Will you wish me luck/pray for me?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
March 9th, 2011
Really hope the mods will let this through…
OK, so. I’m going to have an operation soon on my ankle. Some of you may know that I broke it earlier last week. This is a totally new thing for me as I’ve never had surgery before, so I’m feeling very nervous.Please wish me luck and/or pray for me. Thank you all for all the support you’ve been showing me.
Love you,
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104 Answers
Just take a deep breath. You will come out of this fine.
Your ankle will heal better because of the surgery.
Good luck. When I had my foot operated on last summer it was my first real operation and I was nervous and it was a friggin breeze. You start getting loopy, pass out, wake up, and its all over. :)
First surgeries are really scary, regardless of what they’re for. Sending you courage and speedy-recovery juju! You will be all right. Plus… yer gonna love Vicodin. ;D
You’re gonna be just fine, cowgirl, I promise. Roy Rogers always keeps his promises.
Lord, bless Queenie. We pray for skill in the doctors’ hands, for fast healing, and relief of both pain and fear. Give her perfect peace as she enters this new chapter in her life.
In Jesus’ name,
Of course!
You will come through with flying colors and will be up on your feet in no time! :))
aww guys,, you brought tears to my eyes.
I’ve never been so touched in all my life. Thank you soo much…
My thoughts are with you and it will be done and over in no time at all. Good Luck
The respect shown by offering both options (wish me luck/pray for me) shows that you are, indeed, someone who deserves the best of luck for the surgery. I wish it to you.
Luck lady. You’ll be kicking ass with the foot soon.
All the best for an easy surgery and a speedy recovery. I know it’s scary but I’m sure all will be fine.
Hey @queenie, Mike is a healer, I’ll get him to send you some distant healing and will think of you too. Just tell your bod that a bit of mending is in order, that it will happen safely and without pain, that the surgeons and team will do their job excellently and you will wake up comfortable and heal really well. x
It will be just fine @queenie .
Best of luck to you on your surgery and a quick recovery.
Thoughts/prayers/happy thoughts/good karma/posivibes/etc. all being sent your way, dear.
Best of luck and wishing you a speedy recovery. I’m sure you’ll be up and around in no time.
Prayers yours way. On the prayer line for it.
Let us know how it goes.
Prayers sent your way @queenie
along with
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{healing thoughts}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
for once you are out of the surgical room.
Sending calming vibes your way!!!
Sending you best wishes for your surgery and a speedy, painless recovery!
I’ll pray you have a speedy recovery. The surgery part will be a breeze. You get to sleep through the whole thing, I assume. However its the recovery part that will probably bug you the most. I’ve been through 3 different surgeries in my life time. It was always the recovery that was the biggest bitch to overcome.
You’ll be fine during the surgery. The rehabilitation will be the sucky part. So I’ll pray you get back on your feet in no time and that your recovery is 100%.
I’m not trying to worry you more, I just want you to realize the surgery part with a knowledgable doctor is a breeze in your end, so no need to worry.
The second part of it may be difficult but with a good outlook and care and pain meds, it can go a lot smoother.
@queenie, I just saw your question, but you just have to ask. Consider my prayers asked and good wishes sent. I’ve had surgery before so it is easy for me to say there’s nothing to it , but 1st time surgery is a little scary. You will come through this, and as has been said already you will be dancing again in no time.
Hi @queenie . I am right there inside your head, giving you comfort and joy and good feelings. I’ve been in a bunch of hospitals over the last two years because my Dad and brother both had open heart surgery and my Mom has had some serious medical problems too. All of the doctors and nurses and attendants were awesome and did everything they could to help my family. Everybody came out, feeling much better and they’re all doing well now. When you go to the hospital, keep a big smile on your face and make pleasant conversation with everyone you meet. Ask plenty of questions, make sure someone you love and trust is there with you to take notes and get all of the answers to the questions and any info about your after-care. You’ll do just fine. And remember I’m right there in your head, all you have to do is conjure me up : ) XXXOOO
My prayers and thoughts are with you I asked the same for my appendix surgery on Friday and as I was going under the anesthetic I drew on all the positive thoughts of friends, family and fellow flutherites it really helped me feel especially well I was getting worked up about trusting the surgeons and having no control. I hope all goes well xxxx let us know how you get on xx
Getting operated on is pretty breezy. The most unpleasant part is the IV. Once you’re in the operating room they’ll get you to count down from 10 (usually) and by 8 you’re out.
You must be in quite a bit of pain now and hopefully the operation will help that and allow you to heal speedily and thoroughly.
My thoughts are with you.
Hey I had my first surgery recently, and they gave me an ENGLISH MUFFIN after. So worth it. Yum.
Good luck, best wishes, speedy recovery! Definitely will be expecting updates on how you’re doing. Oh, and so you know, I’d totally take you out for ice cream when you’re feeling better if we lived on the same continent!
Thank you all, your making me feel much better and much braver…
Will deffo update you before and after the operation..
@etignotasanimum which continent do you inhabit? : )
AWW, I’m in europe… plan to visit in the near future though…
thanks anyway @etignotasanimum , give the ice cream to a homeless person.. : )
All the best @queenie! Hope you’re back on (both of) your feet soon!
Yes, I will keep you in my prayers. ((((HUGS))))
Best wishes for a successful surgery and a devoted approach to physical therapy! If you want to talk before or after your surgery, PM me (I have had a broken ankle reconstructed).
Ah, @queenie! I’m sorry that a cast isn’t doing the trick. I know it’s scary, but you will be okay.
I am guessing most surgeries follow the same beginning process. Before they move you into the surgical room, you will be given something to relax you a bit. If you get this injection into your IV, here’s something you may laugh about. My husband and I call this the “glazed ham stage” ...for good reason. Can you tell I’ve been through this one too many times? The injection is given and I am immediately a much calmer nicer person.—I sound like a drunk person telling the world that “I luvvvvvvvvffff you.”
Just remember, glazed ham stage! Best wishes! :)
You will be in my prayers.
I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, @queenie!
Good luck! Bonne chance! Καλή τύχη!
THANK YOU ALL,,, for everything.
OK, so the date is set,, the operation is on monday….deep breaths : )
Good luck sweetie!
I how your recovery is swift!
We’ll be thinking about you!
As @etignotasanimum said, please let us know how you’re doing. You carry all of our good wishes and prayers with you, so please keep us updated!
sorry ‘I hope your recovery is swift!”
Maybe you should have glazed ham for dinner over the weekend in preparation ;)
You’ll be fine – it’ll be over before you know it. And yes, please let us know how you’re doing afterward.
WIll do…thank you all once again for all the love and kindness you’ve shown me…wipes a tear from her eye… Love you all.
OK , so the docs have said that they’re going to operate on the ankle…there are little fragments of bone that either need to be taken out or repositioned to ensure that they heal together with the main bone properly… they said that they will first need to open up and see what the situation is like inside before deciding on the better option…sounds grim doesn’t it?
Hopefully though, everything will work out and it’ll be fine. Peace out to all of you and wish you all happy and healthy lives… mwah.XXX
Please let us know when you have your surgery.
It’s gonna be on monday….2 days to go….
Oh, and they said I’ll have to starve myself of any food 4 hours before the operation : /
Take them seriously about the food! I don’t know exactly what could happen, but when I’ve been warned, my husband has been warned, heck- even
my cat was warned- do NOT
eat several hours before
surgery. So I take them very seriously. I’m just sayin..
Yes…@gracieT is right, they won’t do the surgery if you eat. But 4 hours….really isnt that bad lol
@GracieT and @queenie – reason for ‘fasting’ several hours before surgery is purely unpleasant, but necessary. Some people are inclined to vomit upon waking from anaesthesia, an empty stomach… etc. You can take sips of cold water (don’t drink juice/tea etc), but it is a safety precaution. So, talk to your bod, have a little break from digestion and tell yourself it’s good for the soul!!!
It’s Sunday morning here in Blighty, I am offline for a few days after today. Good Luck @queenie , I shall think of you having your op and send healing vibes. Take care
Thank you everyone, trust me. Your support is making me feel so much better. : )
Ok folks…I’m gonna go to sleep now. After that I’ll be off to the hospital…thank you all once again for everything.
Might be a while before I log in again.
Peace out.
Try not to worry. “See” you when you get back :-)
Take care of yourself, sweetie, and good luck!
Thank you, @auntydeb! I thought that that was the reason, but didn’t actually know. (I know that vomiting is the reason for no food for animals close to surgery, but not for humans)
Thinking about you queenie! Best wishes!!
OH , thank you guys.
The great british medical system… sighs….was in the hospital for 15 hours….then they tell me my operation is cancelled due to some emergency cases…have to wait another week for the next operation schedule….ugh.
Argh! Well, at least you only had to fast for four hours :)
That sucks.
I have surgery coming up in the next few months and I would hate to have that happen. I’m on the cancellation list so if anyone cancels I’ll be able to get it done sooner.
Eewww, I’d like to echo the “that sucks” sentiments from above. Sorry hon.
@Seelix HAHA, actually I was kept starved of food and water for the 15 hours….only had a hospital meal after THAT….
@queenie So you had to fast for 19 hours and then got hospital food? That’s beyond sucks.
@queenie: oh, yuck! Hospital food! Hop on a plane and fly across the pond and we’ll have our surgery together.
Hey @queenie – British Medical System eh? Hmph. All that sorting out for nowt, take a breather and we’ll keep the vibes a-comin’!
Thanks for the support guys….
So ,after a few hours on the phone,I managed to get a place in,,,FOR TOMORROW!
See you guys after a while….
Mwah. xxxx
@queenie Good luck my dear, have a nice nap during your op and we’ll see you in the morning.
Luckiest luckety luck, safe, sound and wholesome return to the world when you awaken ;0)
HEY GUYS!!! YEP,I’m alive and kicking ( well,technically no,I can’t exactly kick right now) but yeh.I’m fine.
The surgeon said he’s happy with how it went and I have no idea what happened in there…totally had been knocked out with the anaesthetic….can’t even remember what I dreamt of.
Just wanted you guys to know I’m back home and doing well.And to be honest,I wouldn’t have felt so brave if it weren’t for you guys backing me up.Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.Mwah.
@queenie! Awesome- and thank you for keeping us posted. You had several dozen people thinking of/ praying for you, and we will all be thankful that you let us know.
Glad to hear everything went well!
Wonderful news @queenie !
I’m so glad you are doing well. Rest up and follow your post-op instructions.
Thanks for letting us know how it went.
So glad to hear that things went well, queenie! You’ll be up and kicking again soon.
Rest well so you heal well queenie! =)
{{{{{{{{{Healing Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}
Hi honey, so glad to hear that everything went well. Did you have any interesting or funny dreams while you were out? Were the doctors cute? Hope you ankle doesn’t hurt too much.
Here’s more Yay and Mwah for ya.
aaww,thanks guys : )
and @Kardamom yes….the doctors were cute….
@queenie I’m glad things went so well. I’m always amazed at how fast I go under and how it seems like no time past when I wake up.
I’ll be laid up in about seven weeks when I go under the knife to fix my shins.
@tranquilsea Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you before you go in. : )
Hi @queenie How are you feeling today? Luv ya girlie!
yes @tranquilsea , pleeeze do : )
And thanks @Kardamom , I’m feeling good,and the painkillers are doing what they’re supposed to…
Thanks @Kardamom and @queenie. I’m lining up family and friends to take care of the cooking/cleaning etc. as I’ll be off my feet for a week with very limited mobility for the second week. I’ve not ever been that out of commission before. I’m glad my kids are older, though, as they can be gophers ;-)
Rest well! Remember to stay ahead of the pain, don’t let it get to the misery point!
@tranquilsea Best wishes to you, too!
Let’s all wish @tranquilsea some “Get well soons” and “Hope you get betters”...
@queenie Thanks :-) I’m sure I’ll be fluthering up a storm while I’m laid up. I’m a little nervous about the recovery as both my legs will be in pain.
OK, not sure who’s reading this but I’m gettin my stitches removed tomorrow…see you guys soon!
Love you
Hooray! I hope they fixed you up good and proper. How are you feeling? Did you do anything interesting/exciting while you were on bed rest? Welcome back from the sickroom : )
Yay for removing stitches! Is this the end of your recovery?
glad you are well enough to communicate this. Prayers still going.
OUCH! That hurt like hell!
No, I’ve still got a lengthy recovery in front of me, have to wait 2 weeks till starting physio and still can’t stand on it either. But I’m sure I’ll get by with you lovely people to keep me company : )
Thank you all for all the love and support you’ve given me.
You are welcome for what little I can give. I hope your recovery is full of ice cream and fluffy slippers! (I have absolutely know idea what I meant with that, it just sounds cute! ;0) )
Keep us posted. I’m so happy to hear it all went well. I’ll do a little happy dance for you now. Later your on your own on the happy dance. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.
Let me know when your ready to dance like crazy. :)
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