Social Question

cockswain's avatar

If there was a law mandating we all wear Spandex, would that reduce habits that lead to obesity?

Asked by cockswain (15289points) March 21st, 2011

One can put on a bunch of extra pounds and still look OK in the right clothes. The only chance one has of looking good in spandex is with a great body. Would mandating that we wear spandex in public places shame us into changing our diet and exercise habits?

Just trying to come up with ways to address the diabetes epidemic.

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45 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It would hurt the optometrist business a lot. I’m poking my eyes out if everyone wears spandex.

Coloma's avatar


Look around, there are thousands of peeps ( mostly women ) that wear spandex legging type pants with extra large shirts that come down to their thighs to ‘camoflage’ their shapelessness.

People have to want to address their own issues, and there is no ‘forcing’ an issue if the enforced doesn’t care enough or is not motivated enough.

If people wish to risk their health in any way, that is their right.

cockswain's avatar

I haven’t set foot in a Wal-Mart in a long time, but you’re right: you can’t shame those beyond shame.

jaytkay's avatar

“The horror. The horror” – Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, Apocalypse Now 1979

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I think complete nudity would work better….or maybe not?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I doubt it, some people think they look hot even when they make you want to vomit.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I would recommend not looking. chocolate, that was bad.

JmacOroni's avatar

I dunno, I’ve seen plenty of morbidly obese people in some really skimpy clothing.
Personally? I would just never leave the house again. I could definitely see that outcome.

That would be because I wouldn’t be caught dead in spandex, I don’t care who may or may not find it attractive. Not because I would want to avoid fat people in tight clothes. The photo above, for example, does not bother me in the least bit. If she is comfortable in her own body, well more power to her. I wish I had her confidence.

stardust's avatar

I’m with @lucillelucillelucille on this one

erichw1504's avatar

Well it would surely hurts businesses, because I, along with many other, sure as hell wouldn’t want to see America in all its spandex glory.

Coloma's avatar


Right. If one is not a professional figure skater stay away from spandex. lol

JmacOroni's avatar

I mean, I don’t care who wears what. I may not find it attractive, but I’m not going to judge someone for the clothes they choose to put on in the morning. I’d just rather not be required to wear it, too. haha.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Actually, I think the woman in the picture I posted would look better in spandex. At least her boobies wouldn’t be hanging out the bottom of it. <shudder>

Cruiser's avatar

Being overweight has never stopped some women from wearing spandex. Just shop at Walmart any day for the graphic proof.

ratboy's avatar

If everyone wore spandex, my reaction to this might be too obvious, but I can’t be certain since it’s been a long time since I could see what’s going on down there.

Supacase's avatar

No, everyone would be used to seeing it after a while.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

No. It would go too far, people would be pissed at the government intervention, and a populist militia would overthrow the government in a bloody coup.

ddude1116's avatar

Spandex is a bad idea, even the other way around. I wouldn’t wear it because I’m so stickly..

ucme's avatar

Maybe it would encourage the Russian lady shot putters to take up gymnastics. An arresting if not altogether titillating sight that would make.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This Q made me laugh out of the gate!

Perhaps for some, but in case you haven’t noticed, waaaaay too many obese people dress in spandex, or other tight-fitting clothing anyway. I don’t get it.

Haleth's avatar

@ratboy Hoooly shit. (dies laughing.)

I guess after a while, it wouldn’t be any different from wearing regular clothes? We’d get used to the sight of jiggly thighs and tummies.

deni's avatar

I know personally for me I’d whip my ass into shape if I was forced to wear spandex every day.

Kardamom's avatar

I don’t think so. Don’t you recall that there was a revolt on the set of the first season of Star Trek the Next Generation? They were made to wear spandex uniforms during that first season and then the actors complained, because even Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden, who have marvelous bodies, looked chubby and lumpy. They changed to the wool suits after that revolt. Thank goodness! Our society would also revolt!

wilma's avatar

@Kardamom I was also thinking of the Star Trek Next Gen outfits.
I can’t imagine being that “exposed” or “visible” all the time. eww.

incendiary_dan's avatar

In warm climates it’d be encouragement to gain more weight for insulation.

rooeytoo's avatar

This is why I don’t find men in spandex attractive regardless of their weight, a bit too graphic for my sensibilities. But this might make me change my mind. Must be a question of color and positioning???

12Oaks's avatar

Go to Oak Street Beach in Chicago, and see 300# persons of both genders wearing two piece bikini swimsuits and Speedos. Oh, and that ain’t 300# of muscle, if you get my drift.

Kardamom's avatar

@rooeytoo I’d rather see that particular fellow out of the spandex pants than in them ;-p

rooeytoo's avatar

@Kardamom – ahhhh, I see that gleam in your eyes!!!

Coloma's avatar

Spandex on most women just doesn’t work, at all.
It makes your body look like a cat stuffed into a sock. haha
Spandex on men is just, wrong. Period.

The only exceptions are circus performer & olympic skater. lol

cockswain's avatar

Wow, this question really took a graphic turn for the worst. Ouch.

Seelix's avatar

“Trying to come up with ways to address the diabetes epidemic”? What?

Kardamom's avatar

Yes @Coloma

Brian Boitano and Ilia Kulik and Kurt Browning and Victor Petrenko have four of the cutest booties in all of Olympic figure skating history. These are not the best photos to illustrate this fact, but if any of you follow figure skating, you will know what I mean.

Ok, I’m going to try again with Youtube examples of hot male figure skating booty:

Brian Boitano

Ilia Kulik

Kurt Browning

Victor Petrenko

And because what you probably meant was speed skating (am I right?) I’ll throw in this video of Apollo Ono

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Are you kidding? I’ve seen more grossly overweight people wearing spandex/slinky fabric stuff than firm bodies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Seriously….why do they do that???

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

It wouldn’t do squat. Which is why we should have a law outlawing the sale of spandex to obese people.

cockswain's avatar

I’m thinking there is a very noticeable, shameless segment of the population on which the Spandex mandate would have zero effect. But for the rest of us that still do have dignity and pride, I think it would help.

rooeytoo's avatar

Seriously I would assume that people wear spandex for the same reason most now wear jeans that are stretchy, that is the fabric gives. It moves with you and it feels nice. I wear compression shorts under my running shorts and they feel lovely. Notice I said under my running shorts, I don’t have the nerve to wear them solo and I am a bit on the scrawny side.

But really, is it any of my business who wears what and where??? Actually it gives me a bit of a chuckle when I see outrageous clothing, so I kind of enjoy it. A discreet chuckle, hidden under my hand, disguised as a cough, is a fun thing, brightens my day. I think I sort of envy their “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks” attitude.

cockswain's avatar

Just trying to find creative ways to tackle the American obesity epidemic.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have something creative…..QUIT EATING SO MUCH PEOPLE! Get the chips and the cookies and the brownies and the sugar out of your houses!

rooeytoo's avatar

@Dutchess_III – that is the bottom line, isn’t it. One has to make a conscious effort to want to quit the crap food and eat better. It is not difficult, time consuming or expensive (actually often cheaper than prepared foods), it just takes commitment and will power.

cockswain's avatar

Sadly, it seems more common to get surgery than change diet and exercise habits.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rooeytoo Yup. So much easier to grab a bag of chips than to bake a potato.

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