good at saving money when he has a goal. I’m a much better budgeter but at least he’s diligent about putting money aside.
This is an important thing to me in a relationship, a real welcome bonus. When we first met, he had an income several times larger than now but he was also easy spender and often didn’t know where his money had gone. In less than 2yrs though, he’s adjusted to having very little money to go around as well as focus rather than sulkiness.
Getting all of my lustrous mane chopped off today! Dun dun DUNNNN..
@MissAnthrope: Yes, yes, yes and a thousand more times, YES! Join me in my lack of feminin locks. Take the pledge to shorten your showers.
Well….we didn’t get hit with any tornadoes!
Sure, just be forewarned that I was having a hell of a time trying to take photos of myself and they all kind of suck (and you can’t see my hair). I’m not too sure why I’m making this face or if I blinked or what. Just.. you know.. focus on the hair. I have to wait until I can get someone to do a photo shoot with me. :P
Today I don’t have to do anything associated with the move. I get to spend the day with my husband. And it’s supposed to be a beautiful day!
I got called back for round 3 of the interview process. This is crazy. That was one of the best wakeup calls ever. So I’m assuming since I got called on a weekend, the company must like what I have to offer.
Nothing concrete, but I woke up with a smile in my head!
@KatawaGrey – Thanks! I love it and it’s gotten such a positive reaction from people already. My grocery checker did a double-take and was like, Wow, you look good.. Hee hee.
@shego What is the position for? Let us know!!
So, are all the mods going for “Auggie” look, now?
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I enjoyed the most blissful little semi-conscious cat nap today in my breezy bedroom on this fine afternoon. A perfect 70ish day and I dozed for about 45 minutes while the birds sang outside my window and the curtains fluttered in the breeze.
Now I am wandering around with the geese and checking out the seeds that have sprouted that I planted awhile back. Nastursums, Cosmos, Violas and Morning Glories! :-)
I got up at 8:30. It was raining and cold. I ignored my guilty feelings and went back to bed with a cool breeze blowing over me and the rain shussing gently. I slept for 3 more hours!!
I’ve had a lot of great days lately, but have been too busy to share here! To sum up: great vacation to South Carolina with my family. A week of warm weather, beach time, and too much fun for one post.
We came home to slightly greener scenery and gradually warming days. Today we enjoyed a cookout at a friend’s house with beautiful weather. Even though it was a bit scary when we realized the adults were outnumbered by the kids, but at least the kids were all off playing happily. More than one person commented on how our kids were good listeners, and the parents of younger children kept thanking my daughter for keeping their kids happy and busy.
And finally, in less than a week my husband has his first solo exhibit at an art gallery! He is super stressed but also very excited, and both of us are really looking forward to the opening. A lot of friends and family plan to attend, and I can’t wait to see all of his amazing work on display! Today I ordered a very nice guest book for people to sign when they visit the gallery and will give it to him as a gift just before the event. So all of you cross your fingers that he sells some paintings!
@MissAusten Oh, how exciting! Please post pics of the display!!
@MissAusten : I’m planning to be there! Can’t wait! (Weather permitting, I’ll be the short one in the funky pants, hopefully accompanied by the beautiful daughter.)
@JilltheTooth Yay!!!! Even more reasons to look forward to that night!
@Dutchess_III I’ll be sure to do that! I love to show off my husband’s talent! :)
Printing 50 copies of my manuscript of a prose like childrens book today.
Have had some positive reviews and soooo, hoping to submit some copies before weeks end. Wish me luck! :-)
Now, if I could only get the guts to finish some more ‘serious’ works. hahaha
The semester is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one more class and a thesis to go!
Everything is just going great; just going great!
@klutzaroo I am? Crap, I better go bake some!
Here’s a peek at a couple of paintings from my husband’s exhibit. This is a painting of a friend of his.
One of my favorites is his self portrait.
The sun just came out after a morning of clouds and rain, so the day is looking up!
Ooh – they are just lovely.
I’ve already got two people (well, I think so, anyway) coming with me on Sat, @MissAusten , can’t wait!
I made my own deadline! Whoopee!
Just made the post office with my 1st choice of submission, by 3 minutes! lol
Also sent one electronic submission.
Now I am about to have a ‘Paul Sheldon’ moment remember, in the Kathy Bates movie ‘Misery’? Cracking a bottle of Champagne. Okay, it’s not Dom Perignon, but it IS my locally fermented favorite!
Damn, I might have to dredge up a cigarette too! lol
Not only did I get to go sailing but I had a lovely nap beforehand.
We had a truly warm day here and I tidied up my yard a little. My forsythia is budding!
The Forstyhia is outta control over here, one of my fav. springy things!
@Dutchess_III the position is for a customer service position at a call center.
But the third interview that took place today, was actually day one of training.
I had a nice visit with my girls, and took in the county-wide literacy fair, where my youngest had a project on display. She and some friends made a ‘movie trailer’ for a book they’d all read. It was pretty cool!
@shego Yay! Congrats! @augustlan We just really need to start a mansion for folks who got a job! Take over Dano!
(What book @augustlan? And how did they make the trailer???)
@Dutchess_III The book was The Compound (which sounds pretty interesting). The kids were actors/directors/scriptwriters for the trailer, and used a video camera and some kind of editing software for effects and titles and such. At the end of the trailer, you hear a whispery voice saying, “This is how the world ends. This is how the world ends. This is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.” Kind of creepy! :)
Well, if I’d seen this on Wednesday…
I finally made my goal amount of profits from working for myself EXTREMELY part time to say a giant SCREW YOU to office jobs and dye my hair pink – something I’ve wanted to do again since I was about 15. :D
@asmonet Congrats, girlie! Does this mean you’re now supporting yourself as an artist?
@nebule / @augustlan: Yes!!! Between selling jewelry online / in person, selling paintings and my new job as a face & body painter I worked maybe seven full days total in about six weeks. And made almost two grand. Some of it went to supplies, and travel costs but I told myself if I could ever make a certain amount of money as profit that I would stop sending our resumes, stop worryin’ and go PINK! And I did it a lot sooner than I expected – I didn’t think I’d be able to until the fall at best. So, I’m thrilled!
Today, I took a training test, and I passed, so on Monday, I will get my own terminal. But to be honest, I didn’t think I was going to pass.
Well, good on yer, @shego ! I knew you’d pass!
I did something totally out of my comfort zone that scared the crap out of me and I’m so proud of myself! It was totally worth it, too.
I broke down and bought sets of shelves for my closet, fiancee’s and mom’s closets. Now each of us will have some order to our shoes. I also bought and mounted full length mirrors to the inside of each closet door so we each essentially have private dressing rooms now in our walk-ins. Ahhhhh… I love organization!
My daughter made cracker candy, which is absolutely delicious. I’ve been sneaking bits of it all night!
PS: If you use that recipe, increase the butter and brown sugar to 1 cup each.
@augustlan: That does sound delicious but I can hear my arteries clogging up just by reading your changes.~
It’s Mother’s Day in the US and I am going to shortly visit my momma and we are going to a craft fair and watch some Doctor Who. I have a couple little things for her which I will not tell you because she is probably on fluther right now! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s on fluther, including our very own Fluther Mother, @augustlan. I hope it’s a wonderful day!
I got to snuggle with my fiancee and the kitty at the same time this morning!
Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies! :-)
Having a combo Mothers Day/ B-Day party here this afternoon. Looking forward, but man…I am wiped out after spending the entire day yesterday getting my yard, deck and patio furniture in shape. Whew! But….everything is lookin’ GREAT!
I got home from the hospital last night feeling 100% better than before, so this morning I woke up in my own bed surrounded by my kitties and it was awesome. The weather is beautiful outside! Today I am going to pull out my beads and have my mom guide me in the making of a necklace to her liking for a mother’s day gift – fun for everyone!
Happy Mother’s Day!
We won’t talk about how I thought it wasn’t until the end of the month, so my mom’s card and gift are sitting here. Oops. Scramble to have flowers delivered to Italy—on time! Woo.
@Mariah So glad you’re home and feeling better!
@KatawaGrey If you think that’s bad, just listen to what she made me today (at my request):
Grilled cheese (Muenster on sourdough) and bacon sandwiches. So. Good. I also got some very thoughtful presents. Yay!
I had a lovely Moms Day with @KatawaGrey ! She brought me flowers and presents then we strolled along our town’s absurdly charming little green and enjoyed a craft fair. Bought many smelly soap things, had lunch a a funky little restaurant, then just hung out for awhile. I sure love my girl!
@augustlan : I’ll come visit you in the Cardiac Unit!
Fiancee’ and I took both our mothers out to dinner, fetted them with seafood, foo-foo cocktails, desserts and flowers. We both have good moms who spoil us both individually and as a couple.
@janbb : It really is kinda like that, sometimes. Just remember…we were here first! And Lorelei looks a little better in a LBD than I do. But just a little!
Yesterday I finished and turned in my last assignments of the year! You can all call me Master Seelix now :)
Congrats to the Master!
I went for breakfast with a friend today and on a lark we walked the new boardwalk in town that covers a bunch of the coast…it was a perfect day for this, and I feel wonderful and staed with the Spring-ness of it all.
I have nothing planned this evening so the intention is to relax. I also bought I book about mermaids today, I think it’s a “young adult” book but I couldn’t resist a mermaid story!
I just cleaned the bathroom. Hardcore, on my knees with nothing but elbow grease and Comet cleaned. And it smells and looks great. I can’t wait to have a shower!
My last final is tomorrow and I have started to clean out some of the school stuff from my bedroom. The thought of having a cleaning day tomorrow after the test makes me a little excited, for some strange reason.
Heh..humor of the day.
Dropped in my river store this morning and was chatting with my boss and a couple of the local artisans when a little girl about 7–8 said to me ” do you know you have a dog under your skirt?” ( Our shop dog Crackers the Border Collie was pushing her head under my skirt )
I replied with a laugh ” well…it wouldn’t be the first time!” haha
The little girl didn’t get it but all us adults were laughing. You had to be there! :-D
My sister wore a necklace that I made for her into work a few days ago, and some of the ladies she works with were dying over it! When she told them her sister had made it, they were all interested in getting me to make them necklaces. She asked me if I would and I jumped all over it – I told her to ask them their favorite colors and styles. I have four women commissioning necklaces from me now! I figure I’ll make about $100 off this and have tons of fun doing it!
@mariah Purple or blue are my favorite colors. Just sayin’.
My mother got approved at work to take a week of vacation which means fiancée and I will have our house all to ourselves! We will be able to skinny dip in our pool, leave our bedroom door open, make the a/c super cold, have fun noisy sex, walk around naked, play loud music, sleep in and not be woken by kitchen noise or the farking vacuum cleaner.
It was a gorgeous sunny day and I managed to clean up a new flower bed, plant it tomorrow. Yay!!
I was just sitting here on my computer, procrastinating as per usual and a lovely picture came onto my desktop. See, I collect fantasy style wallpapers and just set them rotating on my desktop so I can think wonderful things happening in those places. Well, this one desktop has pictures of floating islands and a few airships flying among these floating islands and I just got super excited because that school is almost done, I can write about that place. I can fill the islands with people and give the airships a destination. I can do that, and no one can tell me I can’t.
I’m going to write a book about airships and I’m going to love it!
I cleaned out a disgusting cupboard today. An potato in its plastic bag had slipped behind some shelves and merrily rotted away. -last place I looked for the smell because it should have been impossible, cleaned the fridge, washed and bleached the garbage can needed it first. Now my kitchen smells normal and it feels good to be good til who knows!!
LOL..that happened to me once, exact same thing. The ‘lost’ potato in a bag in the pantry.
I thought one of the cats pooped in the house, took me hours to make the rotten discovery.haha
@faye & @Coloma: Rotting wet potato has got to be one of the worst things to discover around the house. BLECH!
I was amazed, I didn’t think a vegetable could get that fermented. haha
My boyfriend paid me a visit :) Long distance relationships are hard but nothing compares to the feeling I get when he surprises me with a visit.
I found strapless silicone self adhesive bras in D cups, yay! A few years back I bought one of these thingies and thought it was great but it only came in cups up to C and what they mean by C cup is more like a ½ boobie “cap”. Now I can keeps my girls in place while wearing the pretty strapless and strappy dresses picked out for my wedding and honeymoon.
I haven’t been at the house for a few days and all the shit I did apparently killed the little fuckers! :D
LOL A few years ago I had an ant nest in a hollow tree in my front yard, there must have been trillions of them. I stuck the hose down the hole in the tree and the water ran black with ants. The next morning there was a pile of ants that looked like about 5 lbs. of coffee grounds beneath the tree. So far the population has not recovered enough to be a problem. I felt bad, but jeez…they were outta control.
I got my garden all planted today! I’m so worn out, but I have a good feeling about my herbs and veggies this year. I think they might all grow! :P
The only problem is, I decided to pick up a bunch of interesting heirloom tomato plants but didn’t bother to read the descriptions very well. Hard to pay attention to details like that when you have three kids with you. After I put them all in the ground, I read the tag on my cute little Italian Tree tomato plants (five of them) and learned they grow enormously long vines and are supposed to be trellised. Yes, I realize the tree in the name should have been a big red flag.
Next week, trellis shopping….
I also gave up on growing flowers entirely and started a dedicated herb garden. First time growing herbs besides basil and oregano, but the kids are excited because we picked some varieties that are host plants for butterflies. Maybe I’ll get to use a bit in my cooking, too.
Woo Hoo! I, on the other hand, just flattened a bunch of seedlings by blasting them with the turbo hose by accident. I hope they’ll recover. lol
Okay…my GREAT news…heart attack imminent my boss just emailed me and offered me 50% of our river store! OMG! I am sooo excited! He is willing to sell his second half a fraction of what it is worth, inventory and yearly profits because he is just too busy to keep it all going on his own. Of course we have to talk more, but..I already have tons of new ideas for more inventory and can hardly STAND the suspense til we talk!
Imagine…my own little cool store in my awesome tourist community, just 8 minutes down the road from my house! My heart be still..I might have to have a drink to calm my nerves!
I won’t get rich, but, it is a labor of love and some decent profits too!
I’ve decided to actually be proactive about the fact that I’m not happy with my weight instead of just bitching about it.
My birthday is next week, and Mr. Fiance told me today that he’d be going to the mall tomorrow to shop for a birthday present for me. I said that I’d prefer for him to go halves on an exercise bike with me, and that could be my gift. We went to Canadian Tire and found one that was super on sale for only a hundred bucks, so he just bought it for me :)
I’m terribly out of shape, but I rode for 30 minutes tonight and even though it’s not an enormous feat by any means, I feel proud. I haven’t actively exercised in I don’t know how many years, and it really feels good to know that I’m doing something to make myself healthier.
Go Seelix GO!
It is never easy to get over that hump, but, soon you will be a humping fool, able to leap tall humps in a single bound! You’re young still..I needed the heart rate monitor on my eliptical..I got off once I went over 155. And I don’t mean ‘got off’ in a good way! lol
Yeah, totally. In fact, speaking of humping.. you should check out Jimmy Kimme’s HoBo workout.
@Coloma – Love it! A humping fool!
@MissAnthrope – I was actually planning to make my cardiovascular system a partiovascular system before I even heard of Jimmy K! ;)
Some of my customers bragged on me to my mommy. And I had an $850 sale. My boss stuck that receipt copy on the wall. :)
@Seelix: Excellent plan! I am trying to lose weight as well. We should be weight loss fluther buddies! Remember, if anyone tells you that you don’t need to lose weight, tell them thank you, but that you want to be more comfortable in your body and this is your way of doing it. Good luck!
@KatawaGrey – Same to you, darlin’! I know I’m not morbidly obese or anything, but I do know that those 12/14 jeans in my closet could easily be replaced by 8/10s if I just got off my ass ;)
Right now I’m not working toward a weight goal or anything, I’m just going to use the bike every day, try to eat a little healthier and let the chips fall where they may.
@Seelix Put down those chips if you want to lose weight!
If you get a calorie counter book and stick to about 1500 calories a day with moderate exercise the lbs. will just roll off your body!
It is amazing how much you can eat when you are really paying attention, and, the trick is to make SURE you are getting enough protein which keeps your hunger at bay and builds muscle! Also, remember, muscle weighs more than fat so forget the scale, just go by how you feel and how your clothes fit! Also…once you get things in motion you can ‘cheat on weekends with no worries, although you will find that you lose your appetite for junk after being on a healthy food jag. Still…you can have that beer and pizza or ice cream once or twice a week without fear of gaining.
I am down in Florida for an R&R week.
Kitty came to visit my fiancee and I this morning. She climbed up me and lay on my side and let him pet her for a good 15 minutes. She’s finally starting to feel secure around both of us rather than just me. Then again, no one ever has to tell me “stop being mean to the kitty! :P
Love it! I know, my two newer guy’s ( had them for one yr. & 8 months now ) have FINALLY warmed up to my regular company and my daughter and her BF. I was thinking they were going to be fraidy cats forever. lol
@Coloma An old lady had her before she croaked or had to go into a home or something and she ended up in the shelter. She caught some kind of internal cooties while she was there and got sick a week after we got her. We had quite the bonding with me dumping antibiotic down her throat morning and night, lol. She likes me better, probably because I’m more her size than my fiancee, who make me feel tiny. :D She always greets me when I come in, but she’s been more skittish around him even though they live together all the time and I’m only here half the time. Its good that she’s really starting to love on him some, he got a cat and then he was all left out! Lol!
Awww. give her time, she’s been through a lot for her little kitty mind to absorb so many changes. :-)
She’ll get there. Its been a couple of months though and I think the fiancee thought she’d never warm up. I pointed out to him the other day that he doesn’t spend a lot of time with her hanging out with going to work and coming home and going to sleep shortly after. They’re roommates that cross paths every now and again where I’m the one who spends time at the house with her.
I went to my school’s commencement ceremonies yesterday to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy give the commencement speech. I was squealing with excitement the whole time, even though I was sitting in the nosebleed section and could barely make out his face. I tried to find him afterwards so I could maybe try to meet him, but could not find him. I still had a lot of fun and am glad that the friends who I dragged along with me were not creeped out by my fangirl-ish excitement!
@etignotasanimum Awesome.
Last week I left a message with a local counselor, not feeling very hopeful that she would have an opening. Turns out she did – in three days, no less. Here’s hoping I’m about to learn some much better coping skills!
@Mariah ; Yay, coping skills! I got me some of them from my therapist…I love coping skills!
Hahaha..love it…..” Yay! Coping skills! lol
@Mariah Lordy, lordy, you’re going through so much -be nice if you could drop some of the load on the therapists’ desk and leave it there.
I spent the day playing tour guide in San Francisco and having loads of fun eating our way through the city. Started off with fresh cracked crab, clam chowder in a bread bowl, and fried calamari at the same place my parents would take me when I was a kid. So freaking good, even the 2 out-of-towners from Maine were impressed. Then we went to the Ferry Building, where we ate fruit, interestingly-flavored chocolate, and fresh-baked bread to go with some cheeses from Cowgirl Creamery… oh man. And then pizza at my favorite place in my old neighborhood.
Another highlight of the day was stopping in a random Mexican restaurant in the Mission in order to use the restroom. I found a phone on the toilet paper holder and was like, ‘Oh no, what should I do? Should I take it to the counter and turn it in? Will the person come back for it?’
What I did was send a text message to a random person in their inbox, stating:
I totally crack myself up.
@Mariah Yay!
@MissAnthrope Hahaha. You crack me up, too. :D
My husband came in the door yesterday afternoon with a clipping of this freaking beautiful iris that’s now growing in our backyard. Huge, bright yellowy-orangey flowers are in a vase on my windowsill. That always cheers me up.
So good to hear about all this good stuff that’s going on in the world! xx I finished my last assignment for my current course today, so onto revision now for the exam… perhaps after an evening of rest (as I’m not too well at the moment!)
I got invited to an old friend’s Ruby Wedding celebrations. It will be a great reunion as we haven’t seen each other in years.
A cozy rainy May day here. The biz. pow wowing continues with my consideration in taking over half of my river store. Looks like profits are even BETTER than I expected, by about 800% lololol
And hey, speaking of ‘coping skills’, I have done splendidly well in ignoring a ‘hoover’ manuever from an ex narcissist friend that left me a long, rambling, guilt tripping message last night!
Woo hoo….I will NOT get sucked into to their distorted perceptions…pat me on my chubby little behind!
I came home from work to find clean bedding, cleaned up bedroom, cleaned up fiancée and a dozen long stemmed roses in water in a vase over my giant bathtub. He’d plucked some petals to leave on the floor, around the tub rim and across the tub’s bottom. There was also a ramekin of bubble bath. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Good man.
@marinelife: I’ve looked into it because I don’t want to wear him out and I would like to gift each of my single gf’s one of him.
I bought beautiful flowers and planted and planted.
The best thing that has happened today is having a day of rest and a nice couple of glasses of Pino Noir. lol
The ghost of Gizzi, my darling blue point Siamese that I believe was taken by a Coyote last Sept. surfaced again this morning.
I was driving out of the neighborhood at 7a.m. when I saw a fluffy Blue Point Siamese run across the road and up a driveway into someones barn.
Pulled part way up the drive and trespassed quietly up to the barn, arousing several awesome Arabian horses and went inside the open door. I called out and the kitty who had run up the stairs into the loft peeked out at me. Not Giz. :-(
A long shot, but, had to check it out.
Quietly left, without getting shot at. haha
Poor Gizzy and you. Coyote howls always send shivers up my spine.
I know..the other morning they were whooping it up around 8 a.m. the killing ‘victory whoop’.
I ran out to my deck and both my cats were sunning themselves on the patio furniture.
All I could think of was ” a morning kill means CAT!” Although the wild turkeys are in full blown breeding mode strutting around all day. Anyway..thank god…my guys were home!
I am enjoying spending time with my husband this week.
And new thread will be posted in the next week or so.
positive pregnancy test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! I am assuming! lol
Well….a little cupcake within a cupcake. Let them eat cake! :-)
Absolutely congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I got pregnant many years ago when I was 16 and no one congratulated me… so I think you, @Coloma, are the first person to ever congratulate me on a pregnancy! Thank you.
Awww….very happy for you little mama. :-)
Thanks! My hubby says I’m already glowing! :)
I’m so excited about my little poppy seed-sized embryo!!!!
Congratulations Cupcake!!
Another Baby Jelly on the way! Great news, @Cupcake, I’m very happy for you!
It’s been a long time, ( my daughter is 23) but..I’ll never forget taking the home pregnancy test at about 6 o’ clock in the morning. My husband at the time had already left for work.
I was so hyped up, OMG! I couldn’t stop pacing, I called him at work and told him he had to come home,or I was going to spontaneously combust if I had to alone with that blue, blue stick for another minute!
It was as blue as blue gets…no doubt! lol
@Cupcake Congratulations! Please pass along my congrats to that lovely hubby of yours, too. :)
Thanks everyone! @augustlan I will certainly pass your congrats along!!
Congratulations, @Cupcake. All the cute summer tops you can wear!
Congrats! That’s awesome news. :)
Day 2 of my new campaign against negative habits and it’s going well!
Overtime pay to take care off an appt. for my doggie to have an extraction and the rest of his teeth deep cleaned/scaled.
I’m heading north for the loooooong weekend, to spend some time with friends and family, and to celebrate my Rapture birthday tomorrow! So I won’t be around for a few days.
To all my Canuck friends: Happy May-Long/May 2–4 to you all! And to all my non-Canuck friends, we’ll try to remember to save a beer for you!
Woo Hoo..warm weather is back!—
Sitting under ceiling fan with house wide open in a skimpy tank top!
Went out to lunch with my guy today. Had delicious Greek food and ate outside on the patio.
This happend yesterday evening but I’m still excited about it. I was given 2 big bags full of clothes that the sister of my Grandmothers neighbour didn’t want anymore. I’m not a fan of situations like this because I feel bad saying no even if the clothes are not my style because it’s such a nice gesture. However, when I saw what was in the bags I changed my mind. At least 13 pairs of jeans, all in my size and all really really nice. Now, I only have two pairs of jeans and haven’t been able to update my wardrobe for years so this is awesome. I imagine there was about £500 worth of jeans alone and there were tops and dresses too. I’m so relieved because now I have enough jeans to last a few years.
@KatawaGrey and I just had lunch with @MissAusten and miniMissAusten! It was a boatload of fun and hopefully we’ll get to do it again. Our first Jellies in real life! WooHoo!
I had a crazy lunch with these two very strange women I met on the internet. Talk about awkward!! Oh wait…. ;) I mean, lunch with @JilltheTooth and @KatawaGrey was great! My daughter and I were relieved they turned out to be very nice and interesting people and not dirty old men who pretend to be cool ladies online!
And, we have to do it again because no one took a picture!
As if that wasn’t nice enough, we had beautiful weather all day and got to spend the rest of the afternoon with family we don’t see very often but love to be around. Plus, the world didn’t end!
Yeah – the world not ending was kind of a nice part of the day.
Met my goal yesterday of getting 6 more small writing projects wrapped up and ready to submit. This makes 10 in the last three weeks. I am maintaining my goals, for now anyway. haha
I was so frustrated…one submission had this incredibly l-o-n-g address, I wasted 3 big, 11×14 manila envelopes by not centering the address well enough…finally, the 4th envelope was a winner! Bah!
Okay. This is not going to sound like a big deal to most of you, but it is HUUUUGE for me.
My BFF and I were shopping for work shirts at TJ Maxx and I was barely paying attention to anything that wasn’t a shirt, but this one pair of pinstripe pants caught my attention for some reason. I pulled them off the rack, I liked them tons immediately, and on a whim, decided to try them on with the shirts I’d picked out.
They turned out to be MAGIC PANTS
It’s like someone at Perry Ellis stalked me and knew my exact measurements because I swear these pants were made for me. Perfect length, perfect fit, hugs me in the places it should, and most shocking of all—IT MAKES ME HAVE AN ASS TO LOOK AT. Normally, pants are too baggy and I cannot show off my assets because I have an ass/hip defecit.
If you all have heard me talk about my relationship with clothing here, you maybe will realize what a huge deal these magic pants are! Pants never, ever fit me right. In women’s pants, they assume you have big legs to go with your big waist, so I look like I’m wearing clown pants. Men’s pants are better, but generally I have that unflattering baggy, flat butt kind of look.
I found the Magic Pants online and ordered like 6 pairs of them in different colors. :]
I had a “it’s never as bad as you think it’s going to be” moment.
I checked the mail and found a $50 gift card from my realtor, just saying’, “thanks”!
We got to go on a “date” to a seafood buffet and the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Fun! This is significant because my fiancee hates buffets but he wanted me to be able to try the secret hot spot for crab legs :D
In my next life I’m sure I’ll be an adept sea otter,
I just got back from an interview for a position at a local library. I think it went pretty well! I’m hoping to hear from them soon, and if I get the job I’m expecting everyone I know to call me Miss Librarian. It would make me feel special. :)
GIRLS GONE WILD!!! er, no, we’re respectable persons and we’ll have a highly intellectual time, filled with discussions of literature and art. And theatre. And cultural stuff.
The lost weekend!
Um, yeah, cultureer stuff. Arts, theater, beer.
I wonder if @marinelife is cringing yet?
Don’t say “lost”! The car gods might take you seriously!
If I didn’t have to make nice with my boy’s mother, I’d blow off the baby shower and join you guys. :P
Got my hot tub cleaned and up and running again after sitting for 2 weeks drained, and, full of frogs! lol Jeez….frogs, frogs, frogs, my life of spa frogs.
Aaaah…it’s just about time now. wandering away and dropping robe
@KatawaGrey : We’ll have phones and take pix! Someone will know how to get them to you!
I’ve been doing photography since high school, when I fell in love with… well, everything to do with it. Hand developing, printing in a dark room.. I love it.
I call myself a photographer because I perceive myself as being fairly in tune with the art, but sometimes I have doubts about my skills. This is because I need to take a couple of classes to get back up to speed and to refresh my knowledge, but I sometimes wonder if my photos are really anything special at all.
But then, every once in a while, I come up with a shot or two that is absolutely fantastic, sometimes even transforming/elevating the subject and then I feel redeemed!
My ‘something great’ is having walked away with a few really great, natural, and flattering pictures of someone who is generally unphotogenic and who turns rigid when the camera is pointed at her. Yippee!
This didn’t happen to me, but to a couple that I’m good friends with. They just had twins last night! This is really special because they lost a baby last year during childbirth. Both boys are doing great.
My daughter had her impacted lower wisdom teeth out this afternoon. Man, she’s even tougher than her mama…took 4 sedative pills to get her down.
She was really, really, subconsciously resisting…the dentist and I were laughing, I said he needed a tranquilizer gun. lol
Poor thing, FINALLY, after one pre-op pill an hour before we left, and then 3 more over the next 1.5 hours in the chair…she went down. haha
Her boyfriend and I waited for the whole 3 hours, he went to the library for a book at one point. haha
All went well and I left her in the care of her boyfriend. He is such a caring guy.
He was holding a drool towel for her under her chin, while she was trying to swallow a pain pill and eat a few bites of yogurt.
My poor girl…told her to be really nice to her male nurse when I left. lol
I had my little boy today! He is so adorable. He’s a bit early, so he’s little. He’s in the NICU for a bit to help with his breathing so he doesn’t have to work to hard, but he’s doing well! I can’t wait to be up enough to go see him (I got to hang out with him for about 2 hours this morning when he was first born before he went down to NICU). Right now, my legs are still a bit numb from the epidural, so I can’t really get around yet.
Oh, @Seaofclouds, Yay for you and Nimmy! I’m so pleased everything went OK, I’m sure he’ll be out of NICU and going home in no time! Congratulations to both of you! <jumpimg up and down squealing!>
Yay, @Seaofclouds! I’m so happy for you and for your little peanut! Congratulations!
I hope you’ll be feeling better soon so that you can hang out with your little guy :)
Woo Hoo! A bouncing baby boy!
Cigars and champagne for everyone! :-D
@Seaofclouds Congratulations!! What an exciting time this is for you. Enjoy it!
@Seaofclouds Congratulations :) Have you decided on a name yet?
Thanks everyone!
@Leanne1986 Yes. His name is Bruce. :)
Yay! Bruce has arrived! Congrats, girlie. :D
@Seaofclouds Congratulations!!!! Spoil that little guy rotten every chance you get!
@Seaofclouds: Wonderful! He is such a cutie and your other son looked so excited to be a big brother. :)
Thanks again everyone. We just got back from seeing him in the NICU and he is doing great. Hopefully he’ll keep doing well over night. As of right now, he’s off the oxygen and out of the heated isolate and into a regular bassinet! It was great!
When he’s older and laments being smaller than the other boys, tell him he can fit in all the best places when playing hide and seek and with a good mask, he can trick-or-treat well into his twenties.
@Seaofclouds Bruce is one of my favourite boys name :) Awesome choice!
@Seaofclouds – Congratulations! I’m so glad everything went well and both of you are doing fine. :)
This month I had 3 graduations to attend (all college) and as much as I dislike crowds and ceremonies, I forced myself to attend all three, because I know this is a very special milestone for the grads. I’m glad I went.
@Seaofclouds, congratulations on your new bundle of joy!
Yay, so glad he’s fine. How did you be so lucky as to get an epidural?
I spent the weekend with my older daughter at her new apartment in Calgary. It’s a great place, and she’s with a great friend. It was a little loud for me and I am too old for sleeping on a couch, though! But, good hugs!!
I got a funny picture text of my doggie wearing sunglasses just a few minutes ago. Looks like my mom and fiancée are goofing off at home.
Jake turned two today and my whole family was with him to celebrate.
Wee Jake is growing up so fast.
I spent the entire Memorial Day weekend with my significant other. The birthday present I worked on for the past couple of months turned out to be a success (a package containing a letter journal, photos with comments on the backsides, a few short stories and one incredibly long story, postcards, old Valentines, a couple of Pokemon figures, new ear buds, and a parking pass to my graduation). My S.O.‘s mum cooked a delicious dinner (ravioli stuffed with spinach and Parmesan, Caesar salad, toasted bread with a dip that contained balsamic vinegar, olive oil, crushed garlic, and feta, and a fruit salad containing incredibly sweet mango, strawberries, bananas, and cream.) Now we are trying to get our homework done before tomorrow morning.
It also looks as though I am in positive standing to receive a promotion at work. The difference in pay is nearly five extra dollars per hour (and for poor prospective graduate students, that’s a lot of money!) I recently committed to attending the Blackfriars Convention with a friend of mine so I could use the extra pocket money.
Graduation is in less than two weeks. I am ready to begin the next phase of my life :)
My never ending life of lizard rescue continues. lol
The cats have caught the SAME, huge, pregnant, female lizard, 4 times in the last 24 hours.
Poor thing, she is TRYING to make her nest under the railroad ties that buttress up the hill below my deck. I have hidden her 4 times, and they keep finding her and bringing her in again. Little evils! lol
She is uninjured but highly stressed, soooo, NOW, she is in a small tank in my bathroom resting and recovering from her stress.
She ate a Crane Fly..so that is GREAT news!
She is hugely pregnant and I am hoping it will be a successful release tomorrow.
Or..I am in the Alligator lizard breeding biz. haha
Bruce and I got to come home today!
And what a cutie he is! So glad you’re both home safe, have a lovely time with him!
Yay @Seaofclouds! I bet you and Bruce’s at home snuggles are much more comfortable than your at the hospital snuggles were.
My something great is I just did some HOMEWORK for the first time in almost eight months, woooooooooooooooooooo!!! I’m not being sarcastic here, I never have been so excited to have homework in my entire life, haha. Also, the new eyeglasses I picked out at my recent optometry appointment have arrived and I get to be fitted for them and take them home tomorrow. I can’t wait because I’ve started to hate my current pair, and the pair I picked out last week is awesome!
My sweetie got me a digital camera. I’ve always wanted one but not enough to justify the expense unless it’s been a gift to someone else. Wee hee, I’ve got something better than my crappy celly camera, at last!
Congratulations to you and little Bruce! Those first few days at home as a new mom, wow…intense. :-)
Eventful day over here, wow, where to begin.
GREAT, had my house cleaned, the quarterly cleaning service, very nice!
Not great…my darling cat Marley is at the vets overnight for a battery of tests. He is losing weight, has a fever and is not a happy cat. He is leukemia negative, no abcesses, heart and lungs good, fully vaccinated and they are baffled at his symptoms. I will know more tomorrow, I hope he does not have cancer. He has lost ½ lb. in only a month! :-(
Excitement! My house was struck by lightening during some crazy late day T-storms, that are still going on.
I had just got in from the vets after 5pm and the whole house got electrified! Sparks flew off my roof, and the thunder was amazing! All seems well. Definitely an eventful day.
Send Kitten Marley well wishes. :-(
@janbb : You have proven that again and again here! Now, how bout starting up a new “something great” thread???
That would be something great!
But, but, but – I’m busy packing!
I am going to a puppy playgroup today. I am borrowing someone elses puppy as both my girls are too old to go! I can’t think of much that could possibly be more fun than a puppy playgroup.
I found out that I got the job at the library! I can’t wait to go there and actually have a reason to be there aside from studying! Call me Miss Librarian! :)
Yay! Now I just need to get some nice librarian clothes….and maybe learn how to pull back my hair using pencils… ;)
I have a librarian fetish. :]
@chyna Jan will be gone for a week!
You guys and your packing! I’m just going to throw a bunch of crap in my car on Saturday morning…
@marinelife What? Was there something I wasn’t invited to?
@chyna Me either. We are but a pitstop in @janbb‘s extensive travel plans. :)
@janbb is going to visit a cousin in Bethesda for a few days and see her son in D.C. too.
I finally got my garden planted, yay! Though we are warned to expect some snow Sat morning, amongst days of rain.
I finally got a haircut! I’ve been putting it off for like a year. Now if I could only manage to get it colored.
Can’t wait for tomorrow, @janbb, @marinelife, @chyna and @JilltheTooth!
A haircut???? Oh, @augustlan , you better show up in the stilettos carrying that whip or we’ll never recognize you! I’m all ‘cited, too!
An out of town friend is coming my way!
@JilltheTooth I already got her to agree to bring the whip to show us!
Damn, we are going to have way too much fun!
@augustlan got a hair cut and I’m shaving my legs for the weekend! Woo Hoo! This is going to be great.
Damn, I better go quick wax something to keep up with you guys!
Crap. I’m hairy and dressed in rags. Well, my underwear’s clean!!! I am gonna make the rest of you look sooooo good!
And I have cute pants.
Not great over here.
My darling 15 month old Marley cat is dying of FIP, the dry form. Came on so suddenly a few weeks ago. No cure, only supportive care. I am so sad.
I am spending all my time with him these last days, he is barely eating, drinking, I am syringing extra nutrients into him, and he is still having breif periods of mobility and alertness. The vet says he should make it through the weekend, but, the sad housecall is imminent, most likely before the weeks end.
He is such a special little guy, and I am trying to keep my focus on the wonderful life I have been able to provide him these last 8 months.
Send love for kitten Marley. :-(
@Coloma, gee, I’m sorry. May Marley’s end be peaceful.
Well, we got some pictures and are considering the “Hot Babes of Fluther” calendar idea…Stellar weekend!
Over the weekend, we got a lot of much-needed yard work done AND the kids helped with almost no complaining at all! We also took lots of time to play and finished off the weekend with a campfire and s’mores. YUM!
Also, I actually won something! This blog I follow was having a contest where someone could win a three month subscription to this website called e-meals. Basically, the site has you choose a meal plan (low fat, low carb, regular, etc.), family size, and store (or any store if your normal store isn’t listed). Each week you get a meal plan with recipes and a shopping list. The idea is to save money by planning all meals for the week and only buying what you need. Also, if you designate a store, the menus are planned around that store’s weekly sales.
It looked interesting and I always love new recipes, so I entered the contest and actually won! I don’t know if I’d ever pay for this service (even though it’s only a little more than a dollar a week), but if it really cuts back on our grocery bill like the site promises I might even stick with it. My opinion of the whole thing is probably biased by the thrill of winning though…
My last night with Marley, he is resting peacefully right now, and the hospice vet comes tomorrow at 10a.m. for the final goodbye.
Such a brave and beautiful boy he is.
I have been carrying him out to the deck at dusk every night, and he becomes alert, gazing out on the forest and hillside where he loved to play and climb the big trees.
We listen to the birds and watch the bats in the twilight.
I’m going to miss him so much. :-(
Yesterday, I attended my boyfriend’s sister’s baby shower. On the drive over, I was positively terrified. A few days before, the boy had told me that pretty much every family in his mother’s family and few from his father’s was going to be there. I’ve never met any of them. Naturally, the boy wasn’t going to be there testosterone was forbidden from the house. So basically, I got to meet all of his aunts, cousins and his grandmother at the same time, without him.
They loved me.
More importantly, I loved them. I have now been flooded with invitations to family events. Aunts have threatened my boy with extreme measures if he doesn’t bring me. They are a group of sweet, kind, intelligent women who are all very candid with each other and with me. Also, his sister made a point of coming up to me afterwards and telling me that she was glad that someone thought about her when it came to gift-giving. My gift was a pack of 18-month onesies and a swaddling blanket for the baby and a gift card to Bath and Body Works for mom, plus a gift set of hand and foot cremes.
After the shower, when my boy was allowed back in the house, we went and hung out with some of his friends who I got along with really well and who also want me at many future gatherings. It was just a really great day for meeting new people. :)
I’m having wonderful days in general. I’m finally feeling well. All my problems were caused by not eating, and I wasn’t eating because I had a constant sensation of needing to puke. My doctor got me on an appetite stimulant, which got me eating normally, which has me feeling great! The last three days have been beautiful and I’ve been perpetually outside. I walked five blocks today, when it was hard to walk just up the street a week ago, and I’ve put on five pounds. This change has brought about an equally spendid change in my mental state as well. Things are finally looking up and life is just damn good right now!
@Mariah: That’s wonderful news! I hope you continue to feel better. :)
Such good news! In-joy every moment!
@Coloma I’m so sorry to hear about little Marley :( Saying goodbye to our animal friends is never easy redardless of how many we have said goodbye to in the past.
I am finally going to see Pirates of The Caribbean (the newest one obviously) tonight. I am very excited to see Penelope Cruz as a pirate!
@Mariah – Glad to hear it! You sure go through more than your share of health concerns and I’m sorry about that. :\
8:15 on the west coast, beautiful Marley was laid to rest under the giant Oak tree on the hill below my deck.
He departed this world at 7:19 pm.
He joins Gadwicke and Babby goose in his eternal resting place.
His passing was peaceful, at rest on my bed as the vet gave him a sedative and then the final goodbye.
The light was glorious, filtering through the forest, a beautiful sunset goodbye to my darling Marley.
My boyfriend has promised to bring me Krispy Kreme donuts today but I am whispering because I don’t want to jinx it!
Tonight my fiancee & I were out dinner where there were large screen tv’s showing sports game, it’s not my thing but I blocked it out because the sushi is divine at this spot. My guy says to me, “aren’t you glad I’m not into sports?” to which I replied I am very glad, it’s one of my attractions to him (said jokingly) and he could only be more of a prince charming if he would just sit down on the toilet to go pee. To my surprise he said in all seriousness that he could probably be trained and would much rather have a cleaner bathroom. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna get that man a steak and bj for tomorrow night.~
@Neizvestnaya My boyfriend isn’t into sports either which has always pleased me. I don’t think I could get him to sit down to pee though.
<about time> mumbles to self.
My father died this morning, and I am not sad. He is with me in all my actions, mannerisms, and sense of humor. We are one. :-))
What a beautiful and true sentiment!
It is not in the gone as much as it is in watching the going. :-)
@ru2bz46 I’m sorry for your loss, but glad you are at peace. Please join us in the new thread.
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