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Nullo's avatar

Character design question: is this superpower too weak? Too strong? Utterly useless? Details in the details section.

Asked by Nullo (22033points) March 12th, 2011

The setting is a sort of sci-fi/fantasy hybrid – weird science, maybe; I’ll see what TvTropes has to say later. Technology is more or less 1920s-1940s
The character in question (a second-tier protagonist) has the ability to sense electromagnetic fields, and the fluctuations in them; the sense is acute enough to detect, say, Morse code over a line, but (probably?) not enough to be able to “overhear” telephone conversations.
I decided that I didn’t want a power-driven plot, preferring instead to focus on travel, trade, and exploration.

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5 Answers

filmfann's avatar

If they can overhear morse code, they will hear telephone conversations.
I remember when I was a young teen, delivering newspapers on wet mornings, I could stand next to a certain telephone pole, and actually hear a conversation.
Having worked for the phone company for 33 years, I will tell you I still don’t understand how that happened, but it did.

Nullo's avatar

@filmfann I was wondering about that; I’m not really clear on what telephone signals look like.
The character perceives EM radiation rather like we do visible light. I guessed that Morse code would be spikes of electricity on an otherwise quiet line (like a flashing light), and the telephone more of a stead, regular oscillation (like a lightbulb on a weak A/C circuit).

Seelix's avatar

If it’s not your main protagonist, I think it’s a cool power. I wouldn’t base a whole story on it, though, so as long as you’ve got something stronger to focus on, I think it’s cool.

robdamel's avatar

Talking about superpowers, i just saw watchmen, the movie. Dr. Manhattan is so awesome.

snowberry's avatar

An idea…perhaps he could fix things, you know be able to tell where the short is in a machine. I’d love someone to fix the short in our car! Just call my neighborhood super power and bingo, it’s fixed!

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