Who wants to play the five-worded, alphabetic alliteration game?
Create a sentence with five words where the first letter in each sentence starts with the same letter.
1. Your sentence must contain five words (but you may include small words like: to, a, and, it, is, etc…)
2. It must be a coherent sentence, not just random words strung together
3. The first letter of each word must be the same letter
4. This letter must be the next alphabetically to the previous sentence
5. Once we reach Z start with A
6. You can skip the letter X if you find it too difficult (but I challenge someone to make one!)
7. Please, don’t repond twice in a row. Give other people a chance
1. Have fun!
Observing members:
Composing members:
514 Answers
I will start this off with…
Already, Albert aquired an apple
But because Betty bumped butts….
Charlie cackled cautiously causing cracks
Don did dirty duty diligently.
erichw educated everyone equally everyday.
Feckless federal financing forestalled forecloselure.
Geeky giraffes gross George greatly.
Howling hawks hover honorably, yet helplessly
Iconic Idols incinerate in Iceland
Justine jumped for juniper juice in jugs.
OKAY it’s “k” not “h” time…fail.
Let’s try again:
Kind Kendra knowingly knits knots.
Languid Lucy lounged lazily
Many men make marginal mistakes
Nancy nods, not needing nails.
Oscar ostentatiously ordered old oxen.
(dammit… I was too slow on the N)
Peevish Peter postponed posting papers; papers presented posthumously.
Kenneth knew the klan knights’ klaxons.
Quotients quickly queue, quacking quarks.
Ray’s rats ran rampant in remarkable ranks.
Simpering Susan sat her stern securely.
Timmy trapped tooting turtles taciturnly.
Unanimous unions undoubtedly undermined unicorns
Velociraptors vociferously vocalize violent verbs.
Will women wonder while waiting?
Xenophobic Xena x-rayed Xavier’s x-chromosome.
Zombie zealots zip zebras zestfully.
Yammering Yalies Yearn for Yellow Yo-yos
[Or was “Y” redacted from the alphabet by the CIA?]
Ummm, no. I skipped it. Whoops.
Angry anteaters ate Abby’s aardvark.
Busy beavers bake blue bread.
CIA caught cats climbing cribs
Dynamic duos drive diligently downward.
Erotic eagles enjoy egregious elephants.
Fried figs forego farting fever.
Furious felines flying forward forever.
Great galloping gallons of gold goulash
Heavy, heated heterosexuals humping heartily.
Insulated instruments inside iced igloos.
Jennifer’s jolly juggs jumped as she jogged.
Kick a klepto, keep a keepsake.
Losing love limits lad’s libido.
Music must make men money
Necrophiliacs need no nurturing nurses.
Officer O’Malley obeyed others orders
Pretty poodles piss pink pee.
Queen quietly quits quilting quiche
Right-wing Republicans rant relentlessly.
Soft, soulful songs soothe the senses.
Tantalizingly terrific teachers tout toupees.
unexpected umberellas undulate under utopia
Voracious vixens vomit vermilion vermicelli.
Will Willy Wonka wage war?
Yams yield yummalicious yearly yearnings.
Zany zonky Zebras zip zippers.
Abercrombie And Aeropastel Are Abominations.
Badly beginning bountiful boastful bantering
Crosby’s concussion checked – cup coming?
Sorry, I’m watching Sportsnet News :)
@dxs i guess you believe better late than never
@dxs Wow i can’t believe i didn’t realize it. I think I was too caught up in @babybadger‘s sentence…because its true about abercrombie
@dxs then you must give it all the lurve it deserves
Every Eloquent Entity Elaborates Effectively
filthy french females f feverishly
Green goons give groovy gifts
Happy hairy hat holder—Harpo
Isolated, Irene investigated incandescent ice.
Jelly jury judges jehova jokes.
Kryptonite knives kill kleptomaniacs knowingly
Lascivious lovely lyrical lilting Lolita.
My mother is missing massive memory.
Nattering nabobs of nihilism, the nincompoops near. (For a blast from the past.)
Painting purple petunias, posted police.
Oh Oh ought overboard optical.
My bad
Quick quiet queers quacked, “Quirky!”.
Randy Roger ravaged rude Rhianna
Stupid Stan seduced skinny Shakira.
Tacky teen trollops teased Tom.
Unbridled Uma unveils an ugly ulcer.
Voluptuous Veronica violently veered victoriously.
Where’s Wall-E? Wondered weird Walter.
Yellow Yolanda yelled, “You yankee!”.
Zany zebras zap zip zones
An angry anteater ate asparagus.
Brainstorming bartending barbers baited bears.
Calm, cool carcasses can’t clean.
Dangerous dragons digest dainty damsels
Every editor entered excitedly exhausted
Furious firefighters flaunted flaming flamingos.
Good giants grasp green ghosts
Having hiccups helps humans harmonize
Ivan’s intelligence infuriated Irene intensely
Jeering jukeboxes jutting jaggedly jarred James.
Kindly keep knowingly kissing Karen
Larry lost laughing left-handed loquats.
Mostly moving more meticulously Machiavellian
Nobody nabs naughty nudists now
ovular octopi orchestrate ominous opera on octagonal orangutans.
Pusilanimous puerile purple philandering pussyfooters partying, partially partaking.
Qatar quells querulous quartermaster’s quest.
Ridiculously red rubies really relate.
Sexy Sadie sashayed seductively southward.
Tantalizing Tonya titillated Tommy’s toes
Uneven unibrows unlikely unified unicorns.
Victorious vixen vanquishes vicious viper.
Withering willows will wander without.
Xenobiologist Xander xeroxed xeric xylose xylophones.
Xenologist….xenobiologist…one studying foreign something?
You yank yards of yellow yolks.
Zoink, zealously zapped Zoe’s zatch
go ahead, look em up
Anteaters Ate Ants, American Allied
Before baseball, boys batted beehives.
Curled-up cats can’t call cousins.
Darlene darkened David’s dandy den
Every equally evident egg emerges
Friend’s far-fetched fables felt fake.
Great galloping gut-string guitar giraffes
Have horses heard hallow harps?
Inching inside Ina’s idle iris
Joking jugglers juggle jars of juice.
Say that five times fast!
that that that that that….that was easy
Kicking kickboxers kicked krystal kickballs
We’ve got a comedian in the house!
Licking little lollipops liquidates lice.
Merry maids made major moves.
Nude nudists never napped naked.
Oh ode of outside opportunity.
Nice weather outside
Perfectly patterned petunias partially picked.
Queen quails quixotically question quivering quahogs quipfully.
Raunchy revelers revealed real raisins.
Smiling snails sells ship sails
Say Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast
“Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast,
Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast,
Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast,
Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast,
Smiling snails sells ship sails 5X fast”
The three turtles tried tennis.
Okay, you win. Smarty pants!!:-)
Unlikely Urchins upstaged unlucky UNLV
Two hundred and twenty-two thousand, three hundred and thirty-two tons of Tang. Yech.
Voluptuous Vennessuh vulgarly vexed very – whimsical willworkforchocalate while I whimpered wantingly
sorry that two letters, oh well
Yowling yaks yield yams yearly.
zodiac zoos zap zinc zebras
Actresses advertise an aromatic attar.
Belly bumps bring big babies.
Chile chefs can cook creatively.
Deft drivers can drive distinctively.
Elliot’s ego exceeds every estimate.
Fred’s frugal Friday felt flimsy.
Good gracious, golly gee, Gateway.
Hidden hats have hidden holes.
Juggling jesters jiggled jellylike junebugs.
@AmWiser forgot i.
Ignorant Icelanders ignore impossible incidents.
Ooops! I beg your forgiveness.
Juggling jesters jiggled jellylike junebugs.
You are forgiven.
Kissing kangaroos know kneecaps kick.
Lucky Louie lost lotsa loot.
Michelangelo made many marvelous masterpieces
Naked Neanderthals need new necessities
Obama’s only option: offing ornery Oregon oenophiles.
Proper pentads pretty please, posters.
That includes you, @WasCy!
Quakers quiz quivering quail queues.
Rebelling with rejoinders and retorts against ridiculously restrictive rules and regulations.
serious students slam silly sycophants saying “so sickening”.
True talent triumphs through trammels.
Undergraduates undulated under unusual umbrage.
hurry up with v and w so i can get to x
Very voracious vixens vociferously vying.
Why won’t women wear wool?
Xenophobic Xerxes “X”-ed xanthic xebecs. (running out of verbs, but that one was unique :))
For help like with xanthic or xebec, I used http://phrontistery.info/x.html
Yearning young yetis yodeled yesterday.
Zany zebras zipped zoic zoos.
Apricot Apes are always alchemists.
Boy, bacteria be bad boyz.
Charming chimpanzees can cleverly cultivate.
Damn dumb dogs dump doodoo!
Each electric eel emits energy.
Farming fruit frequently feels fantastic.
Good Grief! Gnats gobbled grapefruit!
There goes the farm! Sorry @erichw1504!
How horrible have harvests had?
Initially, inconsiderate imbeciles irritate Irene.
Just jumping to juke janitors.
@Dutchess_III only four?
Kneading knees knowingly knocks knockers.
Long laughs lighten life’s load.
Much misguidance makes many misstep.
Neither night nor noodles nimbler.
Ordinary oxen outlast over-sexed octogenarians.
Please promote proper pandering principles!
Quoting Quinn’s quick quips queue querulous questions.
Rapid responders rescued remote residents.
Seniors scold some sassy sophomores.
Therapeutic therapists think thoughtful thoughts.
Uma’s ulcerateted uvula undulated unevenly.
Very vicious vixens vie for victory.
Wicked Willie wants waist-high weeds.
I’m all out of X ideas :( sorry
it’s the verbs that got me
Your yellow yardstick yelled “YES!”
Zed Zero Zingo, zapped Zelda
Are apples already acquired aptly?
Bodacious babes bolster the beer biz.
Cute and cuddly cheetahs chase cars.
Do ducks do “dumps” in the dark?
Everybody’s existing ego eventually erodes.
Farflung forefathers fought for freedom.
Ghoulish gore gives George goosebumps.
Healthy hearts have hearty hamburgers.
I’m impressed if isotopes ignite.
Jumping jackrabbits joined Jill’s journey.
Kate’s knowledge knew knives killed.
Little Larry lubricated Lucy’s latex.
Mandy made Mona moan mercifully.
Ninety-nine nimble nymphomaniacs needed nooky.
Old orphans originally organized origami.
Picante promotes precise, pithy prose.
Quiet quintessential quarrels, quickly qualify.
Rhoda rescues rowdy relatives recklessly.
Stan saved seventy shrieking seals.
Thunderous torrents toppled tall temples.
Ultra unanimous unicorns usually unify.
Victorious Vanessa voiced various views.
What wabbly way would whook Whike?
Yellow Yaks Yelled at You Yesterday
Zeus’ Zany zebras zipped zealously.
Alisha always analyzes Albert’s arguments.
Bobby blew big bubbles bodaciously.
Christmas caroling causes cold chills.
Defeatist debutantes don’t dream decently.
Every elephant eats elk elbows.
Fabulous fakes freely flow frequently – - -
Growing ghoulish ghosts gets ghastly.
Heather’s hotpants had Henry horny.
Ironically, Irene is inside Ian.
Judicial junk just jars Julia.
Katie’s kind, kooky knowledge knew.
Liability laws let little lapse.
Monday mornings make Molly melancholy.
Naked Nicole never navigated narrowly.
Old-fashioned overcoat obfuscates Otto’s obesity.
Push pink Petunias past Pauline.
Quirky Queenie quietly quit quilting.
Read real revelations regarding racists.
Sad Sara sings secular songs
Tardy Teddy talked total trash.
Upright umpires urge unbiased utterances.
Visible varisose veins vexed Vlivian.
Wet water will wake Wendy.
Bob’s bushy beard basked boldly, brashly, brazenly!
Pancakes produce puffiness.
Pastor Pete parlayed prolifically.
Elephants endear endlessly.
^^ You kinda skipped the alphabet order thing, lol.
Xander xenophobically x-rayed Xerxes’ xylophone.
@smilingheart1 Not to mention the “five-worded” part.
Young Yolanda yanked yellow yarn
Zero zebras zapped zany zippers.
Aging Artie ate ample asparagus.
Becky broke Bob’s blue banana.
Chris can’t cut cute carrots
Does Derek doubt Denise’s diligence?
Early Earth eased every existence.
Finally, fifty funny friends fraternize.
Great galloping grey goose galoshes ! !
Hank heard hipsters heavily heaving.
Isabella is instantly irking Ike.
Joking Jill jogged just joyfully.
Kermit and Kelly kicked the kraken’s kid.
Little lemurs laugh less loudly.
Most motion makes me murky.
Nerdy novices nailed noodles noiselessly.
Over our objections, Oliver orated.
Please play Pete’s piano powerfully.
Qualifying quaint quahogs quake quietly.
Ronald Regan Republican Re-election Report
Senators Sometimes Speak Stupid Suggestions.
Teachers teach the trivial technicalities.
unkind unitarians unite under umbrellas
vigorously vibrating vulva’s vacillate vehemently
women wiggle wantonly while waiting
You young yuppies yodeled yesterday
Zaftig Zelda’s Z-modem zipped zanily
Alright already antidisestablishmentarianism, anyone available?
Billy Bob bought big bananas.
Can’t clear central control completely
Daryl doesn’t do Danish dancing.
Eclectic Erich eats enormous eggplants.
Frank fries fruits from France.
Gorgeous Greg gives gigantic goobers.
Have “Hoarders” honestly helped Henrietta?!
ill Irene illegally ingested icicles.
Jimmy Junior jumped Jillian’s jeans
Kate knowingly killed Kyle’s kilt.
Leading ladies like lavender lycra.
Mikey makes moist monkey mud.
Naughty Nina nibbles Nate, naked.
Orion’s oracle oozed obscene odes
Plentiful pumpkin pies pack punches
Queen quirkily quickens quince quest.
Really raucous, randy rattler reporter.
Someone smells slightly salty, sir.
United unibrows usually untie unabashed.
Variable vices voice vitriolic vanities.
Wild, wet women wave willfully.
why does it seem I always come here when it is on X?!
Xavier x-rayed Xanthus’s xanthophylic xenia?
You Yakked yesterday’s YouTube, yippeee!
Zoos zany zebras zoomed zestfully.
Asterisks are assuming an anomaly.
Big beautiful butts bounce better
Counting centipedes can cause craziness.
Don’t dip Doritos, do Dew.
Evict every evangelical egg eater
Funky Frank frivolously feared farts.
Good golly, Great Gatsby – - – Grapejuice.
Has Henry had huge hamburgers?
Impossible, irrevocable, indisputably inquisitive inquiry… ^^
Joker just jumped Jackson’s joyride.
Killer kangaroos kicked Kenny Kinky
Lemmings leap lightly, laughingly, lower.
Mary McDonald makes music merrily.
Never neglect naive nearsighted natives.
Overweight octopuses obviously outrun oranges.
Please place patriotic pewter plates
Queen Quinn quarted quite quickly
Really Raucous Rats Race Racoons.
Some savage siblings seek solace.
Twenty thieves thwart thirty twins.
Unique unicorns unicycle under unitards.
Vast volcanoes vow vulgar vixens.
Yolanda, yanked Yahtzee yelling, “Yippie-yi-yo-ki-yay”
Alfred always acted allergic anyway.
But, Bobby bit Betsy belligerently.
Can’t call Carol, cancelled cellphone.
Do double dippers dread dips?
Each and every echo echoed, eventually.
Five friends feel forty flamingos.
George gaped and groaned, “Great Guglimugli!”.
Horrid Hounds Harry Hateful Harpies.
In igloos, ice incrementally intensifies.
Jellies just jump joyfully in July
Kathy from Kansas kicked the kazoo with her Keds.
Listen Larry, Ludwig likes liver.
Make mine more music music.
Nicky never negated nine newts.
O’Brian’s only one old oaf.
Pretty Princess Patty paired pears.
Quakers quiz quivering quails quickly,
“Run, Rob, run!” roared Ralph!
Sadly, Sikhs starting screaming, “Shooter!”
That’s true, think Tommy talks trash too ! !
Many too many Words, I know.
The ugly ungulates usually uttered “Ugh!”
Very voluptuous Veronica voted for Victor.
Willard’s wonks won’t waste whiskey.
Yesterday you yoked your yak.
Zazu zipped a zillion zippers on his zoot-suit.
@tropicalwillie OP said it’s optional
I know, it just wild trying make something with only X’s make sense.
Amazing Apes Always Air Apples
Between babies be boldly blithe.
Curious Cindy cited cold caverns.
Denny don’t do drugs dummy.
Eddy edited eight evening editorials.
Find friendly firemen for fun!
Hey, has Henry had hotcakes?
It is initially itchy Imogene.
Joker just jumped Jenny, joyfully.
Katie kicked Kris Kringle’s krunchies.
Lasso Leslie’s laughing little llama.
Mandy’s massive mounds make milk.
Nora’s nice nachos need nothing.
Ozzy Osbourne oozes olive oil
Please partake in my pink party punch.
Quinn quickly quaffed the queen’s quiddany.
Rusty robots really retain red-brown-orange rings
Some sex satisfies, some sucks.
The tortoise touched ten trees.
Ugly unctuous unicorns upended us.
Vince vivaciously viewed vixen Vickie.
Well, why would Walter win?
(Skipping “X”)
Yancy yanked year-old yams frpm the yard.
Thanx Y. A. U.
Zelda a zebra zipped, zapped & Zumba-ed.
All agnostic Americans ate artichokes.
“Bye, bisexual baddies!” bade Basil.
Chat conscientiously, chided chummy Charles.
Andy always attacks Anita aggressively.
Did “Doomed” damnably disregard details?^ ^
(nothing personal @9doomedtodie, it made a great alliteration, and you missed the alphabetic order!)
Erich eagerly eats eight earmuffs.
Fat Fred followed friendly Frannie.
Ghostly girls grow great gardens.
Hot harlots harvest huge heliotropes.
Iggie is interested in International Intelligence.
Jousting Justine just justified justice.
Kate kicked Kathy’s kissable knickers.
Larry licked Lucy’s luscious lips.
More maladjusted maidens mistreat midgets.
No nattering nabobs nagged Nelly.
Orion obviously overthrew orange onions.
Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers.
Queen Quentina quickly quaffed the quinine.
Rude Ralph ripped Randy’s rag.
Sid slipped Saturday at the Sandy Cinema.
(pronounciation is alliterative, even if spelling is not!)
“Take that”, Timmy told Theresa, tongue touching . . . !
Undercover Ursula used ugly umbrellas.
Voracious voles vivaciously vacuated the vegetable-patch.
Manny makes musical mats mushily.
Writer won’t waste witness’s words.
@9doomedtodie What happened?
Yolanda yanked your yellow yardstick.
F*ck X
do what you you want @erichw1504 but I wouldn’t put any of my private parts in my “X”!
“Zap the zipper” zombie Zoldon zazzed.
Annie ambled along Alameda Avenue.
Big breasted Brenda boldly bounced.
Connie’s coughing chafed her comely cervix.
Don’t do dumb drugs Doug! ! !
Erich eagerly earned eight eggs.
Flacco fears foolishly fumbling footballs.
Great galloping gallons of green goop, G o l l y ! !
Harry habitually horded hot habaneros.
Icy igloos in insecure Iceland.
Jerri jerked John’s juicy jimmy-thing.
Kannapolis Karen kills karma kings. know I kan’t
ah crap….. i had a really, really, really good one but i forgotted it…. crap!
come on @Ela give us a ELL
ah…. double crap!! it is L isn’t it?!........ <racks brain>
Don’t dilly dally in dancing on disk.
@erichw1504 : Nothing happened.
@9doomedtodie Hrm, perhaps you should read the directions.
Lucy liked Linda’s little lizard.
Moe makes Millie mostly moan . . .
Ned nicely nudged Nellie’s neck.
Ollie officially opened orange offices.
Polly politely popped puss-filled pustules.
@erichw1504 : I missed that one, now repenting :(.
Questing quintuplets quickly quack quelling quips.
@9doomedtodie No problem, man.
Resting rabbits rarely rake rooftops.
Sand sifts slowly seeping saltwater .
Takes time to tune things.
Uggg… utterly useless ukulele underwear?! really???
Victorious vendettas vary very viciously.
One wascally wabbit went west!
skipping x again
Yesterday, you yelled at yellow yogurt.
I should start this with A
Ally almost ate an apple.
Bob blatantly broke Betty’s bed.
Can’t Carol carry carrots carefully?
Did Doug do dangerous doughnuts?
Even Eveyln eventualy enjoyed eight.
Five firefighters fighting fierce fires
Gary gracefully gave Gina grapes.
Have hysterical housewives hindered Huguenots?
Insisting in impersonating ignorant imbeciles is impudent.
James joyfully joined John’s jig.
Kind kindergarten kids kick kettles.
Little Luke licked Linda’s legs.
. . . daym…. I lost my M after that…
Merry Mary might make Mikey marry.
No negative nabobs need nudging.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhhh!!!!!
People purposefully party in pig pouches.
Quentin quickly quits quoits, quietly.
Roxy raked Ralph rather roughly.
Sorority sisters simply stop salivating.
Tiny turtles take tough tests.
Unitech Ltd. united under Uma’s underwear?
When will wonders win wars?
(xkipping x)
Yancy yucked as Yolanda yanked the yams.
It’s nice to have this old gem revived!
Zany zebras zealously zigzag zoologists.
you can no just skip x @Yetanotheruser. . . . . * gasps aloud and calls foul *
Always analyze any aberrant actions.
(@Ela, I refer you to the instructions at the beginning of this thread, specifically #6, which states: “You can skip the letter X if you find it too difficult (but I challenge someone to make one!)” No foul here!
@Yetanotheruser Sorry, sorry ... I didn’t read the rules, I just looked at the pictures : (
Beastly barefoot boys burp boisterously.
Can crazy cats cry crooked?
Don’t do dat dumb dumb dawg.
exhibit even edges exactly evenly
Fiona feverishly found flawed facts.
Garry got Gina a goblin grime.
Holding hairy hands has hope
Ignorant Ivy ignored insane implications.
Justin justified jacking Jake’s jaw, judiciously.
Kate konstantly kraves Krispy Kremes.
Larry lazily licks lime lollipops.
Maybe Mary makes mixing Martinis MERRY!
Natty Nate never noticed noisy Nirvana’s nausea.
Oscar Olivander ordered orange orchids.
Prompt purple pamphlet placement potentially produces pleased product providers.
Quentin quietly quarried quilts, quoits and Quinces.
@ibstubro excellent but you only need five words.
Recent reconcilliation reunites retirees respectfully, repeatedly, rejoyously; really!
@ibstubro, show off! Smirk snicker.
Sally snubbed subsequent salacious salutations.
I was trying to see how difficult it is to do without both small words and proper names.
There’s three tremendous trucks traveling toward Toronto thunderously.
Ursula’s uncut uvula undulated unwaveringly.
Valiant Valerie visited Vermont vigorously.
When Wally walks, women whistle. ;)
Yesterday Yemeni yokels yearningly yodeled your yens.
The Zanzibar Zulu’s zealous Zebra zigzagged .
Albeit anxiously, Alicia awaited arbitration.
Billy bottled butane bombs behind the bicycle.
Charlie ceded Cheryl’s copious creativity.
Darling, didn’t Denise diddle Dennis?
Destitute Dennis denied Denise’s demanded dollars!
Don’t Denise and Dennis deserve distrust?
Dammit! Don’t deny destiny’s design!
Dr. Dirk Drummon’s denied daily dialogue:
“Darling, didn’t Denise diddle Dennis?”
“Dammit! Doesn’t Denise deny diddling dimwits?”
“Damn Dennis! Didn’t demanding dollars destitute Delores?”
“Dirk…Denise, Dennis and Delores definitely demand distrust.”
“Definitely! Dullards destiny, dear.”
Emily expects extravagant earnings Easter evening, exactly eleven eastern.
Foxes fear flexible flanges.
Goodness gracious, goats get grumpy.
Helens having heavenly hotcakes, hourly
Insisting in ignorant imbeciles is impudent.
Judge Judy just journals jerks in jail.
Karmic katydids and koi kayak to Kabala.
Lemurs lick ladybugs like lollipops.
Haha, I’d forgotten about this question!
Larry likes Lisa’s Lovely legs.
Munching macaroni, Mark manipulated meat.
‘Nirvana Nellie’ never needed Nexium.
Open orafices oxygenate Oscar’s organs.
Poor Paul picked puny pumpkins.
Quit questioning Quints quick quaffs!
Rambunctious rhinos really require Ritalin.
Stu stops stupendously stupid streets.
Try tiny tangerine treats; they’re tasty!
Uninviting uncles use umbrellas unethically
Vampires vie for vitamins via veins.
Wallace whimpers weakly while wet Wanda works wild wonders.
Lily the Lizard Likes Lilac Lollies
Marlo melted margerine most Monday mornings.
( <squee!> bonus points for six! <happydances> )
Never nurturing, Ned noticed nothing.
Parents probably preach prenuptial purity
Quakers quiet quaggas quipped quakily over quinces.
@ibstubro yabut this one’s not dead yet!
Answer this question