Social Question

SavoirFaire's avatar

What do you want to know that you cannot ask the person who could tell you?

Asked by SavoirFaire (28957points) March 8th, 2011

Perhaps someone has died and you can no longer ask that person anything. Perhaps the person is still around but estranged from you. Or perhaps the question just feels too awkward to ask. Who would you ask, and what would you want to know?

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22 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Since I am retired, I would like to ask a certain Police Chief about some new televisions that came up missing, off a warehouse dock. Not in my city, another city.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Is it because you are still in love with me?

KatawaGrey's avatar

I want to ask the president of my school why he insists on raising the cost of going to school.

P.S. He’s the second highest paid college president in the US.

john65pennington's avatar

Katawa, have you not heard. The cost of filling up his Hummer has reached $200 dollars and you know he is not going to pay for it.

wundayatta's avatar

Why didn’t you go to the doctor?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would want to know why they are so completely and utterly full of bullshit.
Hmmm…how valuable would that answer be? XD

Stefaniebby's avatar

I want to ask my Father, Have you forgiven me for sending you to jail?

Cruiser's avatar

What? Are you completely and utterly insane?? Tell the truth now!! ;)

Wait…no need we have plenty of proof! XD

tedibear's avatar

Why am I not worth doing those “little things” for, but you can manage them for others? And why would you marry someone that you don’t find particularly physically attractive?

cak's avatar

I would ask my biological father why he didn’t just walk away from the argument that led to his death. I know that my parents wouldn’t have stayed together, but I sure do wonder what he was like and how he would be as a grandfather to my children.

I completely lucked out with my stepdad (Dad!), though. He was wonderful and I wouldn’t change anything, as far as how I was raised.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Don’t you know how to use birth control?

TexasDude's avatar

What actually happened to you when you were younger?

cak's avatar

You do realize that I am not your victim.

6rant6's avatar

Did you know that we all loved you before and hated you after that?

augustlan's avatar

To my abuser: Was getting your rocks off at my expense really worth all of the damage you did to me?

To my mother: Why did you not protect me from him? (FWIW, I’ve asked this one many times… I’ve just never received an adequate answer.)

Axemusica's avatar

Why didn’t you support me when I needed it most?

Taciturnu's avatar

Therapy thread.

Why did you do it and why still don’t you admit it to me, when I remember?

Brian1946's avatar

To my paternal grandfather: Were you a member of the IWW when the railroad screwed you?

To my mother: Was it your friendship with Margie that cured you of your antisemitism?

bob_'s avatar

So if it’s not butter, what is it?

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yankeetooter's avatar

Do you know how I feel about you? How long have you had some inkling about this? How do you feel about me?

Maneko's avatar

Why did you lie about me? You claim to care about me.

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