Why is there more sex and nudity in movie sequels?
When a movie does well …or not and they decide to make a sequel…Why do they pump it full of things that weren’t in the original? And has little to do with progressing the plot…
I hate watching a good movie that gets bogged down by a over extended sex scenes and pointless nudity….
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19 Answers
same here,, I dunno. it just seems like a film making rule…
Movie attendance is down. They gotta get people to go somehow…
Few people really plan for a sequel. A movie does well, a sequel is written, and the writers have to fill it up somehow. And sex sells.
I can only assume its based on the theory that sex sales.
Maybe this is why the producers of sequels add so many sex scenes. Maybe they are afraid the sequels will not be as good as the original, so they add more sex scenes, just to make sure.
Its kind of like an insurance policy for their pocketbooks.
Are we talking real movies or those direct-to-video things they pump out to cash in on the name of a popular movie? Examples, maybe?
Whenever someone writes an original movie, they most likely do not expect a sequel to happen. Sequels are only made for very well selling movies. Thus, they have to make the movie so that everything gets wrapped up in the end, so it seems like a complete story as a standalone movie. When a sequel gets made, the plot of the sequel usually has nothing to do with the plot of the first movie, since the first movie already wrapped up the plot. The sequel is also more likely to be made in less time, since they don’t always plan for one.
To make up for this, the producers try to throw in anything that would boost the sales of the movie.
I haven’t noticed this trend, but maybe that’s because I avoid so many mainstream Hollywood movies and their sequels. I don’t doubt it, but I’m curious: What are some examples?
I don’t understand the term “pointless nudity”. Is that when the guy can’t get it up?
The worst offender here is probably The Matrix part 2. Worst sequel ever, with worst unnecessary sex.
To prevent the sequel from absolutely sucking no pun intended
groan @filmfann!
Sequels are almost never as good as the original. I think they just throw them out as soon as possible after the original hit expecting it to ride the coat tails of the original. Rushing it doesn’t allow time for serious plot development. Unfortunately it probably works for a while.
I haven’t noticed this trend either. I seem to recall some specific incidences where fans were demanding sex scenes (Blade Trinity? – it never happened, and would have been gross if it did).
Though, the Star Wars prequels would have been a hell of a lot better with some Luke’s mom-on-Luke’s dad force action. But in no way would that have made for a good movie.
@filmfann Oh yeah, I even saw Matrix 2. That was horrid unnecessary sex. The dancing was obnoxious too. Thanks.
@bolwerk LOL! Heh, I thought you meant Luke’s adopted parents, Aunt Beru and er, Uncle Ben. Someone should do some rogue fan fiction. Oh wait, they have.
Yeah, @Zaku, I think Star Wars slash fic is probably at the top of nerd masturbation lists.
@bolwerk Uh oh… now I have to turn Safe Search off and do an image search for Aunt Beru… OMG LOL…
@bolwerk LOL. That should be cross-posted to the thread where the guy was saying AT-AT’s are the ulimate weapon. ;-)
I hate watching a good movie that gets bogged down by a over extended sex scenes and pointless nudity…
Is the nudity pointless if it is satisfying the craving of those with money in their pocket to come watch the flick? I can’t say of other nations but here in the US most people love sex, they think of it, constantly have it on their mind; that is why ad world uses it to sell many, many items and product. That is why the sex scenes are long even though not really needed because people want to think about sex, and watch sex but not see sex. To have 90% of sex watched is still under the glass ceiling of being pornographic which is supposed to be vile and debased. However, many sex scenes in non-rated X movies could be considered soft porn, but because you don’t see a penis, labia, etc. it is not obscene even though everything else is included. The sex scenes are to satisfy the pornographic longing in a respectable manner.
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