I'm looking to try something new. In your opinion, what is the best tasting beer?
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Jude (
March 21st, 2011
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60 Answers
That probably won’t qualify as new, but it is my favorite. I don’t care what beer snobs say about it, either.
PBR? Why don’t you drink pond scum? :) Brewery Ommegang makes the best beer.
I really like Sierra Nevada Kellweweis Hefeweizen,Hacker Pschorr Weisse and Weeping Radish Weizen when I get down to the Outer Banks,NC. Delightful,I tell ya! :)
Have you tried any of the wheat beers? They’re kind of different.
St. Pauli Girl dark.
Guinness, even though it is stout, but it still seems like beer to me.
Point’s Nude Beach Rocks! One one the better filtered wheat beers you can have. Very yummy!
Once you acquire a taste for good India Pale Ale, you will have a hard time wanting to drink anything else.
I second Point, but I prefer Point Special myself. gotta love Wisconsin beers :D
I usually buy Grolsch when I want to splurge on good beer.
Yuengling, Samuel Adam’s Summer Ale, and Blue Moon are the best.
If were talking widely available in bottles, I’d say go for Bishop’s Finger
Michelob Ultra. Try a bottle and tell me what you think.
I’m a fan of Primator Double Bock. Which is odd because I don’t normally like dark beers. Mostly, I’m a fan of Coors.
While I do enjoy Guinness, my favorite is Chimay
Who can find fault in a beer that started brewing in the 1600’s by Belgian Trapist Monks
Russian River Pliny the Elder.
My favorite beer by far is Abita Purple Haze. It’s just sssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious. It’s so easy to drink too.
Portuguese Sagres or Super Bock, no doubt!
Wow. My girl and I will be having fun this Weds. :)
The best-tasting beer I have ever had was San Miguel beer. IT was great as long as you didn’t wind up with a bottle from a slightly green batch; their quality control wasn’t the greatest! Heh!
Rolling Rock is good too, for a domestic beer. Iron City was a great beer, but they closed down quite a few years ago.
There is no “best” beer. There’s just a lot of really good beers to try.
I’ve recently been trying pale ales and IPAs. Two of my current favorites are Dogfish Head Brewery‘s 60 Minute IPA and Magic Hat Brewery‘s #9 not-quite pale ale.
Classic goodness that always safe to reach for include:
– Shiner Bock
– New Belgium’s Fat Tire Amber Ale
– Blue Moon‘s Belgian White
– Dos Equis Lager (in the green bottle) – hat tip @noelleptc below
– Fuller’s Extra Special Bitter.
And if you haven’t tried one before, go get a Black and Tan, traditionally made with Bass Pale Ale on the bottom with Guinness Stout on top. For bonus points, find someone who complains that Guinness is “too heavy” to explain how that works.
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Tetley’s English Ale is my #1 favorite. It’s silky-smooth, has a nice full flavor, and it’s the kind of beer you can drink all night long if you want.
It can be hard to find, but if you go to a beer/wine specialty store, you might be able to find it. In the US it comes in a nitrogen can so it injects nitrogen gas as you open it. Be sure to pour it into a glass and to drink from that.
I’m not a beer drinker, but I like the taste of beer (if that makes any sense).
I like going to a local brewhouse/restaurant-type-joint and getting a beer sampler (usually 6–8, 4oz. glasses) of randomly chosen beers.
Great way to discover new flavors.
I don’t usually drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis. Stay thirsty my friend.
@gorillapaws Be sure to let me know when you’re in the UK, and I’ll show you real English beer, a thousand times better than that mass-produced, watery, tasteless, factory crap Tetley’s.
Tetley’s is like the Coor’s of English beer.
Seriously, not knocking your tastes, I know it can be hard out there in the New World, but if you’re ever in England… We’ll go to a real pub, and drink real beer
If you have any local brands, I’d try those first. My own faves are Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Mirror Pond Pale Ale, and Fat Tire beers, but anything local is usually a good bet. For me that means Northern California, which is pretty rich in small breweries. Lucky us!
The Hefeweizen at River City Brewing Co. in Sacramento is one of my favorites. I also really like Dead Guy Ale by Rogue Brewing Co. For one you can find pretty much everywhere (that I’ve been anyway), I pick Blue Moon.
@Anemone Cheers for Northern Cali!
@Jude Where do you live? I can help you find good regional brews with that information.
I definitely need to get to the US at some point and try out a load more microbrews.
Are the beers widely available, or mostly local? In the UK, bottled & cask ale is available pretty much everywhere, and, especially in the North, you’ll find a wide selection of local beers.
Definitely Chimay, St. Peter’s Ale, Smithwick’s, and another brewed for centuries: Stella Artois!
@lucillelucillelucille Those sound great! I love wheat beer and I’m always on the lookout for new ones.
Some of my favorite beers are:
-Ommegang Three Philosophers, a blend of dark ale and cherry lambic. It has a rich, savory, kind of fruity flavor.
-Unibroue Ephemere: A light, fruity wheat beer flavored with green apple
-Allagash white: A light wheat beer with more of a biscuity flavor
-Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA: My dad and my granddad love this one. The name 60 minutes comes from the fact that they add hops continuously for an hour. It’s really hoppy but nice and crisp.
Yuengling is a good, easy to drink, domestic lager, pre-prohibition style. It’s not perfect, but it is easily the best cheap beer.
There are tons of amazing breweries literally everywhere. I don’t have a favorite beer, but I do have favorite breweries. Ales and IPA’s are generally my bag, though Flying Dog’s Gonzo Imperial Porter is totally badass.
Try Bridgeport, Flying Dog, Big Sky, or Saranac for adventures in American beer. For a more Canadian experience, try to track down a case of Alexander Keith’s or Rickard’s.
I don’t actually like beer all that much but of the ones I’ve tried, the only ones I have liked are PBR Right on, @JmacOroni, right on, Guiness on tap, not from a bottle, and Coors Light.
I will do some independent testing and tell you more! There’s a beer with a picture of a dog on the label I’ve been meaning to try…
Not another pond scum drinker. @Haleth Check out the second part of my answer. It’s the second one.
Boddingtons! I just discovered it! My new favorite.
—@Adirondackwannabe Just checked it out. High five! But to tell you the truth, I did drink shitloads of PBR in college. As long as you have enough hot wings, you’re good to go. :p
I don’t mind PBR between you and me. It was just a chance to twist her tail a little.
Maybe try out Leffe. (Leffe Bruine is my favourite.) Grolsch is also damn good, plus check out Konnings Hoeven if you can find it, it’s great. My favourites are La Fin du Monde and Don de Dieu, from the French Unibrew brewery. Dieu du Ciel is another awesome brewery, I like their Péché Mortel beer. Damn high percentage though, haha.
Elephant beer from Carlsberg—Danish
Apricot Heffie – yum! I think it’s made by Wasatch Brewery.
s;; O ftoml od nsyyu Lite….
Don’t listen to @Dutchess_III. She’s likes carbonated moose piss.
Dang it! You read right through me @Rarebear!!!
I guess I will add Falls City Beer to the list.
I’m going to go out and buy some beer just so I can tell you how it tastes, @Jude!
Blue Moon, with a slice of orange. The best! Or, Arrogant Bastard.. it stands alone.
I just bought beer that has a brown dog on the label. I’m going to try some now and tell what I find out. Yes, I only bought it because it has a dog on the label.
Alexander Keith’s has a white brew which is pretty nice with a slice of orange.
Mr. Fiance has gotten hooked on Wellington Silver – I don’t know if you’ll be able to get it where you are, though.
@The_Idler You’re on. I love English beer, you guys do it right over there. Next time I’m in the UK I’ll hit you up (and the first round is on me).
The dog beer was gross, btw. I’m hoping the boyfriend will take it off my hands for me.
Dog beer is always gross. Moose piss on the other hand…..
@KatawaGrey I’m trying to figure out what brand of beer you tried but I’m drawing a blank. What was it?
@Adirondackwannabe: It’s called Old Brown Dog Ale by the Smuttynose Brewing Company. Maybe a beer aficionado would enjoy it, but I certainly didn’t.
@KatawaGrey Ew. I know the kind you’re talking about. Shit is NASTY.
I thought I’d answered this already, but couldn’t find it…so I vote for Magic Hat No. 9…brewed with apricots! Also, there is a peach beer on the market…you can find it in higher-end liquor stores and markets.
Beer made with cocoa nibs.
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