Social Question

ucme's avatar

If you had been a cowboy/bandit in the old wild west, what could've been your nickname?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 19th, 2011

Yeah yeah yeah, not exactly genius level stuff I know. I can live with that though. So, a name which you feel would be right for you. Whether you’re one of the good guys or ruffians. Along the same lines as Billy “the kid” or Butch & Sundance… get the picture, I know you do. Funny, creative, imaginative, sensible, it’s all good. Could be a play on your real name or your username on here.

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22 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Pale Hider ;)
I am afraid of cowboys

bhec10's avatar

Thirsty Beast

ragingloli's avatar

Old Faphand

Joker94's avatar

Young Judge

Jay484's avatar

trigger finger

Tuesdays_Child's avatar

Lucky, like the three legged, one-eyed, one-eared dog!

AmWiser's avatar

Miss Tootie

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MilkyWay's avatar

Howlin Coyote…

ucme's avatar

Thanks folks! I think an appropriate name for myself would have been something like Cantshootforshit! I couldn’t hit a cows arse with a banjo given any gun. :¬(

TexasDude's avatar

The Pistol Totin’ Creole Bastard.

Berserker's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Lol XD

Well then, I’d be Pale Rider. I’d be a total butch, constantly smoking, wearing a large black cowboy hat that always hides my face, a long black trenchcoat, and blasting people away with a shotgun or something. I’d only be active during the night, hence the nickname. It is rumored that no one has ever seen her cry, or bleed lmao. XD

Kardamom's avatar

Crookneck Squash

cockswain's avatar

Johnson Swain

Brian1946's avatar

I have an arthritic right knee, so I could be Limpalong Cassidy.

Bellatrix's avatar

Lizzy the Loon.

jonsblond's avatar

Calamity Janet

sliceswiththings's avatar

Well I have an imaginary real superhero twin, and she calls herself “The Masked Habañero.” She’d fit in nicely as a bandit.

cubozoa's avatar

One of my colleagues randomly decided that my native Indian name should be Stunted Redwood.

chesca's avatar

Clumsy Chesca

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