What do you guys think about the recent natural disasters?
The disaster that Japan and other countries are going through is pretty rough. What do you all think about it? Do you think its just the beginning of the Apocalypse, or just natural disasters?
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40 Answers
I think they’re just natural disasters, and they’re tragic. I am worrying about the nuclear power plants in Japan.
In recorded history, there has never been such an increase of severe earthquakes and severe volcanic eruptions. In addition, Israel became a nation in 1948 which was also predicted.
We’re sure getting close.
I can tell you that this is just starting. You wouldn’t believe what is on its way. There two different sources that are saying this world is now getting itself ready for the change. The worlds rotation around our pattern has changed and it will also change more. The vibration is really beginning to vibrate much faster as will those that are being prepared with the planet.
Part of life and owning ocean front property or obviously a boat in the marina over there or anywhere.
I’m usually one to say that we’ve been in a sort of ecological apocalypse for some time now. Industrial civilization is causing a major extinction event by devouring the world piecemeal and toxifying our total environment. I can’t say whether or not the increase in quake severity is related to climate change (I guess no), but the quakes have certainly added to the whole mess.
I sure as hell hope all the crazies will be taken up to heaven ASAP.
It is true that there will be an increase in this type of natural activity as time draws to a close. It is a natural consequence of the decay of the earth as we know it. God certainly isn’t causing it- He just foretold that it would happen. Sorry @snowberry, but the Israel thing is a fallacy, and has nothing to do with end time events. I believe that the end IS near, and natural disasters are just one of many signs that this is so. I am not claiming to be able to predict the future, but I wouldn’t be surprised if these types of events continue to become more prevalent.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I hope you’ll respond graciously if people mock your chosen way of life in the way you have done above.
@Harold Oh did I mock your chosen way of life? Because I thought I was mocking all the crazies who, instead of caring about the victims, are wasting energy on barely keeping their glee about the ‘coming’ under wraps. I have zero courtesy for people who turn tragedies like these into some sort of proof for their ridiculous notions about apocalypses.
Among other things, I’m unable to comprehend water moving at 500 mph. That and the colossal cleanup that is coming due. Where the hell will they put all that debris?
It also makes me think about old school Sim City, since you pretty much have flood, fire, and nuclear disaster right on cue. All that’s missing is Godzilla.
Did you hear that Earth’s rotation was changed again. It happened last time the big quake come as well. This is going to continue and get much worse. Japan’s problems are not over yet and things are going to get worse. I don’t say that with any form of wanting it or doom it just is what it is. Not long ago a message was broadcast over some of the worlds communication systems. It amounts to putting our weapons away and quit with the wars and the issues we are so involved in. It said that if we don’t things would become very tough. I wish I could go into detail but it is happening for all to see. We as a species will not choose the peaceful easy way so we have to take it the hard way.
They’re just natural disasters…it happens.
Nothing, really. The Earth is going to do what it wants, and there’s really not much man could do about it, except maybe prepare. Trying to control what the Earth does or changing its direction is like trying to flap your arms and fly to the moon. You could try, try very hard, but am rather sure that the FAA won’t be reporting no UFO anytime soon as a direct result of any success achieved.
Just normal natural disasters. But with more people living in coastal regions than 200 or 1000 years ago. And complex technology like nuclear power plants.
As others have said, normal natural disasters that are more talked about now because we live in the information age.
No one ever suggests that the Tri state tornado (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri_state_Tornado) or the year without a summer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_Without_a_Summer) were cause by global warming or a sign of the apocalypse because the happened a long time ago. If they happened today, people would be saying that.
Not a disbeliever in global warming by the way, just making a point.
The year without summer was caused by a cooling effect as a result of volcanic eruption.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – well, it’s like this. It IS possible to see signs in what is happening, while at the same time caring for the victims. I completely agree with you regarding those who take the attitude you mentioned. I guess you wouldn’t be tolerant then of someone who mocked you???
@12Oaks It is funny that you should say that the Earth will do what the Earth will do. The Earth is doing what it thinks it should and it is upset with the actions of humans on its surface and it is preparing to change and evolve to a different existance.
@Harold It depends. What would you like to mock me about? Besides, I don’t think it’s anyone’s ‘way of life’ to be obsessed with the apocalypse, is it? Because that’s just sad.
@Harold I’m super against what I’m going to call Apocalypsism, whether religious or otherwise, as it’s an extraordinarily short sighted way of viewing disasters that have human consequences. Throughout history, civilization has had these moments and what needs to come out of them is research and understanding, compassion for victims, and foresight to survive better next time (especially if research shows we’re inadvertently causing the disasters.) Thinking “it’ll all be okay cause Jesus/the flying spaghetti monster/aliens will come save us!” is absolutely dangerous.
When I take the time to examine and learn more about life and what is happening I then take whatever questions come to mind and I ask about it. With deep meditation the answers come and I am excited (as always) that the idea of seeking, knocking and asking works. It is such a wonderful thing to question all there is and then to recieve answers to those question. Blessings all
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I don’t want to mock you at all. What you choose to do and believe is none of my business, and you deserve respect whether I agree with you or not.
@JeanPaulSartre – I agree with most of what you say. We certainly do need to research these things, and show compassion for those affected. I don’t think it will all be OK at all. What I am saying is that it is foretold that these tragedies will happen as the end draws near. That should not affect how we choose to relate to those affected, but this does not alter the fact that it IS a sign.
If the earthquake in Japan had happened 500 years ago, it may have killed a few hundred people, and it would go down in legend for a few generations. However because the region is so heavily populated and we have so many devices to quantify severity, the effect of the exact same causative event is much larger. The more overpopulated we get, the more deaths will result from each successive disaster. Beyond this, I wouldn’t read anything into it.
@Summum Apart from electromagnetic radiation being absorbed and escaping through the atmosphere, the Earth is essentially a closed system. Whatever changes occur in the Earth’s orbit/rotation during an earthquake change right back when its over, since no sum energy is gained or lost in the process.
@Harold The end times have been foretold and signs of it have been seen for about as long as religion has existed. To me this is a sign, and I postulate, that rising ocean temperatures cause instabilities in the Earth’s crust. I, however, would like to see evidence of my claim, and that can be found with the scientific method, and if things can be done to reverse this, then they should be done. Whether or not this might delay any religion’s version of the apocalypse shouldn’t factor in. I can also predict, easily in fact, that there will be many earthquakes and floods and murders and wars… they happen constantly, so I could even say “There will be a war that will engulf the nations of the Earth, and then there will be a flood, and later a volcano will erupt… when these things happen, [religious stuff happens/end-of-world/etc.]” and I’ll be right eventually, easily within the next 2000 years.
@Harold Perhaps a person can do both, supposedly. But tell me this: of the apocalypse-obsessed fols you know, do they focus more on how to prevent this from happening/ victims’ aid, etc. or on how they better get on board with whatever they thing ‘true faith’ is so as to not end up in hell?
@jeanpaulSartre I’ll wager 1,000 on over on your 2000 year prediction. Even odds. Heck, will even do a 1 to 2 odds, and I rarely wager odds like that. Just hate to pass up a sure thing.
That is not so @FireMadeFlesh the Earth did have a faster speed and it did not go back to what it was. You will need to read about it. The Earth knows what is going on and is very much in favor as to it changing and evolving.
@JeanPaulSartre – I guess you can see it that way, and you might be right and I might be wrong. However, I believe that the recent increase in activity is a sign that the end is near. I guess time will tell who has the right interpretation.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I understand your cynicism. I actually don’t know any of the people as you describe, as I choose not to associate with people like that, even though I am a Christian. The people I choose to associate and worship with would put the needs of those around them first. I believe that this is what a true Christian would do- follow Christ’s example in caring for people first.
@Harold So, you choose to not associate with ‘people like that’ and you are calling me out on mockery. Nice work.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – Can you please point out where I have mocked anyone? I have simply said that the people I choose to associate with have different values to what you said. It sounds like you’re determined to pin something on me because I called you to task, so please go ahead.
@Harold Never said you mocked anyone but your refusal to associate with ‘these people’ is just as bad.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – As you wish. You’re entitled to your opinion. I guess you’d then choose people whose opinions irritated you to associate with?
Mocking people during a problem where people are dying then it comes down to what is happening and no jokes period.
@Harold Do it daily. Here and elsewhere.
@Summum Interact with people whose opinions irritate me. Don’t you?
No I don’t try to interact with people that irritate me.
@Summum I don’t try, either. Yet, there they are. Want to talk more about this pm , let’s not hijack the thread.
That is fine with me so others don’t use mocking others.
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