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ilovechoc's avatar

Shampoo that will make hair smooth?

Asked by ilovechoc (142points) March 19th, 2011

Does anyone know what kind/brand of shampoo that will make hair smooth, but not oily? because some shampoo that claims to make hair smooth, just make my hair clump together, and it looks awfully oily..

I heard “aveda smooth infusion” and “redken all soft” shampoo are pretty good. Have anyone tried those before?


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7 Answers

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incendiary_dan's avatar

Skip shampoo. Make two mixtures, one of water and a bit of baking soda, the other of water and a bit of apple cider vinegar. Wash with those. I forget ratios and stuff, but if you search for “no poo” or “baking soda/acv” you should find about a million tutorials.

JmacOroni's avatar

I love Redken All Soft, and it smells like honey, so that’s another perk.

rebecca_harris9's avatar

sunsilk is amazing i have really thick hair and its works like an angel

filmfann's avatar

It is also helpful to have softened water.

longtresses's avatar

If your hair is naturally oily, you should skip conditioner.

Try Joico. It’s a little pricey, but it’s salon quality product.

Stefaniebby's avatar

Moroccanoil shampoo. ^^ Joico is good too, not so much pricey anymore since they’re not a “Salon only” product anymore and sell at Target’s and Walwart’s. But with their loss of so many products I’ve heard (at my job, I work at a beauty supply company that used to carry Joico) their quality has went down hill, I’m not 100% sure this is taking effect right now though. Good luck!

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