Do your hands shake?
Mine do. More so lately. But then, I’m on several drugs that have that side effect. But I was in a cafe today, and the guy who handed my drink to me had shaky hands. I was a little scared because we were making the hand off in midair, and having two people with shaky hands try to transfer a mug of a hot beverage seems a bit dicey to me. Fortunately we managed to make the exchange without making a mess of providing cause for a lawsuit.
Do your hands shake? Do you have a good excuse for the shaking? Do you hands shake under specific circumstances—say holding hot beverages out ar arms length?
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18 Answers
Only when I am concentrating on them.
I have 2 friends who have thyroid problems and their hands shake. Neither one of them is very good about taking their medications regularly and it always worries me.
My sister developed this problem and didn’t know why it was happening. It would mostly be a problem when she was holding a wineglass. She had to drink wine from a tumbler instead! I thought it was so weird. I still don’t know why that happened with her as she was not on any meds. She had had some problem with hepatitis. Also with anemia. She just adjusted to it and as far as I know it hasn’t gotten any worse. It still bugs me that she doesn’t know why it happens. She has never been a person for drinking a lot and never did any drugs, not even marijuana.
I suppose the shaking could be caused by many factors. Unfortunately many drugs do have these kinds of side effects. It’s a trade off I guess, that we have to live with.
Only when I’m doing surgery.
Yes, my hands shake, but like you, @wundayatta , it’s related to medication I take.
my hands shake when i am worried stressed about certain things or when i need a fix meaning some caffeine :D after effect remains shaky hehe anyways dear you should have a check up for tremors dont worry you will be okay try changing your daily activities
Nnnoottttt tthhhaattt iii’’‘veee nnooottiicceedd nnnoooo!!!!
Mine do. It’s mostly when I haven’t eaten in a while or when I’ve overexerted myself and then it’s all my muscles. I don’t know what causes it.
Yes, I’ve had a tremor since I was born. MRI at 4 months old showed no abnormalities so I went on with my life. Rarely bothers me, biggest annoyance is people asking about it.
The same as @Facade, my hands tend to shake when I need to eat or when I’ve done something particularly strenuous. I’m not sure what causes it, but usually eating/sitting down gets rid of it.
Mine do. It might be due to the SSRIs I’m taking, as I’ve heard that that happens to some people. It seems to happen more often if I’m a little late in taking them, or if I take them without eating soon before or after.
Yes—age and drugs. I frequent click the mouse button unintentionally.
Mine only do when I am shaking someones hand.
I have hands like a surgeon. :)
If I hold my hand in the air it will, but other than that no. I know someone whose hands shake though…I think it is related to asthma somehow?
I get these big ol’ adrenaline rushes. Then my hands shake for like a half hour, at least, afterwards.
I seem pretty steady but I used to have a kid working for me. He started doing odd jobs when he was about 10 and stayed with me until he went away to college. Anyhow, he had the shakiest hands I have ever seen. He was dyslexic, don’t know if that is relevant, but could watch anyone do or fix anything one time and then he could do it too. And when he worked, his hands were as steady as a rock. Soon as the job was over, his hands would shake again. Very strange. He came to visit in Australia in 2007 and I noticed his hands still shake.
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