Do you know I got the Cake in the Frizzer award?
Asked by
janbb (
March 8th, 2011
Read it and weep. This will probably get modded off immediately. “I wasn’t looking but somehow I found it….” I can die happy. And yes, my lips are sealed.
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82 Answers
Well….I’m not sure of the significance of this but, congratulations ! lol
Fucking cake?
Was it a pound cake?
Grrr. I wish I knew how!!!
I mean, congrats.
Hm. I got that award like…a year ago. XD
Are you trying to show off? Because it’s working!
I have never actively sought any awards and they don’t mean anything much to me but that one bothered me somehow because I couldn’t figure it out…...
@Jude No, it was a layer cake.
Is ’ Cake in the freezer’ code for dying online or something?
Did you thank under the shell for janets?
It’s a tough one, took me forever to track it down.
I also got Pilgrim and then it disappeared. And I can’t seem to “re-get” it :(
I once spent a couple of hours trying to get this award. I got Pilgrim, but that one’s easy if you think about it for a while. Frizzer? Forget it.
New bowdlerized version of the question is now up. Too many typos! I had to remove “fucking” and misspelled “frizzer” as “freezer.” All righty then!
I’d love to know how to get that one, simply because the name is so quirky and cool!
lol, now my response doesn’t make any sense.
For anyone who hasn’t seen it: FRIZZER. Be forewarned, it takes a while to load.
Also, remember not to give away state secrets! :)
Congrats! Hopefully it was a HUGE chocolate sheet cake
For the life of me I can’t tell you how I got the frizzer award, but that’s okay, I appreciate it. I tried to figure it out but couldn’t. (psst! maybe someone will pm me) On the other hand the award I worked for I can’t get, because the system is broken. Booohooo:(
I got the @cak in the frizzer award.
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@janbb Yay! I’ve had it forever.
Hey babes – what’s happenin’?
Chyna! I’ve never been there. Oh, I know how it’s spelt smartypants.
It happens. And it happens more on Fluther if you are pursuing fun/happiness.
cakes… frizzers… penguins… janets… bald starship captains… I’m definitely going to have some weird ass dreams tonight.
I’m afraid to even look. It’s probably some random picture of someone’s ass.
edit: Okay, I looked. Do I know you, or what? lol
@seazen I can’t see Madagascar, is there a high resolution image? I’m kidding of course.
I once spent ½ a day in there looking for that thing @janbb, then I realized I had to get back to reality
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so thrilled!
I just got my FRIZZER award now, too!!! Thank you for posting this @janbb! My inner competetitor came out and egged me on to find it.
I spent some serious time in there the last time I tried. This time it took me a good ½hr.
It was time well blown :D I don’t even care about the other “awards”...but this was the one I wanted.
@SpatzieLover PM me how to get it. I’ll trade ya two Herman Melvilles for the info.
@SpatzieLover : I’ll see @seazen‘s two Herman Melvilles and raise him a Whale Song for the info.
I still don’t know how I got mine, it just appeared one day. As did Feeding Frenzy. So much for my powers of deductive reasoning.
@seazen : Thanks for that pic. I’ve been hearing forever about Daloon’s ass-map, never saw it before…
@janbb your lips are sealed, but are the covered with frosting?
@JilltheTooth I have no idea how I got mine either.
I love cake!
I just don’t know how to get any. ;-(
Last night as I was falling asleep I had an idea about how to get this award. I tried it. It didn’t work. :(
Cake in the Frizzer? Pfft, got that one months ago. In fact I have two! Hah!
Congratulations, @janbb! On your achievement?
@hawaii_jake I’ll see your feeding frenzy and raise you two gold ingots. Landlubber.
How do you even know if you got it, unless it shows up in the community feed? Since the little stars are not showing up next to awards I’ve gotten, I have no idea if I may have gotten it by mistake at some point and don’t know it…
@erichw1504 Yes, I know how to look at them, but some of them don’t show up that should be there. For example, I never got the Mariner award for hitting 5k. I’m getting sad that I’m inching closer to 10k and the awards are still “broken”. :(
Okie dokie then! Thanks! =0)
Anyone want to PM me and tell me just how I got the Frizzer award? I know I got it consciously and I knew why I had gotten it at the time, but I have since forgotten. For that matter, anyone want to PM me and tell me how I got the Feeding Frenzy award? I’ve never known just how I got that one.
PS: Jan, how’s it feel to know the slow Fluther load-time today is all. your. fault? :P
I just got the Cake in the Frizzer award! I didn’t try to get it before now, I really hadn’t even tried.
ARGH!!!! I’m getting sooooo frustrated! I“m going nuts over here trying to figure it out and all you people are getting it!
I just got the @cak in the oven award.
:O I got it.
I don’t even know if I did it right, or if someone just got sick of my bitching and gave it to me. If I got it the way I think I got it, that’s a weird way to get it.
@Seelix It’s not a cold ;) No one can give it to you. You are a member of the frizzer’s now. Enjoy!
Now to figure out Robot Crush.
Okay, so I figure that Old Timer can’t be achieved anymore, am I right?
And unless we go to @augustlan‘s house, I don’t think we can get Guacamole.
@Seelix. Makes me wonder. What if we all showed up at @augustlan‘s house with Guacamole?!?
@cak – I’m down for a road trip!
All right, I think I know how I got the Frizzer. Can others who have it PM me with their theories? I was trying so many different things I’m not 100% sure what it was, or what combination of things it was, that did it.
I know. I have a problem. I need to stop obsessing. And I will, someday.
Got mine a few minutes ago too. This time, it actually shows up in my list and for some insane, psychotic, givehermoremedsbeforeherheadasplodes reason, I’m excited about this.
Like the beautiful lady above me, I think I have a problem…
Anyone know if Perfecto-fish is broken right now or still working? I thought I had figured out how to get that one, but what I tried didn’t seem to work. Hmm…
I finally got the Cake in the Frizzer award yesterday, after doing the exact same thing I have done a dozen times before.
I am assuming a glitch got fixed.
Or a flitch got glixed. Happens here.
@erichw1504 Do you know that now I know not to click on any more of your links or to read your posts? Just saying.
@seazen But, I bet you can’t resist this one! Do it!, Click it!!!
@erichw1504 I’m going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the evening.
I love guacamole. Just sayin’.
@cak “Never gunna give you up, never gunna let you down…”
@erichw1504: Almost as bad as getting this song song stuck in you head. Now I have such an odd mix of lyrics stuck in my head.
@augustlan: watch out, you might have a lot of jellies showing up on your doorstep!
@erichw1504 truly in the style of Ben and Andrew!
If you doubt it, click on “add yourself to your Fluther”
I have luckily stumbled onto some of the white awards, some by complete accident; some by only partial accident.
The mystery that eludes is “robot crush.”
I fear one has to do something other than fart about in/on fluther, like do cell phone/mobile technology research or watching the French movie A.I. again and getting my review published in the NYT.
@augustlan wouldn’t it be fun to go to San Fran for guac? But who would be home? Where is Twitter HQ?
Interestingly, Twitter HQ is quite close to Fluther’s old office. I doubt they have guac, though. :p
No, but if you hum a few bars it might come to me.
Still wondering about cake in the frizzer. Such a brilliant meme!
I got it too.. It’s the one award that really thrilled me too!
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