If you had been a cowboy/bandit in the old wild west, what could've been your nickname?
Asked by
ucme (
March 19th, 2011
Yeah yeah yeah, not exactly genius level stuff I know. I can live with that though. So, a name which you feel would be right for you. Whether you’re one of the good guys or ruffians. Along the same lines as Billy “the kid” or Butch & Sundance…..you get the picture, I know you do. Funny, creative, imaginative, sensible, it’s all good. Could be a play on your real name or your username on here.
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22 Answers
Pale Hider ;)
I am afraid of cowboys
Lucky, like the three legged, one-eyed, one-eared dog!
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Thanks folks! I think an appropriate name for myself would have been something like Cantshootforshit! I couldn’t hit a cows arse with a banjo given any gun. :¬(
The Pistol Totin’ Creole Bastard.
@lucillelucillelucille Lol XD
Well then, I’d be Pale Rider. I’d be a total butch, constantly smoking, wearing a large black cowboy hat that always hides my face, a long black trenchcoat, and blasting people away with a shotgun or something. I’d only be active during the night, hence the nickname. It is rumored that no one has ever seen her cry, or bleed lmao. XD
I have an arthritic right knee, so I could be Limpalong Cassidy.
Well I have an imaginary real superhero twin, and she calls herself “The Masked Habañero.” She’d fit in nicely as a bandit.
One of my colleagues randomly decided that my native Indian name should be Stunted Redwood.
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