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Berserker's avatar

Where can I find videos of real ghost sightings?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) March 12th, 2011

Well, whether they’re real or not, at least, videos taken seriously. All I keep finding online and YouTube is just jokes and crap, and I need my chills fix. Help?

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32 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Just go to and search ghost hunters, that should help you out. if the show isn’t called that just type in ghost and itt; list a few names.

simone54's avatar

You can’t. Ghost aren’t REAL.

Berserker's avatar

@simone54 Well, whether they’re real or not, at least, videos taken seriously…

mattbrowne's avatar

There are no real ghost sightings. These videos offer entertainment. So your question should be: Where can I find ghost videos with really great entertainment value?

Faiblesse's avatar

You’ll only find real ones in an alternate universe. One where ghosts exist.
In this world, there are only videos of counterfeit ghost sightings and videos of different things altogether that impressionable people mistake for ghost sightings.

Mikewlf337's avatar

I disagree with some of the people on this thread. I have heard stories that will make the hair stand on the back of your neck. The ones who claim to have experienced these things are honest people. They claim to have seen, heard or even felt ghosts. I believe in ghosts. I went to a place said to have been haunted before I knew it had been haunted and I tell you one thing for sure. I felt very very uneasy there. Something terrible that cannot be explained. Something bad happened there and nobody can tell me that it was just my imagination. I know what I felt. There is nothing science can explain about the experiences that my friends have experienced. We do not understand our world as much as we think we do.

mattbrowne's avatar

Many “ghost” experiences inside buildings are related to bad plumbing. Otherwise keep in mind that human psychology has plenty of “tricks” in store.

Mikewlf337's avatar

@mattbrowne until you experience something like that you cannot come to any conclusion to what it may be. You have to experience it first.

Faiblesse's avatar

Honest people can make mistakes. And if it was such an impressive experience, you can bet on it that the way they remember it isn’t the way it happened. The memories get exaggerated more and more with every retelling, even if it’s the same person telling them.

There’s plenty of things other than ghosts or horrible past events that can make a place feel eerie. Like the smell, the temperature, an ultrasonic or infrasonic sound you’re only subconsciously aware of, a radiator leaking electromagnetic radiation, or the color of the curtains not matching the furniture. Lots of things can make you feel uneasy without being able to put your finger on what’s causing it.

By the way if you think these things can’t be explained, then don’t try to explain them. Don’t say it was ghosts, or that something horrible must have happened there, just say you don’t know what makes you feel that way.
Of course these things can be explained. They happened. Something caused them. You just don’t know what.

JessicaRabbit's avatar

I think I believe in an energy or something. My dad passed away two years ago. A week after he passed, the coroner called me about his autopsy. He told me the est time he passed was around 4 in the morning. That would of been the time that my stereo and television turned on full blast in my living room. I know I shut it off before bed because I have a thing about turning things off if Im not using it. I will even unplug my phone charger if I am not using it. It scared me because I was home alone. I have a new Bose system which can definatley rattle the walls. I knew it was around the same time because I received a text about a half hr before. A part of me doesn’t believe but another part of me thinks that was just too ironic and he would never leave me with out saying goodbye. I also think there is a lot of stuff in life people can’t explain, like the psychics that help the investigators find missing people or solve murders. I don’t know, it might not of been him, but I hope it was.

All I know is people that say that ghosts aren’t real are just ignorant. Nobody knows for sure.

markferg's avatar

@JessicaRabbit – You can’t prove the non-existence of something, so anyone that says something doesn’t exist is either not being scientific or are using a general shortcut to indicate an opinion that the balance of evidence is not sufficient to cause them to accept the existence of something, so you can deny the existence of something without actually being ignorant! Some of us like to have some testable evidence that they can relate to before being willing to accept something like ghosts. Never having had any experience where ghosts would have been the best answer to explain the situation, I would have to say the the balance of my personal experience is that ghosts are something that people use to explain things to their own satisfaction and I am inclined to the conclusion that they are a figment of other people’s imaginations, that is, they are not a real phenomenon and are not open to investigation in a scientific fashion.

In short, scientifically, they don’t exist!

Faiblesse's avatar

Listen, maybe there are ghosts and maybe there aren’t, but I don’t believe anybody who says they’ve seen one unless they can prove it and they can prove it can’t have been anything else. Whenever people look at ghost sightings scientifically it always turns out it’s not real.
People will believe anything.

mattbrowne's avatar

Hallucinations can be associated with drug use, sleep deprivation, psychosis, neurological disorders, and delirium tremens.

tigerlilly2's avatar

I’m not going to argue whether or not ghosts are real or imaginary, to each his own. Besides, that wasn’t the question that was asked. As far as interesting videos go you should check out I’ve wanted to visit this place for the longest time! There are also some interesting photos in the gallery. Enjoy!

RubyB's avatar

As long as there have been humans, there have been sides taken about what becomes of ‘us’ at death. But the truth is, no one breathing really knows. I’m ambivalent about ghosts, but know without a doubt that I’ve experienced many mysterious things in my life that defied explanation. I’m fine with that; I love a good mystery.
Shakespeare was right:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

So whether it’s real or just entertainment, here’s a site I never get tired of visiting:

RubyB's avatar

@tigerlilly2 Thanks for the link. I worked in an old psychiatric hospital that has since been torn down, and had access to the old records stored in the basement (a truly creepy place). What I read in those records helps make believable to me what’s happening at Waverly Hills. Psychiatry was in it’s infancy then, and those doctors were experimental demi-gods in those sanitariums and ‘hospitals’, ordering ‘treatments’ that were nothing short of prolonged torture. Psychiatry actually saw people with mental illness the way they saw people of other race’s (read non-white), as human sub-species. There have never been monuments to conquered people. It’s the energies left behind that are their only monument to what their society agreed – they deserved it. Thanks again!

Fyrius's avatar

Side note:
I don’t understand why that Shakespeare quotation keeps showing up in this context. I suspect people mistake it for wisdom.
It’s a quotation from a fictional character in a play with ghosts in it. The person who’s accused of having a philosophy (that is, world view) that does not dream of enough things is a medieval character with nowhere near as thorough an understanding of their world as the average person in the twenty-first century has of theirs. Perhaps Shakespeare – or rather, Hamlet – was right in what he said about Horatio, who didn’t know about ghosts and spacetime bending and genetics, but neither ever even said anything about us.
If you use this quote as if it’s just as true in a completely different context, you probably consider it a general rule that there will always be large chunks of reality right under your nose that you’re completely unaware of; there’s always more on heaven and earth than you think, no matter how much you think there is. Which begs the question what Hamlet was missing out on, and what he was doing on that high horse.
It’s a strange thing to say, too. Are there infinitely many things in heaven and earth, so you can discover them all, or does their number increase as you discover more things?

Perhaps classiness has something to do with it. If you’re discussing solipsism and you dramatically quote Morpheus saying stuff about how deep the rabbit hole goes, people will groan or laugh at you, but quoting Shakespeare is always high-brow and sexy.

I am now imagining medieval hipsters complaining that Shakespeare is for casuals.

Berserker's avatar

For the record, I don’t believe in ghosts. I am interested in them though, or the idea thereof. Thanks to the people who gave links. :) I’ll wait until tonight to check em out though, always creepier then. :D

JessicaRabbit's avatar

@markferg Just because it doesn’t “scientifically” exist does not mean it doesn’t exist! It could be that our science may not have reached the point were we can definitively answer that question yet. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago they thought the earth was flat. Maybe one day we will know for sure. I mean there are a lot of people that say they have had experiences with ghosts and you can’t just assume that its just a figment of their imaginations. Well an ignorant person can haha! The point is, there is a difference if someone says “I believe!” and “I know!” If someone says “I believe” they are just voicing there opinion and since there is no real proof that they are/aren’t real, saying whether they are or not, when you don’t know for sure, is ignorant! Unless someone believes they have actually seen one them self or if someone has some good proof that they are or aren’t real.
Like I said before, there are many things that we can’t explain. Like how a psychic helps solve crimes. Also there are a lot of people that believe in God and Heaven…

Ig·no·rant Adjective /ˈignərənt/
adjective: illiterate, nescient, unlettered, unlearned, uninformed, uneducated
noun: illiterate
Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated
he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid
Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular
they were ignorant of astronomy
Discourteous or rude
this ignorant, pin-brained receptionist
Easily angered
I is an ignorant man—even police don’t meddle with me

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JessicaRabbit's avatar

@markferg I also meant to highlight
Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular

Fyrius's avatar

“I mean, it wasn’t that long ago they thought the earth was flat.”
Ptolemy actually had that figured out in the first century BCE already. Contrary to the stories, the people of Columbus’ time knew.

Science has more recently been wrong about plenty of other things – new, very difficult other things they were still getting to know – but that’s hardly a reason to call the effectiveness of scientific reasoning into question. @markferg‘s point is valid; as there is no evidence of ghosts, it is unscientific to postulate their existence for no reason.
It’s on par with imagining the inside of Saturn is made of frozen coca cola, and then considering that true until proven false. It doesn’t work that way.

If you really want to believe in ghosts, you can go right ahead. We can’t be infinitely sure they’re not there, so you have an excuse. You’re not logically obligated to stop believing in them, like certainty would do.
But if you just want to know whether they actually exist or not, it’s not your best bet.

“The point is, there is a difference if someone says “I believe!” and “I know!” If someone says “I believe” they are just voicing there opinion”
Is that so? That’s not what I mean when I say “I believe”.
I mean “I consider this proposition likely enough to bet on it, although I don’t know it for a fact.”
That’s another difference between truth-seekers and belief-keepers, I guess.

Cruiser's avatar

First and foremost we are energy and it takes a tremendous amount of it to keep all our atoms glued together to make us our physical form. I imagine our energy exists and interacts with the world around us in many mysterious not yet understood ways. My atoms I borrow here have been around since the creation of the universe and will still be somewhere long after I take my last breath,

So just as it is when you go to the bathroom on a cold winters night and you hop back in bed and still feel the warmth of your body or you watch ripples radiate out on the surface of the water after you throw in a rock….I believe our energy will and just could still exist in a form of an “echo” of our selves for quite some time….maybe forever.

I always wonder what my atoms will be re-cycled into after I die?? A toilet seat in a busy airport would be just my luck! XD

Fyrius's avatar

We are made of energy in the sense that our molecules consist of energy, and they’re held together with Van der Waals force. Cellular respiration burns carbohydrates and fats from our food to make fuel that can power your muscles and generate body heat. That’s all pretty well understood. Ask the biologists and the chemistry people.
Is there really any not-yet-understood kind of energy that we’re made of?

Cruiser's avatar

@Fyrius What I wonder about is the memory or echo effect of that energy. Just as I can access any one of millions of files on my computer or the internet for that matter. These files are “energy” recorded and stored…so could our energy be somehow recorded in the universe? I mean I can now access video of me at anytime I want….I can see, and hear my words..that is energy that makes that happen. So why couldn’t our energy exist after life as a ripple or echo of our existence? The mystics, healers, shamans, yogis of the world seem to have an understanding relationship with our energy but I have yet to come across the science aspect of what happens to our energy.

I can feel other peoples energy but I don’t understand why I do or how I do….I just do. I know a few other people that do this too and add all the other people that believe of have had experiences with the afterlife, this tells me there is more to our energy that I don’t think we fully understand.

Fyrius's avatar

The universe recording energy? How would that work?

Digital data storage is nothing like an energy ripple or echo. You can store and access videos of yourself because your computer contains the hardware required to deliberately change the direction of the magnetisation of parts of your hard drive. It contains all those parts because people sat down and invented a way to store information.
Your mental memories are much the same sort of thing, except they were developed by evolutionary pressures rather than invented. But your memory is also a complicated system with hardware that’s there because it can fulfil the specific function of making records.

I think a better analogy for what you mean is a footprint in clay; clay is a natural phenomenon, nobody ever sat down and invented clay.
Clay “stores” your footprints just because your weight presses your feet down into it and the clay moves aside under the pressure, but doesn’t take on its previous shape again when the pressure goes away. Makes sense.
So is there anything like clay, but for energy?

Now that we’re getting practical, I think we need to define what sort of energy you’re thinking of.
Body heat? Yeah, that leaves a mark. It warms up the air around you, and the clothes you’re wearing, and the chair you’re sitting in. But they all cool down again when they’re not in contact with your body any more. An hour later your influence is impossible to detect.
Movement / kinetic energy? Sure. Your movements push around the air, creating tiny currents. Which last for a few seconds and then settle down again. If you’re lucky, you’ll bump into something and maybe leave a permanent but not very informative dent. Your movements – particularly those of your vocal cords – also cause periodic pressure waves rippling through the air, but sounds die down quickly too, unless you’re standing next to the Grand Canyon, where they’ll last a few seconds more.
The energy of your molecules? Yes, even them. They have an infinitesimal gravitational pull on the things around you. But good luck detecting that.

If you want the world to have a lasting memory of you, I think you’re better off deliberately saving information about yourself than hoping the universe will do it for you.

Cruiser's avatar

@Fyrius You are putting for more effort in here than I ever intended and I will see if I can make this a truly productive conversation….I will make a stab at it.

I don’t know really. I don’t what the potential for this energy thingy is or how it would work. I do know it is real. I feel it…I first felt it when the priest was giving me last rites and again the second time priest stood at the foot of my bed. But it was 20 years ago that my karate instructor fist introduced me to my chi! Feeling that energy was powerful and real. I have since acquainted myself with my own energy and have had many opportunities to feel and interact with others energy.

How the universe would record this is a good question and again one I dont have the answer to. I am intrigued how a rocks original location has a magnetic imprint that makes if possible to know which way it was oriented at one time and place in time. Maybe our energy remains as an echo a wave or atomic particle. There is so many questions in my mind with no real answers as of yet.

Out of curiosity…I wanted to see if I could measure this energy of mine so I put a cup partially filled with calcium carbonate to give the cup more mass and zeroed out the scale which is a lab scale capable of measurements of 100th of a gram.

I did my zen routine on the cup and was astonished I could affect the weight at will without touching it. I was careful no not let sudden movements be the cause. What was really unexpected was instead of creating a heavier impact on the weight….my energy made it lighter. So what does this all mean or do to support my theory of the universe recording our energy….nothing at all. I just know that almost dieing and how that felt to feel my life leave my body to my ability to feel my own and others peoples energy tells me there is much we do not understand about this life force energy we all have. So to clarify I am focused on our personal “chi” or energy that does have the ability to affect not only life forms but inanimate objects as well.

Fyrius's avatar

“You are putting for more effort in here than I ever intended”
Hehe, I know. ;)
I think what I’m doing is taking a vague idea and making it concrete. That way, if it’s true, you can actually benefit from it. And if it’s false, at least you can find out.

“I don’t know really. I don’t what the potential for this energy thingy is or how it would work. I do know it is real. I feel it…”
So you don’t really know how to define this energy either?
Then how do you know it’s energy in the first place that you feel? It might be something else.
All you have is a sensation, yes?
What does it feel like?

“I did my zen routine on the cup and was astonished I could affect the weight at will without touching it. (...) instead of creating a heavier impact on the weight….my energy made it lighter.”
That’s amazing. That would mean you can generate lift at a distance. Or mess with gravity. Or decrease the stuff’s mass.
What exactly did you do? Visualisations?
How much lighter did you manage to make it? How quickly?
Could you sustain this as long as you wanted? Did it go away the moment you decided to stop?
Did you try doing the exact same things again, but without trying to do anything to the weight, to make sure it doesn’t just happen whether you do anything or not?
Could you do the same thing again today? If so, you should try it with different substances and if possible, different scales. See if the same effort always has the same effect.

“Chi” is a notion from ancient Asian medicine. It’s kind of dated, actually.
We have a much more thorough (and less speculative) understanding of the human body now than the medieval Asians did. Insofar as chi has ever been concretely defined, I suppose you can think of it as a primitive understanding of what our blood circulation does, with its oxygen and nutrients delivery and its carbon dioxide disposal business. That’s how I always thought of it, back when I was a student of Tai Chi.
Meridians that your energy circulates through: veins that blood transports nutrients through. Breathing exercises to amplify your chi: raising your blood oxygen levels so your cells can burn carbohydrates optimally and turn them into lots of ATP fuel molecules. Chi getting blocked: circulation being cut off, leading to cellular starvation.
But you cannot focus your energy onto the tip of your sword. You cannot absorb life energy from the earth and from the sky, except by eating potatoes and breathing air. Your energy can’t leave your body to affect stuff at a distance, unless you cut yourself and make a blood stain on the carpet and your wife sitting across the room has a fit.
That’s all stuff people made up, based on their incomplete understanding of what’s going on. Insofar as it works, it works for different reasons.

Karate teachers – and people practising other oriental martial arts – still work with chi because it’s part of the ancient culture their art was developed in, and it needs that as a context. They may still believe it’s a real thing, too. But it’s not.
As a side note, there’s a lot of irrational behaviour going on in the ancient martial arts. Beware.

I don’t know what you’ve been feeling, I don’t know what you’ve been doing to that cup of calcium carbonate, but I don’t think “chi” is a good description of either.

Cruiser's avatar

@Fyrius What I feel is akin to a magnetic push pull. That is how you find your chi energy is to feel that interface of the push pull of your energy in and around you. You get it just right and it is if your hand is floating an a layer of energy….it’s the only way to describe it. It can be as intense as a mild electric current.

I can also feel others energy….pain particularly is easy to detect. You seem to have some working knowledge of the meridians and so do I. I am not expert by any means but what I do know is I can feel them in me and in others. Having this recognition of my ability to feel was in a sense by accident. My youngest can do this and we have fun messing with each others energy.

Anyway…I am used to people not understanding something so uncomprehedable…but when you feel it that one time you know. It is real…we all have it some people just prefer to remain blind to the concept. If you cant see it, it doesn’t exist.

I can measure it on a lab scale so I know it is at least in a crude way scientifically proveable…even if it is only a few hundreth of a grams. I have done this many times as well and yes with different materials….I have only done it for grins and maybe will take you up on “testing” other materials and weights….moods and times of day. Next time I am pissed as hell I will want to test this for sure.

I also think “chi” or what ever other feelers and healers call this life force…IMO it is real and what keeps our atoms we need to exist in one usable happy place.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] This question has been moved to Social, and off-topic responses have been restored.

Fyrius's avatar

Oh, this is definitely scientifically provable, if it’s real. You can feel it, that’s already enough for you to scientifically investigate it.
Now, you ought to go find out if it’s reliable. If you put on a blindfold and put in earplugs and someone else across the room either does or doesn’t pinch themselves, can you feel the difference in their “chi”¹? If you do this thirty times in a row, are you right significantly more than half of the time?
Could your kid and you use “chi” to convey messages? Like, sending “chi” bursts in morse code?
If you two try to feel a third person’s “chi”, do your impressions match, or do you feel wildly different things?
Can you make the cup heavier too?
And what exactly do you do? Do you just sit and stare at it and imagine it becoming lighter, or…?

I know, I’m overwhelming you with experiment proposals now. Just sharing suggestions.
I think it might still be just in your head. If you want to be sure it isn’t, this is the sort of thing you have to do to find out.

For the record, whenever other people scientifically test things like this, compensating for everything that could give people the illusion it works, then it pretty much always turns out to be fake. But who knows, maybe you’ve stumbled upon an exception.

Thank you, that’s very considerate. :)
¹ I’m going to put “chi” in quotes from now on, because whatever this phenomenon is, it would be more constructive not to explicitly conflate it with that ancient notion. Let’s have an open mind.

Cruiser's avatar

@Fyrius All I can say after 8 years of “working” with my energy and all the events and research and discussions I have done with the time allotted me….it’s not imagined. As far as the weight I think your prompting has inspired me to do more research. Yes, I can make it heavier too. I just did and first time too. Not all items responded but heck it’s early and I need more coffee XD. What was really odd though, is the container seemed to retain the energy as it took about 2 seconds for the original weight to restore. FYI this is a routinely calibrated lab scale that is very responsive. My banana just sat there and metal containers did nothing too… but plastic containers with both resins and powders responded. Yes, more research is needed.

I really think there is more to this life force energy…I know it’s real…I feel it. I have people I know that know this first hand too and have felt this ability of mine. I wish I knew more and could better explain and illustrate this for you.

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