What are some questions you hate to be asked?
In honor of some great reponses to the now trending hashtag questionsihate on twitter, let’s see what the collective can come up with.
So, what are some of the worst questions you hate to be asked?
What questions annoying you, irritate you, and cause you to blow up in fury?
Also, come up with some hilarious reponses to them that would leave the asker speechless.
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113 Answers
What’s a copywriter? What’s a Creative Director?
Have you been married before?
Are you a sports fan?
What do you do for fun?
What’s your favorite movie?
What are you doing this weekend?
Did you get a haircut?
How old are you?
I don’t have a problem with questions people ask me. They either receive an answer or the question gets ignored.
The only time I’ve come up with a witty response was when I was at a restaurant with a friend that is well over 6’ tall. When the server asked how tall he was, my retort was, “And what is your bra size?”
“Why are you so cranky?”
Seriously. I can’t answer that question without giving TMI.
“What are you? No, really, you look exotic, where are you from?”
What, doesn’t my CBS newscaster accent tell such people anything?
Whenever someone finds out that I’m married, they always ask “How old are you?”, since I look like I’m no older than 18, yet I am actually 25.
You’d think looking young is a good thing, but it can get quite annoying over time.
I can’t say that I mind terribly when someone is asking about me—I always think it means the person has an actual interest. Some questions do get quite repetitive and meaningless over time: “Did you have a nice weekend?” “Where are we going for lunch?”—that sort of thing. Again, they don’t annoy me that much—they just bore me. On a related note, the comment that really gets me going is, “You look tired,” when I’m not tired at all.
Is it in? Always a bummer. :)
I don’t have any.
Ask what you want and I’ll answer if I want. :-)
How was your day?
How are you?
Oh, so are you working?
How come we never see you in Church?
Are you still dating So-&-so?
What’s your major?
How long are you going to be here?
What are your plans?
Are you on your period? GOD I HATE THAT ONE.
“You don’t look disabled; what’s wrong with you?”
I’m also not exactly fond of “If you like guys, why don’t you just be a girl?” when people find out I’m genderqueer.
In general terms….
“can you do something more for me?”
I do enough already…deal with it.
When are you having kids? Why not? Why not adopt? (The partner-in-crime and I are not mentally or emotionally healthy enough for raising kids and we both know it. Really, trust us. We’re making the right decision.)
When will your next story be published? (I don’t know. I haven’t written it yet! Trust me, I am not shy about promoting myself! I’m not keeping it a secret!)
Are you knitting a sock? (only annoying when I’m holding something that’s obviously a sweater).
Oh yeah, thanks @theninth another to add to my list:
You don’t want to adopt? You’ll love that baby just as much.
@Cruiser I have a neighbor like that. Always wanting more “favors”.
Ugh, yeah, the married/kids questions… I don’t mind those so much, until they’re followed up with “Why not?” Because I DON’T WANT TO. That is a good enough reason, dammit.
What is love? Baby, does that hurt me ;¬}
Regarding a mistake, I hate hearing, “Why did you do that?”
How am I supposed to answer?
“Well, I carefully considered all the possibilities and consequences. I called a couple of trusted friends for advice. I conducted extensive research.
Based on all that, I decided fucking things up would be the best choice.”
When I was younger and more Goth, I would get things like “Why do you have a green streak in your hair?” “You do know you’re wearing a dog collar, right?”
Regarding the partner-in-crime—he’s vegan, so I get “Wait, so, like what does he eat? I mean if he doesn’t eat meat or cheese or eggs, what else is there? Like… plain rice?”
Why do you smoke? You know it’s bad for you, right?
– No shit, I thought they had vitamins and stuff in them.
I just hate being asked any questions about religion, politics or age. I refuse to answer!!!
and you can’t force me to answer I will just become very grumpy
@partyparty Why? I am just wondering if you worry about being judged regarding those questions? Or, you just don’t think it is polite conversation for mixed company?
When I was thirteen, I got in a bad car accident wherein I almost lost my left foot. In high school, when I told people that, they always asked one of two questions: “Did it hurt?” or “Did you sue?” When they ask me the first question, I get a little sputter-y. “Well, of course it hurt! The EMT was literally holding my foot onto my leg in the ambulance. Of course it hurt!” The second one always give me pause. I was never sure how to respond to that other than saying, “No, why would I do that?” and to think, By the way, I have almost full use of the foot, thanks for asking.
My next biggest annoyance isn’t so much a question as it is a statement. It’s super embarrassing and awkward when I’m with my boyfriend and people talk to us about marriage. They always assume I’m going to take his last name if we get married. People will say something like, “So, Katawa Smith, that has a nice ring to it.” And I say that I’m going to keep my name and then someone always has to be very clever and witty and say, “What, his name not good enough for you? Ha ha ha!”
@syzygy2600 Do people really ask why do you smoke? I find that hilarious. I know people say to others, “you shouldn’t smoke it is bad for your health,” but why, I find very funny.
My last name sounds a lot like “wiggle.” Some people feel the need to ask me if I’ve ever noticed that. I usually say something along the lines of, “No, you are actually the first person to ever point that out! Wow!”
@partyparty At what age did you decide on the religious thing and is that because you’re a Conservative Party member?
@KatawaGrey That’s funny, I had a few people ask me the same question when I had a truck tailgate slammed through my pinky. It took five guys to jerk the tailgate back down then we were all looking at my pinky, staring wide eyed at part of the bone. A couple of the guys asked, “Whoa, does that hurt?” LMFAO! You idiots, you can see the bone and there is muscle meat hanging out of my finger! Of course it hurts!
@JLeslie Because I think when discussing any of these topics they can so very quickly turn into heated debates and at times arguments. Don’t want to do that. :)
I can’t think of any questions I hate to be asked. Maybe that because I ask all the questions and don’t leave anyone else time to ask.
I hate it when people ask me,after I’ve had an accident ” Are you okay?!”
No,I’m bloody hell not ok.Does it look like I’m ok?
Promise me something? Before I even know what they’re gonna request, kills me every time.
I don’t hate any question but I don’t like being asked. If it was an experience how do you know that it was real? I know the difference between dreaming, imagination and being present.
Is that a rolling pin or are you just happy to see me?
Most times it depends on the person who asks the question or the timing of the question.
For instance i always got angry when my father used to ask lame questions but if a friend asked the same question it was okay.
But the lamest question ever is “how do you do ? ”
Most people ask this question just to say something .. if you bother to reply it gets really weird. Happened a lot for me ^^
So, you two (my female partner and I) are a couple, huh? (whilst looking back and forth at my partner and I) That’s hot. I love lesbians.
Thinking that they’ll have a chance.
@ erichw1504 I don’t very well Thanks for asking ^^
@Jude On behalf of all the idiot guys out there let me apologize for that thought. That is a bad thing to get asked.
Oh I forgot:
“What’s the good word?” My dentist always asks me this precisely after his begloved hands are inserted in my mouth.
I always register the question literally, “What’s a good word… hmmm… magnanimous?” Try saying that word with multiple dental instruments in your mouth!
@everephebe Hah! You could say any question is a bad question while there are multiple instruments and finger inside your mouth. All you can say is, “Vyea I fink thso!”
I don’t like “Did it hurt?” and “Are you okay?” either because I think they’re lazy questions. I think, nine times out of ten, when people ask them what they really mean is “How much did it hurt?” and “Are you going to be okay?”
@MacBean I never get to asking those questions because I am too busy laughing.
@MacBean exactly…at last! Someone who thinks the same!
When people hear I’m a doctor: “You must be really smart, right?”
How the hell do I answer that? I’d love to say something like, “No, I was the class idiot and the admissions committee felt sorry for me”, but I don’t think people where I work have that great a sense of humor. :-)
Why are [democrats/republicans] so [evil/stupid/ignorant/unwilling to listen to facts/apt to murder babies]?
Basically, I hate any type of question that attempts to paint American Politics as though it were Star Wars, with one party universally being the scruffy, underdog heroes looking out for the little guy, and the other party invariably being the giant, evil Empire hellbent on destruction and pure evil. It’s sort of a moronic false dichotomy.
What I don’t like to hear is when a doctor is working on me and he says WHOOPS!!! Makes me ask WHAT???
Here’s one I just remembered, when i’ve been out drinking with the lads & I come home. The wife greets me with this old classic…..”What time do you call this then!?!” Err, the same hic….as you do…hic…..
Peeps,if you ever need some cheering up or just a laugh…go to @ucme .
He always will make you feel better,guaranteed. ; )
@KatawaGrey No, but I don’t think Joe Biden qualifies as a “scruffy-looking nerf herder” either. :-)
When people here I’m a linguistics major: “What’s that?”
When people here I take Latin: “Why would you take that?”
When people here I have a boyfriend: “Which one of you is the woman?”
When people here I’m gay: “I know this gay guy; do you want me to set you up?”
I’ve actually had someone ask me if I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but that only happened once…but is awkward when people hear that my family’s wealthy and then ask about it, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. “Do you live in a big house? Do you like always get what you want?, etc.” The vast majority of the time I just don’t want to talk about it…but I realize the hypocrisy in some of this as I am a curious person myself. :P
How are you? Nobody ever really wants an answer.
Once when I called my mother she asked “is that you or your brother” ???? I replied It’s me…. :-/
@Scooby That is too fucking funny for words!!!
Imagine answering, “No Mom. It’s not me. It’s my brother!”
She gets a little confused, bless her cotton socks…… But yeah, I nearly fell over when she picked up & asked me that Lol….. :-)
What can you do with a degree in English lit?! Drives me mad!
I hate hate hate “asl?” I try and have a decent conversation with someone on a forum and five minutes into it all I hear is “asl? asl? asl?”, Jeez.
I also hate when people come into my store and say “are you guys closing or something” No! I’m not closing! But what do you expect? A Wal*Mart?! I’m a b-e-a-u-t-y s-t-o-r-e.
“Are those your real eyes”? is another one, along with “is that your real hair?”/“are those hair extensions?”
Yeah, my eyes are real. Green is a normal color for eyes. My hair? That’s none of your business!
Why didn’t you have kids? I was at the wrong cabbage patch.
Were you and your brothers adopted? None of you resemble each other. Hadn’t thought about it until you brought it up. Now we have to interrogate mom.
1.Oh, so wait, you’re queer and married – is he gay and you’re like in ‘that arrangement’? No, we really do love each other. Well, of course you love each other but you don’t like sleep together, do you? We do, and we’re booked up on demonstrations through the week. Want us to come over your place next week?
2.In regards to my complex back tattoo Oy, didn’t that hurt? No, you dumbass, it was licked on by kittens.
3. Did you say you were Russian…I love Russian women…can you cook? No, but I can kick your ass.
@DominicX “Which one of you is the woman?” RAAAAAGE. I’ve never been on the receiving end of that one, myself, but even hearing it asked of others makes me want to kick puppies and punch babies. (Not literally. It just makes me REALLY GODDAMN ANGRY.)
I don’t like to be asked about things that are so not worthy of a question when people are dying and life is about to change and yet we have time to ask a question about things that have no bearing on life at all.
@Summum Yeah, oh yeah ‘cause this right here is a gem worth asking in these times.
What is the gem when others hurt?
My point is when others are hurting and many bring it up why is it that others think it is time to make jokes?
@Summum Sorry, no bait. This question is not about that.
This was asked, more than once, while I went through chemo:
Are you going to die?
My answer: eventually, or have you found the fountain of youth? Had is been a child asking me, I would have answered in a different manner. Having a well-educated, manners-freak ask me…it flew all over me.
Oh, another gem from cancer time. Understand, if I was home, I didn’t wear anything on my head, unless I was cold. More than one person that came over would say, “did you want to put a scarf on? You forgot to wear one.”
No, I didn’t forget. It’s my house. I am allowed to go scarf-free.
I realize they might have been uncomfortable with how I looked, but I guess I would never dream to ask that question.
“How are you?” from people who don’t know me or give a damn.
&“whats wrong with You?”
and “What are some questions you hate to be asked?”
“When are you going to get a __real__ job?”
As a street musician, I probably make more money an hour than you do, dipshit.
When I was pregnant as a single woman by a sperm donor people would ask me: “But what’s your baby’s name going to be?” I’d say “Katawagrey” They’d say ”No, the last name! Without a father she won’t have a last name!” I’d usually respond with something like: “How about ‘Rainbow Butterfly’? Do you like that?” Then they’d get irritated. Go figure.
@JilltheTooth That’s ridiculous. Were these people under the impression that you didn’t have a last name? As if there were a penis prerequisite to make a last name valid. BS. Everyone’s last name was made-up, at least at one point.
Although, with that kind of “thinking,” I don’t know why they were worried, because of course she’s going to take her husband’s name… Why would she then need her own? [shakes head with disgust]
Instant coffee tastes like shit and is it in. Do I know how to turn a phrase or what?
@DominicX @MacBean “Which one of you is the woman?” I was just wonderng if that question bothers you because it stereotypes women’s roles? Because it is demeaning to be called a woman? Because it implies someone has to to be the “woman” in a couple? I think it is a bad question also, but it seems anger or rage is a strong emotion. Woman fight back against this is also. Not being pigeonholed into a role. The questions I listed cause me hurt and sadness, so I was just curious.
Just remembered one. When I was a child, people always asked me, “Why don’t you smile more? You look so pretty when you smile.” Fucking hated that!
@janbb Hate that too. Women have to smile or they appear bitchy. Men who are not smiling look pensive or serious.
Some guy walked up to me on the street one day and asked me that question. I had no idea who the F he was. Welp, he asked on the wrong day. My surrogate mom had just died and I was in grief. I gave that fellow a tongue lashing he won’t soon forget and I didn’t care if I appeared bitchy in the least. A lot of men need to stop going up to strangers and demanding that they change their faces to make the men feel better about looking at someone.
Boo-hoo, guy, you can’t objectify me for 5 seconds because I’m not smiling. Well, thhhhhpt! The presumption of it is incredible, in my opinion.
@JLeslie and @janbb During my residency, I was told that I looked “angry” when I didn’t smile. Since then, I’ve tried to make my eyebrows more expressive, so that I can look “puzzled” or “dubious” or “thoughtful.”
Of course, there were plenty of times during residency when I was angry.
@Adirondackwannabe Such a very clever question, but I won’t be drawn into giving you an answer ha ha!!! :)
@partyparty That passes for clever? You must be having the same kind of week as me.
@JLeslie Because it stereotypes women and because it forces gay couples into heteronormative roles. The question bugs me just as much when it’s “Which one of you is the man?” directed at lesbian couples.
This one always puts the hairs up on the back of my neck! :-/
“Can I borrow your Car for the weekend uncle Scooby”
@janbb I HATE that – I get that from random men on the street. The expectation that every and all woman better look non-threatening is maddening.
@janbb “Why don’t you smile more?” “Because you’re here. I’m pretty happy when you’re not around.” Shuts ‘em up every time. :D
This whole smiling thing reminds me of a question I got a lot in high school: “Why don’t you wear makeup? You could be really pretty with makeup.” That’s the kind of thing that made me angry at first and then made me cry later. Another favorite of mine was: “Why don’t you wear girl clothes?” I wore extremely baggy stuff in high school all the time and even wore boy pants. What I wore was more comfortable than “girl stuff” and I felt much less vulnerable than I would have in tight shirts and low slung jeans.
@KatawaGrey Wow, that sounds almost identical to my school years. Seriously, were we separated at birth? Where the heck is your mom?
@Dr_Dredd Yeah, angry. Bitchy or angry. I guess your plan will work until you resort to botox for wrinkles, then the eyebrows might be less effective.
@MacBean I see. I think it eventually won’t be acceptible for heterosexual couple either. The stereotype of traditional rolls is becoming offensive in general.
OOOHH. Just remembered another one.
While sitting in the school’s auditorium waiting for a program to start, someone looked right at me, pointed to my seat and asked, “Are you sitting there?” Why? Why ask questions that are already answered, with visuals, before you ask? I politely responded, “yes.”
I’ve had the happen at that school, more than once. Strange.
@KatawaGrey One particular girl would ask me that every day of high school and I finally agreed to let her do my make-up and nothing was ever the same after that :/
Here’s another one: “You’re an adult, married with children- you should act more grown up. Why are you so silly and nonsensical?”
Answer: Because it makes me smile and laugh when the world around me is so violent and depressing. If being a married grownup means I have to always be serious and stodgy, then just shoot me now.
When I was going through chemo: “Shouldn’t you be taking this more seriously?” Uh, no, the drugs are making me euphoric so I have no concerns whatsoever that I may leave my 10 year old child an orphan. Excuse me now while I go throw up.
Another just occurred to me: “What’s your real name?”
This is my real name, asshole. It may not be the one my parents gave me when I was born, but that one is the one that isn’t “real.” And it’s none of your freakin’ business, anyway!
“Are those real?”
Like I’m the only guy on the block with horns…
“Are those real?”
Yes, I bench about 1,250.
“So – you’re from Joisey?”
“No, I’m from Bouoston, now go pahk ma cah in de yahd.”
“Den, who done from Alerbamer?”
Not me, I’s reely from Tayxus, and ima ride my hoarse to the stower in a meenut to buy me and the chitlins some food. We’s outta raynch dressin inneeways. I’s just makin funna them there Bostonian people in that last commeint. Scuse me iffin you think I’s bein rood.
“Oh, quit it! You’re Canadian, eh?”
I couldn’t think of one when this question was asked, but I’m coming back to it because I was just reminded that I do indeed have a question I hate
Pretty much every other day, the janitor who cleans our offices pops in and chirps “Workin’ hard or hardly workin’?” It was OK the first 50 times or so, but I’m growing deeply tired of dredging up witty comebacks. I think I’ll try just letting the question hang in awkward neglect.
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how far you have been with a guy. Does it really matter?
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