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janbb's avatar

Has life ever given you an unexpected gift?

Asked by janbb (63361points) March 11th, 2011

I taught a great poetry class this morning and was thinking about what a joy the teaching has become for me. I never would have had the confidence earlier in life to stand up before a group of people as their teacher. In the last 10 years, I have happened upon this new venture and it is a pleasure. Has life – or you yourself – tossed you any pleasant surprises?

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14 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

Harple was an unexpected an treasured gift.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

You mean like the herp?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

So much of my life is a series of unexpected gifts. Really.

YoBob's avatar

Several. I have been blessed with many unexpected gifts in life.

Both of my children were surprises (Not accidents. Accidents are where something bad happens. Surprises are wonderful gifts that come to you unexpectedly). Many of my other unexpected gifts have come as a result of my role as dad.

One that leaps to mind because it happened recently: I am a cubmaster for my son’s cub scout troop. At a recent pack meeting the kids were getting rowdy so I called them over and showed them two games I learned from a Tai Chi instructor that require finesse rather than strength or exuberance. One is called “Push Hands” and the other called “Sticky Hands”. So… they tried them but quickly degenerated back to the usual smack down that is expected when you have a group of more than a dozen grade school boys. Then a few weeks later we had a pack activity and I was shocked to not only see several of the kids doing both sticky hands and push hands, but they seemed to actually get the concept of the finesse that is required.

Why do I consider this an unexpected gift? It means that even though it might not be immediately apparent, something I taught them actually sunk in. It implies that perhaps all of that other stuff about striving to be a good human being is sinking in as well. It’s nice to have a bit of validation from time to time.

crazydreams's avatar

I used to be in a very violent relationship for many years, every single morning I have woken since then has been a gift I receive with surprise that I am no longer in that situation and extremely grateful for it. Everything good in every day of my life is a gift now and priceless :)

Cruiser's avatar

Yes….what my kids have given me with gifts of love I never expected…as I never had moments like those with my own dad. They surprise me a lot! I am a lucky guy.

blueiiznh's avatar

Moving through everyday is like unwrapping a wonderful gift.

lloydbird's avatar

Repeatedly and frequently. Is this surprising somehow?

Ladymia69's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs Like the herp, the clap, and some assymetrical shrubbery.

harple's avatar

@Austinlad thank you, and ditto x

cak's avatar

@janbb: My son was a gift and wonderful surprise. I was told I wouldn’t conceive and was facing a hysterectomy. We weighed our odds with having a specialist help, but even they were not so convinced that they could help us conceive. I went away for a couple of days with one of my friends, and felt horrible the entire weekend. On the way back, it occurred to me, I only felt that way when I was pregnant with my daughter. I got home, waited a week (I was terrified. Taking a test and see negative, again, was the last thing I wanted to see.) I went to the same friend’s house, armed with 3 tests and used one. Positive. Used the other two, just in case, positive! I called my husband and he was thrilled. I was in shock.

The big surprise, I carried him. Not full term, but long enough for a beautiful baby boy to be born. Seven years later, I have a my son. I know I am lucky to have both of my children. (nine years separate them, but it’s allowed me to devote time to them in very different ways.)

My other gift: I have always been involved with Girl Scouts. I co-led a troop with the same friend, as above. We had this group of girls in our lives starting from about 1st grade on. This year, I am lucky enough to be involved with all but 2 of the girls, they moved out-of-state. It’s been incredible to see them through all of these stages. This year, 6 of them graduate. 5 are going to college. The one that isn’t is working for her family’s business. To see them grow, change and moving to the next big stage is a blessing.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Forgiveness. It’s so much harder to really feel it then to believe in the idea of it.

mattbrowne's avatar

Fraternal twins. 21 years ago.

janbb's avatar

I think I am finally free of an obsessive thought that has been bothering me for a few years.

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