General Question

aprilsimnel's avatar

Can anyone recommend their favourite SLS-free products?

Asked by aprilsimnel (30754points) March 21st, 2011

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate-based cleansing products are irritating my skin and awful for my fine, wavy/curly, dry hair. I need alternatives.

I know there’s websites all plugging their own products, but I could use some reccos from the collective.


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9 Answers

JmacOroni's avatar

Burt’s Bees or Alba. I love Alba products. I’m not sure that they are all SLS free, but I think so. Might want to double check.

Facade's avatar

Yes! I can! =D
But the best thing for overall cleansing (in my not-so-humble opinion) is Black (African) soap. It’s the only thing I use for my face, body, and hair. Burt’s Bees is also good. My SO uses that. Castle soap is also a great choice.
All of these can be used as body wash and shampoo.

Bottom line: You’ll probably have to shop online to find the good stuff. That’s how I buy 90% of my “beauty” products.

JmacOroni's avatar

Oh, and Dr. Bronner’s, too. I can’t believe I forgot that, my bathroom is fully stocked.

Facade's avatar

@JmacOroni Do you have any issues with DB drying out your skin? That’s my only complaint about it

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yeah, DB dries out my skin too.

JmacOroni's avatar

@Facade remarkably, no. I actually have a dry skin condition, but DB doesn’t bother me. I could see how it might. Is it a specific formula that bothers you, or all of them?
I will say, though, that I only use it in the summer. I love the tea-tree or the peppermint in the summer, because we don’t have a/c. It’s like insta-chilled armpits. It may be that if I used it in cooler months that it might dry out my skin, I can’t say for sure. Then again, I wouldn’t know what to blame it on, since my skin is insatiably dry in every season but summer.

Facade's avatar

@aprilsimnel The first ingredient in the black soap is honey, then shea butter (I think). Add even more honey and it’s very nice =)
@JmacOroni I think it’s all of them. It’s good soap though.

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