Social Question

The "bully's" Mother is upset at the notereity her son is getting and want's an apology from Casey Heynes....should she get one?
I think we all know the story now of how Casey Heynes was getting punched by this bully, finally had enough and then body slammed him into the ground. Well, the story now has the bully’s mother is now upset about how her son is being “victimized”....
The emotional mother of Ritchard Gale , Tina, told the Seven Network last night that she and her family have been victimised by the footage, which has spread worldwide. She also demanded an apology from the victim.
“We don’t need this posted everywhere,” she said. “I would like him to apologise.”
She said she was “shocked” at her son’s behaviour, but did not think he deserved to be bodyslammed by Year 10 student Casey Heynes at Chifley College’s Dunheved Campus, St Marys.
“I was actually shocked because I always brought my three children up to walk away from fights,” she said.
Is she right in demanding and expecting an apology??