Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What are the good sides and the bad sides of being single?

Asked by MilkyWay (14100points) March 6th, 2011

I wanted to know other people’s opinions and views.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being single?

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18 Answers

filmfann's avatar

This song speaks to that.
Plus, you can listen to music like this, and not have someone tell you to turn that shit off.

janbb's avatar

You get to do whatever you want when you want to do it. You’re lonely sometimes when you’d like to have company. And there’s no-one to discuss the “what ifs” and “do you thinks” with.

mrentropy's avatar

One of the good things is that all your money is yours and you don’t have to spend it on drapes if you don’t want to.

One of the bad things is not having ‘sex on demand’.

nebule's avatar

You love yourself without longing for anyone else to fill a void
You can trump when you like ;-)
You have the whole bottle of wine to yourself
You watch what you like on TV
You can just be yourself…all the time
You get to do that thing to yourself whenever and however you like
You never fear being betrayed


You don’t get breakfast (or even a cup of tea) in bed
You miss the special connection with another human
You go to parties alone
or…you don’t get invited to parties with couples…all of which are your best friends
You hate walking round the park on a Sunday
You don’t get that amazing feeling of someone else touching you
and of course there’s no-one to give you a foot tickle or a massage
There’s no-one to cook for hoping to death that they love it as much as you….
or help you with the dishes, whilst you sing songs together
and look forward to a snuggle on the couch over a French film

BarnacleBill's avatar

If you want to move, you can
Going on nice vacations is affordable because you budget for 1
Your only responsible for your own happiness
If you’re unhappy, there’s hope. You don’t have another person making you feel worse.
You know where all your money goes, and can control it.

You don’t have an automatic date for New Years
If you lose your job or get sick, no one has your back (although being married or part of a couple doesn’t always guarantee that these days)
If you have a really bad day, or something good happens, there’s not someone to share it with (again, being married or part of a couple doesn’t guarantee that either)
You don’t have another person to share responsibilities with
You miss that special connection with the right person
You have to handle daily emergencies on your own – like dead mice, sick pets, car problems, etc. (again, being married or part of a couple doesn’t guarantee help either)

stardust's avatar

I’ve been single for a while now and I’m fed up with single life at this stage.
On the plus side, it’s nice to go out with the girls and flirt the night away.

perspicacious's avatar

I’ve been single for 26 years (by single, I mean not married). I have loved it for the most part. I have liked living alone since my youngest left home 11 years ago as well. I’ve never been lonely. I like being able to place a $20 bill on the table and know it will be there when I go back to get it. :) On those occasions where you need a date, there’s always someone to ask. I have a lot of friends; if I didn’t I may not have liked being single for so long. I haven’t been in a serious relationship for 18 years until the past year. So my life is changing. That’s something we can always expect—change.

listener's avatar

The good side, you’ll have time to know and better yourself.
The bad side, you don’t have anyone to share yourself.

MilkyWay's avatar

thanks guys,,,, How about from a teenager point of view? any views on there?

perspicacious's avatar

If you aren’t wrapped up in a boyfriend/girlfriend thing you can focus on what’s important—education and spending time with your family. I know there’s peer pressure to be able to say XXXX is my boyfriend. That’s unfortunate. The smarter kids rise above that.

nebule's avatar

@queenie how old exactly?

MilkyWay's avatar

um, 16—19 roughly lol

Scooby's avatar

The good side for me is being able to do exactly what I want to do when I want to do it, other than my work commitments ( which no woman could tolerate ) I have free reign over my life now…… I socialise to my own schedules, visit friends or have friends over at my own convenience, not being emotionally attached to anybody in particular, provides me with many freedoms, I wouldn’t necessarily have if I was in a committed relationship, too many to mention…..

Down sides? :-/ none that I can see……..

listener's avatar

The good side,you have all the time in the world.
There is no bad side to this, your a teenager enjoy it!

bolwerk's avatar

I suggest polyamory. You can get the upsides and downsides of both, whatever they are!

majorrich's avatar

Use a LOT less toilet paper
Not hearing “you aren’t going to wear that are you?”
You can surf all the pron you want without getting scowled at.
All the bacon, you don’t have to share.
Being the smartest mammal in the house

Making poor decisions when buying the aforementioned TP.
Nobody to be a hero for by killing the occasional spider.
Ramen noodles get old after a while
Being the second smartest mammal in the house.

sliceswiththings's avatar

A month ago when I was single I wanted a BF because I wanted someone to do things with, someone to text, and someone to tell things to (and regular sex).

Now that I’m not single, I miss trying to hook up with people, I can’t eye fuck passersby when I’m holding my bf’s hand, I don’t like the expectation to see him all the time, and thinking of excuses to not meet up when I don’t want to, and often I’d rather see my friends.

I like being an independent single woman, and I don’t like being called someone’s girlfriend.
But truth be told, I don’t usually like the people I date, which could contribute.

Friendship’s the most important thing. If you can get enough from your friends, great. If you can get even more from a bf/gf, great too.

adr's avatar

advantage: self development
disadvantage: no cuddling!!

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