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LostInParadise's avatar

If Sarah Palin runs for president, should she relinquish her job at Fox News?

Asked by LostInParadise (32215points) March 7th, 2011

It would appear to be a conflict of interest, but Sarah the rogue does not play by the usual rules. Assuming that she both intends to run and would stop working for Fox, this might help to account for why she has not yet declared. He position at Fox gives her public exposure and a pulpit to promote her views.

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21 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

she might just stop for a year or two… until she loses the election… then come back…but they won’t want her back, because she’s only famous because she has the potential to be a candidate in the next election… I wonder who her VP choice would be…I can’t decide from John McCain or Glenn Beck.

coffeenut's avatar

Or if she wins….Fox News could come work for her…

cak's avatar

Didn’t Fox suspend some because of their political intentions? Palin and the other (I forget who is still working at Fox News, it’s not my favorite to watch) should be held to the same policy as any other person at Fox. However, for some unknown reason, she pulls in money and ratings.

Palin in the Oval Office scares me.

ucme's avatar

No, if Sarah Palin runs for president everybody should scream like a six year old girl!! :¬(

filmfann's avatar

If Simple Sarah runs for President, she will be required to quit Fox, or Fox would have to offer equal amounts of air-time to any other candidate.

iamthemob's avatar


But…if she does run…what she should really do is start writing her apology notes to the Republican party.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, she would have to. Otherwise, FOX would have to give equal time to all of the candidates. That is a prospect that would make them run screaming.

tedd's avatar

Legally she would have to resign her job, or Fox “news” would have to give the other candidates as much free air time as it has her on.

bolwerk's avatar

No. Anything that distracts Sarah Palin from winning is a good thing.

gailcalled's avatar

Why should she? Given all of her intellectual strengths, surely she can multitask?

blueiiznh's avatar

I am uncertain about the Fox News job part of this.
All I know is that the news stories would be focused on Abe rolling over in his grave and the elephant dying.

Pandora's avatar

I say she should keep her day job. And fox would become 10 times as annoying if she did run.
However for the TV viewer it would be great. She can run, and lose both her day job and the election. Eventually fox will figure out they are losing money trying to back her up. Unless they are trying to make a comedy show based on her election attempts to recoop the money they will loose.
Personally I just think she shouldn’t waste the tax payers money and that someone with some real experience and qualifications be given the slot for running for president.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Like Newt, she would be suspended from work on FOX until the election cycle is over or she withdraws from the race.

thecaretaker's avatar

I dont think shes a serious candidate and the republican party would be wasting there time putting her up again, time for some new blood

bolwerk's avatar

The Republikan Party hasn’t been serious since the 1970s. They put up stupid candidates who will help them “fiddle” (profit) while “Rome” (the USA) burns. It’s evolutionary psychology at work; they are more concerned about short-term, appetite-driven plenty than the long-term famine they’re going to cause.

dalepetrie's avatar

Yes, she should quit if she runs, no, she won’t run.

filmfann's avatar

@dalepetrie Ya, she’s no quitter. ‘Cept that Governor job thingy.

welcome back, btw

dalepetrie's avatar

I never left, I’ve just been observing semi-silently. I was far more prolific when I didn’t have one of these nuissance “job” thingys.

thecaretaker's avatar

The trouble with candidates and there campaign promises is of course the cant keep them once there elected, question is why? I used to laugh at the buider berg theory but im thinking it as plausible, someone else or some group is pulling the strings to these politicians once they take the oath, or maybe I just dont know enough about the political world.

gailcalled's avatar

@thecaretaker? What’s the “buider berg” theory?

thecaretaker's avatar

Its this theoretical group that is made up of a select few of bankers and politicians from the US and Europe that is secretly running all heads of governments to bring about anglo american global control, I may have some of this wrong but it explains a lot of why campaign promises are broken and why the economy fluctuates on speculation, we think its what we see right in front of us but its the puppet master pulling the strings, theres a video out that explains the builder berg theory, good stuff, theres also the possibilities of the third riech being involved because some of them escaped into south america and dissapeared doing who know what but thats my own theory im working on.

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