What are your passive obsessions?
Most of us have something we’re constantly passionate about. Hobbies, subjects, careers. Like for me, it’s horror movies, pillows and zombies. I’ll love all this until my end.
But some people have passive passions and obsessions, some things they like that come and go periodically. An example of some of my passive obsessions are samurai movies, Vikings, ghosts, vampires and tactical role playing games with depressing political and religious plots full of death. This comes and goes, and while the interest is always there, I periodically fluctuate in between these things. Sometimes it’s dormant, sometimes it’s intensely active. Is that normal? Do you have that too? If so, what are your passive obsessions?
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17 Answers
Sometimes I’m really interested in talking to new people, but then sometimes people that I don’t know really annoy me. But that’s usually just on bad days. On those days I probably won’t be seen around here very much. I can be kind really rude on those days.
I don’t know that I passively obsess about anything. I actively obsess about many things: ancient history, politics, sociology, learning different languages, math to name a few.
Hmmmmmmmmm…. trapshooting,woodworking,canoeing,clothes,harmonica,golf,birding,reading,piano,insects,stained glass and spoon-size shredded wheat.
Yeah insects kick ass. I prolly asked you before, but what is your favourite kind?
@Symbeline -The Luna moth is the most beautiful to me but I think grasshoppers with their wings spread in flight are too.
I caught and kept a waterbug in a baby pool as a pet when I was a kid…that didn’t last long.XD
Yeah Luna Moths are great. I love butterflies myself too, both diurnal and nocturnal. My favourite is the Mourning Cloak.
So you ever seen those big pale brown cricket/grasshopper things, with the black wings with the yellow edges on the ends?
@Symbeline -I’d have to see a picture,but it seems like one I might have painted on a piece of pottery.People don’t realize they are grasshoppers at first because I paint them with their wings spread.
I love Tiger swallowtails too.They are gorgeous.I have painted them many times before too.
Gorillaz, only when their new music video comes out though.
Watching Asian subtitled movies (not anime, just regular Asian Cinema like Eat, Drink, Man Woman and The Road Home)
Learning to play the banjo
Thinking about making my own pie crust from scratch
Ice skating
Creating mosaic art
Growing some fresh herbs
Growing pumpkins from seed
Getting a bike or roller blades
@Symbeline -Here
is a present for you! He was in my yard on a sunflower late last summer.:)
@lucillelucillelucille Yeah I can’t find a picture of it online, mostly because I have no idea if it’s a cricket or a grasshopper…I’m tempted to say it’s a cricket of some sort, because they hang out in hot, dry places, like train tracks or large parking lots. Guess that doesn’t mean much though. Got any pics of that pot painting?
And yeah, Tiger Swallowtails are really pretty. I caught some when I was little before. I once caught one, or at least I think it belongs in the same family, that was all black with blue spots. I also love Green Swallowtails, although I’ve never seen one in real life.
@lucillelucillelucille Waaaaaaaaaaa lol he looks so cute haha! Just starring at me going, hey man, how’s it going lol! :D
@Symbeline -Malachites!
No pics of the bug pots
Cicadas are cool too,but they freak me out alittle! XD
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Anal entry…...haven’t quite got the hang of it yet, but i’ll get to the bottom of it that’s for sure.
I love horror movies, too, but only older ones (not 2000; maybe 90’s). I also like mathematics and geography. By far my biggest obsession is with music.
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