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janbb's avatar

Do you know today is called "Pancake Day" in England?

Asked by janbb (63361points) March 8th, 2011

Just wondering what my fellow Jellies might be doing to celebrate. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

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27 Answers

JmacOroni's avatar

This may be my new favorite holiday. We need to throw a “party.”

Lightlyseared's avatar

…can’t fluther… have eaten too many pancakes… stomach about to explode…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I will be duct-taping my sister in law’s boobs flat! Ta-da!

AmWiser's avatar

Count me in! I’m having pancakes for dinner, thank you very much. I’d prefer pancakes to a shallow donut anyday.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It is and this dullard forgot to get pancake mix :(

AmWiser's avatar

@Leanne1986, make your own pancakes. And they look good too!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Leanne1986 Did you check the frizzer?

incendiary_dan's avatar

I must have been too busy preparing for Vaffeldagen.

Scooby's avatar

YES! I ate six earlier, smothered in syrup & I feel quite sickā€¦.. :-/

OpryLeigh's avatar

@SpatzieLover What’s a frizzer?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Leanne1986 I thought for certain you’d been here that long. Here’s what a frizzer is. a “freezer”

janbb's avatar

What about pancakes? Doesn’t anyone remember what pancakes are in Jellyland??

SpatzieLover's avatar

@janbb I do but can’t locate the Q right now :(

OpryLeigh's avatar

@SpatzieLover Ah..this is a little before my time. I’ve been here since March 2009!

auntydeb's avatar

Ooh, love it when the food stuff gets going. Yup, it’s pancake day here in chilly Blighty, my Hubby Mike makes lovely ones. Always prefers wholemeal flour – they come out nutty flavoured and substantial (today he used chapati flour, which worked a treat) – and local eggs. We had a savoury one, filled with a dahl he made last night, then several totally gorgeous ones with lemon juice and rapadura sugar.

When I was a kid, my Mum made pancakes for us; the joy was in waiting for her to get the first one out of the way, and being allowed to squeeze the lemons and sprinkle the sugar… Ooer, I’m getting hungry again now…

downtide's avatar

I love pancake day. Our pancakes are much thinner and bigger than American ones. More like crepes. Traditionally served with sugar and lemon juice. Yummy.

MilkyWay's avatar

Yeah, it was on the news… wish I wasn’t nursing a broken ankle… then I could go in there , and MAKE SOME PANCAKES!!!!

auntydeb's avatar

@queenie – I will tell Hubby to come make some for you!

cak's avatar

We had breakfast for dinner! Pancakes for the family. I think a dog managed to get part of one, too!

And I didn’t even have to go into the frizzer Or try to locate it!

MilkyWay's avatar

@auntydeb AWW, thanks! mmmmmmmm….. +
maple syrup

SpatzieLover's avatar

@answerjill I lurve you for that one. That question make me LOL4R every single time!!!

answerjill's avatar

@SpatzieLover – Happy to be of service!

Jeremycw1's avatar

why do we not have this holiday where I live? I will contact the authorities at once…

SpatzieLover's avatar

@janbb Had you not posted this question, neither of us would have that shiny, hard to get award. Thank you for making my pancakes extra special today! LOL4R

flutherother's avatar

@downtide My mother used to make those pancakes every Shrove Tuesday. They are great with a dash of lemon!

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