What are you going to be when you die?
Based on your personal beliefs, what’s going to happen to you when you die?
Are you going to Heaven, Hell, Limbo? Are you gonna be an angel? A ghost, a zombie? A memory? Nothing at all? What?
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36 Answers
Dust…. and cooked dust at that.
A heavenly soul. Currently I am a soul enjoying a human experience
I am soul ina spiriitual place. Not quite heaven, as that is usually understood as the opposite of hell. It’s like heaven but there’s no opposing side. It is a place where love prevails, and compassion.
I’ll wake up in the manifested version of the coherent world of my lucid dreams.
At least, that would be cool if that happened.
To return to the Earth and to the Universal Energy
I do not know. I may be just a dead, decauing lump of meat. But then again the elves in the machine may ne more real than me, and when I shed this corporeal form I might just join them. That the will be will be—that which will not will not be. Waiting is.
I will most likely wind up at the same place I was before I was born.
I’d like to be reunited with my predeceased loved ones, but I’ll most likely be dust scattered somewhere in California, New York, or the big O.
A bald eagle residing in the upper peninsula of Michigan.
I’ll actually be ashes scattered over Lake Superior, but a girl can dream, can’t she?
I will be devoid of sensation and awareness, just like I was before I was born. I won’t know it, and I probably wouldn’t care either.
Either that, or I’d go to hell, where I likely belong for all of my sodomy.
Bits and pieces of me will live on, as transplanted organs in living people. Other than that, I will be a memory. And worm food.
I’m going to be put in the ground or something and decay into worm food, where upon I’ll become worm defecation. After that, I’ll decompose into soil. Next, if everything goes well, I plan on being sucked up into a plant (I’m shooting for a cat tail or a birch tree). Before you know it, I will be eaten by an animal. Possibly a rabbit or a fawn. I’m hoping that a hunter will shoot the animal and feed it to his family. My vital nutrients will carry through, making that family, in their little home with the fireplace and wood stove for heating, and the walls painted the color of dark eggs, a bunch of cannibals. And that pseudo-human flesh will be the greatest thing they’ve ever ate.
I’ll just be energy.
My body and all its quirks, my brain and all its connections, will decay. It’ll be recycled by the Earth and other life.
My consciousness will be all I am, only ever aware of the moment. Or perhaps aware of all moments. I don’t know.
I’ll have no concept of this me, which is made up of a collection of thoughts and feelings and senses and memories my body has retained.
I don’t know what it’ll be like for sure, what will happen for sure, and the surprise is kind of exciting. But I think I’ll be formless energy in some way or another. It makes the most sense to me, and is the most comforting to me, in many ways. : ]
Since energy cannot be created or destroyed (or is that no longer considered to be true?) and life is energy, I tend to believe in the Hindu idea of life changing after you die. Then, depending on what is done with my body, I’ll be back on earth in another form. At the moment, I kind of like the idea of being a mushroom. I could be part of a fairy circle of mushrooms. I don’t particularly want to be a carrot, but I’ll have no choice in the matter. Maybe is if I became a fern, after a long long time, I could be a piece of coal or a diamond.
It doesn’t matter. I’ll never know.
I won’t pinin’! I’ll be passed on! I’ll be no more! I’ll have ceased to be! I’ll be expired and gone to meet me maker! I’ll be a stiff! Bereft of life, I’ll rest in peace! I’ll be pushing up the daisies! I’ll have kicked the bucket, shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!
My earthly remains, however, will be a handful of ash wafting gently over Sizzler’s salad bar.
You“re making fun of me with my details, ain’t ya? Keep it up. :)
@Symbeline What will you be? My money is on zombie. :p
Parts of my body (organs) will hopefully be donated to help others. The remains will be cremated and released into the wind (preferably in Italy).
My consciousness or “soul” will go dark and I’ll cease to exist.
Hopefully I’ll continue to “live on” as a good and loving memory for my daughter, wife and a handful of other people.
Well, after a brief & entirely understandable fit of rage…....I don’t wanna die bitch!!…...I fully intend to reveal the bouncebackability of a basketball. In lamens terms, I will reincarnate as Angelina Jolie’s thong, sniff sniff…...hubba hubba! :¬)
Pieces of my body will fuse with the bodies of others to create a more powerful human. So I’ll be superhuman.
I’ll let you know…..—Whaaa haaaa haaa !...
I am going to be Megan Fox’s Bra. ;)
That depends on your belief/faith.
@nikkiduq Yeah. But based on yours, what will you be?
@augustlan I damn well better come back as a zombie!
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Lmao. XD And welcome to Fluther. :)
corn flakes grow in fertalizer? EEEeeewwwwwww!!!!
I will be a mental construct in the minds of those who outlive me and have met me. My remains will be in some laboratory being carved up by medical students wanting to learn about the human body, and maybe some organs will be giving life to someone who needs them. Hopefully, some of my thoughts will survive in print to be read by future generations.
Finally at peace? Who knows, probably signing up for extracurriculars.
You just die and nothing becomes of you.
Hopefully back with my nan and pop and my good friend Will who i lost last year at the age of 13. I’m hoping at peace and if none of this happens i guess i will be just well dead.
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