Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

Any advice in this situation? (continued)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 12th, 2011

Okay, so a while ago I posted this question, now the situation has evolved.

We are still talking about stuff, and it was all normal until a week ago. She started walking and talking to me in the hallways, and finding me in between classes. In the middle part of the week during lunch where myself and a few other people chill and listen to music. she was kicking my legs and stuff, and axting kind of wierd, trying to push the table into me and stuff.

Later when we were talking she told me that I was her “BFF”, and that I’m pretty much the only reason she loggs into one of her facebook accounts is to chat with me.

She asked about my retaliation to her lunchtime stuff, and I asked why she was doing it in the forst place, and she said she liked flirting. I asked “So that was flirting?” and she replied”...maybe” and then logged out for a while. I guess other people would have picked up the flirting part but I’m new to all this… stuff

She also asked if I wanted to know why she liked me, and i said sure, and she said it was because of the eyes and being smart, but also because she thought I was cute wtf? and logged out for a while after that.

She told me yesterday that she tells me pretty much everything about her life, even more than she told her boyfriend.

Now to the main part.


I recently found out that for some inexplicable reason, she broke up with her boyfriend. This falls into place with perfect timing relating to the peak of talking in the hallways and at lunch.

My question about time, right? is simply this:

Do you think she is going to try to pursue a relationship with me?

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34 Answers

Seelix's avatar



Licking your legs? Is that what the kids do these days?

chyna's avatar

She licked your leg? Is she a dog?
This sounds weird to me.

XOIIO's avatar


That was a good typo.

@Seelix So was that yes based off of the question or the t?ypo

chyna's avatar

Oh, KICKING. That makes for a different story. Yes, she is flirting. Ask her out. Now.

augustlan's avatar

The real question is, are you going to pursue a relationship with her? If so, strike while the iron is hot. Ask that girl out, already!

XOIIO's avatar

@chyna and @augustlan You see, that’s the thing

I am a person who has bottled up all emotions, including compassion, empathy, love, pain and hurt. I also generally dislike people. She’s a fine person, but I’m really not the relationship type.

Considering that I was alone interms of friends and companions my whole life, I have accepted the fact that I will most likely be alone my entire life.

I also don’t really want a relationship, but that could just be a relsult of all ^that^

Anyways, I don’t really know what to do in this situation.Even asking someone out would completely change most aspects of my life setup, and it just seems wierd.The whole dating thing is kind of wierd.

Seelix's avatar

Oh, kicking. Okay.

Whether it’s kicking or licking, she definitely wants to be with you. There’s no way to possibly deny that what she’s doing is flirting.

XOIIO's avatar

@Seelix But aren’t there also people that are just naturally flirty with no actuall desire for anything?

Seelix's avatar

Yes, there are, but she’s specifically told you that she thinks you’re cute, and that she shares more with you than with her boyfriend, etc. Does she act this way with other guys? I don’t think she’s just the flirty type; if she was, she’d have been flirting with you this way the whole time you’ve known her, and she’d act the same way with any of her male friends.

XOIIO's avatar

@Seelix She doesn’t seem to have many friends, I am going to try to contact one of them to ask about her personality.

Seelix's avatar

Well, I really think she’s flirting and looking for more. I’m off to bed, so hopefully my fellow Jellies can convince you that leg – licking kicking = flirting.

XOIIO's avatar

@Seelix No kidding, I think that licking would be way more that flirtingXD

BarnacleBill's avatar

Why are you overanalyzing this? Short of clubbing you over the head and dragging you off into a cave, what else does she have to do? For some reason, cute girl finds ascerbic nerd guy endearing. Go with that.

XOIIO's avatar

@BarnacleBill I always analyse everything as much as possible. This whole situation is just really wierd, someone like her being attracted, in any way, to someone like me seems impossible.

augustlan's avatar

Is there a possibility that you have Asperger’s? I ask, because you’ve said you’re not good with the social/emotional aspects of life. I do know that some aspies never thought they’d have a relationship, and ended up happily married. Don’t discount something before you’ve experienced it, ok?

Seelix's avatar

@XOIIOsomeone like her being attracted, in any way, to someone like me seems impossible

Mr. Fiance says the same thing about me. ;)
Just sayin’. Now it’s bedtime for real.

XOIIO's avatar

@augustlan Aspergers, ADD and OCd to spare XD

The thing is that, whenever I try to picture being in a relationship, and caring for someone and having them care for me, I just can’t do it. I can stunningly imagine myself in any situation in great detail, and know exactly what i would do. This just leaved me blank.

augustlan's avatar

You might want to talk to @jerv. I think he’s a happily married aspie.

SincereNyc's avatar

Sounds like you are just nervous, curious and in total denial that you really do want a bit of change. Reading between the lines, you have not “completey” closed the door on that you will be alone your entire life, or else you wouldn’t even be on this site asking for advice on what to do with this lady! It’s okay to ask what to do, but be true and just take one step at a time. Heck, go to the library and get you one of them self help books, like – dating for dummies (no insult intended)! This way you can educate, anticipate and free your mind of any anxieties you may have and also help not to sabotage a good thing! It’s not like your going to propose to her for goodness sake! Chill and have fun!

Sunny2's avatar

How about trying to relax and just be friends with her? Be as friendly as you can be. You don’t have to go on dates to do that. Dating can come later if that’s what you want.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 That’s what I am trying to do, and that’s what I have hinted to, but based on her behavior she wants more.

Sunny2's avatar

That doesn’t mean you have to give more. Remember, she’s on the rebound from a broken relationship. But a relationship ought to start with being good friends. You are in charge of how it goes for you. If you’re not comfortable with it, it’s not going to be good. Try laughing when she gets too much for you. But stay in charge of your own life. Don’t just hint, tell her how you feel, in a friendly way.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 yeah. The main thing, once again, is that this is an absoulte first for this kind of thing. Nobody has ever expressed anything like she has, I still find it hard to believe sometimes, but it did happen.

Sunny2's avatar

I understand it’s new to you. I’m suggesting you take care of yourself first. Don’t get involved until you know it’s right. I worry about girls like her who may be taking advantage of your inexperience. Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 I know, that’s what I plan.As for getting hurt, I doubt that it will happen now, or for a long time.

Sunny2's avatar

If she gets her way and wins you over, you may be hurt. It’s part of life’s experience. You have the potential for being too trusting. I worry about that. Take care of yourself.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 I don’t trust anyone. That’s why I don’t accept help, or gofts or anything like that. That’s also why I have few friends.

Sunny2's avatar

I understand. I’m afraid she’ll get you to trust her and I’m not sure she’s trustworthy. Go ahead and be friends, but keep your skepticism. And be prepared to say no when you’re not comfortable.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 I always keep skeptisism. She has lied several times, but told the truth in the end. I still don’t fully believe some things that she says. Anyways, I never let my guard down.

Sunny2's avatar

Okay, I think you’ll do fine. Consider it a social learning experience. If you’re willing, let us know what happens.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 Yeah.I have always thought dating would be an interesting experiment to do, without developing any emotional attatchment. Kind of like observing apes in their bnatural invoronment, blending in a little. XD

Sunny2's avatar

Go for it. Keep a log.

XOIIO's avatar

@Sunny2 Yeah, juust have a little field book and shit XD

XOIIO's avatar

This situation get’s wierder and wierder lol. She’s apparently dating someone, and told her friend that she wouldn’t bother with anything cause I don’t do the dating thing, but each day she hangs out more and more, and walks closer and sits closer to me. Literally was walking with 2 inches in between us lol.

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