I'm a 15 year old girl, should my parents let me see Motley Crue?
I love Motley Crue and this summer they are touring with Poison and The New York Dolls. I really really want to go! I was wondering if anyone who has seen them recently would let their 15 year old daughter go? Is it safe or is there a lot going on that I could be in danger? I don’t want to go if there a real reason for me to have to worry about something happening to me. But if it is genuinely supervised (I doubt it but fingers crossed!) I may be able to talk my parents into letting me go. So is it safe?
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14 Answers
Something can always happen where a mob gathers, honey. Especially a mob that’s partying. If you were my kid I wouldn’t want you to go.
You really want to see a group where 95% of the audience will be persons that are the same age as your parents? That would be uncomfortable for you, anyway. Motley Crue and Poison? 15 year old girl, alone? That’s not an atmosphere I’d allow my 15 year old girl to go.
@12Oaks is right. The audience is going to be made up of older folks.
That said, there will be a TON of drug use and drinking, but not the kind you’d see at, say, a Slayer concert.
If you were my daughter, I’d only let you go if you went with older, trustworthy friends. Try talking to your parents and asking them what they think.
Yep, I wouldn’t be at all thrilled as a mom.
My daughter was close to 17 before her first big concert, and I wasn’t too thrilled then.
I conceded, but,...ya know, got rolled by multiple coercion tactics. lol
I vote 15 is too young and Motley Crue? ....;-)
Can your parents take you?
Do you have any older cousins? Or any older family members that you think would want to take you/go with you? If so, speak to them about it first. Then you can confront your parents about it or ask that family member to do it for you. I was 15 when I went to my first concert, but I went with my 26 year old cousin so it was cool. It may take some convincing, but you have to really lay it all on the table if you really want to go.
I am in my 40’s and I saw them in my teens, I really understand you liking the band but everyone at the concert will probably be in their late 30’s or 40’s. Its not a place I would want my 15 year old going seeing their isn’t anyone her age. Or here’s a suggestion if you really want to see the band, do a mom and me thing, she will probably like the groups playing and like the fact you want to do something with her at the same time.
A Motley Crue concert is going to be fairly harmless. My first concert was Ratt and Bon Jovi in the 80s. I was 15 when I went with a friend of mine and we had a great (and safe) time. There will be lots of security around if you have any problems.
I somewhat agree with what @creative1 said in a sense that I’ve felt awkward before at a concert with people older than me. Kinda like how I felt at Cyndi Lauper’s true colors concert a couple years back. Music was good, but seeing people in their 30’s and 40’s jamming out and going wild just felt weird. lol no offense to anyone.
I went to lots of concerts when I was your age. (Every time I say “when I was your age,” I feel really ancient.) I usually went with a group of friends, our parents drove and picked us up, and everything was fine. Who would you be going with? Would a parent or other adult be willing to join you?
As a parent, I can tell you that no amount of “votes” in your favor is going to matter a damn if your parents are doing their jobs. No. What’s going to have a chance to count is for you to show your parents a plan. An effective, safe and reasonable plan for you to go.
For example, consider when the concert is occurring at the venue you want to attend. That’s not going to affect school in the least little bit, right? That would be the first strike. If it’s on a school night, then “no way”.
Second, how are you going to get there and back? Who’s going to drive? If you’d be taking public transportation, then how do you arrange for travel from the transport hubs (to and from the bus terminal, both local and at the destination) and how much will that cost? Are the buses and trains still running at the time of night you’d be returning? Strike two if you haven’t even thought about getting there and back, or if your plan is based only on wishful thinking.
Who would be going with you? Is this someone whom your parents trust completely? That’s another potential strike.
All I hear so far is “can I can I can I can I please please please please?” What’s the plan, kiddo? If you show your parents that you have taken the responsibility to really plan a safe night (and calls back to the ‘rents at every step of the way, of course, and answering your phone when they call, and having a history of being home on time and general good cheer and acceptance of responsibility, chores, schoolwork, etc.) then you might have a chance to convince them that you’re grown up enough to go.
If not, then no.
If I were a parent I wouldn’t let my 15 year old daughter go. Maybe you could get your dad or mom to go with you? When I was younger I loved concerts and my dad would always take me. It was a great way to have father-daughter time and enjoy a great band. (And it wasn’t even lame that I was there with my dad.)
I am old enough to be your father and I would be hesitant to let myself go to one of their shows. I love their music, but the crowds are… well, not the type of people I would want to be around, especially if they get rowdy. And if they get into the music, they will get rowdy.
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