Asking out an extremely cute cashier as she’s checking out your stuff (interesting double entendre) is just so random. The only reason you’re doing it is because she’s eye candy. You can have a nice fantasy about boinking her. But you know nothing else other than how friendly she is as a cashier, and that might or might not be real or just something she was trained to do.
They say that if walk around asking random women if they want to fuck, it won’t be that long before one of them says yes. Well, the odds of getting a positive response from the cashier are probably highly correlated your your own cuteness and smoothness. Unless you are good at humor, so you can ask her out in a way that will keep her laughing, you probably will strike out.
If you really want her, wait until the store closes, and then, in a non-creepy way, hand her some flowers and explain why you struck dumb by her and you would have killed yourself later if you hadn’t at least tried. If she says she has a boyfriend, you just say, “That’s ok. He can come, too! It’s just coffee, dahlin’” Even if you don’t succeed, the look on her face will be priceless and well worth the price of admission.
Ok, so that’s my friends method. He’s quite successful at it. But then, he is wickedly funny and Charlie Sheen reminds me of him. Verbally aggressive, very confident, kind of an asshole, bipolar, and doesn’t give a shit any more.
But my preferred way to meet people is doing something. Then at least you know you have something in common. Having Walmart in common…. well, you have Walmart in common with half the population of the world. Need I say more? Be careful, or I’ll show you the Walmart photos. You won’t eat for a week after that!