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talljasperman's avatar

Mathematically speaking... what actually is a Matrix?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 20th, 2011

I’ve heard this term before the trilogy of “The Matrix” but I do not know what exactly it is… and what are some other Math, or academic, terms that High School students don’t usually have access too?

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4 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

A Matrix is a grid. Good example is a Chess board.

dxs's avatar

Isn’t it a certain set of numbers that can be compaired depending on their placement within braces? I’m trying to go back to Alg. II last year.
They’re kinda like this:
╔3 4 6 ╗ + ╔2 4 1╗ =╔5 8 7╗
╚4 2 1 ╝....╚2 1 8╝...╚6 3 9╝
Something like that.

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