Do you wear glasses in reality?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
March 7th, 2011
Just thought I’d ask, random I know….
Please tell me though!
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73 Answers
Yes I do, and they don’t seem to be working very well any more, which makes it time to get an eye appt. I’m a little scared though. It seems unusual that they would have gotten this much worse. And they don’t even make me look better any more, because the lenses are so small (progressive lenses) that they make me look kind of squinty-eyed.
Bifocals. Comes with Age.
Where else would you wear them?
No. But I do have 3 pair of 0.5 diopter (extremely weak) reading glasses for when I sit at my PC for a long time or read in bed. I am lucky to have great eyesight.
I can’t see to read or type without reading glasses, but I don’t need glasses for normal everyday stuff like driving or seeing people across the room or to see the TV.
I have a pair of reading glasses in every room of the house, so that I don’t need to carry them from room to room and possibly lose them. Plus an extra pair in my glove compartment and another pair in my purse. I always carry extras, because sometimes my brother loses his and needs to borrow mine. Plus he looks pretty cute in the pink framed ones, ha ha.
I wear contacts or glasses, depends on my mood. Today, well for the last two weeks, I’ve been a glasses type of woman. Funky dark rimmed glasses. Springtime and contacts do not agree with my eyes…at the same time.
@queenie: got it! Yes, I do wear glasses. Mostly for reading, TV, computer, and night time driving. But sometimes I leave them on because they do make my world a little clearer.
Yep mainly for reading and working on the computer
I’m legally blind in my right eye, but my optometrist says I compensate very well-even for driving. One of my toddlers redesigned my last pair of glasses, and because I cope so well, I’ve never bothered to get them replaced.
On dark foggy nights I have learned to drive by braille. I stick my hand out of the window and feel for passing trucks. ;o)
Yes I do but only for reading.
My eyes are better than 20/20. And, in fact, they’re getting better with age, not worse.
I’m blind. I’ve worn glasses since I was 5 years old.. and my lenses are like ½” thick. So, I don’t wear my glasses in public. I do wear contact lenses, though. ;)
Wow, this seems just like when I hang out with friends, they all wear glasses with the exception of one person. I don’t wear glasses, so I guess I’m one of the oddball outs in this question. =D
Yes. I have worn glasses since I was 19 years old, but should have been wearing them at a much earlier age. I have astigmatism in my left eye, and am dreadfully nearsighted. Because of that thing we call age, I have to wear glasses to read. I wear progressive bifocals. I need to wear my glasses every waking minute, except for the obvious things. I try to even wear my glasses when I am in the pool.
@Prosb there will come a time that you too, will need to wear glasses… do not kid yourself, my brother boasted about his eyes being so great, and now he too has to wear glasses because he has become nearsighted.
Fuck yeah, proudly since the 3rd grade. UH!
Diets high in Omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, and a few other nutrients have been shown to actually repair eyes, albeit slowly, over time, not matter what age someone is.
I’ve always wondered if there is a connection between the size of the visible eye and eyesight. Everyone that I know with very big eyes (which includes me, as most of you know), wears glasses. I’ve always wondered if it is coincidence.
No, I do not need glasses.
My husband used to, but I convinced him to have lasix…now he sees better than most everyone else as he now has 20/15 vision.
I dont wear them in reality and in virtual life.
Since age 8, either glasses or contacts.
@SpatzieLover I take it u mean lasik? Lasix, is the brand name of a diuretic drug called furosemide. As a matter of fact, I take lasix for my heart. In the interest of staying on topic, wooo hooo on the glasses thing…most Americans wear eyeglasses for one reason or another.
@echotech10 Yes. Pardon my mistype! :) my family is ull of heart patients, I do know lasix well
Yup, I do. Progressive lenses/trifocals.
@echotech10 as far as I know Laisk has never made any one have to search for potties at every errand stop on their day ;) as Lasix does
No, but I wear glasses in my dreams.
Yuh huh. big purple-y ones.
In reality? As opposed to…?
Yes, I wear glasses, both in reality and in virtuality.
Yes, only when my contacts have worn out their welcome.
Yes, for driving and watching movies only.
Sure do. I’m useless without them. Insert self-depreciating joke here
I wear glasses for reading in my real life, but when I have dreams, I don’t wear glasses.
I ought to wear them more often than I do, but I hate them. So I only use them when it’s ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. So… just while driving.
@chyna Really? Even in my dreams I wear my glasses more than contacts.
Really. I guess I don’t even look at myself in glasses. As soon as I’m finished with the computer or reading, they come off.
@ chyna: I wear mine all day. Maybe that is the difference. When all the (spring) blooming stops, I’ll put the contacts back in; for now, I’m a woman in my glasses.
Bifocals and I dislike them, always have….disliked them that is.
@aprilsimnel I love small children w/glasses. I bet you were A-dorable!
@cak Did you have to put up with people telling you that you were just trying to get attention?
Before I had glasses, the teacher would write something on the board, and I couldn’t see it, and he would belittle me for faking!
I need readers to well….read. I have them everywhere and in every room. Sucks to not be able to read or do tiny fixes or the worst is sewing. Argh!!!
Besides the prescription bifocals I use some el-cheapo walmart readers 1.75 to use the computer, and 3.0 for model building ( while peering through a magnifying glass). Then there’s the 1.5 to use when doing certain job tasks like painting above my head or working under a sink. What a pain, and then I learn there are people with perfectly good vision getting fancy glasses to make themselves look better-different. Really? It’s like a 19 year old using Viagra.
@woodcutter my mom & my uncle swear by those cheapie glasses. They both have vast quantities of them…one by their desk, a pair by their beds-etc ;)
@Cruiser I have them everywhere and in every room
A very smart strategy!
I need reading glasses when I wear contact lenses. After a lifetime of spendy glasses, I was pretty excited to find reading glasses were not so special and the 3 for $9 Walgreen’s models work great. Keep a pair in the car, some at work , some at home, a pair in the fishing vest…
I have a prescription, but I only need it for driving, and I’ve always been anal about keeping my sunglasses clean, so leaving them in the car is a no-can-do. And of course I always forget them so I never wear them! Luckily I see very well, I just can’t read the words on road signs. More luckily, I just always know where I’m going by preparing in advance, or by just being familiar with my surroundings.
@filmfann: Yes I did! I had been moved to the back part of the class, because my teacher moved the “trouble-makers” to the front of the class. When I complained she made me feel horrible. I remember walking in with those glasses on my face and the sense of vindication. :)
I didn’t help that my Mom thought I was just trying to get attention. My sister was always the squeaky wheel, so I when I started, she thought it was just a ploy. All these years later, she is still eating crow on that one. I think it’s funny, but she says it still stings. Poor mom.
Yep, I wear them most of the time, since 1989. And with progressive lenses the last five years.
@SpatzieLover Indeed. I have them scattered throughout the house and the vehicles. It’s like Fred Sanford when he pulls about 10 different pairs out of the drawer and goes through a few to get the right ones. And since I ruin them regularly I insist on el-cheapos.
I sometimes wear 3X reading glasses if the print is too small, and I wear shades when I drive during the day.
I have a pair of reading glasses in my car, in three of my travel bags, by my computer, by one of my living room chairs, by my couch, and in one of my bathrooms.
When I tuned 43 I got a blackberry and thought it was crap. I couldn’t read it. I gave it away.
Then I found out my eyesight was failing and I needed glasses :-(
@jaytkay I even keep the broken readers as they are great in the glove box, tackle box, garage. Finding a pair I haven’t seen in a while is always a treat!
Just for driving, but yes.
I wear glassed to see. Now that’s reality.
I’ve worn glasses everyday of my life since 2nd grade…stupid farsided astigmatism!!!!
No, I have the vision of an alert owl hunting prey. Toowittttoowooo!
Nope, No Glasses…..Well except sunglasses
@lucillelucillelucille Good question. Just like having to push my face up against my monitor to read your tiny type here…I just slide on my belly across the floor until I bump up against a pair of readers. I have nice clean floors because of my near blindness. Tiny type and italics thrown in to return the favor Lucy! ;)
Yup, and I have since the sixth grade. I wore contacts for quite a while, then about two years after I started dating my husband, I said to heck with it and went back to glasses. I’ll wear contacts occasionally, but that’s only 2 or 3 times a year.
Been wearing glasses for over 30 years. Used contacts for a while and got to the point that I was only wearing them when playing hockey, then the ice rink closed, so now I only wear glasses and don’t miss wearing contacts at all.
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