Ladies: What does it mean when you call a guy "cute"?
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March 14th, 2011
You may or may not know about the situation that am in, but that’s not important.
The main thing is, what is the meaning behind when you call a guy “cute”? What context is it in? Does it mean something in particular?
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19 Answers
Can you use it in a sentence? It can mean many different things, depending upon how it’s used.
Basically she asked if I wanted to know why she liked me, and I said sure, so she said that she like my eyes, and though I was cute.
@XOIIO I’d go with either she finds you physically attractive, or your personality attractive. Or both. Possibly your behavior attractive. Cute isn’t really the most descriptive of words, so beyond that, you’d have to ask this particular woman.
@MyNewtBoobs Yeah, kindof what I figured. It’s just a bit strange cause she’s apparently flirting with me lots, and then she said that so I gotta figure this shit out.
@XOIIO Yeah, sorry – it’s not a “woman” thing, it’s “this particular gal” thing.
I can only speak from personal opinion and have to agree with @MyNewtBoobs: it’s either physical or personality or a combination of both.
Physical: A handful of men are hunky and the vast majority are cute.
Personality: A man who is a man’s man holds no interest; a man who is witty and down-to-earth is cute. If a man has an irritating personality, it doesn’t matter how handsome he is…he’s just plain ugly.
Please consider the word “cute” a compliment. There is no negative connotation associated with it from a female perspective.
Generally, she likes the way you look (in this context, where she mentioned your eyes).
It means he’s cute. It probably also means he’s sweet or boyish, as opposed to rugged or mannish.
I always thought it was a put-down—like they didn’t take you very seriously. They think you’re cute, the way a baby is cute or a child is cute. Quite dismissive. Fortunately, my wife never told me I was cute. At least, not that I can remember.
Gradually I came to believe that most women saw it as a good thing. But as my son liked to say, “I’m note cute. I’m dangerous!”
In my opinion it means he is a kind and caring type of person. I like that type
@wundayatta It depends more on the tone of voice. And on if she’s trying to find a nice way to say that she doesn’t think of you that way.
If she says it ina dismissive way like “yeh,he’‘s cute..” and then looks away it tends to mean she thinks he is good looking but is not very interested in him.
If she says it in a very excitable manner or in a very heartfelt moment,then it means she finds you both physically and as a person,attractive.
As someone said earlier on in this thread though, the word “cute” is by no means a negative word. ; )
For me, I will almost never think that a guy is “cute,” unless I think that he has a good personality in addition to finding him physically-attractive. About the physical attraction piece—I am rarely attracted to particularly “buff” guys or anything like that. It usually starts with his smile…
@answerjill WOAH…got it just right with ”starts with his smile…”
Always the case right here….
When I’ve said a male is cute then I’ve meant his looks are attractive in a way other than what I find handsome. In my mind and by my own vocabulary, a boy is cute or handsome and a grown man is handsome or “nice looking”.
It is a great word. A positive word all the way. But I don’t think she was referring to your personality or anything else other than your appearence. She likes the way you look, she added that she likes your eyes. This is not to say that she doesn’t like you in any other way. But she was very specific in what she meant by cute in this case.
Are his pants up or down?
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