Would you throw the whole loaf of bread out?
I’m off for a week, which means eating at home, which I don’t do much of. I got hungry at about 11 and decided to make a “toasted egg.” (For those of you who don’t know what that is, take a piece of bread, cut a hole out of the middle with the round top of a garlic or onion container, butter up both sides, throw it in the pan, crack an egg into the hole. Let it cook till the bread is toasted on that side, then flip it over and cover with cheese. Let it cook some more until whenever.) Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I bought a really nice, rather expensive, delicious loaf of French bread. We ate on it for about three days. Then I decided we probably weren’t going to eat any more anytime soon, so I wrapped it up and stuck it in the freezer. This morning I decided to use that bread for my toasted egg. After it thawed out I noticed a scattering of tiny blue mold dots on the bread.
Would you have thrown the bread out, or taken the mold off and used it anyway?
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58 Answers
Personally, I would have thrown it out. I once heard that if mold has started on bread it has spread throughout. Don’t know how true that is but I don’t like to see mold spores anyway. Also, breads without preservatives tend to spoil faster.
@AmWiser That’s why I put it in the freezer after only a couple of days the first time and would you PLEASE start #13 on TJBM????? Please?
Well, I’m just betting that even if I had left the mold alone and went ahead and used the bread as it was, I bet it wouldn’t have hurt me! Regardless, it was the BEST toasted egg I’ve ever made! Husband concurred!
I would NEVER throw it away…I’d feed it to the birds,that’s what I always do.
If it’s just a little bit of mould,I’d take it out and eat the bread. A little bit of that kind of bacteria in your body will do you no harm, just strengthen your immune system. Only if it’s a litle bit though : )
I don’t know how dangerous it really is…...does anyone out there know? We just know it’s gross, but it doesn’t automatically follow that it’s dangerous.
What’s dangerous? Mould? nope,it’s not dangerous sweetheart : )
I should know,I’ve got a doctor for an uncle : D
I would never mess with anything moldy. I made a pizza a few years ago, and after I put some shredded cheese on it I noticed a little mold. I cleaned off all of it I could see that was moldy. The taste was fine going down. Rather unpleasant on the way back up, again and again.
Are you sure it was the mold @Adirondackwannabe?
@queenie I’m pretty sure enough of it can give you loose bowels, but that’s not really dangerous (as long as it clears up relatively quickly, of course.)
I’m positive it was the mold. The timing was right on for it. And yes, it was bad.
Hope you got better quick matey… ; )
After I got rid of I felt fine. How’s the foot?
He’s not sick now @queenie. Well, not physically, anyways!
Throw the whole loaf of bread out. You might get sick if you eat it.
Too late @nikkiduq! I ate it! It was delicious. : )
I’ve always been told that it is harmless to eat moldy bread. I don’t know if that is true. I’ve unintentionally eaten moldy bread on a handful of occasions, and it never bothered me any… except for the frantic “ew ew ew” dance I did around my kitchen afterward.
I feed old bread to the birds/squirrels/feral cats? I throw it in the yard. I really, really don’t like to waste anything.
@JmacOroni same here : ) Never throw any food away lolz,,,it’s like a rule in our house.
And @Adirondackwannabe thanks, the foots better : )
@Adirondackwannabe I meant…a pizza, by its nature, usually has a lot of different stuff on it. Did you have meat on it? My guess would be that the meat would more likely be the culprit in getting you THAT sick, rather than a bit of mold.
Is there a Doctor in the house????
I don’t think moldy bread will get you sick. Bad meat on the other hand will.
Wow, that gives a whole new meaning to “on call.”
I was also under the impression that most food poisoning is actually caused by vegetables.
@JmacOroni ROFL!! Yes, this place is better than real life!
@JmacOroni Pretty sure most food poisoning is caused by meat.
@Dutchess_III you may very well be right. I wouldn’t doubt it.
And, yes. In real life when I say “is there a doctor in the house,” one has never appeared within 60 seconds. That’s impressive stuff.
That one was just cheese, no meat. I think as a rule most bread molds are harmless.
hmm,maybe the cheese was off….
Once the bread is moldy, the taste of the mold spread throughout the bread. I would throw it out.
Maybe that explains why it was SO delicious @marinelife!
Also, after long enough you know how cheese will get those white spots that are the precursors of mold? Well, I eat mostly Cheddar Cheese and when that happens I cut those off and use the cheese anyway. Invariably it has a bolder, stronger, better taste than it did before. Well, that’s what they use to age cheese anyways. Mold. Take blue cheese for an example. : ) And cottage cheese.
I guess if it’s the whole thing then yes, give it to the birds (@queenie)
If it were only a part, then I’d try the other side to see if it still tastes good. If so, I’d eat it—I don’t think it’s gonna kill you…
Hmm, if bread has mold spots on it, the fungus has likely spread throughout. Spores will also have got into the rest of it. Fungal infections can actually be really dangerous, though toasting the bread would kill the mold… We never eat moldy bread, but do give it to the birds. They love a bit of it! Cheese mold however is a different beast. As long as you shave the moldy bits off, the rest would be good. Most cheeses (except the processed kind) have natural fungi growing on them anyway, they are part of the cheese-making process.
I’m only joining in because I love cheese, and bread. My Hubby makes all our bread, it never lasts long enough to grow mold!
Moldy bread can harm birds, as can moldy bird seed. Please do not feed this to your bird or to yourself.
Humans and animals need fresh food. Spoiled food should be thrown out. If you happen to be allergic to the type of mold in your bread, you could indeed become ill.
Not all molds are bad or dangerous, you guys.
@Dutchess_III Unless you are allergic to molds. ;) Birds are not to eat moldy food.
Well, anything that you’re allergic to isn’t good! Peanut butter, whatever!
I’ll talk to my birds about that, though. ; ) But they listen about as good as the squirrids!
Penicillin was developed by bacteria accidentally encountering bread mold. Maybe it could even be good for you! Doctor??
I would have thrown it away. I try not to eat food that has gone bad.
I usually compare the cost of replacement versus the sick feeling I get from eating it, and nearly always throw it out.
@Dutchess_III I am a birder. Please do not throw moldy food out to the birds. There are many molds deadly to birds, including Aspergillus, which is also quite harmful to humans.
As @YARNLADY it’s not worth the sick feeling you’d get from eating it. Unless you plan to analyze every type of mold growing on your food to figure out if it is “safe” or not, err with caution and toss it to the landfill.
Don’t be hollerin’ at me @SpatzieLover! I’m not the one who said it!
Do any of you eat blue cheese dressing? With blue cheese crumbles? At any rate, it’s now four hours later and WE’RE STILL ALIVE!!
@Dutchess_III BTW, Blue cheese is made with mold didn’t become moldy. That is the difference here. If anyone is even mold sensitive, they should not eat foods that are made with mold. My son is very allergic to molds. No cheese is allowed…well we allow him some American cheese…but really folks, that isn’t cheese
@SpatzieLover… that link just sent me to a site that sells kitchen utensils…
@Dutchess_III I despise it when links go bad =( Here’s one on mold in cheese and cheeses made with molds
From the above source:
we know that some of these molds can produce poisons called mycotoxins which become part of the food and are not destroyed by cooking. Some mycotoxins can cause immediate illness. Others are thought to be carcinogenic.
A lot of people do not realize that some antibiotics are made from mold.
I realize it and prefer the mold to already be in a shot or capsule and not on the bread I was about to eat.
Toss it and buy more. Why take the chance?
@john65pennington I understand that the original interaction between the bread mold and the bacteria led to refined antibiotics. I, personally, don’t think a tiny bit will hurt. There have probably been 100’s of times in each of our lives that we’ve eaten something that wasn’t 100% fresh, and ingested small amounts of mold or whatever, and we all lived to tell about it. I’m talking about trace amounts. Not huge chunks of moldy bread.
Here is some information about mold on bread. It can cause food poisoning and serious reactions to people who have allergies or sensitivies to mold.
I have several family members with compromised immune systems at my house. I always err on the side of caution. I would throw it out.
Your bread may have already had mold spores in it that you didn’t notice before you put it into the freezer. I freeze my bread too and only pull out what I’m going to use the next day.
I am not one who is prone to allergies, nor do I, nor anyone I know, have a compromised immune system. I just live.
I don’t think anyone nowadays could eat enough, because of the taste, to do themselves any harm whatsoever!! Common sense here. I’ve cut it off for 40 years. If you don’t taste it, you can eat it.
My mom always cut if off and we ate the rest and that is what I do as well. Has been working for the last 66 years for me.
Real French bread does not have the usual wonder bread type preservatives in it therefore starts to mold much more quickly. It is a good idea to freeze immediately, then toast when you want to eat it again. That is why French people buy their bread fresh from the bakery for each meal. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to buy fresh bread for every meal!!!
Aspergillus is dreadful – is it a bread type fungus?
Thank you @faye! I agree.
@auntydeb Yes, Aspergillus can grow on breads and it can cause these symptoms for humans and death to wildlife/animals.
@JohnPennington, again, it’s important to note that antibiotics aren’t ingested afer becoming moldy, the molds used are cultured, safe molds. What we are discussing here is whether or not it’s safe to eat foods once they become moldy. My personal answer to that is, No.
@SpatzieLover and again, I stress, we’re talking about small, minute mold spots, not entirely moldy pieces of bread. It’s cool.
@Dutchess_III It’s not cool. Old food makes you degenerate cells quicker. Yuck.
Mold is bad for you if you’re allergic to penicillin. I won’t eat anything with mold on.
If I see mold on a slice of bread, I put that slice outside, in my compost heap.
However, I won’t throw out the whole loaf if I see any slice without mold.
Do you have some evidence that “Old food makes you degenerate cells quicker. ”? I know beer will do it but never heard of that effect from “old food.” Did they do a study somewhere?
@Dutchess_III I saw an interesting article online about people taking ownership of their expired food I thought the psychology behind it was interesting…and a bit perplexing (I wouldn’t eat old food even in my home). I’m busy online working right now, but will answer your question with a study linklater
Well, yeah! I’m not going to pay for something that only has a shelf life of one day!
I ate food before it had expiry dates. We used our noses and, again, common sense. You only have to taste sour milk once!
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