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troubleinharlem's avatar

Can you help me develop some questions for my special needs survey?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) March 15th, 2011

Okay… so, for my major in Social Work I’m supposed to develop some questions for a special needs survey that I’m doing. I’m having a lot of trouble trying to get some questions together that I’m supposed to ask the people.

This is for a volunteer work project that I’m doing – I’m in charge of getting questions together so that I can ask the special needs people and hopefully implement them into the church services or something.

What can I ask these different people so that I can get a wide spectrum of the needs basis in the congregation? I’m not even sure where to start – I thought it would be easy, but I just need some guidance and/or examples.

And no, I can’t ask the professor because it’s supposed to be completely me doing this project – I got this far in deciding that they needed a needs basis, and I’m expected to do the rest by myself.

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