True Love Comes From God
I am sorry that you have had to go through this painful experience. When your heart is breaking you feel so alone. We want someone who will never leave us or forsake us, and that is just the point. We do have someone “who sticks closer than a brother” (or sister). It is God (our Heavenly Father) and His Son Jesus Christ.
It has been interesting to read the comments made in response to your pain. While sincere, I believe they do not fully comprehend the situation. It all has to do with the connection between you and your boyfriend. I keep hearing that you should ignore it, or focus your mind on something else. But is that really a solution – or just a coping mechanism? Yes, maybe it will help to “get through” the pain, but isn’t it “avoiding” the pain? Shouldn’t we instead try to acknowledge the pain and try to understand how “our thinking” leads us into these kinds of situations in life.
First of all we need to acknowledge that as humans we live in connection with one another, for good or for ill. Second, we must acknowledge that we all fail one another at some time or another and that no person is always “there for us”. Third, why is it about “our makeup” that causes us need one another and to be needed in the first place?
For me as a Christian it goes back to Adam and Eve. We were made for each other, to help one another and support one another. But something happened that damaged our capacity to give and receive love. We lost our love for God, and with that we lost our capacity for love. Sure, it’s what everyone wants, but its also what no one fully achieves. God, however, wants to repair this capacity to love and be loved. He did this by dealing with the problem (sin – or self love) by demonstrating His love for us in this: Christ (Jesus) died for us even while we were still sinners, undeserving of His love. God’s love now makes our love possible. When we trust in God’s love for us, Romans 5:5 says, God’s love is “poured out” into our hearts. Only when we are humble (emptied of self love) and clean (forgiven of all our selfishness), can we then be filled with God’s love. He keeps filling and filling until we are full (fulfilled) and overflowing with His love for others as well.
Our true happiness does not depend on the love we have or the love we receive from others, because it is, and always will be, imperfect. But God’s love is perfect and complete. His love can fulfill us (bring us peace and joy), because it does not depend on circumstances. Sure, we can choose to ignore the problem of pain and suffering (as the Buddhist religion does), or we can focus on other things (as many Christians do), but the fact remains that we were created to love and be loved, but we don’t have the power to do this. And as long as that capacity eludes us, we will fail one another, but if we have God’s love for us “in us”, then we will have God’s love “filling us” and “overflowing”, or “flowing through us”. When we have this kind of love, then we will be have true peace. (See John 7:38 – “streams of living water” will flow from within)
Hope this helps
God Loves You