Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 11!
Asked by
AmWiser (
March 9th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly until…. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
767 Answers
Thank you ALL The Jellies Below Me for your response to this thread.
TJBM loves the challenge of a crossword puzzle
The jelly below me has attempted and failed to grab the “cake in the frizzer” award several times now.
I have no idea what that means.
The Jellie below me votes for America Idol.
I never heard of it before now. But now I’m not only huntin’ the frizzer, I’m planning the party once I find it.
TJBM knows what a home birth is, and even knows someone who’s had one.
This thing is still loading as if it’s 400 posts long. Sheesh! PIck your question or answer both if you want.
True – I know what a home birth is, but False to knowing someone who has had one.
TJBM has been to 5 or more countries and can name them for us.
False. I’ve only been to 4: Canada, US, Mexico, and Texas XD
TJBM loves home cooked “soul food”
I haven’t had that much of it enough to love it, but I can see how it would grow on me.
TJBM has discovered blood oranges and loves, absolutely loves them. I do.
True. “I am very happy here, because I loves oranges, and talk bad Latin to the monks, who understand it, as it is like their own – and I go into society (with my pocket pistols), and I swim…and I ride on an ass or mule, and swears Portuguese, and have got a diarrhea and bites from a mosquito. But what of that? Comfort must not be expected by folks that go a pleasuring…But, in sober sadness, any thing is better than England, and I am infinitely amused with my pilgrimage as far as it has gone.” 1809 – from Lisbon, Lord Byron
TJBM has made a fool of themselves on Fluther today. I did.
Perhaps not today, but on fluther at some point? Most definitely.
The jelly below me sometimes gets excited over silly, meaningless things.
I definitely do!
The jelly below me sings along to the car radio.
Only when alone.
TJBM is looking forward to daylight savings time.
FALSE —I am dreading it thoroughly one as a night owl & two as the mom/spouse of people with rigid routines.
TJBM loves to collect art.
True. I love having original pieces even if I can’t afford famous works, I like having things that were considered and touched by the artist personally. Not just copies or mass-produced items.
TJBM still thinks Ricky Martin is adorable and doesn’t care if he is gay.
True he is so cute I just wanna hug him!
TJBM thinks we should plan out AmWiser 10K party so it’ll be as long as one of these TJBM threads ;) we’ll have to give much more lurve though
Maybe, I don’t know what’s going on!
TJBM thinks it’s dumb that the only work kids these days use is “gay”.
True! I’m all for the lurve, maaaaan.
TJBM prefers Star Trek to Star Wars.
Meep…some how my answer got all screwed up and posted late…sorry! D:
False, I prefer neither one. Although I do watch the Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. Does that count?
TJBM is planning a trip out of their home area this summer.
False. I wish…well maybe we could do a trip to Chicago for the day
TJBM Loves road trips.
True. I love road trips!
TJBM is planning a great weekend.
True. It’s going to be a busy weekend. Hockey game Saturday night, movie Sunday afternoon…the kind of weekend I really need.
TJBM has swum in an ocean
TJBM hates the ocean.
False. I absolutely love the ocean.
TJBM collects rocks
TRUE! I have one that looks like a blue whale. I keep many in my garden
TJBM treasures nature
True! I love going on hikes and taking pictures…I even have my own backyard garden ^-^
TJBM has tried a deep fried snickers bar and liked it.
False. I hate anything deep fried.
TJBM likes the show Dexter.
TRUE!!!!!!! ahhhhh!! CANT wait for the next season to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TJBM has gone skinny dipping.
False. I’m actually very self conscious about things like stripping down to my birthday suit for anyone to see.
TJBM has a sweet tooth
Fudge isn’t just for breakfast anymore.
TJBM has translucent skin.
True it’s Wisconsin, winter and i has NO tan
TJBM likes to lay out to tan.
False!!!................I rather have translucent skin. LOL.
TJBM knows how to roller blade.
False. I spend most of my time on my backside.
TJBM doesn’t have any cavities.
False, I have one, but on which tooth, I’ll never tell!
TJBM has some amount of respect for Charlie Sheen for not giving a damn.
False. I think he needs Lithium and feel bad for his family member
TJBM knows I don’t have any cavities ;) @tranquilsea thanks
True and good for you!
TJBM likes to lay on their back in the grass at night and watch the stars in the night sky and imagine just how infinitesimal we are.
True i like to float in a pool at night during summer & do that too
TJBM loves to read at least a book a week.
True I love reading.
TJBM finds science fascinating
True. like you I like to research new ideas or things I’m into at the moment
TJBM is a homeschooling mom.
False. I have no kids!
TJBM likes peanut butter
TJBM had their ears pierced as a child.
TJBM cooks a ham for Easter dinner.
True, but not all the time. A roast is good too.
TJBM is a master pianist.
I came running back when I heard someone say penis! Oh. My mistake
@Blueroses Thanks for the midnight chuckle! :D
False. Can hardly find middle C ;)
TJBM likes to use the word “wicked” in place of cool or awesome.
TJBM has procrastinated today
TJBM should be asleep right now.
False, but I should be working on my income tax. I have to finish before the weekend.
TJBM has internet connection issues often
True, or at least I do with my phone
TJBM had a lot of fun last night/ this morning
i most certainly did
I watched American Idol, then got to get up at 5:00 am t go to work. So an absolute TRUE!!!
Below me will enter a race of some sort this year.
False. I hate competition.
TJBM subscribes to at least one magazine.
TJBM paints their toenails!
The last time I painted toenails it was on my newborn identical twins. I painted the nails of one so we could tell them apart. Then one day hubby was holding one while I painted the nails of the other, and what do you know, we got them mixed up. I had been painting the nails of the wrong baby! I told the story to MIL just to freak her out. She obliged, wonderfully. Twenty-two years later the twins (jokingly) maintain they still have no idea who they are. Tee-Hee!
TJBM thinks twin stories are awesome.
True. I find identical twins especially fascinating.
TJBM listens to public radio but doesn’t donate to it.
That is so very true! And I always feel guilty about it too.
The jelly below me loves ice cream.
TJBM saw a picture of a cat on the internet today.
not that I know of, unless it was on fluther, and I don’t remember it.
TJBM eats food that nobody else understands or wants to try. Do tell!
TRUE! I eat ice cream with curry
TJBM plans to go uot soon
False. Stuck here at work until 4ish.
TJBM has had a surprise birthday party thrown for them before.
FALSE, it wasn’t a surprise party..
TJBM can see @tranquilsea constantly crafting a response….
True. But I just keep posting before she does. If ever.
TJBM had trouble sleeping last night.
TJBM has some errands to run today.
TJBM wonders how long it will be until @tranquilsea stops crafting a response.
TJBM will try to figure out if @tranquilsea is ok or not…
True. Very worried…
TJBM is eating lunch.
False,, finished it half an hour ago…
TJBM is going to start to ignore @tranquilsea…
False, that would disturb the tranquility.
The jelly below me reads a newspaper every day.
False,,, only read it weekly. : )
TJBM will be @erichw1504…
True. Are you psychic?
The jelly below me is creeped out by @erichw1504‘s apparent psychic tendencies.
WOW,, ya know I think he is…
TJBM will be….
False? True? Wait, what was the question?
TJBM is confused by @queenie‘s question, or lack thereof.
TJBM will be you…
False. This is Susie, one of @WillWorkForChocolate‘s alter egos.
The jelly below me is cautiously backing away and avoiding eye contact.
TRUE, kinda… I need to go somewhere. over and out. : )
TJBM will carry on this thread…
TJBM will watch a TV show tonight.
TJBM needs to get off their computer and clean their home.
False. Well, maybe…
TJBM enjoys a cold brew every once in a while.
False & I live in a beer known local ;)
TJBM has never…had…a Bratwurst. this is shocking to those of us here
False. Of course I have. I’m part German!
TJBM took advantage of a situation recently.
False I’m part German too, but that is redundant to say where I reside
TJBM has a song playing in their head right now.
False. Usually I do though…
TJBM knows who Mark Zuckerberg is.
True Personally I think he’s an Aspie, too
TJBM is wondering where @tranquil went for so long.
Bo don’t know diddly?
The jelly below me has a blog and would like to PM me with the link!
Yes and No.
One step down likes to.spend days at arboretums.
False, there aren’t many tree like that around where I live.
TJBM LOLed today.
True. x acto ly
TJBM has seen a bit of Charlie Sheen’s latest rant.
False. Are you talking about his fourth webisode? I did read an excerpt from it yesterday.
TJBM is bi-winning.
True zactly
TJBM watches a highly rated sitcom
True. How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. Used to watch Two and a Half Men until they ended the season short. I wonder why…? egg statically
TJBM has their own catch phrase.
TRUE, but Im not going to tell you…
TJBM is now quite worried for @tranquilsea…
False. she’s prolly homeschooling or making lunch, etc and just left her computer on accidentally when she was thinking of responding…prolly the phone rang That’s what I said.
TJBM is worried for themselves right now
False, well, maybe true…
TJBM is going to say something very funny…
True: Squigglenuggets!
TJBM would like to dedicate their next response to someone.
True,, I d like to dedicate it to one of my friends here on fluther, who isn’t here anymore…@Bobo1946….
TJBM also had a friend who left fluther…
True. I miss Chaz.
The jelly below me has never been fired from a job.
I’d like to say true, but will have to say false. Although, I wasn’t “fired” as much as “let go”. The retail store had just gotten a new manager and she was basically replace all of us O.G.‘s with new employees. She was a bitch.
TJBM would like to talk smack about someone right now.
TJBM will tell me who to talk smack about…
FALSE, I don’t start rumours… I make them. ; } mwahahaa….
TJBM is an idiot
True yesterday I was having an idiot kinda day…you know, when you spit toothpaste down your shirt (after you’ve just gotten dressed) , spilled things, dropped things-etc
TJBM is a perfectionist.
True, sometimes.
TJBM taught themselves to type fast on a keyboard by using AIM constantly in the 2000’s.
Wait, someone’s gonna talk smack about me? :P
False, I learned to type fast when I was typing between spell casts in a raid in WoW.
The jelly below me is really starting to get antsy wondering why @tranquilsea is just sitting there…
True, kind of. It is starting to annoy me.
TJBM just received an email!
TJBM puts the toilet paper roll up & over, not down & under.
@erichw1504 So does this mean you and queenie are planning to start rumors?
True, I prefer my tp rolling out from over the top.
The jelly below me is a beautiful queen.
TJBM loves nuts. All kinds.
@erichw1504 Uhoh… well have fun! Come up with some really creative ones, ok?
True! I love almost every kind of edible nut.
The jelly below me has visited Texas.
False, unfortunatlely… but I’d love to , someday…
TJBM is a patriot
True, especially since I was in the Air Force.
TJBM likes noodles.
Yeah, I like noodles. I like the spinach, tomato, or herb flavored noodles best. If they’re whole grain it’s even better.
alrighty then
TJBM is forgetful sometimes.
How did you guess? TJBM in my above post Was supposed to be @SpatzieLover
And at this point TJBM is thrilled that I actually remembered to do the second part of the game.
TRUE! =)
TJBM will eat a pizza before this week is done.
Aaaack! I hope not, but possibly. I don’t exactly hate pizza, but I’d rather have a variety of other food instead.
TJBM dyes their hair.
False, but I have done that once.
TJBM recently bled from a wound.
True, I bled AND broke my ankle whilst playing football…
TJBM is good and healthy…
Eh, sort of. I have lots of vitamins but I forget to take ‘em. Then I remember again when I start feeling yukky.
TJBM likes to fish.
TRUE, although I don’t do it much I enjoy it whenever I do….
TJBM has a wonderful fluther name….
False. Kind of boring.
TJBM changes their avatar at least once a month.
false, though I definately think you are psychic as I was planning to today…
TJBM is in denial…
TJBM just checked the time.
True…i need to get stuff done
TJBM is procrastinating.
UM,,, TRUE…no,, false,,, I don’t know!!!
TJBM knows what procastinating is….
True.—i’m doing it now.
TJBM likes to label things when organizing.
TJBM has aced an exam before.
TRUE, got an A* in english and science…
TJBM is a genius
Possibly. I have been told my IQ is right up there, but I don’t know the number. My father was, definitely. I’d love to join Mensa, but I don’t do so well on tests (test anxiety).
TJBM is drives waaay too fast. If you drive behind me I’ll be mad at you if you tailgate me.
True. I have a heavy foot.
TJBM has ridden on a motorcycle before.
TRUE!! akthough im underage… shhh..
TJBM is beautiful
Yes. Hubby’s tried to turn it into a retirement hobby for the two of us, but the helmet makes me crazy. It makes my head itch really, really, really badly. I can tolerate about 45 minutes of that misery, and I’m done!
TJBM is looking for something they’ve lost
TJBM noticed that tranquilsea left us.
Aaak! we did it at the same time.
I’m not a great beauty, (have no intention of trying either).
I certainly did notice trainquilsea leave us.
TJBM is wondering if trainquil sea even looked to see if we were talking about them.
Haha, true!
TJBM feels a sense of relief now that @tranquilsea is gone.
TJBM knows something I don’t….
TJBM has run a marathon before.
FALSE, plan to , one day….
TJBM will share they’re exact thoughts with us…
True…she’s BACK
TJBM thinks @tranquilsea is just screwing with us and is reading this all as we type along
true,, cos she’s back again…
TJBM is tired
TJBY (The jelly below you) is, once again, tranquilsea) and I expect she IS tired.
The next jelly below you is me, and yes indeed, the flame on my candle sputters occasionally.
TJBM will tell us a delightful story from their childhood, or the childhood of someone they know.
False, I’m too tired to..
but TJBM kindly will.
When my children were little, I used to give them all plastic jars with good lids and sent them out to catch grasshoppers. When they filled their jars full, they would bring them back to me, and we’d put the cat in the bathtub and close the sliding glass door. Then we’d dump the hoppers in over the top of the glass door, and watch the fun. And a wonderful time was had by all..
Try it on a kid and kitty near you!
TJBM is thinking about trying this all by themselves if they can’t find a child to do it with.
False. I love grasshoppers and wouldn’t want their guts in my tub
TJBM uses a crockpot to make meals.
TJBM does volunteer work.
More than often.
Below me gets turned on watching Judge Marilyn Milian on The People’s Court.
@all this is what happens when you get asked 1000 questions a day and finally give up and go to bed not realizing when I hit “answer” it didn’t work! sorry all. But I did have a good chuckle at all your responses
lol, sorry! TJBM is angry at both me and @tranquilsea .. I know I am… lolz
False. just impatient and curious as to what you’re up to
TJBM will enjoy a nice walk tonight.
@queenie don’t be mad, Fluther was super buggy last night and often wasn’t accepting my answers.
oh no, not at you! at me lolz! sorry : )
TJBM will go to virgin media .com and click on the funny videos link….trust me, @scooby made me laugh countless times lol.
False. I have things to do!
TJBM has a hectic day tomorrow.
Foggy—my crystal ball isn’t working and can’t see into the future.
TJBM watches Grease for the plot and fast forwards through the singing scenes.
False, I love all the singing scenes. Confession: I watched that movie about 100 times when I was 11. I pretty much memorized it.
TJBM is happy Fluther is working properly today.
@tranquilsea Gonna go off topic slightly. I have this 5 year old daughter, and she loves that Summer Nights song. I have that video downloaded and she sings and sings and sings. We like to laugh at the gal on the left side of the picnic table—she really gets into that sitting dance. LOL
TJBM is happy Fluther is working properly today.
TRUE, very happy :D
TJBM needs some sleep and dinner, just like me…
½ true. I’m not sleepy but I am getting hungry.
TJBM likes to vacation somewhere warm.
False. I hate warmth!
TJBM is eating something vegetarian for dinner.
False, just finished some chicken and rice…mmmm..
TJBM will tell us what they had, or will have for lunch…
I had a Yoplait “Pineapple Upside Down Cake” yogurt and some ranch flavored, mini rice cakes.
DAMMIT! That’s about the 4th time I’ve done that!
The jelly below me feels like a ditz sometimes.
True. It happens sometimes when you’re terrible at math and screw up simple addition because your mind is elsewhere.
TJBM has taken calculus and survived.
True! I love calculus :)
TJBM knows French.
TRUE, bonjour madame… javudre le croissont su vu plait?
TJBM speaks russian…
True!! Kak vy uznali?
TJBM is spending the night alone.
TRUE,in fact I’m gonna get ready for bed in a while…
TJBM knows what I wrote in French…
False. French is my worst language.
TJBM watches a television series regularly.
False, I don’t follow any regularly…
TJBM will carry on this thread after me… I’m gonna go to bed. aur’voir! (see you later)
TRUE! And TJ totally missed thread 10! First one she wasn’t in on. Bummer!
TJBM has had a really tough day recently that he or she has carried with her through the week, trying to remember “This too shall pass.” Trying to remember that “Time heals all wounds.” And it really didn’t have anything to do with missing thread 10 either!
False!!.....although this would of been true if it were asked 2 weeks ago…Damn female parts>_<
TJBM is allergic to strawberries.
If I were, give me a peck and let me committ suicide. I love strawberries.
Next knows the difference between a trim hammer and a framing hammer.
I have a purple hammer, does that count?
The jelly below me thinks “girly tools” are silly.
Girly tools? What are girly tools?
TJBM bites his or her fingernails.
I have my own set of tools, and they’re all purple. Hammer, screwdriver, level, ratchet, needlenose pliers, measuring tape… all of it is purple, LOL!! And they came in a purple and black canvas tool bag. I call em my girly tools.
False, I have acrylic nails specifically to keep me from biting them anymore.
The jelly below me is shocked and appalled at the comment directly above this. :P
True~ i is giggling
TJBM likes DIY projects
False. I’m not handy at all!
TJBM has green eyes. (sorry if my above comment was too blunt, but I get so confused!!)
False I look like my son there in my avatar…well he looks like me ;)
TJBM looks just like one of his/her parents.
False. I never knew my real parents.
TJBM has an ex that they regret dating.
@KatetheGreat, then the answer isn’t false. You could be the spitting image of your birth mother and not know it.
True, I do have someone I regret dating. It was a rebound relationship. I picked the person because of their similarities to someone I dearly loved, and then became frustrated because they weren’t that person. I should have spent more time alone between relationships, and learned better emotional self-reliance.
TJBM has a job that they feel trapped in.
True sorta…If I have a bad day, I MUST wake up the next day & still be a homeschooling mom
TJBM loves the town/city they live in.
False. I want to get out so bad. @BarnacleBill I’ve seen pics of my mum when she was my age. I just don’t know what she looks like now. We look nothing alike.
TJBM is watching a movie right now.
Uck! I’m watching “Everybody Loves Raymond” and getting my mind wrapped around going to bed!
TJBM wishes they really knew how to teach English—like how “prepositional phrases” is not the same same as “propitiously phrases” and stuff….
No. I’m more interested in the art of propositioning. Successful ventures can be described with the prepositions “in” and “out.”
TJBM is obsessed with the prognostications of octopi.
False, could not care less
TJBM has a mild crush on someone they shouldn’t
TJBM can only eat a teeny amount of chocolate before feeling sick.
False. I could live on that stuff.
TJBM is laughing about something right now :)
True. Chances are always good that I’m laughing.
TJBM wears a shower cap in the shower
False! I don’t own a shower cap.
TJBM has accidentally burned off their eyebrows before.
No. I mean, False.
TJBM has had plastic surgery
False. I will probably resort to it when I am older though.
TJBM also wonders what it would be like to not have thumbs.
Ummm. Never even thought about that one. It would render our hands much less useful though.
TJBM dislikes broadway music.
I like all music except rap, and that’s not real music anyway
TJBM has a secret desire…
True. I want to give an Oscar acceptance speech
TJBM was a cheerleader in high school
False. I am no where near coordinated enough for that.
TJBM regularly goes to dog shows.
FALSE FALSE FALSE Never been to one; no desire to.
TJBM owns a thong
True. Hahahaha.
TJBM just woke up.
False. I’ve been up for hours, watching the tsunami news.
TJBM has a friend or relative living in Japan.
True,I have a friend out there. He’s fine
TJBM has seen some of the live coverage from Japan
True. Also the photos on the news websites are incredible. Especially MSNBC.
TJBM has experienced an earthquake of at least 6.0 on the Richter scale.
Not one at all.
Tjbm owns at least 100 shares of stock.
TjBm LiKeS tO tYpE iN aLtErNaTiNg CaPs.
.sdrawkcassab epyt ot ekil I tub ,eslaF
The jelly below me has been to Ireland or Scotland. I plan to visit both, some day.
False, maybe sometime.
False. It’s obnoxious.
TJBM likes to watch documentary films and has seen a good one recently. (share)
False. Unless Borat counts?
tjbm loves to type in all lower case.
False. I’m rather anal about proper punctuation and grammar.
TJBM is sick.
True I’m still getting over a double ear infection and a bronchial infection
TJBM prefers Kleenex over Puffs
False. My only preference is price.
TJBM has pets.
True I have more pets than people here
TJBM feeds outside birds/wildlife.
False. I used to but not now.
TJBM has a pear tree in their yard. Mine is blooming beautifully.
TJBM likes to mow their lawn.
False. I have yard service for that.
TJBM is in the medical profession
TJBM loves to use emoticons :P
The jelly below me hates emoticons.
Pretty much true.
TJBM knows shorthand
False, but it’s been on my long list of things to learn.
TJBM has blue eyes.
False they are brown
TJBM is wearing socks right now
TJBM knows how to use a sail boat.
False but I can row or paddle
TJBM visits a lake, ocean or other body of water regularly.
False. Not many bodies of water around here in the Midwest.
TJBM l!ke$ t0 typ3 w!th $pec!@l ch@r@ct3r$.
Only when I’m really mad.
TJBM can whistle.
@erichw1504 I live in the land of 14K lakes, plentiful rivers and Lake Michigan…where are you if not by a Great lake in the Midwest?
False—but I could when I was a kid.
TJBM lives on a prairie.
@SpatzieLover Southwestern Illinois, the only lake worth visiting is Carlyle, which is about 45 minutes from me.
TJBM has been to a restaurant recently.
TJBM is looking forward to seeing the daffodils in bloom soon.
TJBM has touched a live armadillo before.
True, I did when I was visiting a zoo in Texas.
TJBM is about to call it a day, and go to sleep. I am and it’s almost 1pm. Nite nite
TJBM is ready for the 60 degree weather next week.
TRUE but it won’t reach 60…But in Wis you never know ;)
TJBM is sick of having salt on their shoes.
TJBM thinks Megan Fox is hot.
False i just don’t see it. I realize I’m a chic…but if I weren’t, she wouldn’t be my type
TJBM likes to click
TJBM wants more snow.
FALSE. I hate the slush & muck this time of year
TJBM wants more democracy.
TJBM just took a shower.
True, wish you were there
TJBM is ready for dinner
False, just had lunch an hour ago… though I AM feeling hungry again…
TJBM will suggest some easy snacks to snack on….
popcorn with lots of salt.
Tjbm will walk around the past backwards just to freak people out.
TRUE, when my leg gets betta…
TJBM thinks @12Oaks is really funny…
True :)
TJBM is eating baked potatoes with their dinner! I am!!!!!!!
Nope, don’t like my potatoes baked.
TJBM is having tacos for dinner instead.
Nope, heading out for Indian food. South Indian food, to be precise.
TJBM has been without health insurance coverage at some point in their adult life.
True. By choice.
Tjbm secretly would love to be in a three way with Homer and Marge Simpson.
False. I don’t know who they are, and I’m the last person you would suspect had any interest in a three-day.
TJBM would like to be in a soap opera.
False, I hate being the centre of attention..
TJBM will tell us what they’re one superpower would be, if they had a choice,,,
mine would be invisibility : )
False. I don’t want to.
TJBM loves to or would love to wear hosiery.
True :)
TJBM didn’t know about the tsunami until really late in the day That was definitely me!!
False. I knew about it right away—got a phone call
TJBM is doubting their allegiance to their political party
TJBM is spending time with someone special tonight.
False. He’s many miles away (until Tuesday) (big smile)
TJBM likes clothing with fringe
Yes I do! I just don’t have any, but I wish I did!
TJBM is following me around from game to game. Or vise-versa.
False. But we are running into each other a lot. :)
TJBM should be doing something else besides playing this game
False. I’ve worked enough this week.
TJBM has failed a class before.
Um. Yes, Actually. Why you make me confess this? I failed HS English. And NOW I get to teach it. So I guess I better get diggy with it, huh.
TJBM longs for a chocolate sundae.
True… I lovee chocolate and I loove Ice cream too… Ugh now you’ve made my mouth water and my stomach
TJBM loves this question/game that @AmWiser has conjured up and is enjoying it…
Why, I think about TJBM questions all day! It has become a fabric of my life! That’s how much I love it!
TJBM remembers Howard Johnson’s hot chocolate sauce on ice cream….heh I’ll get you yet my little queenie!
True. I really cried when the chain ceased to exist in my area.
TJBM has a wall full of pictures of family.
@Dutchess_III @queenie thanks;-)
(()) @AmWiser! You just never know what’s going to make you famous! : )
I have a wall full, and a computer full, and a brain full and a VCR full and DVD’s full of family pictures!
TJBM thinks they have the secret recipe to Howard Johnson’s hot chocolate sauce!
False. @Dutchess_III I have a sneaky suspicion that you have the recipe, and I think you should share it.:D
TJBM has no problem sharing thier secret recipes.
True. I like for people to be able to recreate what I cook. However, I usually don’t measure. That’s a problem.
TJBM bought at least one new pair of shoes in the last month.
False. I don’t like buying shoes.
TJBM likes to eat ice cream during the winter months.
No better time to. It won’t melt halfway through the treat.
Next has a crush on any member of the MythBusters team.
False. I don’t watch that show.
TJBM sleeps with a lot of pillows.
False. I sleep with just one. It is really fluffy though.
TJBM had a salad for dinner.
False. I ate two baked potatoes.
TJBM doesn’t have a very good diet.
False, I have a good balanced diet
TJBM is going to have a weekend of pampering
Kind of. We’re heading to a hockey game and then a movie.
TJBM is tired and going to head to bed soon.
True. I am very tired and I have to wake up at 6AM for a livestock auction :/
TJBM owns a horse.
False. Not interested in owning a horse, although a lot of people I know have horses.
TJBM can juggle.
TJBM wants a grilled cheese sandwich.
Have already eaten, but that sounds yummmy.
TJBM loves the snow, and enjoys winter sports. I do. Not looking forward to hot, sticky, and bugs that bite.
True but prefer sledging and snowman building to winter sports!
The jelly below me has had their appendix removed
Below believes standing on your tippy-toes helps you just NAIL those high Notes.
hmm, if you’re talking about singing then no, if you’re talking about nailing up some notes on the wall,then again,false. I’m the tallest in my family….
TJBM just woke up…
False, I haven’t gone to bed yet.
TJBM needs to start getting their garden prepared.
I do
TRUE, I love spring/summer gardening!
TJBM is gonna have sweet dreams tonight…
Usually. Dream-time is pretty sweet.
TJBM enjoys the Spring thaw but is dismayed by the piles of dog poo it reveals. projecting
LOL, true, but I have to say, I haven’t witnessed any dog poo…
TJBM loves spring time… I know I do …
True it is one of my favourite seasons.
TJBM doesn’t believe in swearing.
False, I sometimes do swear when I’m really put off by something… ( I try not to though)
TJBM has a habit of leaving just a little gulp of tea in thier cups…
False, I love my tea too much and hate it when people do exactly that, what a waste!
@queenie after our recent intimacies, I thought you knew me better!
TJBM lies awake at night trying really hard to hear the dying echoes of the Big Bang…
hmmm, TRUE…. To convince myself it really happened…still not convinced
TJBM likes my new avatar, I’ve been having second thoughts…
True – I do! Rather gorgeous actually and I like the previous one too.
TJBM is never phased by being confronted directly about their embarrassing behaviour…
TRUE, I’m just one of those people who like doing erratic stuff just for the fun of it…
Should see some of the looks I get from peeps… Laughed my head off, totally priceless!!
TJBM has very good table manners… like me
True, Parents reckoned we (all 5 of us) should be ready to take tea with the Queen if necessary…
TJBM has a natural ability to heal well and enjoys dancing
True/True. Sneaky of you getting in 2 questions like that.
TJBM has at least one clock in the house that never displays the correct time
False, whenever that happens I have this unstoppable urge to put it right…
TJBM will tell us what time it is on their side of the planet…
It’s 11:37 or 11:43 or 6:00 depending on which clock I look at. lol
TJBM wants to go for a walk in the sunshine
True nothing more been signed off work for.two weeks due to having my appendix removed and not allowed to do anything too strenuous like walking my dog :(
The jelly below me cuts their nails short
hmm, True, I don’t like them long…but not too short else they start looking not-nice…
TJBM will tell us whether or not they think Germany was responsible for starting WW1..
sorry,caught up in history hmw,lol
False, while they had a huge hand, I don’t think Germany could solely be blamed for it. Which of course, they were anyways…
TJBM won’t admit it, but they are itching to play with Yu-Gi-Oh Cards one of these days again.
LOL, used to watch it ALL the time with my siblings….haha. TRUE
TJBM likes to watch cartoons…
some cartoons, especially the ones that came out in the 80’s.
TJBM adds mustard to their mac and cheese.
False, not too big on mustard….
TJBM loves going on long car journeys with the top down!!
False. It would mess up my hair. Hahaha.
TJBM hates toddlers.
Nope. Toddlers are awesome!
TJBM understands what my daughter meant when she just said, “And his lips are filled with hippopotomuscles”
False :) She sounds cute though.
TJBM straightens their hair everyday!
False, I have somebody else straighten my hair once a week
TJBM loves to learn, learn, learn. It doesn’t matter what it is.
True. That’s the whole point, isn’t it? I try to learn at least one new thing each day. Today it was about triclosan in toothpaste.
TJBM took a nap today.
False. I wish I did though. I feel icky :(
TJBM doesn’t get sick very often.
False…ish, I don’t actually ‘get sick’, although unfortunately I am often not well…
TJBM will question this
True. I suspect that you are a vampire. Hahahahahaha.
TJBM drinks tea on a regular basis.
Oh, so true.
The Jelly Bellow Me is suffocating, as I have them in my tentacles…
True! I’m too young to die!!!!!!!!!!!
TJBM has turned out to be very different from what their parents raised them to be.
hmm,true, but I’m still halfway through the process lol.
TJBM will tell us of their chosen career path.
True. I want to be a politician. Or an evolutionary biologist. I’m studying both.
TJBM uses Charmin toilet paper.
I have no idea. Just get whatever is cheapest.
TJBM won some (tax-free) money from online gambling. (Promise, nobody will tell ;-) )
False, I don’t believe in gambling…
TJBM is in their mid twenties….
False. I’m almost there!
TJBM hates cereal.
hmm, I don’t hate it… but I do dislike having it regularly…so False..
TJBM will go to bed soon… like me
False. Just another exciting Saturday night with the Maytag and CNN. Actually, the thought of clean, folded, put-away laundry is sort of exciting… and an inexpensive evening. Perhaps I will do small repairs while watching the news.
TJBM has a cat who is allowed to sit on the kitchen table when no one else is at the house.
False. I don’t have kitties :(
TJBM likes hairless cats.
TRUE. Well, I had a Persian and I couldn’t stand the hair for I started keeping her hair cut very very short. She looked funny, but I was happy.
TJBM had played in a recital
True. Cello, last week.
TJBM has a really strange fetish.
cool, Kate
False. No fetishes.
TJBM is impatient with children
True. I’m really not used to kids. I wish I was more patient.
TJBM drives a van.
False. I drive an SUV.
TJBM is used to driving on the left side of the street.
Nope. Not even a little bit.
TJBM is still up! Did you forget it’s Spring Forward tonight? I didn’t, I just am not sleepy.
True. I decided that I wasn’t tired enough to sleep.
TJBM is winning.
How to answer? Not a pawn for pop media and yet.. aware of what you meant. I’ll choose team batshit Sheen. I am winning.
TJBM has brewed beer at home
Nope. But once I left some cider forgotten in a cupboard for a while. When I found it again, it was very very hard (as in alcohol). Does that count even a little bit?
TJBM intends to go to church today.
TJBM had a bad dream last night.
False. I had a very weird dream!
TJBM takes medicine daily.
Next would like a road in their town to be named.after M. R. Street so the sign would say Street St.
False. I wouldn’t really care!
TJBM eats tons of potato chips!
TJBM is a hypochondriac
Only one day a week.
TJBM likes Butterfinger candy bars
True :)
TJBM hates the show “The Office”.
True! I Despise that show!
okay maybe not despise it but I don’t enjoy it at all
TJBM is very strangely addicted to this game.
Not since I was 16.
TJBM has a secret crush on Trevor Bayne. (If you don’t know who he is, look him up and let the crush begin ;-) )
He’s cute but not really my type.
TJBM wears a watch every day.
False, I sometimes forget…
TJBM has they’re body peirced someplace…
True, my ears. btw good luck with your surgery tomorrow
TJBM forgot about Daylight Savings Time
True! Totally Forgot haha
TJBM is a darling for reminding me….
…that we will all be thinking of you as you get your ankle fixed tomorrow.
Best wishes for quick recovery @queenie! May the doctors all be talented, the nurses all be kind and the drugs take away all your pain and concerns.
TJBM has enjoyed a truly lazy Sunday
True, had some wonderful mum’s homemade spaghetti and some yummy ice cream, mmm…
TJBM is a sexy beast… have no idea where that came from…
I don’t think so, but thanks anyway
TJBM Has a body part they want to change
True…Ive always been self concious about my ears…
TJBM is a sexy beast…
Is social awkwardness sexy..? If so, then true!
TJBM prefers Android phones to the iPhone
False. I haven’t jumped on the android, iPhone, Blackberry wagon. I just have a regular cell phone that I often forget to charge. Something about knowing people can call me where ever I am just bugs me.
TJBM sings in the shower.
hmm, sometimes true…
TJBM is a sexy beast…I dunno what’s wrong me
No not really
TJBM is a sexy minx
I have to think about that! I can be very sexy but I’m more like a sexy librarian lol.
TJBM spends an uncomfortable amount of time playing video games.
FALSE not really interested in video games
TJBM likes to read, but has a hard time finding the time
False: I love to read and more and more I am finding the time.
TJBM drives a red car.
False. I drive a black SUV.
TJBM puts maple syrup on their sausage.
I don’t eat much sausage, but when I do I dip it in syrup! Mmmm good!
TJBM has been directly affected by the tsunami in Japan
False. Quite frankly, I haven’t been paying attention to the tsunami coverage.
TJBM thinks Charlie Sheen is going to die this year.
False he looks like he has a lot of life left in him.
TJBM has children.
False. I don’t have the patience. Bless anyone who does!!!
TJBM is looking forward to sleeping tonight.
Oh, hells yea. I was up all of last night because of a cast party for my school musical. I intend to sleep like a friggin’ rock tonight.
TJBM is planning on watching a movie tonight.
TJBM has a guilty pleasure.
True. Do I have to tell?
The jelly below me was gone for only TWO days, but came back to find there were 130 new responses on this thread.
FALSE been gone about an hour, Help, I’m addicted
TJBM is also addicted to this thread
False. I just do it to pass time!
TJBM has a tummyache.
FALSE I ate so much the pressure blocks the nerves
TJBM has dreamed of things they cannot/will not talk about
TJBM has watched something funny on the internet lately.
TRUE every day
TJBM enjoys crowds as well as alone time.
False. Crowds make me anxious.
TJBM ate breakfast for dinner.
False. Having lasagna and garlic bread.
The jelly below me is going to slap me because I beat em to the answer, LOL.
TRUE (lack of previous question)
TJBM changes clothes more than once a day
True. I go to my morning classes in my pajamas and then I change into something as equally comfy but not as slack for the rest of the day. Hahaha.
TJBM has a hamster.
FALSE but I do have 1 dog, 4 cats, 15 fish, 4 frogs, 1 eel, and 4 horses
TJBM us up in the wee hours fluthering
False. Not anymore! I try to get a good amount of sleep. I’m too stressed lately.
TJBM wants to come eat the rest of my pancakes. I’m stuffed!
False, I’m just about to eat dinner. Put your pancakes in the frizzer; they’ll keep.
The jelly below me wants to join our food party!
False. If I thought about any more food, I think I’d gain 800 pounds.
TJBM has been to Russia.
FALSE but I would to eat pancakes
TJBM thinks eating animals is wrong
False. People can eat what they want, I don’t care. I just choose not to eat them.
TJBM doesn’t know how to text.
FALSE I text all the time
TJBM wants to talk to someone they have never met in person
True. I have a lot of friends that I haven’t met in person yet :(
TJBM drinks too much alcohol.
FALSE I drink very little. I’m always the designated driver.
TJBM likes quite social interactions as opposed to wild parties
True. Wild parties make me nervous.
TJBM enjoys the opera “La Boheme”.
TJBM has trouble finding people to go to the opera with
False. I don’t like to bring people with me. Plus, I never have the privilege of going. I always have to sing in them.
TJBM enjoys the song “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac.
TRUE, very much
TJBM likes the barber of Seville
True. Honey, I like any opera.
TJBM has dated a member of the same sex.
FALSE I’m open minded, but it’s not for me, I’ll stay with females
TJBM has dated a member of the same sex.
TJBM likes giraffes.
TJBM likes stuffed animals
False. They’re a pain in the arse.
TjBm rEaLlY hAtEs WhEn I dO tHiS.
TRUE I also do not like text speak
TJBM does not make the bed unless they are expecting company
False. I must make it everyday.
TJBM wants to go make some tea for me because I’m too lazy to go get it myself.
TRUE I just made some about 5 minutes ago
TJBM does not like their middle name
False. My middle name is actually pretty interesting.
TJBM thinks something crazy is going to happen March 19th because of the “supermoon”.
FALSE I find it interesting but do not expect anything to happen
TJBM has an interest in cosmology
True. I used to be very into it, but that interest has sort of waned.
TJBM doesn’t have a Facebook.
FALSE I do have facebook, and myspace
TJBM prefers SUV’s over cars or trucks
True. I own 2 of them.
TJBM has tried eating a waffle and ice cream sandwich.
I haven’t.
TJBM hates Twitter.
True And you should try it! It’s delicious
TJBM loves avocados.
I also hate twitter, love ice cream & waffle sandwiches, but I do not care for avocados
TJBM loves sitting in front of a fireplace on cold winter days
False. The Russian in me likes to endure the cold.
TJBM likes to wear scarves.
FALSE not really my style
TJBM iceskates
TJBM drives a crappy car.
FALSE I drive a fairly new, full size luxury SUV
TJBM like to go to upper class restaurants.
True. Thankfully I am fortunate enough to afford them.
TJBM prefers vodka over wine. I DO!!!
TJBM likes being pampered
TJBM has never had surgery done on them before.
FALSE, several times, I used to have a dangerous job that caused many injuries
TJBM has near perfect skin
True. I don’t have a tan or acne. So I’ve got porcelain skin.
TJBM has done drugs before.
True. I smoked pot and dropped acid for approximately two months while in high school.
The jelly below me has never done drugs.
FALSE I have never done any drugs of any kind
TJBM is religion free
TJBM is going to laundry soon.
False it already done
TJBM sometimes thinks the laundry is never done
False. I don’t have to wash much.
TJBM has went a week without a shower before.
TRUE I once broke a leg and could not shower while I had a cast on
TJBM has never broken any body part
False. Broke my leg when I was 8.
TJBM is watching a shoot ‘em up show on TV.
FALSE Food Chanel
TJBM watches very little TV
TJBM thinks Anthony Hopkins is a great actor.
TRUE he is very believable in a wide variety of roles
TJBM knows what dulce is without looking it up
True. It means “sweet”.
TJBM is having unexpected company.
FALSE unless you mean unwanted
TJBM likes to cook
That was last night, sort of. My girls invited the neighbors over…their friends.
TJBM is going to bed on time for once, and intends to get a full night’s sleep.
FALSE I like feet, not as a fetish but like getting and giving foot rubs.
TJBM likes getting a head massage
No, unless it’s done by someone who knows what they’re doing. The ones who would massage my head don’t make it feel good.
TJBM is trying to think of something to eat.
False. I already ate pancakes!
TJBM wears flip flops all year long.
ooo, a contest. Let’s see who types the fastest!
no, does not work in snow.
TJBM is eating ice cream
FALSE Don’t even have any
TJBM likes saddles
Only when they aren’t on my body.
TJBM earliest memory is from when they were 3.
Actually, I remember being so small I was in diapers, and I also remember talking and nobody could understand me.
TJBM is allergic to rabbits.
False. I own 400!
TJBM is afraid of animals.
Nope. In fact I play with snakes (only I play with harmless ones). I like spiders too.
TJBM is a college graduate
False. I haven’t graduated yet!!
TJBM hates flowers.
I can think of other things I’d rather receive, but it’s important to the person who brings them, so I’m “delighted”.
TJBM is looking forward to summer.
TRUE so many things to do
TJBM loves farm life
False. That’s why I have someone run the farm for me.
TJBM wore braces as a teen.
TRUE but they are pretty now
TJBM is unusually healthy
I used to be, but life is catching up with me.
TJBM is a health nut.
TJBM doesn’t eat an apple every day.
Nope. Too much sugar to eat a whole one.
TJBM has met a president.
TRUE I have meet Regan, Ford, Bush and Bush
TJBM has met a TV/Movie star
True. Only famous Russian ones.
TJBM talks to animals like they are human.
True. My dog is a great therapist.
TJBM has rubber boots.
I used to. Not sure where they are now.
TJBM is kind to people but doesn’t feel like it.
TJBM is on webcam with a friend.
Nope. I’m disillusioned with Skype. Is there another kind that is more dependable?
I lose things often, but only in my home or in my car. Does TJBM?
No, but my husband does. He can never find his wallet, keys, sunglasses, hat, cell phone, cell phone case…LOL. I do lose my mind pretty frequently, though.
The jelly below me needs to go niteynite.
I guesso. But I’m watching I am Sam, and I’ve never seen it before. It’s a cool movie, so far, but I haven’t seen how it ends. Hope it’s a happy ending.
TJBM is wondering whether I’ll stick it out to the end, at 11:30.
True. I’m sure you’re tired.
TJBM is in a lot of pain today.
No, but I am close to someone who is, always, always in pain. I take care of her, because her husband won’t.
TJBM has a life time membership somewhere.
TJBM has seen a dead body before.
TJBM is a big kid
TJBM has a mental disorder.
TJBM was sooooo happy to change their clocks today
TJBM likes eating fish.
True but no shell fish thanks I’m allergic!
The jelly below me likes diagnosis murder just for the pure predictability and cheese ;)
False. I don’t even know what it is.
TJBM has to do the dishes.
diagnosis murder a programme with Dick Van Dyke who stars as a doctor who solves crimes! diagnosis muder
False – due to having my appendix removed last week my hubby has been loading and unloading the dishwasher!
The jelly below me likes to experiment with food, as they are an avid cook
TJBM is getting ready for a beautiful day.
False. These days my thoughts are with the people in Japan.
TJBM also wonders why people build nuclear power plants along coasts designed to withstand up to 8.3 earthquakes, while it’s well known that earthquakes in this region can be much stronger and 30-foot tsunamis are also entirely possible in this area.
TJBM missed breakfast
TJBM is preparing lunch
False, lunch already made.
TJBM is having a crappy day.
not yet!
TJBM had an awesome weekend!!!!!!
Eh! Not so much.
TJBM is a connoisseur of some kind.
false – not an expert enough on anything I’m a bit like Henry’s cat…I know lots of things about nothing and not so much about that!
The Jelly below me is married with kids
The jelly below me refuses to drink water. My hubby hates water.
My drink of choice. i will even let the ice in my bourbon melt into water sometimes
TJBM woke late this morning because their body has not worked out the time change.
True. But it’s also Spring Break, and I had planned to sleep late anyhow. =0)
The jelly below me knows where to find @janbb’s nooks and crannies.
Fase unfoRtunatly not! I’m guessing in the ether where lost screws and biros are!!
Book of Ultimate Truths
The jelly below me has had an operation that involved being cut open!
True, two of my wisdom teeth were not exposed enough to just be yanked out. So, they had to cut open my gums to get at them! Fun times.
TJBM had lint in their belly button this morning.
false ewww no thanks!!
The jelly below me has/had a favourite snuggly !
TJBM loved their snugglies nooks and crannies!
Not sure what snuggly is, but I think I’ll say TRUE.
TJBM wears earmuffs in the house.
False. The closest thing to earmuffs I own is an ushanka.
TJBM hates being bloated!
TJBM once had gum stuck in their hair.
True, when I was around 6.
TJBM prefers beef roast to beef steak.
I enjoy both but I would probably choose a steak over a roast (can’t beat steak and chips in my opinion).
TJBM has a bit of a crush on Kat Von D this jelly totally does!
True. I’m not really into girls, but I would soooooooo go lez for her. Hahaha.
TJBM thinks that this Monday has been the worst one this year!
False. It’s a good day for me.
TJBM thinks it’s silly to assume Mondays will be bad days.
True. But it sure has been an awful day.
TJBM is not cooking dinner tonight.
True. I just had left-over gumbo
TJBM wonders why it takes some of us so long. (sorry – phone rang)
True. People take forever! Hahaha.
TJBM is getting a lot of spam email lately.
NAh the filters work good. The 1000 other per day are the problem.
TJBM would have rather stayed in bed this morning
True! Flippin time change, I hate losing an hour of sleep! And besides, I could’ve done most of my work in bed anyway. Sigh, Oh well. :)
TJBM makes their own preserves.
TJBM teaches a class.
currently no.
TJBM is going to give me lurve to get me to 5000 :D
Yeah, just did. ^_^. I like nice, round numbers as well.
TJBM has read the book Ender’s Game before.
I’m right in the middle of reading it. Great book so far.
TJBM takes a book with them when they know they’ll be waiting.
False. I bring an iPod and I’ll either listen to music or an audiobook.
TJBM just took a great nap!
False. I can’t nap even when I need to.
TJBM rides horses.
True. I own too many to count!
TJBM is eating a salad.
False. Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
Next knows that reference.
True. I hate that song >.<
TJBM listens to the band “The Mountain Goats”.
False,though judging by their name, I think its deffo worth it to look them up…
TJBM sometimes in thier life hates officials….
True. @queenie They are a pretty great band. Listen to the song “No Children”.
TJBM enjoys spicy food.
True,from time to time…but not frequently.
TJBM loves the crisp winter cold…
True. It’s my favorite season.
TJBM eats ranch on everything.
FALSE, what is ranch?
TJBM knows an interesting fact…
True. In Newfoundland, people add things to pancakes to tell about the future of a family member. I learned about this today :) @ queenie Ranch is a type of salad dressing
TJBM doesn’t have manners
False but if I didn’t would I really tell everyone? lol
TJBM is part Irish.
False,though,your close…
TJBM is of mixed ethnicities..
False. I 100% Russian!
TJBM can play the flute.
Um, I’m going to go with true. I can play just not very well.
TJBM wasn’t born in the country they are currently living in.
False,born and bred in England
TJBM is a fast typer
True. I’m faster than most people.
TJBM is married.
False. I can’t wait to be married though!
TJBM wears socks everyday.
Live with me a week and find out
Tjbm thinks that was an inappropriate thing to say.
False! I don’t find many things inappropriate.
TJBM is very very silly.
True, when the mood strikes.
TJBM should be making dinner and is here instead (like me). Now I gotta go!
False, my fiancée took me out for dinner tonight
TJBM has too many songs that they love
I do
True. I am in love with music.
TJBM has been to Myrtle Beach, SC.
True! We went when I was about 15.
The jelly below me has done something fun when their kids had friends over to spend the night. I just “waited” on my daughters and one of their friends, including filling drink orders, writing their orders on a pad and bringing their food to the table on a tray. Their friend now thinks I’m soooo cool, LOL.
Absolutely. Its all about making it eventful and memorable.
TJBM has slept overnight in their car
True. On the way to Canada, I had to!
TJBM has heard the new Charlie Sheen song on Youtube.
sadly no, but thanks for the suggestion
The jelly below me will be departing for spring break soon.
False, But I am going to Vegas at the end of the month for my birthday
TJBM Loves folk metal like Pine Woods by Korpiklanni
SO TRUE. I actually sang in a folk metal band for a year.
TJBM likes to sit in their towel for a long time after they get out of the shower.
yep. driving in traffic can be tricky, but hey, its my towel.
TJBM encountered road rage today
False, I didn’t get to drive today
TJBM is busy coupon clipping for the week
False. I am currently on Skype!
TJBM is having a very laid back night.
yes ohmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
TJBM has never clipped a coupon
False, I’m Bi-winning!
TJBM loves a good glass o’ Coca-Cola every hither and thither.
no to coke or hither and thither. I will not drink it here or there, i will not drink it anywhere.
TJBM loves Dr Seuss
TJBM likes making random noises.
OOSHK OOSHK LALALA! No, no I don’t…...
The jelly below me thinks cats are just a bunch of pussies.
True but I love them for it.
TJBM makes sure they get the proper amount of fruits and vegetables every day.
False. I’m a fairy :-)
TJBM is a mountain climber/hiker.
true…’s where i gather my magic fairy dust too
TJBM has kissed a troll
True :)
TJBM is not wearing clothes.
False. My oldest daughter’s bff is spending the night.
The jelly below me completely missed out on my badass dinner. Just say true. Cuz you did.
False, only to deliberately contrary.
TJBM only uses cash.
false…rarely uses cash
TJBM is relaxing with a drink right now
Curse you @tranquilsea! You really did miss out though. It was totally yummafrigginlicious.
@WillWorkForChocolate I know I did. I had to settle for gross hot dogs.
True a tea.
TJBM is entranced by the British accent.
TJBM is a boring old person.
False, I don’t yet consider myself old (I’m 38) and I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of being boring. Actually, I wish my life was a bit more boring.
TJBM loves anime.
False. I hate it.
TJBM has looked at a mail-order bride catalog before.
FALSE—haven’t looked at mail-order husbands either.
TJBM will marry in Church.
I was for a about six weeks…and hated it…alas I haven’t fitted in in many places other than Fluther
TJBM has the incredible urge to sing at the top of their voice
TJBM shivers at the thought of a paper cut.
Eewwww, true!
The jelly below me was still tired upon waking today.
True, I am always tired when I wake up in the morning for work. Just not a morning person at all.
TJBM lost a toe or finger nail before.
nope. and if I did, i wouldn’t wanna find it.
the jelly below me had jelly toast for breakfast
False. Cereal.
TJBM recently experienced Deja Vu.
Very true. On the bus yesterday, there was this person who seemed really familiar, but I couldn’t/can’t put my finger on why. I hate mysteries like that.
TJBM is always being greeted by people that know his/her name, but that this jelly does not recognize.
TJBM went AWOL when CBS booked JWOWW.
Jenni was over that day so I was AWJ
TJBM talks in acronyms like TJAM
Not so much :/
TJBM hates bright lights.
dislikes because it reminds me of being in class. prefer less light.
TJBM need to run to class soon too
TJBM wears name brand clothing.
True-ish. I don’t only wear name brands, but if I happen across a good deal on something, I snap it up.
The jelly below me is pretty Leanne.
Blushes Thank you for making me smile :)
TJBM has recieved a nice compliment today.
False :(
TJBM is going to help Japan in some way.
Maybe, I might donate some money.
TJBM’s role model is Gary Busey.
WHO is that? no…
TJBM loves sailing.
False. It makes me sick!
TJBM is having a great day!
True, I’m finally feeling better after having sinus issues for almost a month.
TJBM’s role model is Nick Nolte
False. He looks scary!
TJBM likes green olives.
True! Yummy.
The jelly below me likes black olives.
TJBM likes Greek olives!
TJBM likes Popeye’s Olive.
False, she’s too homely for me. I’m shallow.
The jelly below me dislikes every kind of olive there is.
False! I love olives.
TJBM hates Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry.
Nope Love Mr Poe’s writings
TJBM loves music over poetry
TJBM likes to race people at traffic lights.
False. I’m too afraid to do that!
TJBM uses blackout curtains in their room to block out as much light as possible.
False, I don’t love them but they are good.
TJBM has cash in their wallet right now.
False. I only carry a car.
TJBM has seen the “Exploding Whale” video on Youtube.
True and it was insane. Those men needed a crash course in the laws of physics…or maybe just a massive dose of common sense.
TJBM swears occasionally.
I just want to know how Kate fits a car in her wallet… :P
False. I swear all of the time!—oops, I meant to say “card”.
TJBM loves to eat cupcakes.
@KatetheGreat I need to know your workout routine if you carry a car
is cupcake a double entendre for something. Yes to both!
TJBM loves the frosting of the cuppycake only
@crewdr 3,000 sit-ups, run 7,000 miles, and eat tons of beef jerky. Repeat 7 times throughout the day. Hahahahaha.
False. I love the entire cupcake!
TJBM has been in a musical.
False, not a big fan of musicals…
TJBM has masculine arms…
False. I wouldn’t say they are masculine. I’m just strong.
TJBM tries to find the beauty in everything.
Just open your eyes, its all right there.
TJBM had a great workout today
False. I can’t really workout lately because I’m having a few problems.
TJBM prefers classical music over any other.
TJBM has been to a rave before.
I have no clue what it is.
TJBM had to look it up to find out what a rave is.
False. I’ve been to numerous raves!
TJBM doesn’t like sports.
Depends on the sport. I enjoy hiking and skiing, but am not into spectator sports, unless it’s skiing or ice skating.
TJBM is studying a language, or already speaks a second language.
oui, and a 3rd
TJBM speaks english as a second language
False. It was my 5th language and the hardest one to learn!
TJBM enjoys back massages.
TJBM is trying to get their response out before another jelly.
um,was true…
True! I love you all!!!!!
@crewdr Oh, I speak 8 languages. English was just my 5th one. Hahaha.
TJBM likes to decorate their home.
TJBM hates flowers.
False, I love flowers…
TJBM will tell us what they’re fave flower is and why
@KatetheGreat love to hear you speak in tongues
Peonies. love all the colors and petals
TJBM goes to flower shows.
False. My allergies would kill me.
TJBM listens to music while they sleep.
True,but not every night…
TJBM loves the music band @blueiiznh gave us earlier on…
False? What music did he give us earlier? I can’t find it.
TJBM thought there were monsters in the closet when they were a child.
hmm,False.But I remember being scared and believing there were Red Indians in the attic….
probably becos of too much pocahantos
TrueE!@K #LQFKvld….......
TJBM was rude to another jelly recently.
HMMM,true.If you count me beating you twice ; )
TJBM finds it annoying when another jelly answers before you…
False. Because I answer before them!
TJBM has freckles.
Tjbm is fed up with me
TJBM can’t squeeze in a response before @queenie!!!
False. I bet I can!
TJBM has to pee!
False, but probably soon.
TJBM has to cut their nails.
true….will do em today..
TJBM is a hot looking person…
True, obviously.
TJBM likes cheese.
I like to think so!
TJBM is gonnna get beat by me!
Crap. @erichw1504 beat me :/
TJBM eating bread at the moment.
I think you’ll find i beat you ; D
TJBM wants to thank @AmWiser for this game :D
True, although she needs to start part 12!
TJBM gets paid by the hour.
False,not working ; ) yet…
TJBM loves their job…
TJBM once dreamt of the future.
True, but not just once,many times…
TJBM thinks there will be a WW3 sometime in the future…
True, probably within 30 years.
TJBM needs some caffeine.
BRB, grabbin’ a Dew…
TJBM will tell us what they’re fave fizzy drink is…
@queenie You are my new friend.
Duh, Mountain Dew. Winning.
TJBM is always down with the lingo.
UM,Lingo the US game show? False….
TJBM knows what @erichw1504 means by lingo…
Although I know what lingo is I’m not sure what lingo @erichw1504 means without more information. So false.
TJBM has experience a death recently.
HMM,False.Not recently…
TJBM is a sexy beast yes,I’ve started again….
Lingo: the language and speech, especially the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual.
If I’m being honest… true.
TJBM is a little warm.
TRUE,I’m surrounded by pillows and am wearing my blanky…eben though its not cold at all.
TJBM eats all the time.
TRUE…I can eat all the time and not get any fatter…
TJBM cannot believe @erichw1504 does not like this game…
TJBM was once involved in a fire.
Not that I can think of, unless it was a camp fire, or one in the fireplace. I used to love to play with fire but I’ve pretty much gotten over that, thankfully.
TJBM is cleaning up the house for company…in between fluthering.
I consider playing with fire being involved in it, or with it, whatever!
TJBM once saved someone from impending death.
hmm,true,though it wasn’t a person it was a pup…
TJBM cannot believe @erichw1504 doesn’t like this game i still refuse to…
TJBM thinks @erichw1504 is stubborn for not admitting it….
TJBM thinks this game will reach part 281 by the year 2026.
TJBM is mad I beat him.
Crap. I lost again.
True. I think there will be more!
TJBM missed me while I was gone!
TJBM just heard a bad joke.
True. But it was in French and I didn’t fully understand it. (I’m in the AirFrance SkyClub at the airport).
TJBM wishes the sky were less gray today.
hmm,right now the sky is black.Earlier it was bright blue.So False.
TJBM is listening to music whilst on fluther…
TJBM has an appointment today.
False but I have one on Thursday!
The jelly below me has a slow cooker
TJBM wonders what TJAM’s appointment is for.
TJBM has a project that they are putting off.
TJBM needs some dinner like me
True. Me Hungry.
TJBM is about to leave work.
False. I’m about to leave on a jet plane – but I’m on the clock until I set foot at home at 10pm tonight.
TJBM has donated to Japan’s Earthquake relief efforts, or plans to do so.
True,deffo want to…
TJBM is getting pretty cranky cos of the lack of food in their tummy like me
I ate not that long ago, so no.
TJBM is dieting, and eating something NOT on their diet. (for shame!)
this means that geeky mama is getting paid while fluthering. Wow
UM.FALSE.I don’t believe in dieting (never needed to either)
TJBM has a funny nickname….
False. I need one though!
TJBM doesn’t like ice in their drinks.
False I love ice in my drinks,even in winter haha.
TJBM will allow me to give them a nick name
True! Go ahead! Please!
TJBM has spray painted something before.
@KatetheGreat—kate my mate
TRUE,,,I once decorated my room with spray paint…
True. Just took a spinach quiche out of the oven and waiting for it to cool a bit before I eat.
TJBM would love an apple pie for dinner.
yes, yummmmmmmmmmmm
TJBM needs something sweet after dinner
TJBM will tell me something sweet to eat that doesnt involve cooking/getting up…
Do you have some cookies beside you? Can you phone and have a yummy treat delivered, and then get someone else to answer the door?
TJBM has a better idea than I did.
@queenie Always keep candy bars, chocolate bars, gummy bears, etc. in a drawer near by.
Chances are I would.
TJBM prefers sour dough to most other breads.
False. I dislike sour dough.
TJBM still talks to people from their childhood.
True. I like keeping in touch with people who still like me, even though they first met me during the awkward hormonal years. Those were crazy times, man.
TJBM calls them jo-jo’s, not potato wedges.
Nope. Haven’t heard that term in a couple of years. I don’t eat ‘em either.
TJBM is watching a TV show they don’t like, but everyone else in the room does.
TJBM cannot believe this thread went another 424 long before I checked back in since late Friday
False, unfortunately I can believe it. I think on the first or second thread, I was gone for a whole thread, and there were over 200 new responses.
TJBM knows how to decorate cakes
True and I love doing it, too
TJBM had sex ed really early in life
TJBM likes to experiment in the kitchen
TJBM is a fan of dark comedies.
TJBM likes romantic comedies
Yes. Better than dark ones.
It has to have a happy, or at least “up” ending.
False, it’s not even 8 pm yet.
TJBM likes to read historical fiction
True I read a lot
TJBM reads more than 40 books per year.
True, I have read over 40 books since the beginning of the year. I love to read
TJBM likes to celebrate their birthday
TJBM has a back ache.
TJBM needs a relaxing nightto follow
True. I really need it!
TJBM likes pickles.
False. I make my husband remove them from my plate immediately and remove anything pickle juice has come in contact with…Ewwww!
TJBM is still waiting for their tax return.
Yes. Just filed a week ago.
TJBM has insomnia. (wanders off to the kitchen to look for a soporific drink).
TRUE and I do drink a soporific tea every night ;)
TJBM loves Beatrix Potter stories She taught me how to use the word soporific with her tale of the Flopsy Bunnies
Yes! It’s been years since I’ve read those stories. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane!
TJBM has to watch their salt intake.
True I like salt as much as I like pickles~
TJBM eats mostly organic, fresh foods.
I’ve lived in many places, and I have noticed that it’s pretty difficult to eat mostly organic fresh foods. They are so often rotten, that the food value is pretty much lost. Or there is a rather limited variety. If you are fortunate enough to find a year-round source for fresh organic foods, you get a full dose of my admiration!
TJBM is a dog nut.
True I have two And, yes, I eat about 70–90% organic depending on the time of year…during this time of the year some of them are frozen though.
TJBM has pets.
TRUE, 1 dog, 4 cats, 15 fish, 4 frogs, 4 horses
TJBM should have went to bed an hour ago
True. and I have 1 guinea pig, 1 tortoise, 4 cats, 2 dogs and 2 parakeets that ALL agree I should leave them alone to their slumber now ;)
TJBM looks forward to getting old fashioned snail mail letters and cards.
TJBM prefers real sugar to the artificial stuff
I do
So true who needs the chemicals?
The jelly below me wonders like I do how many questions have been repeated on this thread? Does conversation go in loops?
True. I’ve seen some of these questions before. That’s why I try to be absurd.
TJBM woke up and ate a hearty breakfast.
TJBM can’t wait for part 12.
True this is taking too long to load @AmWiser
TJBM enjoys nonsense.
TJBM likes stand-up comedy.
Abso-tutely True! & I don’t mind if it’s offensive, either ;D
TJBM wants to go see Charlie Sheen Live
True, it will either be hilarious or a complete disaster.
TJBM once performed in a stage play.
True, when I was 11 lol.
TJBM had eggs for breakfast.
False, but I will have them for lunch
TJBM uses something besides butter to spread on their carbs I use Smart Balance
False. I am actually trying to gain weight.
TJBM has tried baconaise.
Ug, false! Just thinking about it makes my stomach queasy.
TJBM wears jewellery every day.
TJBM has at least one piece of jewelry they never take off.
True. Wedding band.
TJBM wears a piece of jewelry below the waist.
The jelly below me never wears jewelry.
TJBM has accidently seen one of their friends naked.
True, but it wasn’t technically an accident.
The jelly below me likes York Peppermint Patties.
False. Too powerful for me and I’m not really a big fan of mint anyhow.
TJBM recently had something done to their car.
True. I was just emailing about this…psychic much? ;D
TJBM has experienced Déjà vu.
TJBM likes to drive.
True! I started driving at 14 and have never gotten over how cool it is.
TJBM thinks body art is fabulous.
True… very true.
TJBM is addicted to Angry Birds.
TJBM has to use the little boy’s room…
False. I’m a woman!
TJBM is feasting on jelly beans!
FALSE,wish I had some though…
TJBM likes comfort food…
TJBM hates peanut butter.
false,,, I LOVE IT!
TJBM has tried a peanut butter and chocolate spread sandwich before…
False, but I would like to.
TJBM is enjoying the warm weather.
True. It’s going to be very hot this weekend!
TJBM doesn’t have an iPod.
False. I’m a PC.
The jelly below me has a Blackberry cell phone.
False. I didn’t know that!
TJBM likes to paint.
I love painting walls but I’m pathetic as a fine-artist.
TJBM loves fresh pineapple.
The jelly below me hates pineapple.
False. I could eat it for weeks!
TJBM listens to very quirky music.
HAHA,TRUE, amongst other things…
TJBM has heard the song “If everyone cared…” by Nickelback….
True. But I really hate Nickelback.
TJBM is very drowsy right now.
false….OMG,,,you hate them? WHY?
TJBM is sad….
No, I can’t say that I am. I’m actually quite relieved, because I know have all of spring break to work on an essay for my Spanish class that was going to be due on Friday. Yay, extensions!
TJBM will be going somewhere exotic for spring break.
false….neither exotic or erotic
TJBM loves walking in the rain
TRUE,although lots of peeps think im a weirdo because i do….
TJBM hates it when it rains…
False. I love rain. Especially Spring rain because it isn’t snow!
TJBM can install computer components (like memory cards) without assistance.
True,I’m quite good with computers/modern tech…
TJBM has a sweet tooth…
True. But I rarely act on it.
TJBM can play the ukelele.
TJBM loves piano music…
TJBM has picked the flowers they’re going to put in their garden
False. I don’t have a garden.
TJBM thinks American football is stupid.
TJBM has seen or read the Count of Monte Cristo
True, both. The title always makes me hungry
TJBM knows how to preserve or pickle things at home
TJBM listens to music that came out before they were born.
TRUE…some of it…
TJBM will tell us what they’re fav music band is…
Yeah. I like The Black Keys right now.
TJBM likes The Beatles better than The Rolling Stones.
False. I don’t like either.
TJBM is going to hate me for not liking The Beatles or The Rolling Stones.
False, to each his/her own.
TJBM is tired/
True. More than you can imagine.
TJBM needs to eat dinner, but they are putting it off.
true i do…...what ya making?
TJBM is nocturnal
False, I’m a morning person.
TJBM speaks Spanish.
False only poquito
TJBM is wearing athletic clothes.
True. Basketball shorts and a track shirt. @crewdr I’m cooking veggie burgers!
TJBM was born in the United States.
TJBM is going to stop following this question because it’s taking too long to load. I am, so please PM me when it gets re-asked ;)
False. I never have trouble loading it. but will be happy to pass on the new link when it arrives
TJBM prefers green olives to black olives.
TJBM will be glad when this thread is goes to Part 12 tomorrow
True :)
TJBM is EXCITED for a new game!
The jelly below me stole my chocolate. I can’t find my little bag of dark kisses. Who did it?
False. Although I’m eating some chocolate truffles right now…there mine, mine I tell you. I’ll share though.:)
TJBM thinks the TJAM should ask her chocolate question to the collective. psst! might be fun.
please please do
TJBM is awaiting the question with chocolate breath
OK, but remember, you asked for it
TJBM spent today driving in the rain.
TJBM has an animal pic in their avatar.
TJBM has Fluther bookmarked on their computer.
My chocolate question has been pushed to editing because “it’s not really a question”. I beg your pardon, yes it was! I asked who took my chocolate? That’s a question dangit! Why is it always MY silly questions that get removed, but others are allowed to stay, hmmm? Stupid Thursday.
True, I have fluther bookmarked in my brain too.
The jelly below me flagged my chocolate question. :(
False: I thought it was a fun question! º{}º
TJBM knows what I named the kitten in my avatar pic.
I’m not sure. It was in my editing box and said that “it’s not really a question”. I despise being told that, especially after another really funny question this week about pieces of a muffin gone missing. Why is it that MY question was removed, eh? But I’m not bitter or anything…
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