Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 12!
Asked by
AmWiser (
March 17th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly until…. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
561 Answers
The Jelly Below Me (TJBM) is dreading Spring cleaning.
False. I can’t dread what I don’t do!
TJBM has colored their hair at some point in their life.
True!! Many many colors actually. :)
TJBM has or is going to try green beer for the first time today. (BTW Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!!)
False, I hate beer. But I did make some delightfully kelly green cupcakes for work!
TJBM has an itch they can’t scratch. (literally, not figuratively lol)
false, no itchy things :-)
TJBM has bright pink furry slipper bootees on <grins> I do….....
TJBM is not wearing green today, and doesn’t care.
TJBM has ridden an ostrich before.
random thought just saw a kid ridding one on tv
Nope, a camel and elephants though.
TJBM has a music collection with more than 300 records, tapes or discs.
oh god yes!! definitely true!! Even still have a HUGE collection of vinyll in the cupboard under the stairs :-)
TJBM is looking at a sweet napping furbaby
<glances over at baby Jade on the chair in her little pink jacket, enjoying her nap>
erm possibly I’ve not counted but a combination of cd’s, tapes, LP’s and MP3’s proabably!!
oops somene has jumped in I took too long typing
I have a napping Harry dog!! Is that a furbaby??
The jelly below me has had to fill in an appraisal form before and thinks they are the biggest waste of time…
what are you good at? what do you want to get better at? how can we help you do that? put me on a course oh sorry we can’t afford that!! oh well I tried!!
yep. the ones while job interviewing are especially funny
TJBM has green panties on
False, I’m more of a boxers guy. And yes, they’re green.
TJBM has tried green beer.
ERM nope black.. not irish I’m afraid!
the jellybelow me has cartoon characters on their underwear
TJBM has tried green beer.
nope I haven’t tried green beer and can’t say I see the appeal! St Patricks day not that a big a deal over here in England!!
The jelly below me has gorgeous bunches of flowers in their living room I do thanks to all me well wishers!!
False, kinda… I do have a single red rose bought for me by hubby, in the kitchen in a vase, just been looking at it :-)
TJBM secretly likes soap operas…..
False, I can’t stand them.
TJBM is ready for the day.
False, I’m starting work on making dinner :-)
TJBM loves home made soup….
(just a note… soaps give me hives lol)
Very true but I haven’t had home made soup in 2 months :(
TJBM has at least $20 in his pocket.
False. About $4 and my ATM card. lol
TJBM has caught someone in a manipulation this week and called them on it
Not that I remember.
TJBM prefers soup operas over soap operas.
Uhh, false? What is a “soup” opera?
TJBM saw a bug in their home recently.
False. But one landed on my vehicle yesterday. I’m kinda dreading the warmer weather… I am not bug friendly:D
TJBM uses their own shopping bags instead of plastic
Sorry @Facade, I beat you:)
False. I’m very afraid of bugs, so my boyfriend makes sure I don’t see any in the house. Score
TJBM is excited about the weather tomorrow!
True. Warm and chance of thunderstorms!
TJBM is feeling lucky today.
True, I was born lucky!
TJBM feels contented at the moment.
TJBM has tried surfing.
TJBM follows college sports
False. false, false.
TJBM is dreading having to do his/her taxes and is procrastinating.
I am usually on top of tax time, but, since I always have to PAY, this year I am holding out until the 11th hour. lol
TJBM is looking forward to the ‘super moon’ event Sunday.
If a super moon is one from Krypton that’s visiting this solar system, then I’ll take a gander.
TJBM believes that only a super moon can cause a tsunami.
nope, ALTERNATING caps AND lower CASE is FUN.
TJBM has visitors coming in the next few days.
True, I’m expecting some aliens with a probe any day now.
The jelly below me cain’t stayund thick Tayxun acceents. ( I leeve here and I ain’t gots wun.)
TAYHAUS, isn’t that the country south of Oklahoma. I’ve got no problem with accents.
TJBM can name the visiting aliens. All ten of them.
True. Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Grumpy, Doc, Sleepy, Happy, Larry, Curly and Moe.
The jelly below me feels uncomfortable when probed.
@WillWorkForChocolate You forgot Blitzen and Dasher.
False, gotten used to it.
TJBM can’t stand the way them aliens fly their saucers.
That’s so true! Them bug eyed green people just cain’t fly strait at’all.
The jelly below me suspects some of their family members are aliens.
True, and that family member would be me.
TJBM has seen a movie about and/or involving aliens recently.
True, many.
TJBM thinks aliens are more intelligent than humans if they exist
False, they are actually less intelligent. They just have cooler modes of transportation.
TJBM can understand everything in the source of this page (right-click, view source).
Hey!! thats really good!!! I haven’t seen that before!! I don’t understand it though :-)
thank you @erichw1504 that was cool!!
TJBM is having fish, chips and mushy peas for dinner tonight…... yuuuuuuummmm!!
TJBM is wearing something green today.
Anytime @bunnygrl, it’s what I do.
True! I have a green shirt and green socks on. :)
TJBM is Irish. (kiss)
Not that I know of, but one may have slipped into a Scottish ancestor at some point
TJBM has learned not to believe @erichw1504 if he tells you that Ctrl + W makes a leprechaun appear on your screen. :P
False! if he told me I’d believe him <hugs @erichw1504> lol leprechaun lol I wanna try that now :-)
TJBM likes to eat mussels
False, I really don’t like any type of shellfish
TJBM is snacking on gummy bears right now
False.not into candy
TJBM likes to touch muscles.
True, if they are on a woman. But not too much, that’s icky.
TJBM likes to touch mussels.
False, although I love eating them, odd that. <huge hugs for @erichw1504 for being so sweet> it was your question to answer, you started first <more hugs>
TJBM loves Italian food, never met a pasta he/she doesn’t love…..
@Blueroses hey!!! I didn’t get a leprechaun!! it closed the page!! LOL brilliant!! <hugs for @Blueroses and @erichw1504 for teaching me a new trick to impress my computer savvy BiL> totally cool!!!
True/False I am part Italian…I LoVe Italian food, but try not to eat too many carb/Americanized Italian foods, because I have the proverbial Italian T&A
TJBM talks with their hands I can’t talk without mine ;)
True, not a lot, but often.
TJBM knows that Alt + F4 actually makes a leprechaun appear on your screen.
aww @bunnygrl lawl.
Not falling for it. Again.
TJBM has noticed a silly atmosphere here today
@erichw1504 NO! The last time I tried one of your ideas, it knocked me off the internet
TJBM won’t try @erichw1504 ideas to see leprechauns on your screen
No need to. The little green guys are all over the place in South Boston here
TJBM has a panic button on their keyboard
True, it is Ctrl + T. Try it.
TJBM thinks that pressing Ctrl + V does something bad.
True. It invalidates your V-Card. Don’t do it!!
TJBM likes reality competition shows like Hell’s Kitchen
True. Chef Ramsey is hilarious.
TJBM knows that the real way to make a leprechaun appear is by pressing Alt + Tab.
False. Alt+Tab flips you through screens. Although if you check in with my daffodils I’m sure you’ll find one!
TJBM is leaning against a giant teddy bear reading leprechaun fables.
False. I am in fact leaning against a wee leprechaun, reading teddy bear fables. what a stunning coincidence :¬)
TJBM hasn’t had their birthday yet this year.
True, but it’s next month
TJBM is listening to some annoying sound outside
Not now but I have been all day jack hammers at the front of the house dog barking at the back!!
The jelly below me knows how to make their screen go upside down!!
Not unless I flip the laptop…
TJBM knows what happens if you type google elmer on the google home page and hit “I’m feeling lucky”
True, everything on Google turns into Ewmew Fudd language.
TJBM knows how to change to pirate language on Facebook.
The jelly below you doesn’t have a facebook.
TJBM knows how to change Google Reader to a ninja theme!
Whaaat?! False! Tell me now!
TJBM just found out something cool.
The jelly below me has joined the great socks and sandals debate
False, sorta.. I started it.
TJBM feels that comfort is more important than fashion! XD
Not always :( sometimes you have to suffer to look good but more than happy to slob at home!!
The jelly below me owns a motorbike
False, and I won’t be caught dead on one
TJBM has a game that they love to play with their family
True. Cranium.
TJBM is following the NCAA basketball tournament.
Couldn’t be more false.
TJBM never buys the local newspaper anymore but will read it online.
True and false. I read it on-line and my hubby brings on hard copy home from work.
TJBM has indigestion.
TJBM had an exciting day.
False :-( it’s been a rather frustrating day.
TJBM is ambidextrous.
TJBM has errands to run.
TJBM has made a basket from over 20 feet before.
True. I’m good at long shots
TJBM likes the warm day, but wishes it were sunny. it’s warm but overcast here
False. Sunny AND warm here, haha!
TJBM made a witty statement today.
True, but not the Rick Roll :(
TJBM has a professional camera
True, but is still learning to use it.
TJBM is well balanced they are a fabulous tight rope walker.
False! HUGE false. I am the world’s best klutz. Serisouly, I have stories. Ask anyone who knows me. (Johnpowell even talks of wrapping me in bubble wrap so I don’t get hurt all the time.) I would never be able to balance on a tight rope.
TJBM can recite pi to the tenth digit.
Nope. It starts out .314 (I think)
TJBM had to wash their hair in stinky stuff this morning.
Eww, no.
TJBM wonders where you would go for a meal in Dunedin, FL pronounced dun-eatin
TJBM has been bitten by a ladybug. one bite the heck out of my neck the other day
False. Ladybugs bite? Those bitches!
The jelly below me owns a sock monkey.
False. But I was thinking of making one for my granddaughter after I finish making her dream catcher.
TJBM has a dream catcher hanging over their bed.
No, but I have one hanging on the handle of my closet door, which is a few feet away from the foot of my bed. Does that count for something?
TJBM had cheesecake for lunch. Or maybe a dessert with lunch….
False, I really am trying to eat healthier lunches lately. I’ll probably have a couple pieces of chocolate after dinner though. :P
The jelly below me wants to know if that is really @AmWiser‘s eye. It’s beautiful! Eye avatars for everyone!
True, it is very pretty
@WillWorkForChocolate does both eyes count? I don’t take good pics of just one.
TJBM has a cup full of pens on their desk
False. I keep pens in the tray in my top drawer and I only have about 5 or 6 in there.
TJBM can sing the alphabet backwards.
@shego All I did was crop my eye out of a picture of my face… Not sure if you have something like that on your computer. The program I use is really easy; it’s called IrfanView.
False..unless I could read it off a sheet ;P
TJBM can epyt bacwards I can’t even do that
I cheat when I type backwards, by typing it forwards first, then switching it.
.etuc era samajap eitoof tluda skniht me welob yllej ehT
Cheater :P
TJBM has a messy desk but an organized mind.
False. I have a logical mind but I wouldn’t call it organized.
TJBM loves chicken salad
False. I’m a vegetarian.
TJBM is a vegetarian as well.
False, I’m perfectly happy with meat…to a point.
TJBM tried the google elmer with great results. (It’s up there with pirate speak at Facebook!)
I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about :) Haha
TJBM has a nasty cough today.
True the damn thing won’t go away
TJBM rarely gets ill.
False. I get ill very often!
TJBM likes French accents.
oola la…True. But I can’t speak a lick of French
TJBM finds Spanish accents seductive.
True (where’s bob_?) but Russian accents are even sexier.
TJBM is addicted to Netflix
TJBM is addicted to Fluther.
TJBM is addicted to cigarettes.
False, it’s been 3 and a half months since my last cigarette
TJBM has battled some sort of addiction during their life so far
@shego That’s great!
True. I battled an addiction at a very young age.
TJBM is religious.
TJBM is amazed that we’ve actually made it to part twelve :)
False. It’s catchy so I am not really amazed at it.
TJBM is not heterosexual.
False, I’m completely heterosexual.
TJBM has been arrested before.
True. When I was 16.
TJBM hated high school.
TRUE. It sucked bad, bad, bad. I nearly ran out the front doors (or did I?) once I finished my last exam. I didn’t go back for the reunion either.
TJBM loves the colour midnight blue.
Very true!
TJBM had great weather in their community today. (I did! It was gorgeous today.)
True for 3 hours. The rest of the time it has been overcast.
TJBM can swear in two languages.
False. I can swear in 8 :)
TJBM likes potato wedges :)
False. I’m Russian.
TJBM is gonna get beat by me :D
Darn. True. :( Eh, it’s okay.
TJBM knows who Amanda Palmer is and what she does for a living (without Googling).
True. :)
TJBM is very happy that tomorrow is Friday.
YES!!!!!! I’m sick of school!!!!!!!!
TJBM has traveled to Italy or Greece
True. Both.
TJBM doesn’t like to wear plaid.
False. I love patterns and I have a nice plaid skirt.
TJBM thought today was Friday.
TJBM doesn’t like rap music.
True. Real music lasts years, not 2 weeks.
TJBM ate a pickel today
Not yet, but the day isn’t over.
TJBM is going out to an Irish Pub and entering a dirty limerick contest. I am
no way! homework and bed for mwah.
TJBM owns a guinea pig.
TJBM has a very perverted friend.
False- I AM the perverted friend, LOL!
The jelly below me likes researching their ancestry and the background of their family names.
True, I do
TJBM needs to make dinner
False. I already made some.
TJBM knows who Glozell is. if you don’t, look her up on youtube!
False. I will. :-)
TJBM dyes their hair
False. I don’t know that I ever will.
TJBM collects antiques.
False. I used to, and have a couple pieces still, but now my home is decorated asian/modern/opium den/brothal . lol
TJBM was weak today and bought something decadent to eat. I bought a tub of toffee/chocolate almonds. Oh oh
False. I didn’t eat much today.
TJBM hates homework.
I find it annoying, and that was for a traffic school home study thing.
TJBM can name the closest nuclear power plant to where they live.
If so, what and how far away is it?
TJBM has a high I.Q.
Milo here; True, of course.
TJBM loves geese
True. ;-)
TJBM needs to change the water in a vase lol
False. I don’t keep plants in my home.
TJBM is melancholic.
False. I’m a sanguine type, the optimist.
TJBM needs to walk their dog
False. I don’t have a dog at my house.
TJBM feels like crying.
False. I feel like sleeping though. I need to get up at 5am tomorrow so this will be my last post tonight.
TJBM believes that the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle were/are caused by aliens.
False..but open to speculation and debate.
TJBM is debating whether to “unjoin” social sites (e.g. Facebook) to prevent loss of privacy..
Yes, so does my family.
TJBM has more than 15 pairs of shoes.
True and my husband wishes I would stop buying them.
TJBM has a huge collection of books.
Very true. I love books.
TJBM is regretting that last green beer.
False. I’m only on my 3rd Black & Tan
TJBM will help me write a winning dirty limerick Come on. I know you people.
False. I suck at writing :(
TJBM is doing absolutely nothing today.
False. Gotta work.
TJBM likes to get lost in Wikipedia articles.
True! Have you heard of or played the Hitler game?
TJBM is gonna get very good news today!
I don’t know, I hope so!
TJBM has a Mountain Dew can within reach.
@bvdshec17 No, what is the Hitler game?
I DO have, in my freezer,....MOUNTAIN SHREW!
A frozen baby shrew that the cats caught. He/she is sooo cute and tiny!
He has become a family ‘pet’, easy to take care of. lol
TJBM is waiting on a storm today
@erichw1504 It’s a Wikipedia game where you try to go from an article on something unthinkable such as “torque”, “tobacco” or “neutron” to Hitler’s article in less than 3 clicks. Try it out, it’s really hard!
True! Looks like one is about to hit hear in an hour or two.
TJBM did something recently, that if found out by family members or friends, would be extremely embarrassed.
Flase, not that I can remember anywho.
TJBM would go on an archaeological dig in a heartbeat.
Not a dig but I’ve done several archaeological underwater dives :)
TJBM has ear hair.
True, but not a noticeable amount.
TJBM has hear air.
What’s a ‘hear air’.....???
No, I can’t hear the air. lol
TJBM is out of it this morning
False. I’m in it.
TJBM’s voice cracked when speaking to someone recently.
False. But it might, I’m being tested this week with manipulative and crappy communication issues with others. lol
TJBM has a view from their computer, looking out a window
False, I wish.
TJBM has a view from their computer, looking out a window and can see squirrel that are married.
True. I can gaze right out my front window as I type. The squirrels are very active right now but I have yet to see a territorial fight. I don’t usually see the married squirrels though.
TJBM loves mathematics.
True. Favorite subject in school.
TJBM knows the meaning of life.
Must be 42. Just saying——Ford Prefect. ...and thanks for all the fish!
TJBM is ready for the weekend with big plans.
False, I’ve got no plans for the weekend beyond a really big walk.
TJBM has green eyes.
False. Blue eyes here. Well, dilute and hazy blue with allergies. lol
TJBM has a swimming pool or hot tub
True, I wish I was in it right now!
TJBM has a daughter.
True. My one and only. She is 23 and is fast becoming my best friend. :-)
TJBM sprays their sheets with perfume every night before bed
False. That’s weird? Do you do that @Coloma?
TJBM has a bone to pick with someone.
True. But I’m unsure if it is worth it.
TJBM is allergic to perfume
Yes, it’s lovely!
False. See above ^
TJBM has or had a parrot for a pet
False. I’d shove the cracker down Polly’s throat by the end of the day.
TJBM is the 8th jelly above me.
TJBM is doing something fun for spring break.
False. I am a big boy now with a big boy career, no Spring Break for me!
TJBM likes seesaws.
False. I never played around as a child.
TJBM wishes they were a kid again.
Very true.
TJBM is afraid of getting old and wrinkly.
False, my mom always said white hair and wrinkles are a sign of wisdom
TJBM loves to eat mangos.
I love fruit, but Mangos arn’t my passion.
TJBM has ran a bath and forgot to close the drain projection
TJBM will lightly tap the top of the head of the person closest to them right now for me.
I’ll tap the lamp, no heads nearby.
TJBM likes landscaping
TJBM likes to be on the bottom.
True/False. True..bottom rung of the ladder. False…bottom of the river.
TJBM has achy joints and knows when bad weather is coming.
No, I seriously hope that I’m too young for that to be happening any time soon.
TJBM has a song stuck in his/her head. I hope it’s a good one!
True. I can’t get Addio del Passato out of my head!
TJBM loves Taco Bell.
False can’t stand it.
TJBM knows how to crochet.
I do
True. Its been years but I sure I could pick it up again.
TJBM is looking forward to the Super Moon tomorrow.
False. I couldn’t care less.
TJBM has someone that they absolutely hate.
False, I dislike a few people but not enough to say I hate them.
TJBM does not have a fun weekend planned my weekend is mostly going to suck although, if I’m lucky, there might be a few enjoyable moments.
False. My weekend is going to be peaceful and quite fun! Getting ready to travel to Florida for spring break.
TJBM has written a song before.
TJBM secretly loves Justin Bieber music.
True- I’m really Selena Gomez masquerading as an old white guy. ;-)
TJBM has eaten most of their meals on a tectonic plate.
LoL! True – haven’t we all?
TJBM is smiling a secret smile… and will share the secret!
No smiles today :-(
TJBM has a button nose.
@tranquilsea – well BOOO! I’m sorry it wasn’t a smiley day.
False. I have a nose that is too big for my face. Definitely not a button.
TJBM has more than 30 pair of shoes.
I doubt it. I have only 4 pair, and 3 I wear regularly. I can’t count higher than that anyway.
TJBM has a motorcycle
False. I’m not a big fan of organ-donors.
TJBM has a least 10 jokes memorized for the telling.
False,I think it’s less than 10…
TJBM is happy…
Yeppers! No point in being sad. Happiness is a choice.
TJBM has a motorcycle license.
False,I don’t have a license..but I can ride….shhh…
TJBM has broken the law in some point of their lives…
True, it is wonderful.
TJBM still has a team in the NCAA Tournament.
Nope, I generally don’t follow sports like that.
TJBM wants to try separating cojoined peeps without the aid of anesthetic this time.
True. And I think my teeth will do the trick. Yumm!
TJBM has raised chickens in the past.
hmm,sort of true….they died as chicks : (
TJBM likes animals..
Yes. We have had many kinds of critters, including those with 2, 6, and 8 legs. Done some time with no-leggers too.
TJBM developed an allergy late in life.
hmm,I dont have one currently…guess I’ll just have to tell you in about 40 years time…
TJBM feels sleepy….yawn…
yupp. I think I’ll go sleep now…
TJBM has a thought they’d like to share?
hmm,ok.True. I need a hug before going to bed…
TJBM is not sleepy…
TJBM did not just discover the first Lyme tick of the season crawling around her wrist and looking for a place to sink its fangs.
False. (I live in the tundra..there are no bugs for at least a couple months..except the snow fleas!)
TJBM is up past their bedtime.
False. I don’t really go to bed at a certain time on the weekends.
TJBM has had a heartfelt conversation with someone today.
TJBM can sing the ABC’s…backwards.
True. But very slowly.
TJBM doesn’t have a job.
TJBM has more than one job.
False. I’m happy to be past that point in my life, too!
TJBM is at work this morning.
False. NPR time
TJBM is planning on sending Gadaffy Duck a going away present?
TJBM is wondering when lunch will arrive…ugh,I’m always thinking about food…
False. I’m getting ready to go out for Lebanese food.
TJBM is experiencing some beautiful hot weather today!
True,hotter and sunnier than usual : D
TJBM LOVES Lebanese food…mmmm
TJBM thinks about food all of the time. Like me!!
True…thinking about it right now…
TJBM Loves strawberries…
TJBM likes watermelon.
TJBM likes peaches…
TJBM hates onions.
I do not like raw onions much, but I love cooked onions.
TJBM needs to make a big decision soon
TJBM likes to go barefoot.
hhm,it depends where im going…
TJBM likes going tothe beach..
False, too far from a beach
TJBM likes to watch international news.
um,true..i suppose…
TJBM is…..
Is what?
TJBM had a bagel this morning.
False. Taking a break from packing to move.
TJBM has never been told they have a great sense of humor.
False,I get told I have regularly lolz…
TJBM is tired…
False. Not yet. A lot to do still to be ready to leave tomorrow morning.
TJBM has read their horoscope for today.
False. I am in mellow mode
TJBM is thinking of canceling on a plan next week with someone
TJBM is jumping up and down…
TJBM is jealous that I just ate the best Lebanese food EVER.
TJBM is jealous I had a chicken breast fillet (homemade by mum)...
just a little had a good dinner myself though so…
the jelly below me can do all or some of the following trick
I can’t write like her but I can write with both hands…I’m both handed you see : )
TJBM is right handed…
TJBM is enjoying a nice cup of herbal tea, or tea in general.
nope false, feeling a bit sick!!
The jelly below me knows how to grow their own fruit and veg
True,I do it every year ; ) potatoes,tomatoes,strawberries,radishes and lots more
TJBM is about to cut forsythia and force it in a blue vase.
False. What the heck is a forsythia?
TJBM went grocery shopping today.
I did indeed.
TJBM is googling “forsythia” as I am typing this.
Nope. I know exactly what it is. We had a huge forsythia bush next to my house when I was a child.
TJBM has grown to love coconut butter. I do, but I hate that dried out crap they sell in the stores called “shredded coconut”
Um.. No? What do you do with coconut butter?
TJBM was just getting diggy with the yard work and and started thunder storming.
False. Did my hardcore yard stuff last weekend and now it is storming again. Perfect timing! :-D
TJBM is a fan of claymation
False. @Brian1946 I currently live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am originally from Sochi, Russia.
TJBM is going to stay up very late tonight.
No, it is Sunday and I will be going to bed early so I am fresh as a daisy for work tomorrow.
TJBM likes to dance in the rain.
Probably false. I’ve never tried it, however.
TJBM loves that @gailcalled has joined in the fun!
Milo here: Ya think? She seems to be a real curmudgeon at times.
TJBM thinks I am perfection.
@Brian1946 I live in the West Midlands in England,UK : )
TJBM is ready to got to bed…
Almost. Soon
TJBM is about to rush outside and see the full moon, in all her brighter and nearer splendor.
<sob> False. We’re overcast tonight. I would love to see that moon though.
TJBM had bad news today.
kinda sorta, sorta kinda.
TJBM is comfy in jammies
true,some silk ones…
TJBM is wanting to look at the moon,even though they can’t…
nope. It is awesome here in the Boston area tonight…
TJBM has their favorite drink within reach
false,just finished drinking milk…
TJBM is staring in awe at the moon tonight…
False. I am staring at clouds and wind and rain.
TJBM likes rocky road ice cream
Actually I prefer dark chocolate and a scoop of jaffa orange ice cream.
TJBM likes musicals and loves to sing along loudly.
Yep, guilty as charged.
TJBM enjoys buying books and gets excited when one is better even than expected! I have a new book. Off to read now
So true.
TJBM carries a stuffed animal on the airplane when they fly.
I do, I don’t like flying
False. I’m 20 years old, come on!
TJBM just woke up.
False. Been up for a couple of hours and have had my waffles & coffee
TJBM likes dogs.
Milo! @gailcalled is not a curmudgeon!
False, I don’t like dogs, I love ‘em!
I haven’t seen my dog since January because I’m studying abroad :( Although I’ll be home in just 2 weeks!
TJBM hates cats.
False. I love them!
TJBM likes banana smoothies.
False. I always think I will like them but they always taste like baby food, especially with protein powder added.
TJBM likes Big Band music.
Meh, I’m more of an indie rock dude.
TJBM owns a car.
TJBM is not too happy that tomorrow is Monday.
False, I am happy but just because I don’t have any lectures tomorrow :)
TJBM didn’t know what TJBM meant at the beginning of this thread.
Trueish – being a noobie, I had to read the first answer to make sure I knew what the hell I was doing.
TJBM read, at most, 5 answers out of the 270+
TJBM doesn’t like the flavor of cinnamon.
False, I love cinnamon!
TJBM loves the fact that AT&T has bought T-mobile.
False. I’m not a huge AT&T fan.
TJBM is surrounded by green. Grass, trees, woods, fields.
Sort of true. I live on a golf course and it is very green!
TJBM had a very productive weekend.
Very low key.
Resting up for hell day tomorrow. lol
TJBM has eaten something nasty on a dare
True, I’ve eaten some ants before! They’re kinda spicy.
TJBM enjoyed the sun outside today.
Oh yes I did! Twas splendid! 13 please??
TJBM is debating whether or not to keep the puppy or kitten they found.
Nope. Daughter picked out her pooch from a rescue, graduated from college, then moved back home until she pays off some bills and can afford to move out. So her dog has become our dog.
TJBM is falling asleep as they try to do fluther.
False. I’m being forced to watch icarly.
TJBM hates Disney channel and nickelodeon.
I used to watch Disney when I was a kid and I’ve never seen Nickelodeon.
TJBM is wearing a funny hat.
False, I can’t stand hats. They make me hot.
TJBM is getting ready for a trip. I am, just 4 days left.
True! I leave in a few hours.
TJBM needs to take a shower.
true…howd you know? .... can you smell me kate my mate?
TJBM likes to eat fruit…
True @queenie I can smell you all the way from here!
TJBM likes to drink hot tea before bed.
False,not tea…
TJBM will tell us what they’re fav fruit is…
True. I enjoy mangoes the most.
TJBM is going to watch the Youtube Orchestra tonight.
TJBM is sitting by, or near a window…
TJBM is getting sleepy.
TJBM is often found daydreaming…
TJBM knows how to play more than one instrument.
True,I can play the keyboards and the Harmonica…
TJBM likes classical music…
TJBM likes kiwi fruit
TRUE, I absolutely LOVE it!!
TJBM is wondering why so many jellies have decided to have eyes as avatars…
I have know idea if this is what started it or not, but I thought AmWiser’s eye avatar was so pretty so I changed mine and yelled “eye avatars for everyone” on some other thread….
The jelly below me had burgers for dinner.
False, I’m using my neighbors grill to grill some hotdogs.
TJBM lives with a romantic.
Dangit, I typo’d. Hate that.
True, my hubby is occasionally pretty darn romantic.
The jelly below me gets frequent migraines. I’ve got one now, just sort of snuck up and attacked.
True, but I mainly suffer from cluster headaches.
TJBM loves to watch wedding shows. I do because I get ideas for my wedding
True, I love wedding shows and proposal shows and such. They remind me of what it felt like to get engaged and plan a wedding and find that perfect dress… That was such an amazing time in my life!
The jelly below me is beautiful on the inside.
If people with eye avatars keep posting here, could it be said about the thread that “the eyes have it”? Teehee.
True. At least IMHO and yes “the eyes have it”.
TJBM is beautiful on the inside too.
True- my internist said that I have lovely lungs and beautiful bones. ;-p
TJBM knows what kind of animal has the eyes in my avatar.
True. It’s a cat.
TJBM has wet hair.
Washed it this morning, it’s outta control after drying naturally. Meh.
TJBM has a list going for the week
I do and it keeps getting longer and longer.
TJBM likes to ride a bike.
True, used to ride to work all the time.
TJBM’s college basketball team is already out of the tournament.
I would not know. Maybe, I guess?
TJSBM has a second family living with them. We did. What a riot!
False, but only for the moment—it’ll be true starting from Apr. 17th again.
TJBM has long list of folks to call today.
TJBM smells like apricots.
False, but ironically I just put apricot jam on my sandwich.
TJBM is deathly ill
like me
Nope. Healthy as a Horse
TJBM is still a bit groggy
You must be a mind reader, @blueiiznh! Vacations do that to me. : )
TJBM has yard work to do today.
False, not quite yet.
TJBM once swallowed a Lego piece whole.
No…I can’t think of anything I’ve ever swallowed that I wasn’t supposed to. Except for the occasional nat that flew in my mouth! (Why isn’t ‘nat’ showing as a valid word on spell check?)
TJBM has, at times, forced themselves to eat something they didn’t want to. Something that they thought was really GROSS!!
True. sometimes on a dare. gnat is in my spellchecker
TJBM needs a vacation
True, I’m gonna get 1 month off by the end of next week! Can’t wait :)
TJBM has been to Portugal.
TJBM has been to Hell and back.
Yep. I even had a priest tell me during reconciliation that i need not say any Hail Mary’s etc as I was serving a penance on earth
TJBM did something awesome this weekend they are going to share with us.
True. I totally went car shopping for like 6 hours, man!
TJBM once rescued a stray animal.
False, never had that opportunity.
TJBM has eaten raw meat before.
Many times steak tartare not to mention lots of little neck clams. oysters and have hung out in a Sushi bar or two.
TJBM has driven a car at an elevation of over 11,000 feet (3,500 meters).
TJBM knows how to swear in at least one other language.
True. German.
TJBM can speak fluent Italian.
Nope, I’m only fluent in English. I’m working on becoming fluent in Spanish, too.
TJBM took Latin in school.
TJBM is a grammar Nazi.
False- I’m a language Liberal.
TJBM has gone swimming in a country other than the one where they live.
True. Jamaica.
TJBM is currently Fluthering from work.
False, I’m in my room.
TJBM speaks more than two languages.
TJBM likes jam on toast…
.yadot sdrawkcab sgnith gniod si MBJT
@blueiiznh Ah! Of course! Gnat….doy.
YKN, od [;suomh jrsf hs,rd@@@@@
True. I love blackberry jam the best.
TJBM is cold right now
projection, my heating crapped out yesterday and am waiting in the repair guy, brrrrrrrr.
False,it’s getting mild here…
TJBM likes to have a big hearty breakfast….
Well, I intentionally eat a lot of calories at breakfast, because I don’t eat after 3 or 4 p.m., but I don’t know how “hardy” it is….
TJBM is wondering if moldy bread will get us to TJBM #13!!!
False. Sorry @Dutchess_III, the Mods say once a week for TJBM posts. Hold on til Wednesday…pleasseee.
TJBM likes feeding the birds. psst! they like moldy bread:D
True, I used to do it every week : )
TJBM has a sore throat….
Oh. Didn’t know that. Feed them moldy bread!!!
No, I don’t have a sore throat, but I have a sore everything else. Yard work all day Saturday, and heavy duty house cleaning on Sunday for an open house. WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE COME BUY MY HOUSE??!!
TJBM is going to buy my house.
False. No one can buy your house because everyone knows Kansas doesn’t exist.
The jelly below me doesn’t believe in Kansas.
.yadot sdrawkcab sgnith gniod si MBJT
wrong. you also mispelled “sgniht”
TJBM has flowers blooming outside already
hmm,have to check.Most probably true though. Spring is deffo here : )
TJBM is finding @erichw1504 gniyonna…
False. I don’t get annoyed easily, but, you’ll know it if I do. lol
TJBM loves avacados on the half shell with S&P
Oh yes ma’am!
The jelly below me doesn’t like going to weddings.
@blueiiznh You also misspelled “mispelled”.
TJBM is finding @queenie annoyingly annoying.
TJBM thinks I’m annoying : P
Hmm, true!
TJBM likes to be the TJBM.
uh, TRue….I think…
TJBM thinks the TJAM is annoyingly annoying….
False, very false.
TJBM has a blue face.
—@erichw1504 I SO wish you were here in front of me !”
True,but only in cyberspace
TJBM likes wearing sunglasses…
@queenie Why?
TJBM likes wearing glasses.
so i could punch you…then you’d have a blue face too : )
TJBM knows I’m joking…
TJBM could beat @queenie in a five mile skipping tournament.
hmm,probably true…
TJBM loves being annoying.. i know i do….
False, never have been.
TJBM has done the naked mile.
ROFL @bvdshec17!!
Wrong. I have never been naked in my life, much less for a whole mile.
TJBM is embarrassed by their state.
TJBM is wondering how @Dutchess_III showers with clothes on.
TJBM is also wondering how @Dutchess_III was born with clothes on.
TJBM is wondering how @Dutchess_III changes her clothes,if at all…
TJBM was once caught naked while eating a popcicle.
TJBM does their chores naked!
TJBM likes to sleep naked…
TJBM once played badminton naked.
TJBM has danced naked in the rain.
TJBM once did a hand-stand naked.
False. I would have suffocated.
TJBM is ready for a nap.
True, very true.
TJBM is ready for a naked nap.
@erichw1504 i misspelled misspell only to see if you were paying attention
False. I don’t take naps anymore, it keeps me from sleeping at night, when I actually need to sleep. I’m not answering the naked part (Classy ladies like me don’t talk about their nakedness to just anyone! :P)
TJBM is not grossed out by the sound of nails on a chalkboard.
True I’m not grossed out by it, it’s just the sound of it that hurts my ears.
TJBM is craving chocolate.
True, I’m actually craving anything that can be digested by a human stomach.
TJBM likes to play chess naked.
OMG! You nakit people are just goin’ to hell!
I always crave chocolate, but I mange to control it by keeping my clothes on at all times.
Damn it @erichw1504! You burged in!
I don’t play chess.
TJBM eats chocolate in the shower while playing chess with all of his or her clothes on because so they can get into heaven the right way.
Amen. Er, I mean true. Is that another jewel in my heavenly crown? (ha!)
TJBM has the option to work in their pajamas each day..but chooses to get dressed in regular clothes…just because.
TJBM believes in the right to be naked wherever, whenever.
No. I believe people who are naket at any time should be….. something bad.
TJBM sleeps in five pair of underwear, long johns, a snowsuit, hat, boots and gloves, even in summer.
No. I don’t even own those if I want to put them on at any hour. lol
TJBM had a great workout today
I feel it today, but the workout came Saturday and Sunday.
TJBM hates going in to debt, even when they can afford it.
So true. I also hate going into debt when I cannot afford it.
TJBM is debt free.
False. We have a mortgage but is all. No credit card debt, no car loans just the mortgage and that’s not too shabby.
TJBM had a rough weekend.
TJBM has taken care of their craving.
I did I got a candy bar. Now I’m all better
True. We had Chinese food for dinner and I’m good now. :D
TJBM is ready for spring!
Actually we are going into Autumn.
TJBM is looking forward to going out to dinner tonight.
No. Done eating for today. Seriously avoiding the “What fabulous dish should I make for my boyfriend’s birthday” question!
TJBM doesn’t know what to do with time off.
False, I have a list of “must reads” and projects I would love to start (those all take hours and hours of concentration) that my time would be filled.
TJBM is a gardener.
Gardened for years but have downsized now to mostly large exotic outdoor plants and trees in containers, like bamboos and exotic grasses and weeping spruce, etc. Maybe a tomato or two in the summer.
TJBM is having Thunderstorms in their area right now
TJBM had a very tiring day. I did!
True. Completely spent in many ways. It even snowed..UGGGG
TJBM is reading a fascinating book and will share the name
False. The family provides an endless number of ideas usually ;-)
TJBM is staring out their front window at freshly fallen snow.
False. I’m in Florida at the moment and it’s definitely not snowing!
TJBM has sang in a choir before.
False…can’t carry a tune.
TJBM has lots of pens and pencils but can’t find one when they need it.
True. I think I have a pen gnome living with me.
TJBM has a sock gnome living in their dryer. ever wondered what happened to your socks?
Not that I remember.
Perhaps using different products to minimize static cling keeps my garments from inextricably hiding inside each other.
Also, I rummage through the larger items to look for any ensconced smaller stuff.
TJBM tries to avoid wearing high heels.
True, I know I can dress up without wearing high heels though I do have a couple pairs that are comfortable enough to wear all day.
TJBM is making plans to travel over seas.
I am! I hope to visit the US this year. I am looking forward to it immensely and will probably pick Fluther brains on what to do on my planned and unfortunately short stay.
TJBM has s secret addiction.
I have some observable means of procrastination, and this is one of them.
TJBM has traveled in the Bermuda Triangle. :-o
TJBM believes in the 5 second rule.
False ! 3 second rule in our house!
The jelly below me accesses fluther more on their phone than their laptop / pc
TJBM has taken an online course before.
No, I have not. I was signed up to take one for math, but the kicked me out (it was somehow too full for me to be part of. Am I the only one who finds that odd?)
TJBM loves to watch live theater whenever possible.
True, just made it final today!
TJBM will be switching their cell phone company from T-Mobile to CREDO mobile.
False. Will be staying with Verizon in the foreseeable future.
TJBM beat @snowberry!!!
Nope. Never heard of it. I’m stuck with Sprint. I say stuck because they give us lousy service, and we are locked in for two more years.
TJBM has neighbors who won’t clean up after their dogs.
True, some of our neighbors let their dogs run wild and I have stepped in THEIR dog shit, in MY yard, more than once, as I walked out to get the mail. It makes me want to go take a crap on the owner’s front porch.
The jelly below me KNOWS that @Dutchess_III was nekked while making fun of the other nekked people on the thread. She’s always nekked!
False. She was only half nekked. Today, she is fully nekked. She has nekked Tuesdays everyweek and has to get her mail in the nude.
TJBM made up a strange story recently.
true. I write childrens fiction in my spare time.
TJBM has had their tongue stuck to a frozen item outdoors before
Haha, false. But I love the scene in ‘Dumb & Dumber’ where what’s his face gets his tongue stuck on the street lamp. lol
TJBM stayed up too late last night and is tired today
Nope, it was the night before that. Body said “No, we are not going to sleep right now! We’re awake!” And then I sat and read until I got sleepy hours later. I’m a wreck like that.
TJBM has a containment pond in their yard that harbors frogs, turtles, and an occasional water bird with long legs. We do.
TJBM has grass in their yard.
True… sorta. If you consider the big field in front of my apartment building our yard.
TJBM has been pleasantly surprised by their significant other recently.
True. That’s absolutely hilarious.
TJBM likes granola bars.
TJBM once smashed a window and ripped their shirt off in RRRRAAAGE!!!
No, I can’t say that I have. I’m not even sure that I have the strength to rip my shirt, let alone smash a window. Is Chris Brown secretly a twisted version of The Hulk?
TJBM collected comic books as a child.
False. Barbi’s & Breyer horses.
I was a minor fan of the ‘Archie’ comics.
TJBM is procrastinating on something right now
True. Actually a couple things…
TJBM wanted to be a superhero when they were little.
False. But I wanted to be a rock star & run away with Davey Jones when I was 8. lol
TJBM is taking full advantage of Natl. Good off day yep, perfect rationalization for me.
False…I don’t know what ”Natl” is…
TJBM is wondering what the TJAM was thinking…
Answer is @Coloma cn’t spell it’s Nation GOOF off day. Can’t speel either LOL
TJBM is still confused.
Clearly it’s a ‘duh’ moment. haha
TJBM is secretly mad at someone
True. But it’s a secret.
TJBM has a favorite pair of socks.
False. I have MORE socks than anyone in the country. No favorites.
TJBM is watching a horse pee from their window right now projection lol
False. My horses aren’t in Florida with me :(
TJBM bites their nails.
False, I started covering my real nails with acrylics, to stop me from doing so.
The jelly below me has permanently lost something before, and was incredibly frustrated about it.
True, I lost $50 and I was pissed. It’s been over a month since that happened. I hope somebody who really needed it found it.
TJBM is spring cleaning.
No, but I probably should. I have too many papers relating to school stacked around my room, and laundry on the floor. I’ll take care of the laundry tonight, at least it’s a start!
TJBM has never been to a laundromat.
TJBM is really missing someone today.
True :(
TJBM cannot fathom weighing over 500 pounds.
True. And sad. :-(
TJBM is hungry
TJBM is going someplace they’ve never been
True, Costa Rica in two weeks :)
TJBM has an important day ahead of him/her.
False, my day just finished and I am looking forward to a night at home with my family.
TJBM writes poetry.
TJBM loves reading poetry..
I certainly do. I enjoy poetry very much and so does my 17 year old son which I found very interesting.
TJBM has the best recipe for spare ribs.
Sort of true…I’ll have to steal it off my mum,,,she makes the best spare ribs EVER! Oh,and it’s not so uncommon,teens liking poetry. I’m 16 : )
TJBM likes singing…
I do, but my family would prefer I didn’t :-D
my son is quite different and liking poetry is not something most people would expect. I think it shows how beautiful he is inside (even though he tries to hide it a bit)
TJBM was the class clown at school.
TJBM is planning on buying a new swimsuit this year.
At first glance, TJBM thought that the last 3 posts were by the same person. ;-)
TJBM has more than two doors to exit their home.
false just a front and back door…unless I walk out of my julliette balcony doors!!
the jelly below me has watched and enjoyed the charmed series
TRUE. I love alyssa milano. ooops TMI
TJBM is working from home today like me
Nope, I leave home to work.
TJBM has heard that Liz Taylor has died.
False I’m still off work “sick” after having my appendix removed 2 weeks ago! and busting to get back to my classroom and my lurverly children!!
The jelly below me knows truely how long it should take to recover from having your appendix removed… People at work are making out I should have come back after 2 weeks but family and friends reckon 3
oopss took too long to reply
false to one above questions still remains!
And the TBMJ question is???
OK, I’ll make up my own, and answer it. TJAM wants to know what TJBT (The Jelly Below Them-that’s me) finds to do with with my spare time. OK, I’ll spill. I spend it on useless activities like Fluther!
TJBM knows how to find out what kind of wild flowers grow in the woods.
TJBM had some road rage this morning.
Nope. Just moved the car to the other side of the driveway.
TJBM is leaning toward being a vegetarian, but has not yet made the commitment.
False. I actually used to be one and will never go back.
TJBM has asked the limit of three questions in one day on Fluther before.
True. Much to the dismay of some Flutherers, I’m sure!
TJBM has a whole stinking lot of work to do today and reeeeeeally doesn’t want to.
Just the painful task of transferring more money from my savings to my checking. Gah….make it stop! lol
TJBM cannot stand manipulative people
TRUE OMG so Freaking TRUE!!!!
TJBM does not give manipulative people the time of day.
sorry for keeping the same theme on the question
True. I divorced all the manipulators in my life long ago.
TJBM is spending far too much time on this thread and needs some fresh air and exercise.
True…I wanna go out into the fesh air and sunshine i see and feel; outside my window…
TJBM likes to play videogames….bleugh
True, but I’m more of a casual gamer.
TJBM loves the TV show Fringe.
sorry @snowberry blonde moment!
false never heard of Fringe, sorry!!
The jelly below me often talks to themselves and thinks it’s the only way to get any sense!
lolz TRUE!
TJBM thinks this is a sign of going insane…
nope false… it really is the only way to get the answers you want!!!
The jelly below me is worried about something at the moment
TJBM has tried deep fried donkey balls before.
False…shivers…where’d you get that idea @erichw1504 ?
TJBM likes to eat all the time like me : )
True. My girlish figure has expanded this year. lol
TJBM thinks fried duck heads are even worse than fried donkey balls. I saw a pan of fried duck heads in Taiwan last year at a night market….shiver!
Actually I think both sound equally atrocious.
TJBM knows the various diseases carried by ticks.
Um, Rock Mountain Spotted fever and AIDS?
TJBM would like to point out that it is WEDNESDAY!!
True. Infact, thanks for the reminder to round up the cats for their Advantage treatment, lots of ticks in my woods and they are coming out again right now.
TJBM is over 6 feet tall
TJBM enjoys roller coasters.
Nope. I’m not even slightly interested. But I like stuff that gives other folks the willies!
TJBM has become interested in finding out the various diseases borne by ticks, and even has gone to the trouble to look ‘em up. Atrocious! Oh, and there’s one on this list that’s not listed: Bartonella
I’m going to have to say… false.
TJBM thinks TJBM is uber-sexy.
Nope. It’s not even on my radar screen. But I have a great personality if I do say so.
TJBM is contemplating skipping reading my posts because at present I’m obsessing about creepy-crawlies.
False. I like creepy crawlies. Had about a 8 inch millipede in the house the other day, and, still searching for the mouse the cat let go in my living room last night. :-/
TJBM likes to go to yard sales
TJBM is even happier if there are critters at the yard sale.
Haha True. But, I have long ago tamed my pet addiction. I can now admire them without having to bring them home. Whew….some tough withdrawls once upon a time. lol
TJBM is in a day dreamy mode
TJBM is havign trouble typi ng today, for some raeson…
Only occccasionnnalllly.
TJBM has a class to prepare for and they have to get off Fluther and get to it. I do.
TJBM knows how to do the Super Smelly Jelly Dance.
No, You’ll have to show all the Jellies.
TJBM needs to do the laundry, just did ours.
False. That is reserved for the weekends.
TJBM knows how to do the Up & Down Jelly Bounce.
False, and that sounds like way too much jiggling.
TJBM is guilty of nosepicking occasionally when nobody is looking.
Well, who would pick their nose if people were looking?? Duh!
TJBM needs to get off their Fluther-butt and get back to work.
False, I just got home after driving my grandmother around today, just to get her out of her darn house for a while. My butt’s staying parked!
The jelly below me went grocery shopping today.
False… already have a big crock pot of beef stroganoff working at home.
TJBM is ready for today to be over.
False. I’m good, in the moment, no worries. lol
TJBM is trying to not slouch over their computer and work on better posture.
False, this jelly is supposed to be leaving for work and is fluthering instead. I am sitting bolt upright!
TJBM is going to have a glass of wine and watch the sunset this evening.
Watch the sunset while finishing mowing the lawn, no alcohol wine after sunset
TJBM lives in an urban area.
True. Well, semi-urban. I think we have about 160,000-ish people here but there are bigger cities around.
TJBM has gotten into a fist fight before…and won, hopefully. I hate the idea of having any bruised jellies around….
And…..? lol
Okay…TJBM eats prunes secretly and is terrified their habit will be found out
False. I hate prunes!
TJBM likes to study American history.
True, but I love learning about history in general.
TJBM starts their vacation tonight. I do
No, I don’t… lucky you.
TJBM wants to go white water rafting.
True, I’ve never been.
TJBM is making cookies today!
False, unfortunately.
TJBM just noticed that we reached 500 answers and is going to continue this game on our new thread, right here
TJBM thinks @bvdshec17 should have thought up his/her own game.
Don’t care, I’m going to 13.
@AmWiser Sorry, I didn’t mean to steal your question/game, I just thought you had forgotten about putting another one up on Wednesday..
We friends again? :-)
@bvdshec I sorry too sniff. You didn’t steal my question/game. Friends.
Look for my PM.:)
@AmWiser I felt like I did. Only after posting the question did I realize that you were the one who had posted the previous 12 as well.
That you’re still answering this thread? Yes. For the Jellies who don’t understand, we have moved on. (We are currently TJBM part 15) To find out what level we are on when you read this, do a search for TJBM and see what you get.
TJBM wonders what happened to the notification in the previous TJBM?
TJBM knows we are upto part 18…
Son of a beehive, @queenie! You could have provided a link:)
TJBM enjoys going backwards also on these to keep them alive and well
True ; D
TJBM will post on part 13….
TJBM already has posted on Part 13
TJBM wonders why some jellies are going backwards…
False. I understand the nature of the jelly.
TJBM is watching Where The Heart Is right now.
TJBM couldn’t sleep last night
True, I had a migraine and kept waking up.
TJBM needs to get out of bed before they fall back asleep.
False. I’m only gettin 4 hours a sleep a day so, I’d fall asleep anyhow.
TJBM likes to dream whilst awake…
False. I stay in the real now while awake and save dreaming for sleep.
TJBM would never own a gun
TJBM plays a competitive sport
Nope; never have played organized sport
TJBM is not his/her avatar
True my avatar is my gorge dog Harry
the jelly below me quite often forgets what day of the week and is pleasantly surprised when its a day nearer to the weekend than they realised!
TJBM works on the weekend
TJBM enjoys cigarettes
False, I don’t smoke.
TJBM likes the occasional beer.
Tjbm can spontaneously explode
False, or at least it hasn’t happened yet.
TJBM still uses book encyclopedias
False, I haven’t had a reason to use one in a little over five years.
TJBM has their own collection of encyclopedias.
I do have three sets of them.
TJBM never curses
False, I can embarrass sailors with the things I say.
TJBM prefers limeade over lemonade.
I like them equally.
TJBM regularly attends the ballet.
yes if 3 times a year is regular
TJBM is a subscribing member of at least one Ballet Organization
TJBM can hardly keep their head up…
nah…kinda wired
TJBM cant believe its June
True, I’t’s ma birthday soon!
TJBM has a tempreture
False, haven’t had one in almost 2 years
TJBM has an annoying bird that sits outside squaking at 5 am.
I wish I heard birds in the morning but I don’t since I moved.
TJBM has had red hair at some time in his/her life.
Carrot top as a kid.
TJBM knows this thread is two months old.
Sure, but it doesn’t matter to me.
TJBM uses public transportation
False. I’ve never rode the subway or train but I would absolutely love to!
tjbm is an engineer (as in a rail conductor tOOt tOOt!!)
the jelly below me still believes…
In Father Christmas? For sure. I listen to hear his sleigh bells every year.
TJBM is surprised at this old version popping up.
LoL False since I popped it!
tjbm pops zits on strangers
Eurgh no! But at the bathroom mirror, no problem!
The jelly below me was on the first the jelly below me post!
True, I think? I don’t remember!
TJBM is still in pajamas.
tjbm is wearing their birthday suit
True! Guess I should prolly close my blinds, eh?
tjbm is having a birthday this month and will where their birthday suit in a true birthday celebration! <cha cha cha!>
Not my own personal birthday but plenty of family birthdays, as I did in January and each and every month, curse of belonging to a big family!!!
The jelly below me has an I pad…
oh yes and lots of it!!
The jelly below meis well travelled
Nope. Nor am I well worn… I can’t quite figure out if that’s a good or bad thing.
tjbm has pet monkey
why yes.
tjbm wants to pet my monkey
Hell yeah! LoL daym… that made me blush…..
tjbm needs a cold shower now… <fans self>
Nope, I can’t stand oranges
TJBM has been stung by a bee or wasp
Nope, never, nor do I ever wanna be.
tjbm has an ant farm
Nope. Not even counting the ones in the backyard
tjbm has sea monkey’s
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