What is it that allows people to make fun of something that is very personal to another?
Asked by
Summum (
March 15th, 2011
There have been so many times that someone tries to tell others about a very personal experience and it really is something that touches their very soul and then others think it is time to make a joke of it? What is the answer? Is someone that views things different than another so less important as to hurt the feelings of the one asking? It happens all the time and it has happened to me what then?
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I just don’t understand the hearts of those that do this? Please explain because I really would like to know? Many think they know because of science what is the real answer?
I sure wish those that think it is funny to make fun of another would answer I really would like the answer to this?
Where I live people don’t like to hear Men expressing their emotions (probably why we have one of the highest male suicide rates per.capita.) I have been trying to figure out Why, so far I do not believe that it is bullying but tend to think that it is more a fear of admitting their inner weaknesses.
I hope this makes sense.
People here don’t do it to bully or feel superior they do it because they are afraid to face fear.
Yes @SeaTurtle it does make sense though it should never be. I agree that people here are afraid but until they face that they are going to hurt other people and that is not right.
We shouldn’t say people but mostly men. It is not right that those that think something is wrong with another is there chance to step up and be a man. When we put down another to make ourselves look good is not an answer it only makes us look weak and less of what we want to be.
What are you talking about? Is this some kind of q about god and how you think others replace this all important thingy with science?
God has NOTHING to do with this it is someone thinking that what they believe or think is superior to anothers.
You see this all the time.
@Summum K, so what does science have to do with it? can you also keep all your sentences to one comment? please
@Summum Um in you saying “Many think they know because of science what is the real answer?”..
Science is used so often to refute what others believe that is all.
You are right science has nothing to do with it but so many that do this use science as a reference and it doesn’t work.
I know someone who does this, and it is annoying. I think, for him, it is because he doesn’t know how to deal with emotions.
My sister does this, as well. For her, I believe it is because she has never been able to experience a true full range of emotions. She never wants to hear good news from anyone. If you do open up, she finds a way to open the door for negative comments. due to a lack of sleep, I’ll just say it… She takes a huge dump all over other people’s touching moments.
@Summum Doesn’t work to do what, dear? It works in things science is good at. We don’t need it to refute anything it has nothing to do with. We can just use logic for that.
Here we go using science to refute what ever they say that logic is, Leave SCIENCE out of it please.
@Summum Um, no, I’m saying what science can’t refute, logic can. Why don’t you leave confusion out of it and make sense. I’m out. Hope someone else helps you.
There is nothing about confusion in the question and it is not a factor.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir You are one that does exactly as I have stated. Science does not have the answer it only can answer physical things.
I’m confused. Are you genuinely actually seeking answers, because to me it looks as if you’re another one of those users who’s attempting to express just how amazing you are and that you’re a good person with a heart of gold who can’t possibly understand any of the evils or negatives of the world because you’re so incredibly good-natured. This feels like over self-promotion of your own personal ideals and morals and just how special you are rather than someone wanting a conversation and genuinely seeking knowledge/information.
Many experience what science cannot understand or describe and yet others try to say that it can. Those that have experience know that science doesn’t understand nor is able to come up with an answer.
I only wish I was such a good person then I wouldn’t have to deal with this. I am in no way amazing.
So @Vunessuh you are saying that it is okay to make fun of those that don’t agree with science and your views?
@Vunessuh Where is the confusion? I know it is because you want me to look bad but that doesn’ t answer my question?
Speaking to the question, sometimes making a joke is a defense mechanism that people use when something lands too close to a soft spot. It’s a form of denial of ones own pain and often the person making the joke can’t control what he/she is doing, or are even aware of the repurcussions. I find myself making jokes about myself in therapy to avoid having to confront an issue or something that I find personally uncomfortable.
I take it you have some beliefs that conflict a bit with traditional science, and that are very important to you. It seems it upsets you when people argue with your beliefs and cite scientific studies, which you believe are not valid arguments against what you believe. Correct me if what I’ve gathered here is wrong.
I fall into the camp of people who believes that nothing can really be known to be true if it can’t be tested in a controlled experiment. From my point of view, if somebody clings to a belief when scientific evidence strongly suggests otherwise, that person is being a bit unreasonable. They’re being even more unreasonable if they attempt to discount scientific studies with conjectures or anecdotal evidence. But, there are some things that science can’t touch. There is no way to disprove the existence of anything, for example. A reasonable scientist will therefore refrain from drawing conclusions about the existance of anything that hasn’t been proven to exist. But, some people can be hard-headed about what they believe is logical or likely even if it can’t be tested scientifically. I suspect these are the people that bother you.
Do you understand that jokes have made fun of others inner most feelings and that it is NOT alright to do that? I don’t care if people argue with me on subjects but I have seen so many times that someone is puttijng themselves out there and others take to mean it is time to make a joke of it and it is NOT,. I don’t care if anyone believes as I do because my beliefs are very different.
Many people tell there inner most feelings which do not agree with you @Mariah and you think it is okay to call them on that and make them feel this way? I know what it does….
What is unreasonable to you is NOT what the same is to another are you rignt?????
@Mariah you think that if science backs your view that is correct??? Where did you come up with that idea??”??
Okay calm down for a moment… I never said anything about it being okay to joke about anyone’s beliefs.
It is MY belief that scientific studies that have been repeated over and over again with consistent results cannot logically be denied. It is also my belief that it is ALWAYS okay to debate a subject, no matter how personal or important it is to you. Debate is healthy, it causes us to realize flaws in ourselves and reconsider our viewpoints. What is not okay is dismissing someone’s viewpoints or destructively criticizing them.
I just saw your last comment.
The point of science is to discern fact from fiction, so yes, if legitimate experiments support my viewpoint then I do believe that makes me correct. But keep in mind that science can only back me in matters of fact and not matters of opinion.
That is nothing that I talked about. Science is very limited in what you are saying they are testing. Science cannot suppor facts because they can only support physical tests only.
Okay, but since you have not specified what the beliefs are that are being joked about, I didn’t know that they don’t involve anything physical. Yes, science is limited. That’s why I said earlier that people shouldn’t be hard-headed about insisting their views are correct if they pertain to subjects that science can’t touch. My philosophy is to refrain from drawing conclusions on matters that science can’t touch. I see that you have opinions on things that apparently are outside the realm of science, and that’s fine, as long as you can accept that other people won’t always believe what you believe because it can’t be proven. But again, that doesn’t make it okay for them to mock you.
@Summum I’m sorry someone on here hurt you today. Not everyone here is that immature.
I appologize tonight is a rough night for me and I have taken it too far.
@Summum It’s okay. You have been through a lot. What is going on across the Pacific is not helping you have clear thoughts. It’s understandable.
I think some people are just oblivious to it….Some people don’t “get the hint” that its a very personal matter and fail to understand it.
Kinda like when people joke about rape, because they’ve never experienced it themselves, they have no idea how traumatic it could be.
I know there are a lot of us who put ourselves in other people shoes, and we understand. But some people just don’t think that way, they feel as if its so simple to get over and move on from our problems when its not. If someone has said something hurtful you, the best you could do is ignore them. Talk to people who do understand and who are willing to listen….Don’t let someones rudeness or negativity bring you down.
@SpatzieLover Oh, okay, ‘cause none of us here on fluther ever deal with life or have been called insane? You’re right, ze can say anything ze wants. My apologies.
@SpatzieLover It would actually be wise to know that many people are going through a lot and have the ability to not continuously project their feelings onto other people and perform the same exact actions towards others that they’re apparently trying to stand against. You want to hear a laundry list of my problems and @Symbeline’s problems and the shit she’s going through since she was the one attacked? I stand by what I said.
Sorry really it is something right now that is so very hard to overcome. I’m at a loss for words and that is not me.
No one should joke about other people’s beliefs, but disagreeing is okay. Besides, what do you care about what internet people say? They don’t know you.
Making fun of a personal belief is rarely called for unless the belief is particularly offensive or prejudiced, in which case the belief can be ridiculed to hell for all I care. But it sounds like there’s a bit of confusion as to the difference between mocking a belief and criticizing a belief. It’s my belief that no belief is immune to criticism or questioning, no matter how personal it is. It being personal does not inherently make it valid or on par with other beliefs and claims. If a belief opens up a lot of questions, why not ask them? If a belief contradicts demonstrated evidence, why not point it out? Questioning, challenging, comparing, contrasting, these are the things that serve to strengthen and clarify beliefs. If they are torn apart in the process, just how valid or strong were they in the first place?
Unless, as @DominicX stated “the belief is particularly offensive or prejudiced”, I find that most people who make fun of the beliefs of someone else are immature. I am not talking about people who just disagree and may try to argue or change your point of view with logic or some other form of debate. I mean truly making fun of a belief whether it can be proved or not. This is something I see most typically from younger males. Usually, but not always they grow out of it and learn to respect that someone else may have a belief they do not agree with or cannot understand.
There is no answer because you cannot make someone mature. You just come away with the knowledge that you cannot share truly with that person. They are not mature enough to deal with any opinion other than their own. There are ways of stating you do not agree with someone without belittling them or making fun of them. I am talking of personal relationships here. If you open yourself up on a forum like Fluther, you would hope to find that same kind of respect, but also be prepared for people to argue with you.
Most of the time, making fun of people is not a good idea because it can hurt people’s feelings. It can be used under exceptional circumstances, for example when arrogant people make fun of others not even realizing that they are being arrogant. A witty retort can sometimes work wonders, especially when people are out of touch with reality.
Looking at the dialog so far, I’d like to recommend to you @Summum that you to get a basic understanding of the
There are plenty of books on the matter, see the ‘Further Reading’ list at the end.
I’m under the impression that you are not very familiar with the subject. Get more familiar with it and people will respect you even more and the quality of the debate will improve significantly.
I do understand science and it has always come easy for me but I need to take heed of what I am stating and respect others and their understanding and life. For being a poop yesterday I do applogize and if I hurt any feelings I was totally wrong. Thanks everyone for your responses hopefully I have learned what I needed from it. I’m going through a really rough time and it absolutely is no excuse for being rude at anytime. HUGS to all….
It’s not just about understanding science, it’s about understanding the philosophy of science. Two different layers.
Sorry to hear about your having a rough time. Most jellies are forgiving people. All the best to you!
Ego hides our own deformities from our cognizance, with the same brilliance
it uses to illuminate the apparent afflictions of others.
What would we see, without this gift, that allows other’s faults to be so apparent?
@Summun I hope you are having a better day, today.
Doing great thanks @cak. Things are what they are and sometimes we have to just work through it all.
I’ve seen it here on Fluther over and over. I don’t know. Maybe you should ask them.
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