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wilma's avatar

Have you ever sucked on a sapsicle?

Asked by wilma (16457points) March 10th, 2011

My Sugar Maple tree (that I planted 29 years ago) has been providing me with sapsicles lately. If you don’t know, a “sapsicle” is an icicle formed by the sap dripping from a wound in the bark of a tree (on a branch not the trunk) and freezing as the sap drips down, so it hangs like an icicle.
I have been getting a good one almost every day lately.
Have you ever enjoyed one of these? Or do you have anything similar to this that you enjoy?

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7 Answers

Summum's avatar

Interesting I had never heard of this thanks for the info.

JmacOroni's avatar

Not since I was a kid. I miss that maple tree. I remember being little and making syrup and maple candies with my dad, those were great memories. Similar to that? Probably eating peas right off of the vine. Yum.
It is really challenging to resist adding “oral fun” to my topics.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Makes me think I should go out & lick my front tree today.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That is a neat idea. I was too busy lazy to tap our trees this season. There is still time though. I filter the sap through Melita #4 coffee filters so it is crystal clear, then we drink it or pour it in coffee. Yum. :-)

wilma's avatar

@worriedguy , I also use a coffee filter for the sap.
Sometimes large sugar crystals will form the the bottom of my Maple syrup jug.
After the syrup is gone, I save these crystals to sweeten my tea, or hot oatmeal.

Has anyone ever tried birch syrup? They produce that in Alaska, I’m not sure if they do in Canada or not.
I wonder if I could make that here where I live? (Michigan)

wilma's avatar

@JmacOroni sapsicles are “oral fun”!
I think I might add it to my topics too.

Coloma's avatar

In my area we have a native plant called ’ Miners lettuce.’
It is a bushy, green, low growing plant with a lily pad shaped leaf that blooms a little white flower in the middle.

This was, apparently, a green that the gold miners ate back in the goldrush era in my county.

It is really good! A bit of a watercress type taste, slightly peppery and when the geese and I go walking we always nibble on some. lol

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