Why do Monday mornings, or our roads, or insert your own generic bitch of the day suck so much?
Must be the first Monday since DST, but today seems to suck more than usual. You? Insert your own gripe if you have one. As always, jokes greatly appreciated.
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36 Answers
Havin’ a rough day, there, fella?
Really hate the assault on public employees and especially teachers that is going on right now. Why is no-one after the bankers?
@JilltheTooth Yeah, Not exactly full of sunshine this AM.
@janbb The teacher thing is hard to figure.
Forget about your troubles and just whistle
It’s what I do
Just be glad you’re not living down the road from a nuclear plant in Japan.
In a dramatic show of solidarity, @Adirondackwannabe , I just threw half a pot of soup all over the kitchen floor. Definitely brought my mood down a bit.
Not whistling yet. I did just toss my cookies. The day gets better and better!
Oh great! An opportunity to bitch about this particular Monday morning!
My biggest gripe about this particular Monday is that it is the first Monday of Spring Break week. Why would I bitch about that???
Well, the harsh reality is I don’t get a spring break!
My wife the school teacher gets a spring break, both my kids get a spring break. But me, hell no, not only do I not get a spring break, the clocks got set back an hour last night so I missed out on an hour of sleep, plus I had to drag my ass out of bed before dawn to go do my cubicle time while they all slept in. THAT SUCKS!!!!
Just think, I get to do the same thing for 3 whole months when summer rolls around.
Am I wrong for being more than mildly resentful?
To add to @YoBob‘s rant about spring break, my kids were up and at ‘em too early this morning, so they totally screwed my plans to sleep until the crack of noon.
Edit: And @janbb lost her nooks and crannies in my plaid pants. It’s getting itchy. I’m not happy about that.
No, NO, Janbb lost the nooks and crannies. I know where mine are…
Dammit. I haven’t had any coffee yet, sorry.
Having to edit myself pisses me off too. :P
Wow, Y’all are making me so interesting today! I’m running around pantless indulging in a crime spree involving types of empty space! Damn, I am sooooo cool!
You’d be cooler if you were doing all that with pants on your head. Plaid ones.
Um…where else would I wearing plaid pants?
You guys are on quite a roll today. I figured out why my morning sucked, after I just hurled for the second time.
Glad we brightened your day Wanna.
Thanks, I got a few laughs in.
OH MY GOD. You’re pregnant, aren’t you?
Awww, Dude, somebody knock you up?
Seems to be the case. And she said she’d pull out in time!
What? You missed that Health class in 7th grade?
I was taught the abstinence line. What did you learn in 7th grade?
Not to do it til I got married. Hahaha.
You should have used a sponge.
That wasn’t quite the sponge I had in mind before I opened that. Nice. I’m not going to see spongebob in the same light again.
I’m thrilled, no work today as I am still in recovery from the time change and major yardwork that I am not done with yet.
Went to bed at 9 last night and slept til 7..OMG!
The time change coupled with hacking my way through my jungle out here with a machete all day yesterday….man, only two more giant mounds of Myscanthus grass to chop down.
This calls for a happy brownie before I pick up the machete again.
Yes, a fine day of secluded yardwork fueled by some ‘back to nature’ motivational supplements. hahaha
Of what? My extra day off or my fresh batch of happy brownies?
Yep, they are superb, if I do say so myself! lol
1) You get the day off
2) You got happy brownies
3) You get to spend some time outside swinging a large blade around with reckless abandon rather than sitting in a padded cell trying to figure out new ways to make yourself appear to be useful.
What’s not to be jealous of?
Haha, yes, one of my favorite things in the world, yard work while under the influence of happy brownies. There is something really fun about slashing away at things with a machete!
Whatta workout…whew! ;-)
Hey, I am a recreational fencer, which means that playing with blades in any capacity is among my favorite things to do (Even without happy brownies. Had to give up such things for health reasons over a decade or so ago.)
My only gripe is with me. I was trying to refer to another thread (from about 2 months back), but I can’t remember the exact wording of the question, the person who posted the original question, or the name of the website that I gave to the first person, that might also help the 2nd person (in today’s question). I need to start keeping a special Fluther notebook full of useful stuff, that other people might need down the line in another question.
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