Meta Question

ninjacolin's avatar

Why does nothing about recent events come up when you search for "Japan" or "earthquake" on fluther?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) March 14th, 2011

Somethings very wrong with the search guys.

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7 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I saw a few recent ones with “Japan”, but got much better results with Japan + earthquake.

Edit: Still, that wasn’t great, either. I know there have been more questions about it than what is coming up. :/

Brian1946's avatar

My question about the Japan earthquake doesn’t show up with the “Japan + earthquake” search terms because it’s worded, ”...quake off the northeast coast of Japan….”.

My question doesn’t even appear in the first results page if I use the search term “Japan”, even though it’s only about 3 days old. :-?

ben's avatar

Sounds like the search indexer may not be running, I’ll add that to the bug list and try to take a look at it soon.

ninjacolin's avatar

Thanks, man! :)

ben's avatar

Looks like it’s working now—can you guys confirm this?

ninjacolin's avatar

hmm… I don’t think it’s working well.. when I search japan I see John65Pennington’s post Will Japan’s earthquake have an impact on new Toyota automobiles? fifth in the list under posts from last year.

I don’t see why it wold be so far down especially given the significance of the event.
When I click into that post and then click on the topic japan .. I get a much more relevant list of posts.

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